Wednesday, November 21, 2007


If many people today are sick and getting sicker, finding no relief from medicines as we are in the midst of a world epidemic of diabetes, heart disease, cancer and AIDS, it’s because the Western culture has become a “culture of separation.” Sociologist Bellah cites the poet John Donne who aptly wrote of our disease: “Tis all in peeces, all cohaerence gone.” The Cosmic Christ of the new age of Aquarius ushers in an era of coherence, of ending separations, divisions, dualisms, as enlightened theologians like Matthew Fox call it, that will replace a world without mysticism, a society without a living cosmology. What is a living cosmology?

Embracing the Cosmic Christ will demand a living cosmology, a paradigm shift – a quantum leap in consciousness – a shift from the old paradigms of anthropocentricsm to a living cosmology. Anthropocentricsm is the opposite of a living cosmology, wherein the former is centered in man’s self-sufficiency without so much need for a mystical experience of communing with the Source in union with his creation. Webster tells us: mysticism is a doctrine stating that it is possible to achieve communion with God through contemplation and love without the medium of human reason. In a living cosmology, it is God whom human beings know in every creature. For instance, the great mystic Hildegard of Bingen (1098- 1179) placed her entire theology in a cosmological setting. She painted mandalas or psychosmograms, to elicit an experience of Christ. In one of her paintings, “The Man in Sapphire Blue,” she depicts what she calls the “golden and fiery ropes of the Universe that hold all things together.”

Hildegard of Bingen emphasized that the Christ dwells in every person as a power of divine compassion to heal. Take note of her emphasis on the power of compassion to heal which sounds much like the wisdom of the new age of Aquarius as it connects us All to the culminating Mayan Calendar, and she lived in the medieval age. Another of Hildegard’s paintings depicts the universe as residing within the belly of divinity, who is called a “Lady Named Love.” Her mandalas are amazing pictures of pantheism – all creatures in God and God in all creatures. The feet of the figure represent the two thrones of justice and righteousness that support the universe.

Notice how nonanthropocentric the Cosmic Christ is: it is the divine image or “mirror” that “glistens and glimmer” in every creature. The Bible tells us that the Magi were astrologers, and as our “vehicle” the celestial guides speak to us through their medium Barbara Hand Clow, they were Sirian astrologers, meaning they came from the planet Sirius, the twin star of our Sun. The Anunnaki who came from another planet that worked as a dark force on Earth were furious when the Magi announced the birth of Christ to the Earth people, but that’s another story. The Magi brought gifts for the Christ. Frankincense is the essence that offers the true powers of the male-creativity, and the myrrh is the essence of the Goddess. These elements encoded Christ with the vibration of Earth. These elements would enable him to survive in our 3D realm. It is difficult to keep such vibration of Christ in lower physical form as he comes from very high dimensions – where God dwells.

The Magi brought the gold and moved it all around and through the aura of the Christ baby because his aura was so bright and reached out so far that he could not stay in bodily. The Christ baby had a bright-white, diamond-like light. It extended out so far that the Magi and shepherds shielded their eyes from it. The gold was used to make a boundary on his aura, his halo, which is a very beautiful symbol of exquisite light contained by gold. Humans also have auric boundaries to stay in physical form. If the white light emanating from the body goes out too far into other realms or dimensions of consciousness, humans go out of the body.

Hildegard’s depictions of the Cosmic Christ sounds much like some wisdom passages in the Hebrew Bible that the writers of the New Testament drew deeply from. All we need to do is master a simple paradigm at this time of the Great Shift in consciousness -- that we do have free will on our planet because certain teachings and events occur no matter what, and then intelligences who do not want us to be free tend to overlay the big events of our fears and confusion. Our guides speak: You must learn to feel how and when you are overlayed so you do not respond to lies when you’re getting impulsed by some multidimensional beings. Because you can feel truth in your hearts, and your hearts are freed when your mind is clear and you can observe the manipulations that are occurring. Look at it this way: A really big event such as Christ’s birth occurs, and people feel its real meaning. The event is then severely distorted and made into a cultural obsession by the control forces.

To grapple with the meaning of Christ’s incarnation during the first Christmas, we first begin our way out in the cosmos of Nine dimensions, since Christ came from such realms, as we have just demonstrated.

This will ultimately lead us to the revelation that Christ – Quetzalcoatl to the Maya – is the central motivating figure of the evolutionary processes, the nexus point between the material Underworlds and spiritual realms. This is not a new idea, since the early Church struggled with defining Christ’s human nature and divine nature. If the early Church orthodoxy was not able to define this physical/spiritual nexus, it’s most likely because the political agendas within the Church distorted their view of Christ. Our understanding of Christ is still evolving. At this time we have come face to face with a spiritual breakthrough, thanks to the Mayan Calendar’s revelation, yet only ten percent hopefully increasing to twenty per cent of the world’s People can see this while all the unprocessed issues from the Underworlds are culminating with the Mayan Calendar.

We are about to take responsibility for being the species that is at the top ten percent of the evolutionary chain. When we realize that Christ reveals our true potential, how can we destroy the planet with nuclear detonations out of sheer greed for power, where he incarnated?

We will shift from Newton’s mechanism to Einstein’s evolving Unified Field Theory that is about making a quantum leap into Cosmic Christ consciousness. Christ after all is not an exclusive property of Christianity. Cosmic Christ is, for the entire cosmos, all embracing.

We will shift from rationalism to mysticism. That means we will practice our belief, and not just talk of it as a theory, seeking in earnest and with passion how to connect to Christ intimately through constant meditations that could zip us through to all nine dimensions and be One with All that exists.


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