I, KWAN YIN, Goddess of Mercy -- wish to take you on a journey, in your imagination. I desire you to realize that while you were giving the invocation (this dictation was taken by Kim Michaels, at a conference in Almesty, Kazakhastan, Russia, Dec 30, 2011) with the beauty of your hearts and with the beauty of the Russian language, you built a spiral staircase that reaches into the etheric and into the spiritual realms. During and also, after the invocation, Angels have been descending and the souls of human beings have been ascending this spiral staircase in the most beautiful figure -8-flow ever imaginable by you. The beauty of this flow is so beyond what you see out-pictured in the physical on planet Earth. But it is beyond what could be outpictured as the consciousness is raised.
BEAUTY IS THE UNIVERSAL UNIFIER -- this beauty is what we in the ascended realm experience all the time – and we of course desire our unascended brothers and sisters to experience the same beauty. Kwan Yin continues to say: All people can be moved experiencing great beauty, a beauty that is beyond what we expect what we imagine. When you experience it within and accept that this beauty is reality you will be able to accept that it can also be manifest in the material realm on Earth.
JOURNEYING INTO HIGHER REALMS – Thus, while you rise with me on a spiral staircase, you rise up. First, through the physical, then through the emotional where you, sealed in my mercy, will not be tempted to go into the many unbalanced emotions that pull you hither and yon. But you will stay centered with me as we rise through the mental where you will also be sealed from the many temptations that pull on you to go to into some kind of arguments, some kind of reasoning or the attempt to solve some kind of problem – for the mind so loves to solve problems. Stay centered in my flame of mercy so you realize that the problems that the mind loves to solve are the very problems that the mind itself has created, and they exist only in the mind. And so continue to rise on the spiral staircase without being pulled into seeking to solve anything for we are on a journey toward something higher. And as we go into the etheric, here you are sealed from the temptation to go out and correct your own identity or identity of others. And so rise into the higher etheric realm of the spirit. You will not ascend by seeking to make the spirit conform to earthly conditions – usually governing the economy, philosophy, belief systems involving control.
You will ascend only when you let the Spirit take you beyond these conditions – this I trust you can understand with your mind. But the challenge of the year 2012 will be to go beyond understanding your mind by coming into Oneness with the All of life, experiencing it in its fullness, experiencing the flow of the Spirit. That’s Kwan Yin, taking us into the Higher realms of our journey. For only in the flow, there is life. If we are in a still-stand position where consciousness is involved, there can only be death. Kwan Yin the goddess of mercy is actually asking us, mortals, to expand our knowledge of the mind. Where do thoughts come from – is it the mind? Or do they come from the astral body, the Light body of energy, assuming we are made of four bodies, a four-leveled body: spiritual, mental, emotional, physical. At this time of galactic alignment of the Sun and its solar system with the Galactic Center in Winter Solstice of 2012, we are faced with a HIGHER Shift in consciousness brought about by the Precession of the Equinox making us experience the wobble of the planet earth as it moves in precession over the span of twenty-six thousand years.
Tremendous changes have occurred over the past decades shaking up all four levels of human consciousness, rendering a 77% change of our DNA from the ancient past.genetic fall of man. In her book, Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, Barbara Hand Claw says: “We humans experienced a jolt of high energy in 1998 that may end up being viewed as the initiator of a new stage of evolutionary consciousness. In a moment, we will see what this new stage of evolution could be. The period from Jan 5, 1999, through Oct. 28, 2011, is of such significance that chapters 6 and 7 of her book are devoted to the Galactic Under-world, Before that, the new alignment of our solar system in the Milky Way Galaxy seems to have created a new frequency field on our planet, probably a magnetic field which is making possible for us to withstand and integrate the changers of the Galactic Underworlds. For example, regarding the bombardment in August, 1998, scientists noted that similar x-ray cosmic blasts close to Earth might have been the cause of Earth’s extinction in the past. That said, it often correlates with the fast stages of a new evolution, such as the Cabrian period of 570 million years ago according to John Carl Callman, authority of the Mayan Calendar teachings.
Life is a constant flow, a constant transcendence. Conditions are an attempt to stop life, to hold it at a certain period, at a certain stage. If you hold a grudge against other people then that grudge will hold you back from flowing with the Spirit. If you seek to change others, if you seek to make them see how wrong they are according to your conditions, if YOU seek to punish them, then you will only punish yourself. For you will create the resistance, says Kwan Yin goddess of mercy, and the more you hold on to your mental image of how things should be, the more the Spirit will have to pull you in order to set you free. And so eventually the force, the pull, will become so great that it will pull apart your conditions. And thus you will see in the coming year how those people, those nations, where they have not forgiven. Where they will not forgive, where they will not look at their past and say “we let it go.”
We do not need to compensate for anything that happened in the past. We just need to let it go and love ourselves and love our neighbors. But you see those parts of the world where people will not come to this Shift. That is where you see the greatest burdens be manifest. It may be the warfare and conflict, it may be economic collapse, or problems, or it may be that MOTHER NATURE herself will rebel against the hardness of your heart, and so that the hard conditions must be shattered by earthquakes, floods, winds, or what have you that will blow apart these walls that people have built around their hearts. For in the Year of the Holy Spirit, the hearts of the people is what needs to be set free. For it is precisely the burdens of the heart that prevent people from flowing with the Spirit.
LOVE THYSELF Thus this is our gift today. Master MORE and I teaming up to demonstrate that balance and see the masculine and feminine that you also see outpicuted by many people on Earth. This balance comes when you love yourself, not as a man or a woman, but as a lifestream that is beyond these earthly conditions. Then you can have balance, and the balanced expressions of the masculine and feminine in both that then becomes the key to the love flowing and becoming a magnet that magnetizes others.
It is said that Jesus meant Compassion more than Love in this teachings for Compassion is more noble and God-like. And as far as i can understand now, that in the most microscopic and finest lies the Highest.
non-harm and benevolence in thoughts, words, and acts to self and others always amid and beyond the transitory limiting and still evolving physical forms and conditions....
blessings to all beings always....
Thank You...
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