The key to growth is
the introduction of Higher Dimensions of consciousness into our Awareness as a race of people. Uranus, Neptune, Pluto are the higher
dimension energies in our Solar System and they stand in prominent positions in
the Philippine independence chart of June 12 .
Neptune and Pluto happen to conjunct our Sun in Gemini in angular 7th
House of close partners while Uranus
conjuncts Saturn in Sagittarius 12 th House of repository karma in flowing trines
to our Moon in Aries in angular 4th House of roots, lands and houses,
beginning and end of life.
I am not going to apologize for using astrology as the path to understand the Purpose why we are here on earth, for that is a given. It defies definition perhaps for some of us who refuse to believe in the Higher laws of our being for it is enough to be mentally bright in the faculties of logic and reason, and doubt fundamental truths that are invisible to the human eye yet even a number of the purely exceedingly logical scientists today have been floored by astounding evidences that there must be an invisible supreme Being who created all things, called Spirit, whom Moses in the Old Testament encountered in a "burning bush," all wrapped in flames, yet was not consumed by it. Speaking to him he was told, "Remove your sandals. you are treading on holy ground" The presumption being that Moses was in the Presence of All that is. Truth of the matter is that Matter is not real, it is not solid, it decays and dies and returns to its Source which is Spirit, pure essence, deathless, and eternal. Now back to the stars, the vehicles of the spiritual energies of the Source in implementing its Plan for the universal evolution of man that goes through cycles of time/ By way of definition of terms, the universe is both Mathematical and Mystical in nature. A human can excel in the game of numbers called math, but yet miserably flunk the course of interpreting the meaning of numbers which is called Mysticism. If we revere Moses of the ancient abrahamic faith for his bringing down the Tablets of the Ten Commandments to mankind we wonder why he is not called St Moses. Maybe because he was flawed just as we are, yet considered close to the Throne of God in the Highest for his mission of executing the Divine Laws in the lower dimensions such as ours.
In Gemini, ruled by Mercury, we Filipinos think and act swiftly. We must produce words and models in order for our contacts to be meaningful to us. We just love to talk. Gemini’s ease of speech is a positive attribute but we must avoid becoming chatterboxes or chismosas. We tend to see money as power and freedom and feel an attraction to it so that graft and corruption in government may be a serious issue, a cause for us people to rebel against government officials who may be thrifty with their money but squander that of the ‘kaban ng bayan’ or money of the people.
I am not going to apologize for using astrology as the path to understand the Purpose why we are here on earth, for that is a given. It defies definition perhaps for some of us who refuse to believe in the Higher laws of our being for it is enough to be mentally bright in the faculties of logic and reason, and doubt fundamental truths that are invisible to the human eye yet even a number of the purely exceedingly logical scientists today have been floored by astounding evidences that there must be an invisible supreme Being who created all things, called Spirit, whom Moses in the Old Testament encountered in a "burning bush," all wrapped in flames, yet was not consumed by it. Speaking to him he was told, "Remove your sandals. you are treading on holy ground" The presumption being that Moses was in the Presence of All that is. Truth of the matter is that Matter is not real, it is not solid, it decays and dies and returns to its Source which is Spirit, pure essence, deathless, and eternal. Now back to the stars, the vehicles of the spiritual energies of the Source in implementing its Plan for the universal evolution of man that goes through cycles of time/ By way of definition of terms, the universe is both Mathematical and Mystical in nature. A human can excel in the game of numbers called math, but yet miserably flunk the course of interpreting the meaning of numbers which is called Mysticism. If we revere Moses of the ancient abrahamic faith for his bringing down the Tablets of the Ten Commandments to mankind we wonder why he is not called St Moses. Maybe because he was flawed just as we are, yet considered close to the Throne of God in the Highest for his mission of executing the Divine Laws in the lower dimensions such as ours.
In Gemini, ruled by Mercury, we Filipinos think and act swiftly. We must produce words and models in order for our contacts to be meaningful to us. We just love to talk. Gemini’s ease of speech is a positive attribute but we must avoid becoming chatterboxes or chismosas. We tend to see money as power and freedom and feel an attraction to it so that graft and corruption in government may be a serious issue, a cause for us people to rebel against government officials who may be thrifty with their money but squander that of the ‘kaban ng bayan’ or money of the people.
Geminis are the nonconformists of the Zodiac. Thus they must maintain their separateness and
remain different from those around them.
When Filipinos are in the East they are seen as westernized or
Americanized. In the West, they are seen
as eastern and local. They feel that if
their potential is to be fully realized they must emerge from every possible
kind of bondage, resisting authority, never yielding to one place or to one
person. They are fond of constant travel
and changes of atmosphere but here in
this session we will talk more of Gemini
Filipinos who are advancing in their
mental age and wisdom coming to realize
that cooperation is necessary to self-fulfillment And that the key to growth is the
introduction of Higher Dimensions of consciousness into their Awareness, and the keys to ascension to higher spiritual
realms are Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto the higher octaves of Mercury, Venus, and
Mars, respectively.
You know great things are coming when
everything seems to be going wrong. Old
energy is clearing out for New energy to enter.
Be patient. Watch and learn.
Pluto, like Neptune, is
linked to the Moon in terms of its relationship to our subconscious
processes. The more rooted we are to our
instincts, feelings and needs of our Moon, the more likely we are able to
effectively handle intense Plutonian energies for change or transformation to
higher or lower levels. Since the Path
of the planets is not in a straight line they spiral back to things you thought
you understood and see deeper truths.
For example, if we
compare the chart of the United Sates to that of our own national chart you
will see the American Sun sandwiched by Venus and Jupiter, the lesser and
greater fortune planets, and understand that they are a super-rich country of
fifty states, and because of the alignment of Venus-Sun-Jupiter you would see a multitude of opportunities
for growth, for advancement and they would
occur almost always instantaneously, provided you have the mental, psychological, social or cultural qualities needed to rise to
their standards of excellence. That’s
the world’s idea of supremacy.
Whereas in the Philippine
context, instead of Venus conjoining the Sun we have Neptune conjunct our Sun,
which is the higher octave of Venus, the planet of love, harmony and money.
Neptune would bring even greater fortune of love, harmony and money than Venus,
but it would take a much longer time to go through cycles of time to attain its
major fortune, so that in past decades the Philippines was considered the ‘sick
man of Asia,’ for in the higher dimensions we have to deal with timelessness, with
evolutionary growth, the spiritual growth to get closer in terms of energy and vibratory
frequencies to the Source and pure Essence.
It defies human understanding, rationality
and logic to comprehend pure essence. But easily understood by saints and mystics
in their struggle to cleanse and purify themselves . You will have to understand the ‘logic’ of
the stars to see that the Philippines is a mystical country.
While Neptune guides us
Upwards into the realms of spirituality, Pluto the higher octave of Mars (Mars rules
energy, drive, ambition, and with Pluto’s intensity, lust for power, greed) forces us to venture Downwards into the
basement of our being to confront the shadows lurking there, to discover the
power source without which Neptune is important. Check Neptune’s position in your birthchart to
see how you relate to the Divine. The power
Source is divine essence but without the light of Neptune you can’t find it in
the pit of unregenerated Pluto’s darkness with square aspects to Pluto.
At first, we may be
aware only of poisons released by Pluto, frustrated passion, twisted fury, religious intolerance, all-consuming jealousy, or greed for money
and power which may threaten to overwhelm us if we are in the dark basement of Shadows. One of the lessons which Pluto teaches us is how
to live in a state of intensity. “To be
alive is to be burning.” Pluto is
actually a water planet, burning, boiling
under water or a kind of internal steam within us which if not released
may lead us to explode in powerful ways, defying the laws of God, the united nations
and local community.
conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius retrograde in 12th House in positive
trines to Moon in Aries, 4th House in our Philippine national chart
of June 12 bestows on Filipinos the ability for concrete
practical expression of original genius arrived at intuitively. The Filipinos do not form useless habit
patterns toward freedom and originality and able to overcome negative
Saturnian crystallization. The
realism and practicality of Saturn keeps Uranus
from making Filipinos eccentric and overhasty in bringing about changes. Usually they have learned the lesson of
self-discipline and show it when working overseas to the people they serve as
OFWs and thus are able to express true freedom
that comes from voluntary acceptance of responsibility. That we Filipinos do not form useless habit patterns toward freedom and originality when working overseas seems to be contradictory to what we do when we work in our native environs, Why? That we have learned the lesson of self-discipline when we are working overseas which does not seem to apply much when we are working in our own territory. Again we ask why? Usually the reply is because we are not adequately qualified or motivated to excel in the home country for obvious reasons: firstly we don't get better compensation, secondly, we don't get better compensation, thirdly we don't get better compensation, which when rounded up results in no advancement for poor little Pinoy. Yet it goes beyond material satisfaction, it goes
Uranus in the12th House indicates an occult search into the unconscious, the quest for a higher spiritual identity in the inner reaches of the mind which can be manifested by the Filipino in work done for other countries but not his own which is also in dire need of his brains. The paradox is that he is inclined to help his country more if he served other countries first. Why would more economically advanced and culturally evolved countries need him? In the eyes of the Supreme Being these areas are in need of something that the Filipino has developed in abundance. The latter may not have material wealth but he is rich in spiritual values. The Filipino has highly developed intuitive abilities and clairvoyance which would interplay with his intelligence in coping with a world that is badly in need of values of the higher invisible spiritual realms. This does not imply that the world outside
is totally empty of such awareness of moral or mystical values, no, there just seems to be more of this mysticism in the Filipino soul although he may also be just as blind or unaware of such potentials as the next foreigner he encounters in line with his job.
Often Filipinos become repositories for the secrets of the universe (12th house Saturn conjunct Uranus) translated in lower parlance as secrets of success in organizations or companies employing him or simply as secrets of individuals they are held responsible for in care- giving task for the sick or destitute for instance. They have an ability to work behind the scenes in pursuit of humanitarian and scientific goals since Uranus a higher dimensional energy is well aspected especially to the Moon in Aries, in 4th House of home, roots and fundamentals. It means he actually works for the Motherland for his family in the home country on a practical level but there are deeper mystical levels he may be able to dig into when circumstances call for it. The tie-up between work abroad and that of the homeland is very clear to him as his satisfying, fulfilling link to the Source. When the world economies were sinking in a sea of troubles in recent decades, the Philippine economy was mercifully kept afloat, above water, because of the steadiness of flowing remittances from overseas Filipino workers. Beyond belief, the Moon the Sacred Feminine energy would reward her hard- working sons and daughters with good fortune of seeing real estate businesses booming in his country while he was gone much to his surprise. With Moon in the 4th house, well aspected to Uranus conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius sign of foreign countries the good fortune has arrived to the country in the shape of real estate development since the Moon in 4th house rules lands and houses, foundations. The boom appears better than good as it would be called Major Fortuna constituting wholeness ...the form or shape of things have been built on roots, a strong foundation, hence, we call it Major Fortuna and this you would read in the later part of this article.
Uranus conjoined with Saturn in Sagittarius the universal sign of travel, foreign countries, employment in jobs overseas is karmic, double time. Saturn is the lord of karma. The Pinoy is duty-bound to work, to serve humanity in need of his talents. He can't escape it. It is his mission. Saturn is fated in terms of mission.
If the Filipino is not disciplined at home, in his own country Saturn in Sagittarius will give him intellectuality, additional discipline, thoroughness, and depth of concentration. Thus, by way of Karma, or the Law of cause and effect, he excels in work overseas; something has caused it, he has gone through cycles of time to pass the test of endurance in building up character or soul development through hardships which is represented by Saturn. Thus, in the list of world preferences for workers overseas, the Filipino becomes the Frontliner, he reaps his reward. There is a deep need for some intellectual, philosophical or spiritual achievement which will bring him distinction. His country gets healed from being the Sick Man of Asia,and rises in a span of first two decades of the 21st century a rising economic power in Southeast Asia.
The new is built upon the solid foundations of that which has withstood the test of time. The conjunction of Saturn and Uranus is well aspected and the overall horoscope of June 12 is well balanced, the Pinoys are highly developed and have much to offer to the world. Their creativity stems partly from the richness of their past experiences. Old souls, they are suspected of coming from ancient Lemuria. They make good in mathematically oriented methods of astrology and other occult or metaphysical studies to make new discoveries and breakthroughs.
Uranus in the12th House indicates an occult search into the unconscious, the quest for a higher spiritual identity in the inner reaches of the mind which can be manifested by the Filipino in work done for other countries but not his own which is also in dire need of his brains. The paradox is that he is inclined to help his country more if he served other countries first. Why would more economically advanced and culturally evolved countries need him? In the eyes of the Supreme Being these areas are in need of something that the Filipino has developed in abundance. The latter may not have material wealth but he is rich in spiritual values. The Filipino has highly developed intuitive abilities and clairvoyance which would interplay with his intelligence in coping with a world that is badly in need of values of the higher invisible spiritual realms. This does not imply that the world outside
is totally empty of such awareness of moral or mystical values, no, there just seems to be more of this mysticism in the Filipino soul although he may also be just as blind or unaware of such potentials as the next foreigner he encounters in line with his job.
Often Filipinos become repositories for the secrets of the universe (12th house Saturn conjunct Uranus) translated in lower parlance as secrets of success in organizations or companies employing him or simply as secrets of individuals they are held responsible for in care- giving task for the sick or destitute for instance. They have an ability to work behind the scenes in pursuit of humanitarian and scientific goals since Uranus a higher dimensional energy is well aspected especially to the Moon in Aries, in 4th House of home, roots and fundamentals. It means he actually works for the Motherland for his family in the home country on a practical level but there are deeper mystical levels he may be able to dig into when circumstances call for it. The tie-up between work abroad and that of the homeland is very clear to him as his satisfying, fulfilling link to the Source. When the world economies were sinking in a sea of troubles in recent decades, the Philippine economy was mercifully kept afloat, above water, because of the steadiness of flowing remittances from overseas Filipino workers. Beyond belief, the Moon the Sacred Feminine energy would reward her hard- working sons and daughters with good fortune of seeing real estate businesses booming in his country while he was gone much to his surprise. With Moon in the 4th house, well aspected to Uranus conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius sign of foreign countries the good fortune has arrived to the country in the shape of real estate development since the Moon in 4th house rules lands and houses, foundations. The boom appears better than good as it would be called Major Fortuna constituting wholeness ...the form or shape of things have been built on roots, a strong foundation, hence, we call it Major Fortuna and this you would read in the later part of this article.
Uranus conjoined with Saturn in Sagittarius the universal sign of travel, foreign countries, employment in jobs overseas is karmic, double time. Saturn is the lord of karma. The Pinoy is duty-bound to work, to serve humanity in need of his talents. He can't escape it. It is his mission. Saturn is fated in terms of mission.
If the Filipino is not disciplined at home, in his own country Saturn in Sagittarius will give him intellectuality, additional discipline, thoroughness, and depth of concentration. Thus, by way of Karma, or the Law of cause and effect, he excels in work overseas; something has caused it, he has gone through cycles of time to pass the test of endurance in building up character or soul development through hardships which is represented by Saturn. Thus, in the list of world preferences for workers overseas, the Filipino becomes the Frontliner, he reaps his reward. There is a deep need for some intellectual, philosophical or spiritual achievement which will bring him distinction. His country gets healed from being the Sick Man of Asia,and rises in a span of first two decades of the 21st century a rising economic power in Southeast Asia.
The new is built upon the solid foundations of that which has withstood the test of time. The conjunction of Saturn and Uranus is well aspected and the overall horoscope of June 12 is well balanced, the Pinoys are highly developed and have much to offer to the world. Their creativity stems partly from the richness of their past experiences. Old souls, they are suspected of coming from ancient Lemuria. They make good in mathematically oriented methods of astrology and other occult or metaphysical studies to make new discoveries and breakthroughs.
Is This the End of Times or Spectacular Proofs that God’s Glory is Upon Us ?
In 2010 the Philippine
economy is at $198 billion but as Pinoy Aquino’s presidency comes near the end of his 6 year term the
economy has grown to a $320 billion surpassing half of all the Presidents of
the Philippines with a term of 40 years.
Question: Why
is Mar Roxas an exact duplicate of Pinoy Aquino?
Answer: There is an indubitable evidence
showing beyond the pale of doubt that Secretaey
Mar Araneta Roxas is the exact duplicate of President Benigno Aquino the
3rd. The birth charts of M
Roxas and B Aquino have the same zodiac degree 27 Aquarius …
Moon on 27 Aquarius, 7th House for Mar Roxas’ birthchart Chiron on 27 Aquarius 4th House of
Pinoy Aquino’s horoscope.
Symbol: A Renaissance Castle
The native is a highly aristocratic
being, in the fullness sense of the word.
As he is likely to join refinement and splendor, generosity and
prudence, kindness and reserve. He will be extremely liberal and conservative
in the best sense of the word. He is nobly proud of his house and lineage. He delights in remembering the deeds of his
ancestors though reproving the bad ones.
He loves his country’s soil as his own land. His nation is his ancient kin and as jealous
of his national identity as of the familiar customs – He is a trail blazer of
new ideas If the stars do not hinder his
progress (and they do not) he makes slanders of his critics who will not keep
him from following a brilliant political career if he should wish so. As a
politician he will enjoy immense popularity and prestige (Aquino) owing to the
broadmindedness of his civic sense, his humanity, owing to the intuitive liking
everyone will take to him. He has a keen
mind perhaps in excess of inquisitiveness though he has a generous and
hospitable heart, a sense of private property and of hereditary right that is
lively in him. His only real defect may consist in an undue eagerness to defend
himself and his own property. Fortune
conferred by this degree is really what the Romans called “Fortuna Major” The
stars foretell ….
you follow your star you cannot fail to land in glorious harbor.” (Dante,
Inferno XV 55-56)
Philippines independent chart has a destiny picture that totally agrees with
the above Fortuna Major … Part of Fortune in 10th House on 17
degrees Virgo which reveals the side of oligarchy in the Philippines.
Without our knowing it
we Filipinos are being driven by Plutonian repressed desires from Paradise to
work outside our country to be servant of servants to the world in the spirit
of Chirst as he is the biblical Servant of servants. This kind of work connotes evolutionary
growth in the light of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the outer, universal planets
of our solar system as placed in our national chart of June 12, 1898.
so where does the present Duterte administration fit in? With the present COViD global pandemic happening and OFWs coming home by droves, is the Filipino mission to the world over and time to "clean house' starting?
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