Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Through the mirror of relationships I discover my Higher Self that’s nonlocal. You are reminded here that by “nonlocal” we mean “consciousness,” the underlying intelligence that gives rise to my body, your body and the universe as a whole – everything from stars and galaxies to subatomic particles. The self that transcends time….that puts you and me in time out of time… that constantly reflects the self. The self that imagines the universe is being played out inside you. The self that imagines you are connected to everything that exists. The self that imagines you are a crystal bead that sparkles. You reflect the light of all other sentient beings. You reflect also the light of the whole universe. The self that imagines you are a strand in the cosmic fabric of the universe connected to all the other strands. The self that reminds you are eternal. You are from everlasting.

The conscious intelligence field is the wellspring of the cosmos. You and I and the universe are the same. I am the universe localized in me as I. You are also the universe localized in you as You. Even our thoughts, our wishes, our desires, our dreams are not technically ours in the possessive pronoun …they are the manifestations of the total universe. And when you realize that the intentions and desires in you are the same intentions and desires of the universe, you can release your anxieties, your fears … your desire for control… and let the miraculous life you were born to lead, unfold in its natural magnificence.

The essential nature of the universe is the co-existence of opposite values. Duality. You cannot be brave if you do not have a coward inside you. You cannot be generous if you do not have a tight-fisted side in you. You cannot be virtuous unless you also have a hidden tendency to be corrupt.

The most enlightened people in the world do not spend time denying about their dark side to others, and then end up projecting their shadows unto other people in their lives. Usually they don’t understand why this happens again and again, not knowing that they attract this darkness, not “seeing” with the eyes of the Higher Self that finding the person they dislike is an opportunity given by the universe to embrace the duality in themselves, and to discover a new facet in their nature. It is another step towards understanding this paradox of good and evil, of understanding the shadows in ourselves.

The most enlightened people in the world embrace their full potential of dark and light. When you are with people who recognize and own their negative qualities you never feel judged by them. It is only when people see good and bad, right and wrong as qualities outside of themselves that make them pass judgments on others.

Everything that exists somewhere in the world, the suicide bombings in the Middle East, the terrorism that spreads out of the drug wars, also exist in us. When we acknowledge our connections to the universal consciousness even in its most dire aspects, we expand our personal awareness.

How this mirror of the world affects our lives is illustrated in a Sufi story. A man entered a village and went to see the Sufi master, the wise old man of the village. The visitor said. “I am deciding what kind of neighborhood this is. Can you tell me about the people here?” The Sufi master said, “Tell me what kind of people lived where you came from.” The visitor said: “Oh, they were highway robbers, cheats, and liars.” The old Sufi master said, “You know those are exactly the same kinds of people who live here.” The visitor left the village, and never came back. Half an hour later, another man entered the village. He sought out the Sufi master and said, “I’m thinking of moving here. Can you tell me what kind of people live here?” Again, the Sufi master said, “Tell me what kind of people lived where you came from.” The visitor said, “Oh, they were the kindest, gentlest, most compassionate, loving people. I shall miss them terribly.” The Sufi master said, “Those are exactly the kind of people who live here, too.”

Once you can see yourself in others, so this story is telling us, it will become much easier to connect with them. Through that connection we discover unity consciousness; we begin to feel Oneness with the Creator and all that exists. The door to ‘synchrodestiny’, as Deepak Chopra calls it, will open. Such is the power of the mirror of relationships.

To exercise this power of the mirror of relationships in our everyday encounter with our loved ones, friends and neighbors, we greet with folded hands and with a slight bow as the Buddhists do, and say the Sanskrit word “Namaste” (pronounced nah-mah-STAY), which means “The spirit in me honors the spirit in you.” When you do this, on eye contact, everything about you – your body language, your expression, and your tone will be recognized by the other person at some profound level. Even if this greeting is silent, the other person will consciously or unconsciously register the respect implied by the greeting. Make this a habit and notice a difference in your interaction with others. You may have “hallowed” the other person’s name and the atmosphere around you has “hallowed” you.


At 7:44 AM, Blogger teedum said...

Namaste! It is a blessing that I have meet an enlightened master like you.

Hope you would compile all your thoughts in a book. It would shed light to those who are searching for deeper meaning in their lives


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