Saturday, October 04, 2008


Not having a cosmic view of life at this time would remind us of the days during the Dark Ages when Galileo a pioneer in science declared the earth was not flat but round, and that like the planets, it revolves around the sun in a solar system that in turn orbits around a galaxy. When Galileo confirmed this suspicious cosmic view as we learn from history, he actually rocked the foundations of human society at that time, particularly the church, and was banned under pain of papal excommunication from further speaking!

Modern physics has discovered, at long last, that all elements on Earth were originally forged in the great cosmic furnaces we call stars. Way ahead of our modern scientists, the ancient Mayans discovered a set of mathematical computations supporting what they called the Mayan Calendar. What everyone who cares to know beyond the limitations of present-day technological gadgets is that the Earth, as it wobbles on its axis, along with its solar system traverses a massive orbit in our Milky Way galaxy causing the Precession of the Equinox.

At approximately every 26,000 years it makes a complete cycle around the central sun of the Pleiades, ready to leap to the next higher cycle of galactic consciousness. Actual spiraling energies lift us to hurl us so it seems to higher dimensions and set us free if we are ready in consciousness as we are beings gifted with free will. We will surely have to make a choice aided by the spiral armed galaxy of the Milky Way. At this point in time we are no longer cycling and recycling on the basic laws of karma. We are already past that. We are being urged now 1) to forgive the past, 2) transcend karmic fears and 3) move on, by going with the flow of the spiraling energies of illumination. It’s either Evolution or Extinction.

Right now as I write this blog, the US Senate is feverishly working to repair a “rescue plan” that was rejected outright by Congress to bail out their financial markets because they simply couldn’t accept the idea of rescuing the CEOs, or bank stewards that flew away in “golden parachutes”loaded with millions leaving behind their airships to crash into the ground of emptiness. Of course, they must be made to account for billions of bad mortgages and risky assets off their financial books, inflicting trauma on a hapless people who may have been deceived into getting houses worth 300 thousand dollars when all they can afford is one hundred thousand. This may have happened because of lack of a proper regulatory system by democratic government that believes in de-regulation because it glories in allowing their freedom. Misguided, the country’s people in its merry mix of races are thus left devoid of the promise of the American Dream, stunned, speechless and very mad.

The immediate impulse of course is to lay the blame on the current Republican administration and since they are in the last lap of a presidential election, their present instinct is to hurl themselves into the embrace of the Democratic candidate that represents to their fuzzy minds --change. The Democrats must learn to stop heaping the blame on the Republicans for this deepening economic crisis has its roots in past ages. For everyone has contributed to the national travesty. And so we are being urged now to Evolve by learning 1) to forgive the past, 2) to transcend fear 3) to be One with God and the All of creation, and in our emptiness, induced by an economic collapse, receive the chalice of God’s Abundance that is intended for All humans in the flow of spiraling energies of illumination.

Because people can see that the logical, reasonably correct kind of Left-brain practical mind does not seem to work anymore, they look to the other side the Right-brain to get their answers to this economic dilemma. By delving into its deeper, inner, mythic ramifications of the higher faculty of Intuition, they find themselves turning to God, the Great Spirit of their ancient fathers. And so unheard of in what was happening in Wall Street was how many Wall Streeters had been turning to God, according to a local business journalist’s column (Business World, Sept. 29, 2008). Wall Street’s worst crisis since the Great Depression had “triggered a spiritual response reminiscent of the 9/11 Twin Towers terror attack.” Christians on Wall Street set up special prayer conferences at Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and Deloitte. Pastors were also seen planning to gather people for sidewalk prayer meetings outside the Stock Exchange. President George W Bush himself leads a prayer session in Washington D.C.


Let’s go into a mythic or symbolic conversation with the Supreme Being who calls human beings who have left the Earth and gone into the higher realms for a Summit at this time of the Shift. At the appointed solar time, at this nexus of the Great Shift in consciousness, the souls in heaven who are about to be sent back to Earth and to get into a new lifestream of embodiment, will have to receive their instructions for deployment in an impoverished, war-torn planet.

The Great Spirit, the Love of Spinning Galaxies, having entered their sphere of being, gracing them all with celestial light, speaks the following words:
You are invited to incarnate upon a world where a great transformation will take place. You who respond to this call will go to a place of planetary evolution where the illusions of fear and separation are strong teachers. I am calling those with the needed talents and gifts to act as my emissaries there, to lift and transform the frequencies of planet Earth, simply by embodying and anchoring love’s presence there. In this myth, you will be creators of a new reality, the reality of the golden octave.”

I would like to point to the lines here that are set in bold letters for they make me think of Gov. Sarah Palin who used the word “fear” when she was asked by the moderator to give her thoughts on the US economic ‘calamity’ in the most watched and celebrated “Debate for Vice Presidents” last Thursday evening, October 2. The Philippine Daily Inquirer of October 4, 2008, carries a frontpage story about a “folksy, feisty Sarah Palin who comes out swinging…” it says: The face-off began with Alaska Gov. Palin saying the best way to gauge the American people’s feelings about the falling US financial system and a pending S700- billion federal rescue plan was to go to a community soccer game and ask the parents on the side lines. “I bet you’re going to hear fear,” she said assuring voters that she and McCain were the “mavericks” who could reform the system that allowed the financial crisis to develop. Suddenly a flash came to me: Sarah Palin is one of the great souls (called avatars) who obviously came down at this tremendously difficult time of the Shift in response to God’s call to “go to a place of planetary evolution where the illusions of fear and separation are strong teachers.” Born on February 11, 1961, in Sandpoint, Idaho, USA (her family went to Wasilla, Alaska, when she was still small), she has a destiny pattern that has a preponderance of planets in Aquarius, the sign of Enlightenment that is best described by a soul like Sarah with the following affirmation as she descends on the earth plane to accomplish the mission the Creator had called forth. Sarah Palin symbolically declares her intention to serve:
I have surrendered to emptiness. In the space of my open arms, a chalice forms and fills freely with the incomprehensible sweetness of abundant life force.
Her birth chart has armed her with “incomprehensible sweetness of abundant life force.” Even in the midst of difficulties she has been pictured in the news and television interviews as a smiling sweet person. Time magazine calls her smile as “a beauty queen smile.” She won in a beauty contest in her Alaska hometown which gave her a gift of a college scholarship... A report coming from St. Louis affirms the incomprehensible sweetness of her abundant life force: With a wink at the camera (there’s a picture of her winking) and a folksy “doggone it” Republican vice president nominee Sarah Palin on Thursday survived a high-pressure debate with Democrat Joe Biden, 65, to turn the page on a rocky two weeks. Alaska Governor Palin, 44, had been in a tailspin for a couple of weeks after a dream start as McCain’s running mate. Her being picked as his VP nominee catapulted her as it were from an obscure and very cold, far away corner of the US called Alaska (but mind you, the richest state in oil reserves) makes Senator John McCain true to form as a “maverick" leader. Her credentials have been questioned, and she has been lampooned on late-night television and drawn criticism for a CBS news interview in which she struggled to explain such matters as her belief that her state’s proximity to Russia made her knowledgeable about Russian affairs. Sounds naïve, but there’s a breath of fresh air in the way she speaks that enthralls her listeners who are tired of the old politicians’ moldy rhetoric. I have done a detailed write-up on her Aquarian qualities in a previous blog if you have seen it earlier. Take note how they tally with the latest developments about Palin as reported by news media. But let’s go back to the beginning of this cosmic scenario to make the “Bridge to Nowhere” (meaning Up where the Great Spirit, the Love of the Spinning Galaxies dwells) connect with the planet Earth. In her birthchart Sarah Palin has Chiron, the rainbow bridge between the inner and outer planets in a harmonious trine to North Node, symbol of the future. It indicates a mission of service to heal the woundedness of her country’s people to prepare them for the higher vibrational frequency golden octave (future) where nothing is too startling to be true.

Now is the time for celebration, she is told by the celestial beings surrounding her, and along with other souls who are getting ready for deployment to problematic Planet Earth. There are other planets to go to for an assignment, but planet Earth seems to be extra Special. You have received the cosmic cornucopia of abundance, the grail which you have yearned. Open as the receptive chalice. Lift your empty cup, that it might be filled and quickened with expanded consciousness. Your circuits are being prepared for transformation through the activation of the gifts of Spirit. Ready yourself to be penetrated and quickened with this vortex of empowerment. In Newsweek Sept 15 2008 article "The Apostle of Alaska" tells of Sarah's personal mission may be rooted in her religious upbringing, a tradition that emphasizes an intimate connection with God through the Holy Spirit. Formed in such a milieu, Sarah developed a heightened sense of self, and of the possibilities of self as she could be directly moved by God.

It appears that even if this is a difficult time to be born on Earth, Sarah Palin has opened her heart to receive an empty cup, symbolic of economic deprivation, that it might be filled with expanded consciousness. To her the simplicity of her life is an expression of her joyful abundance in the company of her precious family. The challenges in her life as well as the attendant joys of an empty cup now filled and quickened with expanded consciousness had apparently prepared her for the transformation of self and others in government through the vortex of empowerment that is translated into action as bomb-proof optimism. The media’s need for details about Palin, no matter how small, says Newsweek, mirrors a national hunger to know more about the 44 year-old governor who has improbably shaken up an already tumultuous race for the White House. A reformer, she is relentlessly driven, but she sails through it with ” a beauty queen smile” says Time magazine, touched with artistic taste and courteous manners, yet tough as a pit bull. A politician of epic ambition who is running against a Washington establishment that if elected, she will inevitably join and even rule over.

When Senator Biden raised the issue of whether Americans were better off now than when President George W. Bush took office in 2001, Palin accused him of looking backward instead of ahead. “Aw say it isn’t so, Joe. There you go again pointing backwards. You prefaced your whole comment with the Bush administration. Now doggone it, let’s look ahead and tell Americans what we have planned to do for them in the future,” she said. Indeed, she has been rewired in her DNA to manifest an empowered Aquarius mind to suit the needs of a mentally difficult transition from a 3rd dimensional setting of fears of a bleak future after an economic collapse to spiral through a 4th dimensional quantum leap into 5th dimensional illumination.

Snap polls by CBS and CNN said most viewers thought Biden who curbed his tendency to be verbose and maintained a respectful tone toward Palin, won the debate. But Republicans looking for signs of hope that McCain might be able to turn around a recent tumble in the polls a month before the election were delighted at her performance. The “hockey mom” has topped expectations. Senator McCain’s well developed right-brained intuition told him he was right in picking Governor Palin as his Vice President. The expectations before the debate were low and she cleared them with flying colors and as the report continues -- “She puts McCain back in the race,” said Republican strategist Scott Reed. Surprisingly, Obama’s senior adviser David Axelrod said Palin showed tremendous talent in connecting with people in a folksy way. Axelrod has actually tapped the secret of the magical appeal of an advanced evolution Aquarius as Sarah enlightens all people to the fact that for eons humankind has been trapped in the epic struggle between good and evil that cannot exist without each other. Thus the struggle can NEVER end with good eliminating evil. Thus, we have to forgive the past. Sarah knows we can end the struggle by transcending the consciousness that created the struggle. Thus, Sarah can connect to the people as she illumines their minds, having the intuitive skills of an avataric Aquarian to penetrate and draw out the common man’s hidden capacity to experience the Spirit of Truth directly. A bit profound of a mystery to grasp even for a Senator Joe Biden who is equipped with 35 years of senatorial polemic skills on foreign policy when he is rid of gaffes or inaccuracies.


At 8:35 PM, Blogger rm122691 said...

Great article on Sarah Palin. I am rooting for her and McCain. What is your prediction on the upcoming election?

At 8:14 PM, Blogger chi-rhada said...

Indeed the times is already bursting with the fragrance of enlightenment. And enlightenment is usually facilitated with simplicity. In order to experience abundance and UNconditionaL Love of the Spinning Galaxies one has to simplify the desires of the crafty mind and its vices - the mind always being a slave to the pull and attraction of its senses. Merging with the Ocean of Love begins with gradually and lovingly stripping the Soul/Spirit of its three other bodies-mental, astral, and physical.
Let the spirit soar and merge with the UNconditional Love of the Spinning Galaxies!
Peace to All Beings...

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