
To my mind, it does not make sense how you can raise the ghost of the extinction of humanity and at the same time paint a glowing picture of the endless possibilities for human advancement that beckon just over the horizon. Yet life as we see it seems to remain in some sort of precarious balance. Human beings and the natural world are on a collision course, we tend to succumb to fear and trembling. We pride ourselves on being a culture steeped in science, yet without a massive and rapid expansion of awareness about the problems caused because of the way we are using technology, I am afraid we will soon enter the twilight of the human experiment, and not live to even tell what hit us.
“So what,” some of us will say. “After all, this planet is nothing but a speck of dust when considered in the context of the cosmos. The human species as it is presently constituted does not appear to be the kind of intelligence required to bring peace, love, and harmony to the universe. Maybe it is better that we do not survive.” These people, however miss the point, as the author of “The Spirit of the Internet” ( 12/21/2006), speculates on the evolution of global consciousness. He goes on to say… when considered in the context of the entire universe, human consciousness exists only on Earth. Are we not obligated to do everything in our power to see that one day our entire species will awaken to the fact that we are, in fact, all integral part of a much larger whole, that we are truly all connected, and that our environment is a part of ourselves. Amen to what he has said, as I have always recited a litany of the need for Oneness in my previous blogs, at the risk of being a nag.
So let us not stunt the growth in consciousness by restricting free speech on the Net. All the experts in positive agreement say: What makes this particular moment in time so unique is the incredible speed at which technology is advancing, and not just what we see happening in the Internet. Advances in the fields of gene therapy, nanomechanics, and wireless communications, for example are taking place at rates undreamed of just ten years ago. We can seize this moment in human time and lead the way forward to higher realms of being, in Chiros time, God’s time, the time the Mayans knew as making a loop into an 8, making linear, impermanent time (one circle) connect to another circle of time (God’s endless time) to form the double loop of an 8, suggesting the need for human transformation to manifest to raise us from a lower suffering species to become higher blissful divine beings who are in constant communion with the Divine while daily engaged in earthly activities. Mystics, we need to become. In order for us to survive as a species. The unusual weather disturbances such as global warming, heavy winter storms, hurricanes, tornados, floods, landslides, earthquakes, raging bush or forest fires, the global economic turndown that threaten to strike at our hearts as apocalyptic fears, are actually spiritual wake up calls.
This is not the time to be timid or afraid. This is not the time to remain stuck in the old systems of thought and belief that have been imposed upon us since birth. Systems of government, the economy, education, medicine, even religion have to be overhauled and renewed. Pluto, the cosmic force of collective transformations has entered Capricorn, the sign of world institutions, and it is beginning to show us that “the entire range of living matter on earth, collectively, ought to define and regulate the material conditions necessary for the continuance of life,“ as postulated by British scientist James Lovelock and American microbiologist Lynn Margulisis in late 1969. The earth is thus likened to a vast self-regulating organism, modifying the biosphere to suit its needs. Lovelock named this vast organism “Gaia,” after the Greek goddess who drew the living world forth from chaos. The theory of a living Earth is called the Gaia Hypothesis.
Yes, the planet is some kind of organized intelligence, as suggested by Terence McKenna. It’s had 5 or 6 billion years to create a slow moving mind that is made of oceans and rivers, and rainforests, and glaciers. It’s becoming aware of us, as we are becoming aware of it….because the life of each depends on the other…we have a feeling towards this immense, strange, wise, old, neutral, weird thing, and it is trying to figure out why its dreams are so tormented and why everything is out of balance. That is McKenna speaking. As for me, I have my own very personal encounters with Mother Nature. Sailing in a motorized outrigger boat with my son Noel Joseph and some other people while crossing the Verde island passage towards Puerto Galera, I think of the waves breaking into the foaming surf, of how they traveled to reach that part of the sea which I am sailing. I feel the powerful surge of waves of energy flowing across miles and miles of ocean, being released on the shores of Batangas Bay. I sense the Presence of an all powerful God-Goddess. I close my eyes and release my fear, as I feel SHe is regulating the immense energy heaving and surging under our puny boat as it gets tossed up and down by the waves.
In his book, The Phenomenon of Man, Teihard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest, wrote about the existence of “a sphere of thought” enveloping the Earth. This book, written in 1938, wasn’t published until the late 1950’s,after its author had died. Chardin believed that because of the spherical shape of the Earth, ideas will eventually encounter other ideas resulting in a cultural convergence of thought. He called it “noosphere,” this “living tissue of consciousness enclosing the Earth and growing even more dense." Chardin’s concept of a thinking membrane surrounding our planet provoked significant controversy in both religious and academic circles during his time that he was banned from teaching. The concept of a “noosphere” was largely forgotten by mainstream thinkers until recently when highly perceptive writers began thinking about the Internet in terms of this single, self-developing framework of pure mind. Chardin was deeply concerned with establishing a global unification of human awareness as a prerequisite for any real progress of humanity.
The shaman seers of the Fourth World generally agree that those who tenaciously cling to the past will fall into mass insanity. The serpent power of the Aquarian Age is upon us. The Kundalini of Gaia is awakening. No one can avoid being affected. Most human beings may go out of their minds, others will go beyond. Thus speaks John Hague.
A new age is dawning before our very eyes. It is a time to awaken and join in the dance of creative human activity. “Cyberspace is a mirror that gets held up to the 3rd eye. And the 3rd eye, ajna chakra, is the light that removes illusion. It shows things as they are,” says Mark Pesce. Is it possible that the technology we call the Internet could bring an end to human aggression? Is it not far-fetched to believe that once everyone realizes that we are all next door neighbors, that if everyone involved in a war before, down to the last GI and rice farmer, had sufficient amount of accurate information on which to base his or her decision about continued participation in the madness of that war, things would have turned out differently. That if we will work a little harder to maintain courtesy or civility we can have harmony and peace throughout the world? Two generations from now there will be few world leaders who did not grow up chatting online with friends in many countries. Online communications seem to quickly reach a level where we can clearly see how much alike we all are, regardless of race, nationality, religion, or other seeming barriers that might render us apart.
Today we just log on to the Net, surf, ask questions and search for answers in its numerous websites without buying a book, jump into a chat room, and join a discussion. Distance is no longer an issue. No longer does one have to fly to New York or Paris and speak with café patrons about their real feelings during a recently concluded elections or a tournament called the World Cup. In fact, with the Internet, all of the minds in the world are joined in a single point. What we humans do with the opportunity is up to us. But the technology is certainly here to help whenever we are ready. The time has arrived for each one of us to join the global mind – the global conversation that is taking place on the Internet.
Without any doubt, the Net is the most powerful communications medium in the history of our species. Its importance according to the experts, the pundits, can almost be measured on the same scale as that of speech itself. But what appears to be an incredible gift of the Creator to humanity can quickly be turned against us. For this reason, each and everyone of our species has a stake in seeing that this rapidly advancing technology remains under the control of our species-at-large and not in the hands of just a few individuals or corporations.
شركة تنظيف مجالس بالقنفذة
العميل و ايضا يتم غسيل السجاد و الموكيت بالبخار اتصل بنا الان و لا تتردد فلن تجد كل تلك الخدمات في اي مكان اخر و لن تحصل علي كل تلك المميزات
الرائعة سوي من خلال لانه لدينا امهر فريق عمل مدرب بمهارة علي عمليات التنظيف الشامل للمنزلك ويتميز بالدقة والجودة والسرعه في انجاز العم
شركة تسليك مجارى بالقنفذة
الحديثة في مجال الصرف الصحي و تسليك المجاري كما اننا نستخدم المواد و الخامات في عملية التسليك و المجربة و المعتمدة محليا وعالميا حيث اثبت المواد التى نقوم باستخدامها في شركة تسليك مجاري بالقنفذة مكة فاعليتها و
شركة كشف تسربات المياه بابها
الحشرات لها أضرار كثيرة سواء كانت متعلقة بالمنزل أو صحة الإنسان وسلامته ،حيث أنها تؤدي إلي إتلاف في ممتلكات الأشخاص وتخريبها وإتلاف المواد الغذائية،
فهي أيضآ تؤثر علي صحته هو عائلته لأنها ناقلة للأمراض سواء كان ذلك عن طريق،القرص واللسع ونقل الجراثيم وهذا يسبب إرهاق وإزعاج لأصحاب المنازل ، يوجد لدينا طرق
شركة نقل اثاث بابها
من الاسباب التي تؤدي إلي ظهور الحشرات بكثرة داخل البيت ومنها الصراصير والنمل ،
عدم تنظيف البيت جيدآ ، وترك بقايا الطعام واقعة علي الأرض ، مثل بقايا الحلويات والمواد السكرية ،
ومن هنا تتجمع عليها الحشرات وتسبب كثير من المشاكل والإزعاج لدي ربات المنازل ،
شركة تنظيف مجالس بابها
الشركة تمتلك أفضل فريق عمل مدرب مجهز على أكمل وجه ممكن ومختار بعناية كبيرة جدا وهو من أفضل العمالة الفنية المتواجده في المملكة العربية السعودية كما أن الشركة
تتوفر لديها فريق عملي فلبيني خالص وفريق عمل مصري يقومون بتقديم الخدمة على أكمل وجة ممكن من التميز والدقة في كل شيء
شركة تسليك مجارى بابها
شركة تسليك مجاري بابها ، تعتمد فى خدمات تسليك المجارى على منظمة حديثة متكاملة لحل كل المشاكل المتعلقة بأنسداد المجارى والبيارات بكل سرعة وحيث تستخدم
الطرق المتطورة فى تسليك المجارى والبيارات ، وأنسداد بيارات ومجارى هى متعة بها مشاكل كبيرة وأيضا هى خطر على أهالى مدينة أبها ، لأن كثير من الناس يعنون من
أنسداد المجارى والأعطال.وتشكل شركة تسليك المجارى بأبها هى رائدة فى هذا المجال ودائما تبحث عن حلول
شركة تسليك مجارى بخميس مشيط
وتهتم الشركة بتسليك مجاري الحمامات والبلاعات المختلفة عن طريق أستخدام وسائل حديثة مطورة مما يجعلها الشركة رقم واحد دائما ويفضلها جميع العملاء كما تقوم الشركة بتعقيم
البلاعات والبيارات ورش مبيدات حشرية للتخلص من الحشرات وأيضا تستخدم معطرات ذات أنواع مختلفة للتخلص من الروائح الكريهة
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