Sunday, July 06, 2008


Many cultures including Tibetan, Hopi, Dogon, and others, have predicted a date close to this time for a miracle on Earth, and many beings are said to reincarnate during this time coming from other planetary systems. Their express wish is to witness and participate in the gifts or blessings of accelerated spiritual evolution. Just last night I met a baby boy named Gabriel, aged 1 year and a few months whose bright eyes were glued on mine as though in actual soul recognition for a few seconds. No word passed between us of course, just the penetrating, unblinking gaze. A thought flashed, is he one of these many spiritually advanced beings who have reincarnated to be with us at this magical time of the sacred Mayan calendar in its entirety ? The Tzolkin calendar is different from our Gregorian calendar in a mystical sense, it spans a time of twenty-six-thousand years –- or what is equivalent to the Great Year of precessional equinoxes. It makes us spiritually connected with not only linear time but Chiros time or No-time, God’s eternity.

Presently we find ourselves very near the end of this enormous galactic cycle – the year 2012 which has been calculated as the beginning of the next twenty-six-thousand year cycle, during which great change is occurring within ourselves and on this planet Earth. It will characterize the transformation of matter.

I wondered about this encounter with a very young soul, a baby, the apo of my niece Babes’ comadre who’s their genial host and residing in Cainta. We were at a Jollibee outlet to celebrate the 19th birthday of my pretty American Filipino grand niece Chay who is visiting us in Manila with her Mom Babes and sister Krissy. Babes is Dolores Cayetano, my late elder brother Ernesto’s daughter married to Thomas Joseph Cavagnaro, an American guy of Italian, French, Irish descent. They have a family of five, living in Phoenix, Arizona, only four hours drive to one of the world’s great natural wonders—the Grand Canyon. I have not yet visited them there, but I enjoyed a stay with them in Rochester, New York some nine years ago, visiting another world’s great natural wonder – the Niagara Falls. I don’t know why, and it’s uncanny, Dolores’ and TJ’s penchant for choosing to reside close to power places like the Niagara and now the Grand Canyon. I wish I could choose to live in a cottage down there beside the lake of Taal volcano, where I can go into a mystical communion with Mother Nature captivated by the ethereal serenity of its lake. But it’s enough wonderment that I fly to Arizona some time and get to visit them and be laid hostage by a phenomenal sacred site like the Grand Canyon and its excessively scenic parks. There’s no doubt a mystical connection between Babes and me, a feeling which makes me think of “dreamtime” – the dream field of aboriginal Australians who like our own aboriginal mountain tribes in Mindanao dream of living in magical palaces at night while at daytime they live in impoverished conditions, dwelling in a ramshackle hut with the ground as their carpet deep in a jungle. Awake, we like to dream of having a room studded with gem stones like rose quartz, amethysts, emeralds, and sapphires on the walls perhaps.
The hour is midnight. Yonder light is the glow of a golden palace. Here tonight, in a dim past you expressed a desire to enjoy the beauties of a palace. Our master is now satisfying your wish, thus keeping you from the last bond of your karma. Behold! Before us stands a vast palace of dazzling gold, ornamented with countless jewels, set amidst landscaped gardens, reflected in tranquil pools – a spectacle of unparalleled grandeur! Towering archways are intricately inlaid with great diamonds, sapphires and emeralds. Men of angelic feminine countenance stand stationed by the gates resplendent with rubies. The odors of incense and roses waft through the air, dim lamps and a multicolored glow. Small groups of devotees, some fair, some dark-skinned chant softly or sit silently in the meditative posture, immersed in inner peace. A vibrant joy pervades the atmosphere.
End of dream.

This kind of imagery by the way befits in a mystical sense if you like, Dolores Babes and her family to a T with TJ as her teammate for they are both gemstone experts, they design jewelry and make them for an international market on- line, mostly.

Back to what I said, the Transformation of Matter, the beginning of another twenty six thousand year precessional cycle of equinoxes. Perhaps we will not jump into it immediately but slide gradually, experiencing the world and our personal issues differently based on realizations through our Essence Self. Take that word “essence self.” Do many Filipinos know aside from those living around the caldera island of Taal volcano or in nearby towns like Tagaytay on the Ridge that the arcane Tagalog word “taal” means ‘essence self ’? A native of the island volcano would refer to a real Caviteno for instance that he is “taal na Caviteno, “ meaning, in ‘real essence’ he is that way, but that's not in the same level of mysticism I am alluding to. Medyo mataas na tayo ngayon. Translated: We are now vibrating much higher as we are moving about in fast-speed motion, twenty times than in previous years, living in a different time line. Some people may not be able to handle this high frequency vibration and end up in chaos. Others are choosing to leave this Earth plane altogether. We see this confused chaotic time exploding around us particularly where hate and anger are much generated causing diseases that simply won't go away, dragging us in a down-spiral. But there is the call of the opposite higher vibration that spiral-upwards which heals -- coming from people who generate love, non-judgmentalism, non-ego, and forgiveness of past woundedness as effected by the very soft, gentle feminine energy that will eventually change everything. This is a recent discovery I have made, while doing a research work on Lemuria, a lost myth that needs some reconstructing. I am trying to prove in a kind of small dissertation paper designed for a discussant panel that’s esoteric in nature for a UP sponsored international conference on Myths, and Legends concerning floods, sunken continents and lost civilizations, that the Philippines is the hidden garden of God’s creation way back in no-time, in Goddess time, when humans were seeded by divine entities who were looking less solid than humans, but with more spunk, meaning more power, meaning more pure than the later materialist-oriented and early human Atlanteans in the Atlantic side of the Aegean seas. The Lemurians in the East, southeast, were looking more female and enchantingly lovely in a light- bodied, winged- way, let’s say in a hermophraditic mold. Hermes and Aphrodite combined if you like Greek mythology because they were that way during those ages of unrecorded time – gods and goddesses combined just like saying God is Father-Mother, you cannot separate one from the other. You cannot keep on calling Father, Father in heaven, and forget about Mother God. You tilt the sacred balance of the planet. For they are in pure essence -- One. So Taal. Keep in mind your pure essence. And do you know that Taal volcano is the smallest but the deadliest in the world in terms of transformative force? Thomas Hargrove in his book ‘The Mysteries of Taal’ is amazed to find from his researches that Taal volcano is like a woman, who is as deadly as she is enchanting, lusty and unpredictable. She has the phenomenal power to sink towns with their churches and other structures like a cemetery, a chamber of a deeply mysterious and unknown origin showing an advanced form of engineering that might have originated in pre-Spanish time, or even pre-deluvian times and to move sites of towns from one latitude to another as a result of geological shifts due to its violent eruptions over the centuries. And so you see, my beloved (coming from the Santong Voces of Banahaw, a holy mountain in Luzon) there is literally a connection between the consciousness of the people and what happens to Mother Earth. For she must respond by mirroring back to the people that which they are not willing to see in their own consciousness. So that they have another opportunity to take a look at themselves and recognize that perhaps their concept of freedom is extremely naïve when they expect that they can do anything they want without reaping the consequences. So the Earth will shake, and the coastlines will shift and the storms will roll in.

Why Mu? Because among other contexts figured out by different sources on the study of Mu, it comes from the arcane Tagalog word ‘mutya, ’ meaning, Goddess. Ah, but this will take another chapter.


At 6:05 PM, Blogger nutart said...

I am now a godmother of a baby christened Langit Biyaya! I will tell my friend Felix about the name Taal if he gets to have another child. Perhaps, Taal Ina or something!

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Carmelitarose said...

I am truly blessed to have a wonderful, erudite, and mystical Aunt. Auntie Georgie, I apologise for this delayed note on your blog.Keep sharing your wisdom, knowledge and understanding of matters metaphysical and mystical. We have to keep invoking the Light of our Saviour, Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Light.
Pls extend my love, hugs and kisses to Uncle Romy...Belated Happy Birthday! May the Radiance of Our Lord envelop your being now and always!.


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