Friday, July 02, 2010


Life’s challenges at this time have turned into an oil volcano that has erupted underneath the Mexican Gulf that can’t be plugged prompting you to seek answers to meaningful questions, as you are no longer satisfied with your current philosophies and goals.

Emotional pain is pushing you in a more spiritual direction, whether you realize it or not. As humans and societies function within cycles that are mirrored in the sky by the Moon going around the Sun and by locations of the planets during a Full Moon and Lunar or Solar Eclipse, I have noticed more than ever, how people are pushed to ask questions regarding the meaning of such planetary events like that of June 26, 2010, a Full Moon when I was invited to get involved in another Full Moon ritual ceremony celebrating a dear friend’s birthday in a rich Bali Indonesian setting at Bali Hai resto on Visayas Ave., QC.

On June 8, Jupiter attained its first of three conjunctions with Uranus, which signifies big turning points in financial structures and general well being. Barbara Hand Clow a prominent American astrologer speaks of her amazement at hearing the distinguished White House international correspondent Helen Thomas of being vilified for speaking out rashly against Jewish control of Palestine—a big no-no in Washington DC.

Astrologically, Ms.Clow looks into the Uranus ingress in Aries at this time which can inspire brilliant and innovative actions or merely rash and thoughtless behavior. No matter, which path, she says, people will express themselves just like Helen Thomas. People will begin to show Love and Light, meaning, more compassionate love for those who are least understood, at their own risk.

Now, the hyperactive and fluttery New Moon in Gemini in July 2010 sets up a new sense of direction, and you better learn about it or be left behind drenched in the watery hole of the kangkungan. As we weave together these other major planetary influences all happening at once you will retain a feeling for Uranus in Aries as either being caught in out-of-control change with little understanding of the consequences, or a literal genius for knowing what to do next, or both !! So it happens under Uranus/Jupiter that while grievous mistakes are made, a salutary switch-off changes the misfortune we caused, opening a new path for us to transform.

Neptune retrograde in late Aquarius offers you deep intuition, as deep as the ocean of your mind, while Saturn direct brings you confidence to deal with pushy Uranus in Aries, an impulsive pioneering sign. The Galactic Federation of Light guides are empathizing with us as we live our moments of confusion, depression, or sadness these days by sending us their Love and Light. They absolutely admire us for understanding the challenge of Duality (rich and poor, right and wrong, up and down, left and right) as it was known how tough it would be. The fact that you have received help does not in the least detract you from your courage and tenacity in the face of conflicting ideas and hardships. Sez them: You have fought a battle for your souls and passed the tests, and now you stand proudly at the portal of Ascension. The simple life can bring you anywhere and buy you anything you desire, don’t worry about money, for it will come when it’s needed, as your faith is being tested, but there is no substitute for hands-on experience.

Neptune turns retrograde on May 31, to 29 Aquarius and moves all the way back to 26 Aquarius. Then this elusive planet that rules our connection to Spirit turns direct on November 6, the opening day of Day Seven of the Galactic Underworld (Mayan Calendar that’s ending in 2012)! We are too close to the edge. Neptune moves into Pisces –its own sign, and therefore its highest vibration – in early April 2011, right into the Universal plane when it will offer Enlightenment to everyone of us!Ultimately it comes as a realization that we should quit judging others for we have no one to judge but ourselves.

As an astro-cosmologist, I am decoding this fantastic drama being played out in the skies because they manifest major movements between May 27 Sagittarius Full Moon which I had described to you last May (my own account of Full Moon rituals in San Juan Batangas with a foremost babaylan group led by Grace O. Devora), and the Gemini New Moon of July. They describe what the Gemini New Moon is disseminating -- as Gemini’s function is to do just that – spread knowledge of the Upper worlds’ intent to raise the planet Earth out of the unevolved Underworlds in a practical sense that can easily be understood.

It’s very important that you see the above linkages because Neptune (symbolic of Divine love) is completing its passage in Aquarius, sign of universal brotherhood, the period from now until April 21, 2011. It is when we each develop our own methods for accessing the spiritual realms.

Uranus the higher octave of Mercury, planet of the mind, will stay in Aries, sign of courage and pioneering action, this year only from May 27 through August 15. Then on March 13, 2011, (take note of ‘13’ number of the Divine Mother) Uranus will go back into Aries for seven years and March, 2011 marks the opening of the Ninth and final Underworld of the Mayan Calendar that’s culminating in 2012 which is the Universal plane – the 9th is the peak of the Mayan Pyramidal human evolution which I tried to explain in my previous postings. Review them if you will, as they have been archived here. If you factor in current time acceleration during these few short weeks of the Galactic Underworld, 8th level of the Pyramid, we can identify key transformation processes that can push us to evolve beyond the current quagmire.

Many people realize that religious exclusivity or chauvinism must cease now, simply because it is not worth destroying the whole world to solve the issues of one religious group on this planet as in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The disaster created by British Petroleum was the talk of the day on June 8, New Moon, and many people are now realizing that corporate power must be curbed before it is too late. This is true of countries that are in turmoil.

Watch and observe. Something new is coming forth. Identifying it makes possible to align with new paths. Uranus symbol of the divine Mind in Aries is bold and impulsive, and every 84 years it forces things to change that have been stuck in a long time. All of us should be looking for planetary clues during this period for we need them to give us a sense of direction in uncharted waters. Major Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune transits (if you have Transits of planets guiding you) are also part of this crazy drama that seems to be spiraling out of control. New innovative shifts energized by the highly significant Uranus-Jupiter conjunction are going to be clear paths that lead us into the magical transformation of Mother Earth.

Notice that most planets transiting now are in Cardinal signs. Under cardinal signs such as Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, new actions take over, that’s why it’s not good to remain rigid in your thoughts, for when Saturn goes back into Libra opposite Uranus/Jupiter in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn on July 21, 2010, confusion will reign as many people waffle back and forth between options, as we will be locked into a cardinal T-square, the so-called Cardinal Crunch. Uranus in early Aries makes changes unstoppable. It would be smart for you to make needed structural changes right away during the New Moon in Gemini, this July.

Through the end of 2012, Saturn in Libra will eventually inspire new ideas of fairness and balance, but in its early degrees, the world would seem to be indecisive and undetermined, especially in our own country today for we are learning how to handle problems by working with others instead of being such loners. The new president P-noy is a self-acclaimed loner who has to make many adjustments. Take note how his mind will waffle from this and that perception of how to govern without the arrogance of power by showing compassion, if he is enlightened enough, typical of the changing times. Since Jupiter (symbol of opportunity, luck, and expansion) is conjunct Uranus on June 8 expanding the powers of Uranus (symbol of divine Mind) exponentially, we can’t go on as we have been.

With both planets in 1 Aries (sign of new beginnings) moving into cardinal squares. Squares are dynamic connections between planets which are rather difficult to define and experience as they activate conflicting growth edges making people jump into amazing mind-switch-offs suddenly with Saturn (symbol of karma) and Pluto (symbol of change and transformation to a higher form of life) in a square aspect, people won’t hold back. If they do, they will be left behind sinking in the proverbial watery kangkungan of unmitigated dumbness or laziness.

This cardinal T-Squares will create riots, revolutions, and mayhem (recall the recent People Power revolt in Thailand, the confrontations between Israel and Palestine, and ethnic groups in Kyrgystan, Africa, etc.) or world-changing creativity, since we can’t go on as we have been. For astrologers and Mayan calendar prophets this is a time to be grounded, to remember exactly why you came into this incarnation and where you are going, and to breathe consciously to reconnect to the Source of divine Life and Cosmic Intelligence if you have been disconnected in the past for lack of Awareness. Ms. Clow would suggest to everyone to have “very little exposure to the media right now, because it will be hammering out the latest Global Elite program that is designed to dishearten you and weaken you – and steal your soul. For example, news about the oil volcano is only worth watching if the oil predators are being jailed for gross negligence and greedy profit-taking.”

In the Taurus New Moon reading, Mayan calendar astrologers agree that during May and June we would find ourselves processing the Regional Underworld cataclysms that that peaked around 10,000 to 9500 BC. The Icelandic volcano (see name in a previous post that I did on it) has been doing a nice job of helping us remember the Regional cataclysms then yet, we think the oil volcano in the Mexican Gulf is going to end up being the real cataclysm during the Night Six of the Galactic Underworld which is on going now till 2011. It is going to change the mix of oceanic species, and it is going to force our present-day politicians to address corporate irresponsibility and deviousness. For example, if corporations are allowed to continue to rape the planet at this rate, the extinctions could be as great as the extinctions that made way for the Cambrian Era explosion of new species 330 million years ago (Clow, Mayan Code).

This impacts on the chemistry of the ocean with dissolved oxygen levels plunging as each plume drifts through the sea. (“Scientists Build a Case for Undersea Plumes”: New York Times, May 29, 2010). By way of making light of this horrendous thought, some students of Ms, Clow commented, “At least the Pope got a break,” which sounds like a cute joke, yet it is true since the Pope may have been close to getting sacked himself for not finding the solution to stop the sex abuse of some of his priests. Barbara Hand Clow in her book, Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, discusses Thomas Gold’s “Abiotic Oil Theory “which proves that oil is a renewable resource because it is being continually created deep below Earth’s crust.”

You’ll have to check Alchemy or the Internet for the full description of this theory. The belief that oil is a nonrenewable resource has made it possible for corporate oil predators to manipulate us by hiding this information from the public eye. That is, the public thinks oil is scarce and soon to be used up, so people are willing to pay high prices for black gold and support dangerous practices such as offshore drilling which have been done earlier by the Russians as per report. The oceanic pressures on marine life or the food chain makes this method very risky for the life of the whole planet. Be aware that Mother Earth is bleeding, as a result of this dangerous pursuit of big corporations. Choose: it’s either we jail the big corporations that are ruthless, dumb and greedy flourishing on profit-taking oil rigs and in mining Mother Earth’s resources, also burdening her with so much high-rise structures all in pursuit of high profits, or we will all be exterminated. Mother Earth is not a third-dimensional planet and can very well survive to rise to a higher plane without us.

The New Moon chart in July is asking you to become Mercury, the planet of Intelligence, to bring awareness to the oceans and to our Mother Earth’s blood, and thus adopt quickening wisdom. Things are happening so fast these last weeks of the Galactic Underworld period as we approach the Universal where the Absolute God of all creation dwells. Mercury in Gemini governs the New Moon. Just allow yourself to feel Mercury planet of intelligence, as a spinning vortex gyrating in the field that is setting off the powers of all the planets in their multiple aspects. The July New Moon chart gives the wake-up call to come now and we should be grateful for the truth.

Maybe it took this oil spill in the US to reveal the cover-up on the Abiotic Oil Theory to wake us up. Jupiter/Uranus trines Venus in Cancer, which suggests that Feminine power is healing and transforming our world through the multitude of women who are waiting for Patriarchy to collapse. A Solar Eclipse would mean a suppression of the male of the species in order to restore the lost fairness and balance between the sexes.

Sun represents the male of the species, but since many of our men have become androgynous or he-she, our pioneering women leaders will be aided instead of threatened by them. They may even find these bi-polar male surprisingly sympathetic to their cause. It’s encoded in the Divine plan for humanity’s salvation for the sexes to undergo a transformation at this time so as to lighten the burden of Mother Earth in caring for an exploding population. Extreme poverty is the result which no decent government can ill afford.

Watch and observe how certain women leaders in our country and all over the world are moving to bring about much needed Change to save the planet. We must trust in the greater plan of God now, which has been the challenge all the way through Night Six of the Galactic since last November, 2009. First of all, Uranus/Jupiter in early Aries is demanding radical change in all Earth structures especially governmental, and then the square from Pluto means that the basis of the radical change is transformation of how we use energy in the future.

Chiron and Neptune (serving as bridge between heaven and earth) have been conjunct for the past two-three years, which means the theme of going into the deepest wounds within our soul in order to access Spirit is relentless. We ought to be relentless too in our prayers and meditations to keep connecting to the divine Breath and Source of Cosmic Intelligence. Chiron is healing our wounded past and Neptune is the highest vibration for purification of the soul, and both oppose Mars in Virgo, signifying that the deepest healing process is very strong during this July 2010 lunation. This aspect rules the sea by means of Neptune, so we see signs of potential great change here. Saturn exactly sextiles Venus in Cancer indicates that our planet Mother Earth supports our Cancerian growth and nurturance during these times, which will manifest the emerging miracle Kingdom on planet Earth in a coming golden age.
From a very inspirational friend, comes an affirmation:
This is a most impressive ad truly inspiring piece on the coming astro-alignment! You are truly an astro-cosmologist of the finest caliber. I'm all set for the changes. Love, Light and Peace to you and yours.
...Thanks infinite, it's not me, it's God who is the doer.