Friday, June 12, 2009


PS. The following article was presented in Power Point video at the First International Conference on Alamat (Myths and Legends of sunken continents, lost civilizations), sponsored by UP Manila, at the People's Museum, Intramuros, Manila, Nov. 26-29 2008.

By 2011 the veils separating human beings from the divine will be removed. A new world is emerging. Many individuals will be sensing the world as a whole, not only as a place of intentional peace, and joy, but as a feeling of balance and Oneness-with-the Source. A sense that the All-in–all is now sinking in our minds which is an energy precipitating down into our third dimension from the higher worlds. For the first time, Carl Callman predicts that Enlightenment will take place in a balanced global creation field and this certainly will influence the depth and scope of the cosmic consciousness that may be attained in 2008, onwards.

The Cosmic Soul Arrives

Neptune on the North Node in the New Moon chart of Aug 1, 2008, would mean the Cosmic Soul announces its entrance on the intergalactic stage as astrologer-author of book Foreseen Beyond Time, St Clair sees it, and we align with his galactic vision. The North Node is Earth’s destiny and meets Neptune at 24 degrees Aquarius in early May, 2008, and with Chiron, the wounded healer, a month later. This is a spectacular alignment that is happening now for the first time in the new millennium. Chiron is the healer, teacher of magic reaching a conjunction with Neptune, the food for the soul, on the North Node of destiny. A well defined sense of divinity manifests for the peoples of the world.

Divinity or Deception --- It can, on the delusionary side, symbolize the age of deception, and reaches its peak. The collapse of the financial world markets in Wall Street, New York, such as Lehman Bros., Merryl Lynch, AIG in September, exposes the greed, deceptive maneuverings and corruption of the people who handled them besides the failure of people to pay loans or mortgages. The last time Chiron and Neptune met was in 1945 –in Libra, at about the time the first nuclear bomb was dropped on Japan. Chiron conjunct Neptune can play tricks on the mind and spirit. Chiron and Neptune on North Node however, is a time when people learn that necessity must follow the secret mechanism of the stars in order to manifest their destiny… the people must no longer be ‘out of sync’ with the higher energies so they can begin to be ‘re-aligned’ with the Galactic. This is the return path to the stars.

From the greater perspective of the larger hologram of world, we come synthesizing linear time to no-time. Hence, we already comprehend our return journey to Oneness as a divided humanity of many nations. When one looks at humanity from this expanded viewpoint, there naturally emerges an all-embracing view of our humanness, our separation from each other and the Source, and our awakened divinity in the long process of Evolution. When we become aware of our “homework” in the process of spiritual evolution, we become aware of the gifts being offered in these reflections. Thus, we say, we have a natural resonance with the holographic vibrational fields of rising frequencies of the greater earth harmony. Because of this, we learn to see that there are no mistakes or failures in our life, there is no way to undo over life as “wrong.” Hence, we set aside anger, hate, frustration, judgment.

For what we are experiencing now is perfect for our Evolution into wholeness. This concept of wholeness comes from the Mayan cosmology of Mesoamerica, which embodies a mutual interaction between man and the universe, all within a harmonious context of a cyclical conception of time (Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Brymer, The Mayan Oracle, p. 14). The celestial bodies and numbers for instance found in astrological charts were considered to be anthropomorphic deified figures of the one whole of Cosmos and universe. The predictive sciences of astronomy, astrology, numerology, the Mayan Calendar or Tzolkin, the count of sacred days, and divination were all (still are) viewed as inseparable, and astrological notes will be included in this study which is esoteric in character. For example, the quality of the Filipino soul will be presented here in brief scenarios as simply coming from the deep, dark, unfathomable primal waters of Creation. The I am, which is a feeling of oneness with the Deity is coming from the Filipinos’ ancient Lemurian collective unconscious. This study on the New Earth Myth will be shown in a Power Point presentation.


Precession of the Equinox -- Because of the Precession of the Equinox which is created by the tilt of the Earth’s axis, the Sun is able to move around the Zodiac of twelve signs in full circle during 26,000 years. To think that we are right now at that great Cosmic Moment of having gone Full Circle after 26,000 years of orbiting around the Zodiac, fogs our brains. And we are here to witness it, Live. As our solar system orbits in the galactic plane around the Galactic Center, the ecliptic bisects the galactic plane at a 61-degree angle. It’s all about astrophysics. If you can relate well to this fantastically preordained relationship between the Milky Way Galaxy and our Solar System you are more open to the incredible energy that’s being released from the Galactic Center than others who can’t. For the Cherokee Maya people in Mesoamerica, the Galactic Center is the heart of the Great Mother, the birthing place for Earth.

The Perennial wisdom has been taken into secrecy by the power elite (both religious and political) over the past 2,500 years. But because we are now vibrating much higher as we are moving ahead in fast-speed motion, living in a different time line, suddenly people who aren’t even aware of occult ideas find themselves flooded with rich, arcane memories of Lemurian, Egyptian, Minoan and Paleolithic initiates who were guided through their previous lifetimes. Their method of reactivating past knowledge was used to advance their cultures.

Arcane Memories of Lemuria

In the book, The Pleiadian Agenda, by Barbara Hand Clow, a prominent astrologer and spiritual teacher, one gets to know about 225 million years of evolution from the Pleiadians by channeling a feminine spirit-goddess called Satya. Noted here is the fact that the Pleiadians were all sacred feminine in embodiment when they communicated with humans and gave their teachings of the universal laws at that earliest time of human life. Anthropologist Richard Rudgely notes that a tradition of communicative knowledge about the Pleiades and its descriptive name, the Seven Sisters – goes back at least 40,000 thousand years to a time actual observation of thousand years when humans developed a symbiotic consciousness. A consciousness that deals with symbolic information and dialogue being transmitted between the lower worlds and the higher realms of Source and Spirit. In our cultural archives we have a rich plethora and legends concerning gods and goddesses connected with great floods and sunken continents who used to communicate with humankind during the Regional Underworld in Paleolithic cultures of the Mayan Calendar (see book, The Mayan Code, Barbara Hand Clow).

It is said that the Third Root Race of earliest humanity was preeminently the bright shadow, at first, of the gods, whom tradition exiles on Earth, after the allegorical war in Heaven, more allegorical on Earth, for it was the war between spirit and matter. The Titanic struggle, in theogony at least, is the fight for supremacy between the children of Uranus and Gaia (or Heaven and Earth in their symbolic sense), the Titans against the children of Kronos, whose chief is Zeus. The earliest mankind was a race of giants. Certain excavations in America in mounds and caves have yielded groups of skeletons of nine and twelve feet high. These belong to tribes of the early Fifth Root Race, now degenerated to an average size of humans between five and six feet (The Secret Doctrine, by Helena Blavatsky).

Hologram -- One helpful perspective of the New Earth rising is that of the hologram. Imagine, as the Maya do, the universe is one vast, inseparable whole, all its parts interwoven in such intricate relationship that every part is affected by every other. The universe is an inseparable whole. Its energy matrix looks like a web through which all points are connected in time and space. This energetic web of communication is known as the “crystal grid network.”

Within this crystal grid network, the linear causality of time and space has been freed into an open system in which all time and space exist and interact simultaneously. That’s why the Sun is seen by scientists now as having dissolved its north and south poles or directions which is very curious to them. It is unprecedented. Because the crystalline grid connects all spaces, times, and events – even those that are seemingly unrelated. It’s not surprising therefore if you meet your soul mate or on a higher vibration your Twin Soul who has a wide gap in age (linear time which has a beginning and an end) from yours (probably yours if you are the one who is much more advanced in linear time age, is in Chiros time or God’s time which is timeless or eternal) that is also very curious at first until you both learn that this new crystal grid of the planet Earth embodies Unity, in which all things are One with the Source.

The universe is a hierarchy of wholes, and consciousness inheres in every whole. In all of creation there appears to be repetition of the same pattern, in all structures from the tiniest atom to the greatest unit of the cosmos.

Science has now confirmed this concept of a holographic universe

1) In 1982, at the University of Paris a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century. Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn’t matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart.

2) University of London physicist David Bohm believes that Aspect’s findings imply that objective reality does not exist, that despite its apparent solidity the universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram. To understand why Bohm makes this startling assertion, we must first understand a little about holograms. A hologram is a three-dimensional photograph made with the aid of a laser. For example: if a hologram of a rose is cut in half and then illuminated by a laser, each half will still be found to contain the entire image of the rose.

The “whole in every part” nature of a hologram provides us with an entirely new way of understanding organization and order. For most of its history, Western science has labored under the bias that the best way to understand a physical phenomenon, whether a frog or an atom, is to dissect it and study its respective parts. If we try to take apart something constructed holographically, we will not get the pieces of which it is made, we will only get smaller wholes. Bohm believes the reason subatomic particles are able to remain in contact with one another regardless of distance separating them is not because they are sending some sort of mysterious signal back and forth, but because their separateness is an illusion. According to Bohm, the apparent faster-than-light connection between subatomic particles is really telling us that at a deeper level of reality all things in the universe are infinitely interconnected. The electrons in a carbon atom in the human brain are connected to the subatomic particles that comprise every salmon that swims, every heart that beats, and every star that shimmers in the sky.

The Urgency of Transformation to Deal with your Mind

Within this whole, every part – including you – is a reflection of the mind of the Creator, a holographic image of God. Thus we can view ourselves as the three-dimensional images of the Mind of Light. The Council of Light within as channeled by Rebecca Couch speaks: You have come to know that it is the mind that causes you the greatest challenge, the greatest grief -for it is the mind that holds you in the past and keeps you stuck in what you do not desire.

It is the mind that creates the only living hell there is, and yet it is also the mind that can get you out of it. Because the big story of humanity is the evolution of consciousness, the mind is a primary participant in this transformation. Eckhart Tolle, author of The New Earth, declares that what is arising now is not a new belief system, a new religion, a spiritual ideology, as we are coming to the end of ideologies and belief systems. The change goes deeper than the content of your mind, deeper than your thoughts. In fact, at the heart of the new consciousness lies the need to transcend the mind.

Our new found ability in the New Earth is that of rising above thought, of realizing a dimension within yourself that is infinitely more vast than thought. You then do not derive your identity, your sense of self from the incessant stream of thinking that in the old consciousness you take as yourself. If you have been a particularly Left-brained individual in your thinking, meaning very logical and pragmatic in many ways previously, you will find it more suitable at this time of ascending energies to be more Right-brained, meaning more intuitive and mystical, or for better harmony and peace to remain balanced between the two sides of the thinking of the human brain.

Who am I then? I am the awareness that is prior to thought, the space in which the thought –Our sense of ego is no more than the emotion or sense perception – Ego happens as an identification with form. If evil has any reality -- and it is relative, not an absolute reality – this is also its definition. Evil has a complete identification with form. This results in a total unawareness of my connectedness with the whole, my intrinsic oneness with every “other” as well as with the Source and Spirit.

If the structure of the human mind remains unchanged, we will always end up re-creating fundamentally the same hellish reality that results in delusion, deception and if not regenerated, they break down into insanity – so we recreate the same world, the same evils, and the same dysfunction.

In the shadow of the holographic mind of the Creator is a lack of trust in the Source to nurture you and provide what is needed for your journey. Perhaps you do not trust in life’s transformational process to bring you the perfect lessons and gifts required for your growth. Primal trust implies that there are no mistakes and no victims – only lessons, gifts, and growth processes on the way to wholeness. If you perceive that there are no mistakes as you move towards wholeness, then learning to trust the transformational process becomes much easier. In the cycle of giving and receiving, trust is like the lubricant that helps the transformational process to flow.

The entire Universe is made up of Love.
Give and receive. If you are not fully receiving the gifts offered by the universe, you can short-circuit your connection with the natural spirals of growth.
When we understand that every particle of the universe is made up of love, then trusting can be perceived as a natural state of being. Primal trust means making choices moment by moment, with no guarantees. It means not trying to control the outcomes in your life. Trust your steering mechanism of heart-knowing. Trust the transformational processes that are at work in your evolution. Remember that you are always embraced in the arms of the Divine, no matter what the exterior circumstances of your process or situation.

Morphogenetic Field -- Another useful concept in these changing times is that of the morphogenetic field, first proposed by biologist Rupert Sheldrake. The field is the “form behind forms,” the invisible energy field where all things are created before they manifest into physical reality. For example, if you play a sound near a drumhead that has been covered with sand, a geometric pattern will appear. Different frequencies create different patterns. In like manner, when enough people begin “resonating” together – that is collectively holding a new vision of reality – our emotional and physical reality shifts to mirror the energetic change. Humans become co-creators of the Divine.

Reality then, is simply a holographic reflection of our projected beliefs. It is not fixed: it is constantly being created, collectively dreamed into reality. Through freed universal principles we can create and re-create reality. Through the power of the collective mind, vast changes in reality can be made by relatively few people who are consciously holding the same thought and vision as in a group meditation for peace in a troubled area. As with the “hundredth monkey” theory, changed perceptions have a strong impact on the morphogenetic field of the planet, the physical world and the collective unconscious of humanity.

Because of the mass agreement about “how reality is” many of us have assembled a reality based on restrictions, denial, limitation, and judgment. The physical needs for food, water, shelter, clothing, and basic comforts could be easily met for all humans on the planet, as Eckhart Tolle in his book, The New Earth, points out if it were not for the imbalance of resources created by the insane and rapacious need for more, the greed of the ego. It finds collective expression in the economic structures of the world, such as the huge corporations which are egoic entities that compete with each other for more. Their only blind aim is profit. The thought forms of “me” and “mine” of “I must have” pertain not to content but to the structure of the human ego. When those thought forms operate, no possession, place, person, or condition will ever satisfy you. No matter what you have or get, you won’t be happy. The human ego has created its own limited reality.

However, we all have free will, a gift of the Creator. All we need do is to embody the expanded perspective of the Essence Self, thus transforming the self that holds our collective beliefs intact.

According to the Maya, or to our guidance realm, a profound shift of realms is imminent, and powerful galactic energies are now meeting our expanding perceptions to facilitate the Shift. Anything we have defined in a limited or set way is being transformed into a new paradigm. The old world order is collapsing. Old financial centers that collapsed in September, 2008, have great difficulties rising again. America has entered into a recession for a deeper, higher reason. America and the world need to realize that our transformation will be assisted by our holding an unconditionally accepting, expansive, open-ended attitude about ourselves, each other, and reality in general.

Your Place in the New Myth

We all have the great opportunity now to be living in a time of the emerging new myth on Earth. Up till now, our most familiar myths have been centered around separation from the Source and duality: light and dark, good and evil, beauty and ugliness. Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, King Arthur and the Black Knight, Beauty and the Beast. In the New Earth Myth, we have access to a much broader perspective—a picture that acknowledges and celebrates all aspects of self and creation. Through the inner Voice of the Mayan Oracle we learn to begin to live mythically. Living mythically means making choices from a position of your true self, or Essence Self, rather than solely from ego. Your personal myth grows naturally from an awareness that you came to Earth with a purpose, a master plan. When you live according to that plan, all your actions align perfectly with your desire to fulfill your destiny, your part in the larger myth.

Deep, dark, unfathomable primal waters, I Am. Tenderly do I cradle you in the mystery of becoming, thus speaks the Great Mother of ancient Lemuria through the Maya to the Lemurian Filipinos of today and all those in the planet related to Lemurian spirit. Receive nourishment from my primordial depths. Go to the abundant wellspring of the life force to find the nourishment for which you yearn. In trust and receptiveness is found the source of movement. From the primordial waters of unity flows the spiral of eternal emergence.

Although the Philippine government has made bold attempts to mandate a program of liberalization of trade and investments to give Filipinos the honest option to stay home, experience has shown that such a situation only drove more of them to risk life and limb as domestics, caregivers, drivers, carpenters, builders, seamen, nurses, doctors, healers, entertainers to work in foreign lands. The June 12 Independence Day chart of the Philippines shows a people who are greatly energized by the universal and transformative planets -- Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

For although on the surface “I” may appear different from “You” and a table is not the same thing as a chair, at our deepest levels we all share the same basic Beingness or is-ness. The Neptunian Filipino feels the urge to dissolve a rigid sense of individuality and separateness when he extends a welcoming hand to the visitor from a far-away country, offering him the best fare he can afford, his bed, and thinking little of it. For whatever the world asks of him having Neptune conjunct Sun in the national psyche, his strongest feeling is the security he feels inwardly of being true to his God (Solina, The Filipino and the World. p. 54).

Enlightened collectives will fulfill an important function in the arising of the new consciousness. Just as egoic collectives pull you into unconsciousness and suffering, the enlightened collective can be a vortex, says Eckhart Tolle that will accelerate the planetary shift.

It’s no wonder, many Filipinos choose to contend with the profound and vexed issues confronting mankind on one hand, and the vexing issues of the national economic condition on the other at this time of the Shift in consciousness. Overseas, they are known to work hard in order to excel in their work. They may not know it -- for they will be veiled in forgetting,that they are destined or intended by the Creator to influence the evolutionary growth of mankind. Overseas, old points of reference are changing. Filipinos are asked to be willing to journey into the unknown where “growth or rough edges” hold the greatest magic. In the process of exploring these edges, they develop understanding and compassion for others, for they are touched by angelic messengers who offer them unconditional strength and courage to venture into alien and even hostile territory. Then they discover that the more they serve, the more they are prospered. This takes away the evil of greed from earning money, even enormously exceeding what can be had in the native land. Service transmutes ugly greed into compassionate love for those they serve who are unable to take care of themselves, like the gravely ill, the elderly, the destitute, and the lost, autistic child.

The lives of Filipinos are thus profoundly influenced by many hidden factors.

Is there really a hidden or occult link that exists between the modern-day Filipinos and the ancient Lemurians who have possibly returned as Filipinos? Their purpose is to assist the world of today that is recognized by esotericists as more Atlantean than Lemurian. Atlantean in the sense that the world today is inclined to prize the things of matter more than the things of the spirit. That they seem to have lost the necessary balance between such major components of life as Matter and Spirit in order for our civilization to endure.

When you look up at the clear sky at night, you may easily realize a truth at once that is utterly simple and profound, declares Eckhart Tolle, in his book, A New Earth, what is it that you see? You see the moon, planets, stars, the luminous band of the Milky Way, even the neighboring Andromeda Galaxy two million light years away. If you don’t become speechless when you are looking into space on a clear night you are not really looking, you are not aware of what is there. There is something in you that has affinity with space. Through you the universe is becoming aware of itself.

The entire universe is made up of love. Give and receive. If you are not fully receiving gifts offered by the universe, you can short-circuit your connection with the natural spirals of growth. Give freely and unconditionally without attachment to how your gift of service is received as evidenced in the situation of overseas Filipinos working in countries in the Middle East, Asia and Europe who have been openly appreciated by their employers for rendering service so well, and often times unconditionally, as though always listening to the voice of the primordial Mother in their collective consciousness: Dip into the well of self and fill your cup with sweet waters. Offer this gift unconditionally. Trust in the situation at hand.

The Law of Abundance. Acknowledging the good that is already in your life is the foundation for all abundance. Whatever you think people are withholding from you – praise, appreciation, sustenance, loving care, and so on, give it to them. You don’t have it? Just act as if you had it, and it will come. This comes from the morphogenetic field of creation – the invisible energy field where all things are created before they manifest in their physical form. Filipinos overseas, excel in their jobs for they have been observed to start giving, before they start receiving. They seem to know coming from the primordial roots of their being, inspired and refreshed by a Lemurian collective unconscious that says you cannot receive what you don’t give. Outflow determines inflow. Jesus Christ expresses this law of abundance in this powerful image: Give and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put unto your lap.” The unstable Philippine economy has been known to keep itself miraculously afloat over the past decades of world economic uncertainty owing to the ever increasing amount of euro or dollar remittances coming from our workers overseas.

A common stone secretly contains stupendous atomic energies. In the Philippines independence astrological chart of June 12, the planet Pluto, a small planet that secretly contains stupendous atomic energies, conjoins the Sun. As the farthest planet from our Sun, it is banished to the darkest, most distant edge of the solar system. In like manner, Filipinos feel banished, exiled from their country to work in alien places where the vibratory levels of spiritual awareness are darkest on account of blind materialism. F. Sionil Jose in his novel VIAJERO, wrote in lamentation: “All over the world, in airports and bus stations, in shopping malls and under garish lights of entertainment marquees, I have seen the faces of my countrymen –solemn, sullen, stricken with pathos…men and women … they are everywhere even in the glacial isolation of the arctic, the pitiless deserts of the Middle East… ah my countrymen, dislodged from the warmth of their homes to make a living no matter how perilous and demanding, to strike out in alien geographies and be ridiculed, debased, and abused by those who do not know how it is to be Filipino.”

For instance, if you truly know about Filipinos, a good number of them are very sensitive souls, meaning intuitively gifted, or deeply spiritual even without their knowing it, and can speak or listen to stones. I know of a computer programmer from the National Computer Center, who once told me about an old uncle in the Mountain Province who asked her to visit a sick aunt at an inaccessible distance. Knowing that he lives in a place where there’s no access to any means of communication she asked her uncle how he learned about it. His reply was – a stone told me.

Resonance -- Another simple means of creating ease in this time of the Shift is through understanding resonance. Resonance is the quality of “sounding again,” as in the act of repeating ten Hail Mary’s on rosary beads, reciting the mysteries of the Christ story. Filipinos especially the women are often on their knees at prayer in churches all over the country or in their homes, being “in tune,” with one another, or in this case, with the greater energies of the Creator. In our human learning process, we often feel “out of tune” with other people as we tend to be misunderstood by others. Through prayer and meditation it appears that we find it easier to connect with the Supreme Being. Through resonance, we have access to the moment to moment guidance from Spirit. This guidance comes through sensory perceptions like the six senses. We don’t have to figure everything out; all we need do is create resonance through prayer and invocations and then trust, or surrender to the Higher Will of the Divine that knows the grand Plan for our human evolution.

Hall of Mirrors -- From this viewpoint, we can look around us at any moment and see that people and events in our world faithfully reflect aspects of ourselves that we need to work on. We draw to ourselves the very experiences and people who need our unacknowledged or polarized aspects. In this model, there are no mistakes, no failures, no victims – just gifts and opportunities for spiritual growth. Have courage in facing the “unclear” parts of self. What is the apparent weakness, or illusion you are experiencing that you might address directly to find its gift? Use the world and other people as mirrors for your discovery process.

Whenever such a challenge is encountered, Filipino migrant workers who are open to abuse, maltreatment by their Western or Middle-Eastern masters, are not given a choice whether or not they will meet the situation or avoid it, as the destiny pattern of the Moon on 5 Aries decrees in the national horoscope. But the Lemurian Filipinos are encouraged by their successful efforts at transforming themselves along those they serve.

Going the rounds in the Internet are stories about the grateful Arabs who cannot imagine a world without Filipinos and who have opened their eyes to the soul qualities of Filipino workers for inspiration. There is also an inspirational story about the reverse colonization of Europe by our OFWs who are often oblivious to the fact that others are not carrying the same load with which they are saddled as unconscious spiritual teachers of dysfunctional families whom they have learned to transform.

Enlightened collectives such as our own people who are scattered around the world rendering healing service will fulfill an important function in the arising new consciousness. Just as egoic collectives pull you into unconsciousness and suffering, the enlightened collective can be a vortex that will accelerate the planetary shift.

The Collective Dreamfield -- This is also known as the morphogenetic field, which is the energetic field of all potentials and possibilities. It is nonlinear and noncausal and it makes no distinction between past and present, real or imagined, dream or dreamer, All things are not only possible, but are constantly evolving – being dreamed, created and reformed. By choosing to become a conscious dreamer, you assist in dreaming a new reality into being. Energy lines in this field or grid are also called the “crystal grid network.” Our intentions and visions are passed at superluminal speed onto this grid, making telepathy, synchronicity, and clairvoyance completely understandable.


In the years ahead we may expect all organized dualistic religious
and political systems to undergo transformations according to Carl Johan Calleman, eminent scholar of the Mayan Calendar. Any fundamentalist religion which has had many practices of sexual and gender repression as well as internal hierarchical structures that are not consistent with the global creation of the Galactic Underworld (Mayan Calendar) that is now generating energies favoring the East, the Feminine, and the Right Brain, will be diminished.

These are words for the future. And the future is Now. The future as represented by the healing planet Chiron conjunct North Node. Mystical traditions emphasizing the union with God and practicing of compassion extending to all members of the human race, regardless of religious or social affiliations, will be the legacy of the future especially for Islam. The words of the Quran describing the end of creation," judgment day,” as a time “when no soul shall control another soul and the control shall be entirely Allah’s Chiron conjunct Neptune conjunct North Node appearing in the world's chart at this time symbolize the spiritual traditions that recognize all human beings as equal children of the divine, while those that seek to maintain a dualist separation into believers and unbelievers will disintegrate.

The sub cycles of energies governing devastating hurricanes, floods, tornados, earthquakes, landslides, economic meltdown and political conflict and chaos, moving from the 20th into the 21st centuries represent the processes of purification, transformation and ascension. This metamorphosis of the world is part of the cycle that can be seen as both a gift and a challenge. Its tangible effects – global and economic distress, emotional, mental and physical problems stemming from our weakened immune systems, disruption in relationships, in old patterns and definitions of ourselves, things that are not working the way they have in the past. However, when we interpret this process from a galactic perspective, it becomes a valuable and necessary preparation for an enormous and beneficial Shift in the World Mind to bring about an elevated human consciousness.


Blavatsky, Helena, The SecretDoctrine, Theosophical University Press, USA, 1952
Clow, Barbara Hand, The Pleidian Agenda, Bear & Company Publishing, USA, 1995
Clow, Barbara Hand, Catastrophobia, Bear & Company Publishing, USA. 2001
Clow, Barbara Hand, The Mayan Code, Bear & Company Publishing, USA, 2007
Jenkins, John Major, Galactic Alignment, Bear & Company Publishing, USA, 2002
Solina, Georgina and Romeo, The Filipino and the World, Anvil Publishing,, Pasig City, 1995
Tolle, Eckhart, A New Earth Rising, Penguin Books Ltd., England, 2006
Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Brenner, The Mayan Oracle, Bear & Company Publishing, USA, 1992


At 4:35 PM, Blogger nutart said...

As it is always a "whew" when I read your post! Being thrust in the circle of those so-called "aware entities", I and my husband have always been careful in wording our prayers. Knowing (also) how important Intent is, we usually question ourselves and even invoke "Purity of Intent for the Highest Good of ALL" just so our human value system would not get in the way! Thank you very much! Namaste!


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