Monday, February 04, 2008


Symbolized since in ages before recorded time by female deities and earth goddesses – and suppressed by the male-dominated, sky-god religions of history, leaving our world perilously unbalanced and wracked with war -- the Sacred Feminine is again on the rise. Women leaders are on the rise, not really to reverse history to herstory, but to restore balance between the masculine and feminine aspects of the human being before everything is lost in a world of seemingly unstoppable wars. To exalt the ‘Sacred Feminine’ or ‘Divine Feminine’ one may initially court the danger of clashing with the male ego at this time. But there is really no quarrel between the sexes about this need for the female to find its powerful voice Now, because we have arrived at a high point of our human evolution, the eighth story of the pyramid called the Galactic cycle of the Mayan calendar when the barriers are being dissolved so that the Light of infinity can break through to enable humans to see that God is Father and God is Mother. We now see one within the other, undivided in Oneness, and creating the All of creation. In other words, we now understand that the Divine Feminine is that life force found within every sentient being, every woman and man, to create, to nourish, to intuit and be in cooperative relationship to others.

Throughout history, men of wisdom have defined the Sacred Feminine with the qualities of wisdom, justice, beauty, and compassion. She is the irresistible power that destroys old forms and brings new ones into being. She is the unseen divine dimension of the soul to which we are connected through our instincts, our feelings, and the longing imagination of the heart. She is an invisible flow of energy that brings life into being, sustains and transforms it, and withdraws it into a hidden dimension for rebirth and regeneration. This part, I would call death and rebirth into another cycle of being as symbolized by the River of Life. The planet Venus embodies this flow of energy, in her Double Transit for instance, which came on June 8, 2004, and to return on June 6, 2012. Its cosmic significance has an impact on the soul preparation we have to make before the Universal cycle in the calendar which starts in Oct., 2011. The process is rhythmic, and rhythm is the primary characteristic of the Feminine. She is presented as the symbol of justice that inspires all human laws. She is the invisible spirit guiding human consciousness.

I just mentioned the Venus double transit of June 8, 2004, returning June 6, 2012, to call your attention to the astrological fact that nothing happens by accident. In April, 2004, it has been recorded as the time of the greatest loss of American lives since the Iraq war began, we’ll reflect on what Thomas Jefferson had to say regarding the rationale behind why America goes to war at certain times: A little rebellion now and then is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government. I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just.

People would tend to speak of America’s destiny as the “Policeman of the World.” Whether this is a well thought out idea or not, it is based on fact. Historically, the United States have waged and still are waging wars of liberation for severely troubled places of the planet. The reasons for going to war appear to justify her natural feeling for “mothering, nurturing, and preserving the peace” of her own great nation together with the world at large. The mother figure comes naturally to her because this is a Cancer Sun country, based on July 4, 1776, the day she won her Independence from Great Britain. Cancer is the sign of motherhood, and even the men of the family are mothers and put on aprons to attend to the kitchen even when the housewife is around. Both mother and father are hands- on parents in the American family, a beautiful, endearing domestic scene that is very appealing to families in other countries where the mother does all the work in the house. Apparently, there’s a great need for balancing the forces of the feminine and masculine in our world today, specifically, in countries where the women folk have remained in subordinate status to their menfolk, as indicated by the way they are robed and veiled in black, heavily hooded, by the way they are denied presence in social or public functions, and the right to advance in education, and government positions, reinforced by religious beliefs.

In the zodiac, death, transformation and the eagle, national bird of America, are all associated with the sign Scorpio. There are astrologers who have a reason to accept the time of approximately 2 p.m. on July 4, 1776, chart of its Independence Day making the constellation of Scorpio rising on the American horizon. American elections in early November, the pivotal point of democracy, fall during the annual zodiacal period of Scorpio, infusing the spirit of transformation in the voting process. At this time of the great Shift in the world’s mind, the American people are going to the polls in November, 2008, to elect their next president. A frontrunner among the Democratic candidates is a woman. If she wins the nomination for presidency in her party, and goes on to capture the presidency in November, 2008, can there be any doubt that this is the moment of transformation for America and the world ?