Saturday, March 15, 2008


The US, in the midst of world chaos and change, must learn now how to release the old patterns and leave behind its old aggressive, controlling mold The sacred feminine does reside in both genders, as you know, and it does factor in the male when his huge male ego is no longer in the way. While Obama is reaping positive karma where others (his long-suffering slave ancestors perhaps) have sown, he’s also into negative karmic sowing. It dredges up past behavior patterns that may be inadequate for the present, bringing up memories of a very troubled childhood that somehow affect the present. Driven by compulsions and irrational drives he may do things that one would not do if he were entirely clear about himself, having a Sun-Neptune affliction and a Uranus conjunct Moon. As Spengler of Time Asia explains his confused identity he says: Obama profiles Americans the way anthropologists interact with primitive peoples. He holds his own view in reserve and emphatically draws out the feelings of others, that is how friends and colleagues describe his modus operandi since his days at the Harvard Law Review, through his years as a community activist in Chicago, and in national politics. Anthropologists though, proceed from resentment against the devouring culture of America....Spengler continues: "The probable next president of the US is a mother's revenge against the America she despised." In recent days, the secret of Obama's secret anti-American resentment exploded through the exposure of video clips of his former long-time close pastor Wright's (United Church of Christ, Chicago, Ill.) inflammatory denunciations of US' sins on American TV. It's easy to deduce how the said pastor's fiery hate-full sermons had influenced Obama's thinking although he keeps denying he was present when such wild, irrational, unacceptable statements were aired in his church. The negative link of Sun(individuality) to Neptune (light of wisdom) in his birth chart, in concurrence with other astrological aspects confirm Spengler's analysis.
Symbolically, Obama is a landscape artist, landscape painting exerts a special fascination over him, and his landscape may encompass the entire planet given the configuration of Pluto, a universal transformative force that works to raise humans from lower state to higher state of being or the reverse of this as confusion sets in. Pluto conjunct Part of fortune (joy of being, luck), North Node (purpose in life) Uranus(future) and Black Moon (darkness versus light) all aligned in his 10th house of career are power- driven configurations that will stimulate his innate idealism to seek wider horizons which is by no means bad if well regulated and balanced. It could produce a beautiful moment in his life and inspire millions if he finds himself president of the USA and influencing the world. But it could also make him want to reach unrealizable goals which is particularly discouraging in view of the low vibration energies that would be draining him in a crisis due to an afflicted Sun-Neptune, usually resulting from perhaps an unconscious lack of clarity or purity of intent. Spengler declares that America is not an embodiment of hope for Obama but the embodiment of one kind of hope in return for another.

He must use his common sense even about ideals, and above all, deal with the real world as it is, not as he would like it to be. That’s the effect of an afflicted Sun-Neptune, and afflicted Uranus conjunct Black Moon on his Midheaven, it can make him shallow and amateurish in times of crisis. Because if he takes on an ambitious project connected with national security of America he may discover later that his objectives were totally unrealistic and impossible to attain. He can work to make it what he wants, but he cannot assume that it already is. If he is not easily discouraged, he can work to close the gap between his ideals and reality, but that would take infinite patience and practice to make himself succeed. He will have to try and try again. He needs a revised edition of his destiny or karmic pattern to succeed, following the Italian proverb that “what is done exceedingly well need only be done once.” He will have to be born again into another incarnation. Hillary Clinton may be right when she helplessly protests for the sake of her country that the US presidency is not an on-the-job-training for Barack Hussein O.

He may be “a demagogue who tries to sound as stupid as his audience so that they will think they are as clever as he is,” wrote Karl Kraus. “Listening to Obama speak, Spengler of Time Asia says, “it brings to mind, Sinclair Lewis’ cynical revivalist Elmer Gantry or even Tyrone Power’s portrayal of a carnival mentalist in the 1947 film Nightmare Alley. “Americans are the world’s biggest suckers,” he goes further, and if they know it, “they laugh at this weakness of their culture” But to be fair, Americans are what they make of themselves, whether they are young and rock- star crazy or visionary at the same time aging and staidly conservative.

The slim makings of 2008, referring to a decline of their upward mobility widely considered by them as a God-given right, shakes their sense of identity. Americans have no institutionalized culture to fall back on, says Spengler unlike the Europeans who have a long pre-Renaissance history of conflicts, rise and falls of empires that date back to centuries before the invention of the printing press. America is the New world. Europe is the renewed Old world. By a symbolic vote, Europe came up with Hillary Clinton as their choice for this 2008 US election.


My view of history would differ from the conventional view. I am inclined to see the general sweep of history as being guided by the mystery schools of Initiation where the master souls attain their spiritual mastership through a series of tests of character so they can guide the destiny of humankind to find its highest fulfillment. The avatars or those who are advancing into mastery are already here in places where they ought to be, preparing their own people to meet the New Earth. But they usually take on the colors of the nation or “spots” of the people they are governing for that’s how an Initiation into soul mastery works. Since we do not live yet in perfect human societies the avataric leader serves as a “mirror” of the people’s imperfections as well as a teacher in showing the people how to attain their potential fulfillment so they can learn lessons by being awakened to how their consciousness affects every aspect of life on Earth.

In their own environments, these avataric leaders will draw forth situations and solutions for those troubled situations in a manner that will be too risky for their own survival, particularly the female ones. We therefore invoke the infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Mater light and awaken humankind to the fact that the refusal of responsibility of the male for the Fall (as seen in Adam’s image -- blaming Eve for the Fall and her daughters) causing men to go into a state of male pride where they feel the only way out of a confused political situation, is to attack and destroy those that they now project as being enemies -- usually the women who have surpassed them while holding power positions.

Women leaders have been easily projected as enemies, considering their physical frailty and their audacity to lead although they have been known to rise as astonishing feminine Davids with slingshots slaying the male Goliaths, much to their disbelief and frustration. The beleaguered avataric female leader, possessed of magical powers that’s even unknown to her, “magically” overcomes the obstacles set up by her enemies over the years of her term to prevent her obviously from succeeding in her work to ease poverty and economically advance a former third-world country like the Philippines.

Whoever is in ruling position these fated years of the great Shift in consciousness is the one placed by the Creator as the planet ascends. How the dynamic cosmic forces will play out to show us the way towards Oneness with the Divine and all of its creation is the most interesting drama of the 21st century. We are all into this rough and tumble ride now, the year is 2008, mark it down, four years before 2012, end of a world cycle. What's happening to us in Manila may be another version of the same story of confusion and chaos in the US and other much troubled democracies deriving from a series of assault by those who are still in the grip of the old paradigms, excessively craving for political advantage, and going demented as a consequence, versus those who have learned to be detached from externals while working hard for the greater good.

Meanwhile, let's focus on the heart in deep meditation. To get back our freedom of will we find the point within so still. The Infinite is in our heart giving us the inner peace that surpasses all understanding. We learn the greatest adherence to, and at the same time the greatest detachment from reality --.a great sensitivity to which the inner feelings corresponds --a faculty of unbiased judgment, aloof from the impact of raging passions. We therefore become not only peaceful, we become Peace. We see now with a single eye that we are immersed in the ocean of unconditional love of our Parents -- the Father-Mother God, and from within, we find our higher power.

In his amazing little book Practising the Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle, states that if we think our life is full of problems --- as most life situations are – there is no room for anything new to enter. There is a suggestion that if we don't read the daily newspapers and also turn off the local news on TV when we see the raging passions of people screaming on baseless evidence to oust the incumbent head of state, rousing us to join them in the streets, and when we decide to stay put in our homes, we eventually find some room, create some space, and able to breathe and relax more fully.

Because we decided to turn off the noise on TV or radio, we are able to make some room, create some inner space, breathing in and out more fully, while we watch our breathing. We feel the joy of being. We look, but we don’t interpret. We see the light, colors, textures. We become aware of the presence of each thing. We become aware of the space that allows us everything to be. So we find the life underneath our life situation.

We are leaving behind the deadening world of mental abstraction, of time. We are getting out of the insane mind that is draining us of our life energy, just as it is slowly poisoning and destroying Earth. We are awakening out of a bad dream of time into the present. To keep us from losing our inner peace, we should stay centered. Thus the sacred balance is restored.

We touch something –anything –and feel and acknowledge its Being, as taught us by Ekhart, the mystic. We allow everything to be, within and without. We allow the “isness” of all things. We listen to the sounds (not the sounds on TV and radio as they remain unplugged) -- we don’t judge them. We listen to the silence underneath the sounds. We call forth the awakening of the most spiritually aware people in the world to the lessons we need to learn from mystical writers like Tolle, especially in his book, New Earth, awakening to our life’s purpose.

We call for the consuming of all denial that prevents people from seeing that if we do not acknowledge how our consciousness affects the Earth Mother, then the lesson must be learned by psychological events, such as the insanity in the streets fired by militant extreme Left aided by endless probes of incredible witnesses in the Senate that has forgotten to legislate, and wild condemnations by clerics (here and abroad like the pastor of Obama), and confused laity, and physical events such as natural disasters, climatic changes, epidemics, or wars.

We pray and invoke the infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Mater-light and awaken humankind to the fact that the suppression of the feminine creates imbalance, conflict after conflict, madness after madness, where there seems to be no purpose and no end in sight. For we recognize that it is simply the male ego, having become a closed system, that is creating one self-destructive situation after another, not being able to stop itself from going into many forms of extremism. When we see that God is Father-Mother, we see the one within the other. As God the Mother is adored with the Father, the sacred balance of the planet Earth is restored.

Do you notice that we have generally fine weather these critical times of earth changes? Many countries in the West and in Asia have been devastated by severe snow storms, snows piling up to roof tops in some areas, a string of tornadoes, tremendous floods, raging fires, and at this writing a sudden, unexpected horrendous twister ripped across Atlanta and shattered the CNN building, and many other structures. Except for rising floods and landslides somewhere in a couple of provinces, we are relatively enjoying fine, cool, yet sunny weather in our environs. I venture a reason. I noted that our churches all over the country have distinct sounds we all love to hear – the sounds of Hail Mary full of grace ….ten times being prayed through a microphome by a leader of a congregation on the rosary beads, then one Our Father…. ten times again of Hail Mary ….then one Our Father….ten times again of Hail Mary….then one Our Father…. As Mother God is adored, the sacred balance is restored.


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