Thursday, November 29, 2007


Why do I have to go through the Shift in consciousness ?
Because to know the Cosmic Christ we will have to shift from obedience as a prime moral virtue to creativity as a prime moral virtue. That means we will learn to be a co-creator with God without depending so much on a guru or spiritual teacher. Why? Because we will have to know who we are. Why we are here, knowing where we came from.

For instance, if I know that the prime focus of the Universe is on the heart, I will have to release all feelings less than peace, and see that all troubles in my heart now cease. I will conquer all obstacles of hatred to master the realm of etheric forms. Etheric forms are Light bodies. My body cannot be shot through with light and become spiritual while in physical form if I am not cleansed of negative feelings such as anger and hate. I will need to overcome all tendency to respond to situations with anger. I will need to have the calmness and serenity of a Dhyani buddha who’s constantly connected with his I Am Presence (the God within) even while performing daily chores in life, so I can allow all anger directed at me to be reflected back by the mirror-like surface of the infinite ocean of my soul. I need to be mystical to change my frequencies whenever I relapse into indifference or to non-will and non-beingness in order to raise them to higher levels of action.

But before I can understand the Laws of my Being that focus in the heart, I have to eradicate the poison of ultimate ignorance and delusion from my consciousness, my being and my world. I need to appeal to the perfected beings in the upper realms to replace my ignorance with their All pervading Wisdom and reveal the ultimate reality that everything sprang from the One God. Then they lead me to the inner knowing of the unity of all life, the unity of the laws of nature and the unity of myself and God. Then they help me to accept that God will receive me with unconditional love when I turn around and surrender my unwillingness to change and my fear of coming close to God.

Not only is the universe a great mystery, and therefore a source of mysticism, but so is our bodies. One person’s brain is more complex than all the electronic circuitry in existence, such as the computer. The human heart daily accomplishes work equivalent to lifting a ton from the ground up to five floors. The scientist Guy Murchie describes the body as a corporation of one hundred organs, two hundred bones, six hundred muscles, trillions of cells and octillions of atoms, all working together to make a whole person. But that is only the picture of man that is standing on ground zero. To see the human as a cosmic being with a cosmic life will make us extremely smart just knowing that we can remain ourselves despite the fact that the following is true:

1. The Earth is moving at 1,000 mph as it spins on its axis.
2. The Earth is also spinning 66,000 mph as it orbits around the Sun at 481,000 mph.
3. The Sun and Solar System are spinning along the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy.
4. The Milky Way is spinning at 1,350,000 mph around a cluster of galaxies.
5. Plus every single part of our body is in constant motion.

And every atom in it is a mini-galaxy dancing and spinning at incalculable speeds. And yet we remain us, now that is divine magic! “No one could critically examine it without a respect amounting to awe.” But given the wounds of the human condition, as Matthew Fox examines humanity, to enter these mysteries as fully as possible, some letting go of one’s preoccupation with materialism expressed by most of us “as business as usual” is needed, some returning to space of emptiness, and openness and primal ability to wonder. To have awe and wonder like a child. All of which comprise what is called the natural tendencies of a mystic. Not to enter the mystery of the cosmos and human life is to miss the power and splendor of our journey through the River of Life -- and to miss the power and splendor of the Creator, the Giver of the journey, the Giver of the gift of life.

Our denial of the mystic in us is seen in the way we treat Mother Earth as object to be used and abused. We cannot seem to know why we generally treat the maternal principle of Mother Earth as a negative force in our lives. Mother Earth is not perceived as a living, nourishing maternal entity. Why should we explore this unknown and often repressed element of our soul if we have developed an awareness that we are, first a soul
occupying a human body? Hildegard of Bingen says that the worst thing the devil can say to the human race is: “O, human, now do you even know who you are? If we are mystics but we do not know we are mystics, then we are indeed in the clutches of the demons, for we do not even know who we are.”

Alice Miller, author of books on psychoanalysis, tells us that depression is the result of being “separated from one’s true self.” I might add, the divine self within. The mystical dimension of our psyches is part of our true self but our culture teaches us to deny it and thus educates us for depression which eventually leads to despair. Our modern culture is the end result of a civilization that for the past three hundred years, has denied the mystic.

While doing a workshop on the mystical journey according to Meister Eckhart, a woman told him this story: “I told my psychiatrist this week that I thought I might be a mystic. His response was: “You probably have epilepsy. Take these chemical tests over the weekend, and we will discuss it next week.” Two months later, Meister Eckhart met the woman again. She said she stopped her psychiatric treatment, was saving money, and enjoying life, feeling more secure as one who knows that her true, divine self is a mystic.

We Filipinos are known to be a deeply religious people -- especially those parts of the country that are dedicated to the Divine Mother, Mary, the Mother of Light, the Mother of Miracles. Such Filipinos like the Bicolanos are known to be "mystical" in the sense that they can be seen as truly swayed by deep feelings of love for their "Ina" (mother) in their reverence for Our Lady of Penafrancia, both in times of peace, and war or disasters.


The last time we Earth People went in the Photon Band was during the Age of Leo – 10,800 to 8640 BC -- now that we are entering the Age of Aquarius, the polarity of Leo, atmosphere changes occur again. Climate changes become ferocious by way of the four Elements – Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. When the Air element is tasked by the Universal Mind to cleanse humanity of karmic density in time for ascension or a rise to higher dimensions of Light (evolution), we are visited by ferocious typhoons packing center winds of 175 to 225 kph., or more. Atmospheric changes occur by way of the Fire element when there’s continued excessive dryness or drought, and in the case of California, wildfires fanned by winds coming from four directions simultaneously burned thousands of beautiful homes many of them built by Hollywood celebrities in the canyons and valleys of Southern California. Then there’s the traumatic Earth movement. We have experienced earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions creating landslides burying villages in many areas of the world, recently in Albay, in 2006. Tremors coming from the Indian Ocean triggered a catastrophic tsunami wiping out coastal villages and wide areas in six Southeast Asian countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, SriLanka, Maldives, India, in late Dec., 2004, right after Christmas Day. The Water element did the job of washing away earth’s dark karmic density. Unusual strong surges from the ocean hit coastal areas in Nov. 2007 due to the waltzing of two storms -- Lando and Mina around the country.

Usually, these changes are catastrophic because the Earth poles are shifting, just like they did 10,800 years ago during the Age of Leo when the Earth went in the Photon Band, submerged in water. At this time, some psychics who are predicting great Earth changes are basing their predictions on vibrations that we Earth people are emitting because we watch so much violence. Due to the violence in our media, many of us are thrown into habitual fear of cataclysms.

We are told by our divine guides that Mother Earth is warm and welcoming when she receives our blood. She cries with our pain and feels like a mother when her child gets another bump, another bleeding cut. As the central core of consciousness of our planet she does not feel pain. Does an erupting volcano feel pain? Mother Earth is energy that holds frequencies. It is the people who can decide and can stop the bloodletting. Our guides tell us that when we become violent and revert to the barbarism of the past our frequencies fall.

We are cautioned that our wild fears of the Photon Band are unfounded since what happened before does not create what happens now. This is all new, and if we have been barbaric in the past, we don't have to repeat our mistakes. What creates what happens now is the intention set for the future we feel we are coming into. That is the power of the spiralling movement of our planets lifting us out of the darkest, deepest abyss of our unfeeling centuries, if we will.

Before the advent of movies, television, and mass communication we experienced violence rarely. Now we read or watch violence together with our breakfast, lunch and supper. Via photons our Pleiadian guides see the red energy in our aura coming from violence. Our solar plexuses are being stirred up, actual violence is increasing and our reality is becoming a firestorm. Meanwhile, what happens during the coming journey in the Photon Band is not necessarily the same as the last journey of 11,000 years ago when it became the Apocalypse. Why? Because more than ten percent of the world population is Now awakening and becoming increasingly contemplative and mystical, and have apparently become co- creators with the Creator.

It is obvious that dramas in the media, both visual and written news, trigger real violence, or sometimes, its opposite, love, joy and peace. For instance, when the Phil. Daily Inquirer ran a headline like “Typhoon Mina Spares Bicol” and made a very interesting detailed account of what the people in the provinces of Sorsogon, Albay, and Camarines Sur in Bicol region did to save themselves from destruction, we felt grateful for the relief from violent stories in newsprint. Other newspapers didn’t elaborate on the human side of the story. According to the front page report, "climatologists may have the explanation for Typhoon Mina swinging away from Bicol last weekend, but to the Bicolanos, the answer was simple enough: Mina veered because of the power of prayer."

For more than 48 hours, as Mina threatened the region with its center winds of 175 kilometers per hour, radio stations in the area were swamped with text messages urging people to pray hard so that the howler would spare their province and the region. Meanwhile government agencies made preparations by herding great numbers of people into evacuation centers. Days before priests and bishops distributed to different parishes the Oratio prayer for Deliverance from Disasters and noted a strong surge in church Mass attendance. Rosaries were ardently prayed by the numerous people who sought shelter in evacuation centers, as well as those who remained in their homes. Archbishop Quiambao of Legazpi City credited the power of prayer which proved “that God really sustains.” Many of the clergy and people affirmed that it was “sort of a miracle” when they recalled that the typhoon was hardly moving but late that night of Friday, Nov. 16th, 2007, when Mina was expected to “roar into southern Luzon,” surprisingly failed to arrive, it also raised the suspicion that Pagasa, the weather bureau had lost its marbles (smile) and needed badly new instruments.

As far as mystical Filipinos are concerned it was the deluge of prayers that made the typhoon turn away. I remember a similar case of a supertyphoon of 225 kph that “hanged” for 48 hours over Bicol some time in 2004, which weakened into a storm with sustained 60 winds kph as it neared the tip of northern Luzon, the way Typhoon Mina did. I actually made it as an example in a reading of the curious ability of the Philippines to ward off incoming typhoons due to a “firewall of high vibrations” it has built called “Mystical Rectangle” in its June 12 astrological pattern of energies. People operate on energy systems, and freedom of choice, thus, we usually attribute to the will of the people the "miracles" that happen to them.

We shift our attention to Jupiter (planet of divine abundance) moving close to Pluto in the Galactic Center in early Dec. 2007, when this great planet will expand the awakening of galactic consciousness that has been manifesting during the Galactic Underworld (Mayan calendar) from Jan. 5. 1999 - Nov. 28, 2011. Pluto has been passing close to the Galactic Center during 2006 and 2007, and good luck planet Jupiter will expand and ground Plutonian force of positive change in the material world. Mercury in negative square to Pluto during the New Moon, suggests new knowledge emerging in our Galaxy at this time, about failures in communication versus government (Pluto is about to enter Capricorn the sign of government) regarding certain scandals or unfounded charges in favor of some hidden agendas. Venus in Libra squares Pluto on the G.C. suggests that balancing work will be coming from the feminine principle this late November. This is a good month to give meditation energy to the feminine force and it's likely that there will be revelations about resolving old dilemmas in government by a woman leader who leads the military. See you next blog.