Tuesday, August 04, 2009


A new human arises. Gopi Krishna attests that the person he once was is gone, feeling that a new human is emerging at this time of transition from a 3rd dimensional world to a 5th dimension of Light by discovering that you are in truth, a luminous body of light, and you only become sick of terminal disease owing to some dark imprints on the light body because of impurities in regard to misunderstanding Love, Light, Truth,or having deep resentments due to feelings of denial or perhaps some past life karmic debts as represented by the mystical cell imbedded within. But once your being is purified through the initiatory process of disease perhaps cancer or some other oppressive human situation that can make you desperately seek the Light that’s when you are ready for a 9- dimensional perceptual freedom as Earth precesses into the Age of Aquarius now vibrating with passion and curiosity.

When you are doing all that reading of esoteric stuff and studying by your lonesome or sharing your learning with a study group of like-minded friends it is because you are now seekers of Light. On the way to wisdom you might encounter a book, not readily available, Testimony of Light by Helen Greaves, and discover that those who have passed on to the other side, have found out that they are in heaven, but, they are not really yet there…. They are mostly in the astral plane, a place between Earth and Heaven, and they are desperately craving to see the glory of God who is Light…but where is God? God is in the highest heaven, and to see the Absolute you’ll have to be able to journey all nine dimensions or more, and have unconditional love for all That Is, which is rather the tallest order for humanity that is still divided between rich and poor, left and right, black or white, ugly or not so. A new soul just arrived named Jeannie, and the following conversation ensues: “I’ve just realized that I’m not dreaming," she says to Sister Frances who’s welcoming her into this plane of non-physicality. “I’m dead.” The nun replies, “ We’re all dead, that’s true, isn’t it true? Yes, it’s true, Jeannie, but you see we’re really more alive than ever. You’ve only got rid of your sick old body and found a new one…” Jeannie: “I suppose this is …a sort of Heaven.” Sister: It’s the beginning of Heaven.”

Jeannie: You mean we’re only starting?...We’re not yet on our way there?” Jeannie digested this. “But it’s so beautiful here. Everyone’s so kind and …and …angelic.” Sister: “We’re certainly not angels…” Jeannie: Then where’s God ?” At this point we have to switch to another part of the book which tries to explain this mystery.

“Thoughts are only things,” the author who is telepathically connected to a former friend and ally, a nun named Frances who has departed from this life, and she continues to write her dictation from the unseen world. Frances tries to explain why most souls are not yet in heaven after death, but starting to be there… We have thoughts, she says… Aside: here, I think she is more likely referring to a person’s level of consciousness than to his/her brain waves. Mind, thought, consciousness, how do they all combine to define us? I find this a dilemma to one who has lived all her adult life serving a fundamentalist religious church as Sis. Frances. Here, she tries to explain the concept of Reincarnation or why souls who have departed from this life have to return for another cycle and another in order to progress in their spiritual development called evolution in a place called earth. Life on earth is seen as a school or a college course leading to graduate degrees. “That is why, when an entity comes over to this plane, he or she automatically graduates to the rightful place. That is Law. ”

“For instance, one who has lived an ordinary good life shall we say, doing the right things, attending to his outward religious observances, but all the time concealing within himself black thoughts of envy, malice, unkindness, will find himself in the company of such as he is, and sometimes worse than he is. Dismay will fill his soul and until he/she realizes that this great Law is just, and until he makes an effort to adjust his thinking to Love, Charity, Truth and to try to redress the wrongs he has worked on others. In these efforts there is always help at hand, always more advanced souls are ready to listen, to comfort and to teach him...more advanced souls to guide him/her to higher realms and happier company.”

Highly advanced souls like Kirael, an avatar from the 9th dimension tells us more: Each human being is now rising at its own vibrational pace. Some of you are rising at a very rapid rate, and some are not, because they would still need to hold on to the third dimensional experience. While others would be willing to test their own reality and move forth into a light of which they are not totally aware. We will speak this day of photon energies and how they interact with humanity, but we must start from a very simple plane. Though you have spent millennia trying to deliver onto your planet the most beautiful human experience that you could, you are having difficulties because some things now are happening that are confusing and confounding. Because much as you’d like to remain “healed” by modern medicines in the physical, you still remain sick, somehow you feel you are misaligned with some form of higher energy that has arrived that you can’t understand. You call it cosmic. You are actually now aligned to move into an arena where the energy you exist in will be seen as light. If you would recognize that your physical body is only a vehicle to maneuver yourself through a beautiful motion of light, a motion of light that the Creator through its own love has created called the Earth plane, you will see that you are in the most beautiful sense of the word a product of Creator light.

Let us consider the human brain. Your scientists have told you that you use approximately 10 percent of your brain for your thought processes. I would not suggest that you confuse thought with the brain because no one to my knowledge has ever opened up a brain and found a thought inside it.  The brain acts like a computer, and what it does is to receive the light of its higher self, that which is designated to watch over the physical presence of what you are. Your right brain is where all the beauty, the music, the harmony, the light colors, the envisioning of all that you ever want to be originates as for instance, if you want to paint or write a poem. Recently we saw in a Youtube video a startling revelation made by a Harvard-trained brain specialist-scientist named Dr.Jill Bolte Taylor who discusses how she learned to rebuild her brain from inside out, having seen how her right brain blossomed by supressing her left-brain ego processes. She got fully healed from a very rare brain traumatic stroke that could have been fatal within a period of eight years.

Back to Kirael: he continues to address us as the human world that walks around in must always be filled because it is a huge void of energy that surrounds us at all times. It is the cosmic law of your universe. What you fill it with is one of two processes. You fill it with the ego self, which is the 10 percent process that imagines you to be limited, or you fill it with your essential light, your 90 per cent higher vibrating intuition, and that is the part of you which most have chosen to ignore for a very long time.

As we are initiated into our understanding that we are now much closer to the photon energy, we become aware that we can actually focus on the right brain, the 90 percent which is the photonic cell, the Godcell We can not only focus it, we can merge it into the 10 percent of the left brain of logic and reason, and automatically raise our vibration, which would automatically raise the DNA strands with which we are currently operating. Now let’s see what the Pleiadian celestial guides are saying about photon light. They would appear more grounded in the sense that they give you the timetable for growth of your luminous self or higher self, called the Mayan Calendar. “Maya” happens to be one of the Seven Sisters (planets) composing the Pleiades.

Many very respected intellectuals like ethno-pharmacologist Terence McKenna, bio-chemist Rupert Sheldrake, and chaos-mathematician Ralph Abraham in Trilogues at the Edge of the West are fascinated by the implications of the Mayan Calendar, who think it is a brilliant device describing the process of time that approaches a completion point, the end of time. But that has nothing to do with the end of the world. In the book Trilogues, Abraham describes “chaotic attractors” as advanced forms of order that influence less organized states, and that pull these states to an end point. Take note of what’s happening to our own country at this time when “chaotic attractors” drum up chaos to prevent the birth of a new order of an advanced form by remaining stuck in the old worn out system of governing in a materialist-illusory time that’s ending where an elitest group struggles to remain in control, all wanting to be president of the republic, almost all indulging in hate negativity to make “hallowed” their strained image versus others.

The 2nd dimension elementals and energies of the 4th dimension do not have bodies so they use yours. The Pleiadians do not have your polarized beings, so they send you empathy, kindness, love to transmute your hate propaganda of those who deny you power in your bloody game of politics. When there are rallies armed to the hilt to pull down a working leader to the dust you see how the people react in the streets. They don’t seem to understand what the hate is all about when there is so much work to be done for the greater good, and they know who is working hard, and making the hard choices. The Sirians who occupy your second Sun Sirius, twin of your Sun, do not have your minds, so they are blasting you with light geometry to get you to become a Seer (slight wonder, more are now turning up to be spiritual and remarkably intuitive) so you can discern who are confusing truth with lies and amping them a hundredfold to deceive, to manipulate words to make them sound like true to serve one’s vested interest. It is a very complex and confusing time.

The Pandora’s box has been opened, releasing dark forces that are now rampaging. The hard choices have to made now, during this transition period. That’s why we need to shield ourselves with much photon light. How to do it? We allow ourselves to go with the rising earth as it enters an immense region of space which is radiating intense electromagnetic radiation throughout the visible spectrum and beyond. But not to fear, it appears that for humankind the photon belt encounter is essentially a spiritual experience but that depends on each of us. If we are sufficiently evolved at the time, great advancement in healing and miracles such as the freedom to be in two places at the same time, called bilocation can manifest, but we'll learn more of this later. It is enough that we get an insight into Dr.Jill Taylor's right-brain healing as she was able to attune to the high frequency photon rays by suppressing her left-brain ego. If we are negative, that is, possess too many lower vibrations, which are leftbrain ego-based, the result of selfish actions, we are not expected to survive the high vibration radiation of photon light. In other words, there will be a natural spiritual selection. We learn photonic alchemy of smashing the electrons of dark matter with positrons to bring out the energy of photonic light and information through detachment from meatrix (eating meat), greed for power, by spending time doing invocations, long meditations, rosaries, closeness to the Eucharist, the transubstantiation of the Christ body into the host and wine (using plants, such as grapes). In other words, back to Mother Earth we go healing ourselves through plants and fruits ...…our priests ought to explain in their homilies that matter is light when it’s purified, and sanctified with the knowledge that we live as luminous bodies though in the physical form Now. Not in the past or future, but now.

In the field of healing, certain physicists and mathematicians are considering the possibility of that emerging dynamics that has to do with rediscovering Energy medicine, healing the luminous body of light of the human now being
triggered by the end of a material-oriented illusory time. McKenna notes that reality is becoming increasingly complex, and speculates that a singularity or culmination exists at the end of this process. Sheldrake, who first popularized the idea of morphogenetic fields, outlines the echoes of light in the fields of all things as signs of a common attractor for the entire cosmic evolutionary process. McKenna works with a fractal wave rooted in the I Ching, and the wave’s terminus is Dec 22, 2012, one day after the Mayan Calendar ends. All three scientists have devised some potential models for how an end time could be pulling realities toward itself.

Many prominent intellectuals in different fields are considering the possibility that the Maya actually were able thousands of years ago to delineate a point in the future, August 16 to 17, 1987, a key shift point in the Calendar as featured by Tony Shearer in 1971, and by Jose Arguelles in 1987. This key point triggered massive planetary celebrations which Jose Arguelles named Harmonic Convergence, but our Pleiadian guides who dwell in the 5th dimension of light would also like the idea of a Convergence of Nine dimensions. They would like to ask you: Are you ready to imagine your future?

For example, Gopi Krishna would show us here how through his own experience, the future human can be transformed down to the level of his cellular structure, viz., “I felt the point of consciousness that was myself growing wider, surrounded by waves of light. It grew wider and wider, spreading outward while the body normally the immediate object of perception, appeared to have receded into the distance until I became entirely unconscious of it. I was now all consciousness, without any outline, any idea of a corporeal appendage, without any feeling of sensation coming from the senses, immersed in a sea of light simultaneously conscious and aware of every point, spread out as it were, in all directions without any barrier or material obstruction….. bathed in light and in a state of exaltation and happiness impossible to describe.”

Another channeling by a Pleiadean goes: I, Anubis, am here to tell you exactly what is going on. Christ Jesus manifested at zero point in history to evolve humanity into empathy – the highest vibration of the Age of Pisces. Empathy opens humans to spiritual access. Aside: It is articulated by Plato when he said: Let’s be kind to everyone because everyone is fighting a hard battle. Kindness is the keyword that opens us to the portals of heavenly realms. Anubis: Christ came as a model of the 9-dimensional human which is what you will all become during the Age of Aquarius. Another Pleiadian guide also described the time when Jesus Christ was born. An enormous field of golden light suddenly rose to suffuse the surroundings where the holy infant was laid wrapped in swaddling clothes in a place where the sheep and other animals dwell. He was born in a manger for there was no room for him and his mother Mary and foster father Joseph at the inn. The Light was coming from the 9th dimension bringing forth from the sky hosts of angels singing hosannas, jolting up some sleeping shepherds in the field, “Fear not, fear not, for the Lord of lords is born unto you….” Anubis: Christ lives in the DNA of your bodies, making you sovereign in your world now. You will see who the Christ is and not ask for another. Anubis is not a Christian. He is a cosmic being. He speaks of Christ as a model of the 9th-dimensional human which is what you will become during the Age of Aquarius.


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