Saturday, April 12, 2008


Time magazine (April 14 2008) shows a revealing, and to me, an astonishing look at the first papal visit to the U.S. of Pope Benedict XVI. The writer-analysts David Van Biema and Jeff Israely surprise me with their amazing insights into the true essence of a German Pope, named Ratzinger who has long been nicknamed “God’s Rottweiler.” Starting as a formidable Cardinal adviser to the Pope on matters of faith and morals he is known for damaging suspected heresies, mostly liberal- minded ones, and ending the careers of several old Vatican allies, Americans not exempted in the past.

A survey of the 80- year old pontiff’s writings over the decades and testimonies from those who know him suggests that Benedict has a soft spot for Americans and finds considerable values in his U.S. church, the third largest Catholic congregation in the world of roughly 65 million. Perhaps, second only to the dominantly Catholic population of the Philippines of 90 million for which the late Pope John Paul II was openly very fond of, and was known to have reserved a day of the week to say Mass only for Pinoys in the Vatican. He loved to visit RP, and would have come a third time had he lived longer. It’s however plain to see why Pope John Paul the most charismatic pope the world has ever known before Benedict XVI would fall easily for Filipino Catholics who are known world-wide for their religious exuberance.

But for Pope Benedict to be strangely fascinated with America’s “obvious spiritual foundation, “ by believing in its natural Puritan-instilled DNA, is something that intrigues me no end. He has certainly more spiritual depth than I would credit him for, considering his roots in fundamentalist Christianity that has roused a critical new age author to write a book, “I love Christ, but I Hate Christianity.” Any perception of him, however, as a “mirthless scold” is unfair and unjustifiable. Some bishops describe him as a shy, humble man with a keen sense of humor and a love of tea.

Pope Benedict XVI's admiration of America has deep roots as the Time report says. Unlike John Paul II, who was intellectually and theologically fully formed when he met his first Americans, Ratzinger first observed them when he was 18. As a defeated young German soldier, he spent three months in a POW camp but was then allowed to return home and witness one of the great modern acts of charity, the rebuilding of Germany by an occupying force that could just as easily exacted revenge. Young Ratzinger was perhaps able to see too, that the liberating US armed forces were not doing this only for Germany, but also for Japan, France, Italy, etc.

That also goes for a rebuilding of Iraq, which Bush had compulsively “invaded” for reasons that are up to now mercilessly debated on, at this crucial leap of the Shift in consciousness, when answers are sought beyond the third dimensional plane of Planet Earth. What strange super physical energies compelled Bush to do what he did? Pope Benedict appears to sense that American power alone won’t solve the dilemma of Iraq --translated into American idiom –Catch 22 of the Middle East --and world peace—but that the power of American values might do it. “Almost all the things the Pope likes about Americans – their faith in the real values of plainspokenness, their pluralistic piety and even their wrangles around applying religiously grounded moral principles to increasingly abstruse science – can be understood in this quest--” which summarizes Time’s report. If he finds answers to the dilemma of Christian orthodoxy versus ultra-modernism in the US, they could help define his papacy.


Actually, the Vatican clerics around him are struck that the Holy Father just seems to be very much energized. “His walk, his gait is impressive, you can never guess his age.” Personally, I can sense that Pope Benedict’s inner child is his source of multidimensional access, and our Pleiadian angelic guides tell us, that we cannot access it if we judge everyone but ourselves. It appears to me that Pope Benedict has ceased to be a “mirthless scold” if ever he appeared that way in his earlier years as the dogged dogmatic guardian of Catholic orthodoxy. It is because I suspect he has grown wiser and gone deeper within his Inner Child who does not judge. He does not judge America precisely because of its audacity in making a preemptive strike on Iraq, crashing on the closed system of Islamic theology combined with a totalitarian ideology that now must resist the I- can’t- accept- defeat- assertive- egotism of the superpoliceman of the world.

This war could go on till the end of time -- or till fossil oil runs dry, or till an effective, alternative fuel overtakes the impoverished world, groaning under the heavy weight of skyrocketing oil prices that trigger the spiraling up of prices of other essential commodities like rice, corn, fish, meat, causing a serious food crisis in parts of the globe. As all things are possible with God, especially if we work through the Divine Feminine aspect, world healing and peace has a timetable up to 2012, when the double Venus transit that arrived in June, 2004, returns in June 2012. It is likely to favor an embodiment of the Sacred Feminine to rule the US. As the obvious representative of the Sacred Feminine, Hillary Clinton is likely to heal her country through the power of compassionate, universal love. Small wonder, she already opts for no less than universal health care insurance for her people, and while she is facing seemingly insurmountable odds in the campaign against her closest rival, Obama, she does not allow the negative polls to defeat her resolve to hold on fighting. She is a treble Scorpio (Sun, Ascendant, and 12th house cusp of latter half of life). Scorpio is the sign of death- and- rebirth process, conveying that her faith will be tested by dying three times and resurrecting each time like the phoenix bird rising from its ashes.

A deeply intuitive woman, she would understand her passage through the symbolic crucible of fire of the Scorpio regenerative process better than a male leader, because in prior lifetimes she was a Knight of the Holy Grail. Here’s a juicy footnote: An ancient Christian legend tells how, when Lucifer was flung down from Heaven, a jewel fell from his crown. From this jewel was carved the chalice of Christ, and though Luciferic in origin, it became the chalice of our Lord’s passion, called the Holy Grail. Hillary’s Mercury in her birth chart sits on 16 degrees Scorpio, outlining the secret code of the Knights guarding the Holy Grail. A knight errant may not tell a lie; formidable as the foes may be, a righteous one cannot be conquered by an ordeal, a merciful one, he cannot but be human, kind, a Christian hero cannot but be loveable. Hillary’s story about “ducking under sniper’s fire” in war- torn Bosnia she visited as a first lady may be a bit exaggerated, but the military image gives an “interesting” clue to her prior lifetime as a soldier. In fact, the urge to join the marines she felt strongly prior to her marriage to former Pres. Bill Clinton.

If instead of Hillary, it’s Barack Obama or John McCain who wins the presidency in 2008, the healing of America will have to go through the same process of dying a number of times before being reborn in or beyond 2012. Either of these two male leaders will fail the American people, and remain crushed under foot by powerful Plutonian galvanizing forces, if they have no concept that such a transformative process is intended by the universe for America at this critical leap of the Paradigm Shift to refine its soul and turn it into a nugget of gold.

Across the States particularly in the Midwest people are currently experiencing the galvanizing effects of Plutonian power for transmuting negative energies to their positive polarity, by being subjected to horrendous storms, blizzards, rising floods combined with a string of tornadoes ripping into houses-- long past winter. The message coming from the guidance realm speaks of the raging elements “consuming” all denial of the Mother aspect of God, the Divine Feminine among the wrangling. plurality of beliefs in America that prevents people from seeing that if we do not acknowledge the rulership of the Mother God in union with the Father – then our consciousness negatively affects the physical planet and the balance of nature. We therefore call forth an expanded awareness that in the next four years prior to 2012, this realization must come into the physical to produce positive change in the behavior of individuals and nations.

Answers about life are no longer available in the 3rd dimension of planet Earth. It appears that we need to go beyond the limitations of the 3rd dimensional world, and rise to the higher 4th and 5th dimensions to be reborn. The only way to survive is to be spiritual. As we learn to understand that our vitality comes from our spiritual/natural healing and not from chemicals in pharmaceutical pills we pop periodically into our mouth when we are ill, we come to “see” with the Right brain (intuition/ unlimited spirit) balanced by the Left brain (reason/limited matter) hemispheres that there’s nothing here but energy. Everything is energy and vibrations, and just being around angry, terroristic, hateful, and unforgiving people can make you sick, so sick that cancerous tumors thrive. Evolution or Extinction is the challenge facing humankind. People who heal themselves and release good feelings of love, childlike trust, and peace into the field makes everybody feel better. These feelings can heal other humans (regardless of beliefs, skin color, nationality), animals, microbes, plants, elementals, and spirits.

The power of our personal healing field is directly proportional to the power of our love. Pope Benedict’s long fascination with America appears to form his vision of America, as a potentially powerful healing field of love, and his vision of America is shaping his vision for the world. It’s not a stretch of the imagination to say the Pope sees in the U.S. some kind of idealized version of it -- despite its seemingly hard to surmount present problems – a civic model and even an inspiration to his native Europe, whose Muslim immigrants, as these perceptive Time reporters say, “raise the question of religious and political coexistence in the starkest terms.” They actually derive this insight from David Gibson’s book The Rule of Benedict: Pope Benedict XVI and his Battle with the Modern World. As he tours the U.S., we are asked to underscore that his philosophy has more agreements with the American culture than meets the eye – some very powerful consonances. It’s about people being two things at once, like Italian-Americans, Saudi-Americans, Chinese-Americans, Filipino-Americans. He is interested in the idea of co-existence.

Pope Benedict clearly lacks his predecessor’s charismatic affability and sense of the dramatic gesture as projected by Time’s reporters, yet the first encyclicals to come out of his new papacy were on love, surprisingly enough, We were expecting a pontifical attack on immorality pervading around the world from a German “rottweiler” Pope, but instead of wrathful anger, we get his feelings of compassion for a spiritually wayward world.


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