Monday, April 19, 2010


We don’t know what this Icelandic volcano’s name means, but it is enough to call it “Ejaculatory cry” as in crying out to the Almighty for it already looks apocalyptic -- Lord, have mercy, Christ have mercy! Lord have mercy! for we are all interconnected and yet we don’t bother to understand it no matter how long we have heard about it. We have long been in this business of Hate -- Unforgiveness, Unrepentance, Unlovingness and yet we always go to a church, or a temple or a mosque to pray. When will we ever practice what we preach? This event happened to the world sometime between March- April 2010. I am taking this article out of the Archives of my Weblog "Forest of Stars" for the purpose of doing a Retrospect or a Return to the immediate past year 2010 to see how the past, present and future are cosmically internconncted in a space-time continuum that emerges as a Circle, with no beginning and no end, emanating the Law of the Circle, the Law of the One.

When we are in meditation or removed in some way from our day-to-day life, we can connect with our inner stillness -- the essence of who we are -- and allow it to permeate our energy field. Once we mix the husband, children, job, and life in general says Cathy Brennan, an internationally known coach, healer and consultant on Energy System, we become attached to outcomes, circumstancess, and ways of doing -- we get disconnected from the Circle, the Oneness, the Energy of Being. In day-to-day life routines, busyness and 'shoulds' how do we keep the connection to our essence? In our confusion we can't see it, so it becomes a Mystery. EYJFJALLAJOKULL sounds just that to us -- a mysterious sound --all sound and fury signifing -- we don't know. What's happening to our people during the Shift is simply like that --it seems the 'shoulds' do not apply anymore.

The Icelandic volcano EYJAFJALLAJOKULL which is embedded in the polar regions, on top of the planet, has erupted. Its Enormous, enormous mushrooms of black, black ash clouds threaten to engulf nearly the whole of Europe, in order to illustrate the world’s interconnectedness… Thousands of planes fly millions of passengers and tons of cargo each day, providing economic livelihood of nations and businesses have been disrupted. History tells the last time this volcano erupted in 1820, its eruption lasted two years. The fallout from the ash-cloud looming over Europe has resulted in tales of woe and inconvenience spanning every social level – the Norwegian prime minister got stuck in New York and had to govern using his IPad, then abandoned his plans. A mom in Romania frets about not making it to her son’s wedding in Texas…. Patients awaiting treatment in Nigeria have to wait another week for the doctors…etc.

In our country, we are hidden behind a constantly shifting cloud of darkness about why President Gloria Macapagal is being rated by questionable surveys as the lowest in the rating scale of Phil. Presidents (including those who have not done anything significant for the country and are idolized like crazy by sane people), and yet she it is she who has lifted the country out of its economic morass for decades gets this kind of appreciation for her performance with an additional warning to all not to vote for president anyone endorsed by her? How low in vibration can you go down to being hateful? The time is extremely dark just like the menacing gigantic ballooning black mushrooms of volcanic ash-fall of – see the name above. Well, the time really calls for throwing up all the venom inside one’s innards, so one can get DETOXIFIED. Be empty and open up to the new higher energies of Love and Light that are pouring from the higher realms. As we love to pray, it’s still possible.

To explain Gloria's mystery,let’s look at her birthchart again (April 5, 1947, at 11:42:49 AM , San Juan, Phils. It shows a Mars conjunct Mercury both in Pisces in her 9th house of the Higher mind and foreign travels in flowing, favorable trines to Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio, 5th house of pleasure and creativity. Retrograde planets usually speak for an ancient soul who has returned carrying a backpack loaded with ancient wisdom and knowledge. Jupiter on 27 degrees Scorpio endows her with a gentle way of getting things done. She has ambition and sense of duty, great courage and great dangers to face. Great dangers to face, you bet. She has a deep rooted sense of responsibility and a greater prestige over others than logically purported by the social position. Others are unlikely to acknowledge they are under the spell of such a prestige which, may become very great indeed the zodiac says. Others will be unwilling to acknowledge such a prestige. GMA must have signed a sacred contract before she came down that this was going to be a very challenging journey, and yet she must not fight for herself while she works to uplift others. It appears that she is on a very high Initiational path.

She gets the 7 degrees Capricorn with the symbol of the Sphinx – a labyrinth. Will the native be its maker or its victim? Or both at the same time? Will the riddle be of a material, intellectual or spiritual nature? Will there be political intrigues? Oh yes, plenty! A woman, the native would be a crack at the game of meeting suitors or political rivals or enemies, exasperating the jealousy of male vanity and curiosity at each turn. She is whimsical but sparkling with wit (listen to her State of Union Address as she lays down her plans for making this country a first-world kind and she gets many standing ovations from a highly appreciative Congress). She is scheming but frolicsome. She is seen these days as often smiling. Many a man will fall into her snares it says. The Sphinx in her destiny pattern is known to watch the secrets of the physical world or the threshold of the worlds beyond. Pres.Gloria must know the secrets of the riddles of the Sphinx as she’s given this degree of the Labyrinth to test her mettle. Or to test the astrologer's ability to delve into the unfathomable layers of the mystery of the Sphinx.

We call upon We the People to awaken to the realization that our current problems are caused by a perversion of the power of the Father (patriarchy) and a suppression of the love of Mother (matriarchy.


Planet Lilith or Black Moon conjuncts Part of Fortune in GMA’s birthchart. It indicates a difficult role in this incarnation of integrating Light and Dark elements at this time of the Shift. Lilith is Dark. Part of Fortune is Light and Abundance. A very tall order for anyone to have as an assignment from Above. But she comes to us fully equipped – remember my previous blog titled -- “ She draws upon glass with a diamond”?

On 7 degrees Capricorn, Black Moon shows that Love is the keynote here. We see a symbolic image of Mary Magdalene at Christ’s feet in her natal chart, referring to the new age of Aquarius’ notion that the male is not necessarily a superhuman being which Patriarchy wants us to believe, and that Magdalene is a female repentant sinner as Patriarchy wants us to believe. As purported by Jupiter Retrograde in Scorpio, GM brings into this life memories of struggling for honor and as she lives out her Karma she becomes a test for other people in this area where she tries to project what she believes to be the truth to others in the area of politics. Thus she can project what she superficially believes to be adequately complete while at the same time knowing that she is experiencing a deeper understanding on another level.


Chiron the wounded healer in the 4th house of her birthchart is on 7 degrees Scorpio. It may refer to the native’s precious gifts, as well as to something outward that destiny has in store for her as a surprise (?). In this latter sense the symbol may be not be taken literally but metaphorically. As usual, things are to be looked at within the frame of the whole astrological picture. “Inner treasure” may be taken to mean wealth of feelings, ideas or other forces of the mind as we take into account all aspects of planets and houses with Moon Phase 14 wrapping it up in this blog to quiet down all queries about her mystery. A material treasure may be collected as a result of commercial dealings as performed in a long series of fruitful research journeys as chief of state. She may be singled out by destiny to be spiritually and technologically, the leader of an entire people which she already is. Apart from all this, we may add that the native is a tireless worker, and that she is liable to show some childlike features even in adult age, I mentioned that earlier, at the same time there is something royal about her, true, and her fortunes hold something and illogical at that – in store for her (?) Transiting Saturn has entered her 4th house in Libra at this time 2010-2011. The native has some karmic mysteries in her path in front of which the average mind feel thoroughly puzzled. I leave that here, and move on.

The notion of Magdalene as a sinner and the male as a super being is being corrected here at this crucial time of the Shift. This mission to transform her people from a lower kind of politics to a higher level causes GM to bring out the worst and the best in herself as she deals with dirty, vicious politics and the myriad things she has to do for her country – building, maintaining a world-class infrastructure for the world to see and improve on for her people in the sense of interconnectedness of all things. This causes her to be a peculiar paradox for she is alternately understood and misunderstood, respected and degraded, loved and despised for all she represents to other people. Her life is one of transformation as each day symbolizes new opportunities for struggle which enables her to rise above the lower self which she now sees, but which still binds her in the current life as she is here to represent the Filipino archetype. So her people can transcend or emerge out of its dark shadows through this interplay of DARK and LIGHT forces.


For Filipinos are much the extremist (Sun conjunct Pluto conjunct Neptune in the Philippine chart of June 12, they stand for heaven (Neptune) and hell (Pluto) at the same time. Extremism in the Filipino archetype which I have analyzed in our book: 'The Filipino and the World' goes: S/He wants more of whatever he has with Gemini-Sagittarius polarity holding sway over his soul reinforced by a 12th House Scorpio (heavily karmic) flowing into a Sagittarius Ascendant.

If it’s food he wants, he can be a glutton, look at all the busy restaurants night and day in the metropolis while everybody is declared poor, even below the poverty line as reported by the media and blaming it on GMA, as usual. If it’s power he strives to be a dictator. If it’s philosophy, he can’t sleep till he has read all the books. If it’s universal love, he will serve humanity and seek martyrdom. Many Filipinos have yet to learn the difference between need and greed. On any level, these people are not to be bound, as she is, and they must have this freedom to explore the unknown reaches of the universe that keep calling them, as she does. Thus, she represents her people in her inner strivings, symbolically.

On another level, judgment is now upon those evidently,the male of the species who will not let go of the false image that women are responsible for the Fall, and thus deserved to be suppressed in the home and society. We pray to the Alpha and Omega and we affirm God’s judgment upon those in a male body who will not take responsibility for their own past choices and acknowledge that each person fell during the Fall because of his or her own decisions, and not because Adam ate the apple which Eve gave prodded by the Snake, And men would seem to glorify their lower-self egos over the notion that Eve was taken by God out of Adam’s rib.

We call upon all people to awaken to the realization that the Only possible way to avoid widespread chaos especially violence against women and children at home and outside is through an integration of the masculine and feminine elements in all people and society. Under Pres. Gloria many havens have been built around the country to house abused children and women run by the Dept. of Social Work and Development. I have recently visited one in Malabanan, Pampanga with a group of friends led by the Commanding general's wife of Camp Olivas,PNP, our good, cheery friend,Celia Cacdac, bringing carts of food and personal supplies for the young inmates at the foothills of Mt.Arayat. T'was her daughter Michella's idea of celebrating her birthday party. There we were first treated by the DSWW supervisor to a briefing of the nature of their mission, and pictures of the houses built in different parts of Region 3 where the wife of Gibo Teodoro, Nikki, a congresswoman, is noted for building a nice home for such victims. The young ones entertained us with their songs and dances which they have prepared for any visiting band of benefactors. That was one feel-good birthday party for us. To spread good cheer to the less fortunate certainly makes one feel inwardly cleansed and made lighter. We call upon the people to realize that all anger against the Mother is an anger against the true God of Love who has both masculine and feminine expressions.

You don’t need much intelligence to perceive how certain vested interest groups in Manila have labored hard to propagate this creeping black propaganda calculated to engulf everyone like the dangerously huge, erupting Swedish volcano EYJAFJALLAJOKULL in the manner of a volcanic ash Fallout called by the name above, look up and see if you can spell and pronounce it -- over the 9 years of her term -- only to fail in their quest to trounce her off her high-spirited horse much to their consternation as shown in their livid, aging faces. While GMA who detaches herself from a lot of loose talk, irresponsible talk coming from said entities, seems to look as ever young especially when around her are all male chiefs of state in photo-ops overseas. She’s the only Asian woman head of state.

With a Retrograde Neptune conjunct Moon both in Libra, Neptune is higher octave of Venus, she has an opportunity to experience much of the universe while not truly obligated to personalize it. That answers the question often asked, “why doesn’t she defend herself?” While other political leaders do that all the time, defending themselves, unable to do other productive things, besides protecting their landed properties. GM is highly sensitive, particularly to music ands the arts (because of her the ASEAN GROUP chose to make Manila the center of Asian Arts in performing its festivals up till 2012) and she has a great difficulty dealing with the harshness in life. Puro batikos (all brick bats) by the fallen but transforming consciousness.

In order to balance herself (Libra) she must balance all that is around her, so she must work hard to make this physical country as comfortable and as lovely and quiet and orderly a place to live in just like the advanced countries she often visits to hold international conferences on climate change, etc. Libra is beauty, harmony and balance, on her 4th house, she may see it towards end of her life, or her successor would take it up where she left off. But first her people have to be transformed in consciousness with her help as leader by showing how Light works through shadows to attain wholeness (Chiron in positive trine to Venus in 8th house of death-and-rebirth. Chiron sextile Black Moon conjunct Part of fortune in 6th house of healing)

Enough is enough of dirty old politics. The cry of the youth in the land coming from many universities all over the country is for New Politics -- the high-level kind of politics that only focuses in issues, not on making a massacre of others thinking it will make them appear holier than those "others" It does not work that way, however, on a deeper subconscious level.

That’s what the Youth of the land sees in Gibo, he doesn’t indulge in calling others bad names -– he’s creating a new high- level politics, and God bless the rallying young generation who appear to be smarter or brainier than their elders and are sacrificing their own allowances to buy Gibo pluck cards and other campaign paraphernalia to present a massive support behind him as a few trapos defect and leave him (politicians who have conveniently forgotten what Palabra de Honor means when they first affiliated with their original party). It gives us a tremendous amount of insight into the mirror of these trapos or that part of their identity which they see through the eyes of others who have judged them.
way to Initiation as a master. Just as GMA has been said is already one.


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