Monday, July 06, 2009


Seek ye first the Light frequency -- illumination, enlightenment, and understanding of the laws of your being and the universe as a whole. Let's go into a mythic or symbolic conversation with the Absolute, the Supreme Being who calls human beings who have left the Earth and gone into the higher realms for a Summit at this time of the shift. At the appointed solar time, at the nexus of the Great Shift in consciousness, the souls in heaven who are about to be sent back into a new lifestream of embodiment, will have to receive their instructions for deployment in an impoverished. war-torn planet.

The Great Spirit, the Love of Spinning Galaxies, having entered their sphere of being, gracing them all with celestial light, speaks the following words: "You are invited to incarnate upon a world where a great transformation will take place. You who respond to this call and will go to a place of planetary evolution where the illusion of fear and separation are strong teachers. I am calling those with the needed talents and gifts to act as my emissaries there, to lift and transform the frequencies of planet Earth, simply by embodying and anchoring love's presence there. In this myth, you will be creators of a new reality, the reality of the golden octave. Notice that the Spirit speaks in the language of planetary energies, vibrations and frequencies. So how can we survive this time of the Galactic Age (Mayan Calendar) without delving into astro-cosmological realities? Know your divine Plan for this incarnation through your birthchart and transits to learn about the matrix of cosmic energies whirling in your bodies revealing a vortex of empowerment.

Open as the receptive chalice. Lift your empty cup, that it might be filled and quickened with expanded consciousness. Your circuits are being prepared for transformation through the activiaton of the gifts of Spirit. Ready yourself to be penetrated and quickened with this vortex of empowerment. Joining Pi Villaraza's multinational group at their innerdance-meditation with channeling that night of July 8, Eastwood, Libis, revealed to me how people can be penetrated and quickened with this vortex of empowerment. Their circuits were prepared for transformation in a period of five days in Maryridge, Tagaytay, also in earlier seminars of inner dancing, and that evening their frequencies soared as they entoned their Aums,penetrating the heavens, calling on to the Mother to come down, and when we heard the pitter patter of the rain and then the downpour on the roof of Kwannon studio, we felt the Presence, and I knew she was really with us, as I felt my own inner galatic frequencies spinning within my body. Many of us started to dance in various forms of exaltation, and with the drums beating the whole place was a vortex of soul empowerment, moving the planet Earth. Outside, we saw the whole of the city was drenched in undivided celestial waters.

Modern physics has discovered at long last, that all elements on Earth were orginally forged in the great cosmic furnaces we call stars. Way ahead of our modern scientists the ancient Mayans discovered a set of mathematical computations supporting what they called the Mayan Calendar. Everyone who cares to know beyond the limitations of present-day technological gadgets like cameras and mobile phones, finds out that the Earth as it wobbles in its axis, along with its solar system, traverses a massive orbit in our Milky Way galaxy, causing the Precession of the Equinox.

People find out eventually through reading and research that the whole universe is held together by means of vortices within vortices of centripetal energy within their electromagnetic fields (called zodiac signs of star constellations by astro-cosmologists) ...that they are like whirlpools on water, within larger whirlpools. This is the machinery behind Einstein's spacetime topology of general relativity.

At approximately every 26,000 years our solar system makes a complete cycle around the central sun of the Pleiades, Alcyone, ready to leap to the next higher cycle of galactic consciousness. Actual spiralling energies lift us to hurl us so it seems to higher dimensions and set us free if we are ready in consciousness as we are gifted with free will. We live in a planet of choice. We will surely have to make a choice aided by the spiral armed galaxy of the Milky Way. Only the Milky Way so it appears has these spiralling arms in the vast cosmos. At this point we are no longer cycling and recycling on the basic laws of karma. We are already past that. We are being urged now 1) to forgive the past, the times of deception and corruption in and out of all forms of governing the public and in private, our relationships. 2) transcend or go beyond all doubt, fear, and guilt due to lack of integrity or wholeness, the reason why we are not holy, and 3) move on, and grow despite the great barriers to growth as great rewards beckon. It's either we Evolve or become another Atlantis that is a sunken or lost civilization.

This planet is in desperate need of committed humans who are in search of the exalted Self, the word "exaltation" can be translated in terms of frequencies. Or wave of feeling, or vibration. Between heaven and earth, there's nothing but vibration, a wave which vibrates with emotions, coming from the heart. You all understand vibration in terms of light and sound, and in terms of feelings called the Love frequency, and we chant the name of God AUM (I Am that I Am) 9, 33, 144 times to encircle the earth with sounds of divinity to penetrate and saturate all hearts that have been hardened by the cruel system of our inhumanty. Chanting is music to divine ears. There's magic in those given numbers.

If some prayers are taking a long time to be answered, it maybe because the person praying may not be connecting to these higher vibrations of Light and Love yet. For example, some in the media tend to find it difficult to understand, to live these light and love frequencies and thus be inclined to judge and be fearfully negative in expressing their views concerning the ills or alleged corruption of many government people or leaders. They may be right because this is a free-will zone, anything goes, but it might have been more condusive to peace, love and harmony if they weren't so bitter and hateful about their way of saying things.

When we expect to have a perfect government or society, we have first to remove the mote in our eye and examine ourselves, are we capable of being perfect ourselves? Or we run the risk of letting vibrations to crash by being judgmental. Notice why we feel crushed ourselves whenever we say something nasty about others. We don't feel happy when we hurt others. We also don't feel happy after indulging in so much meat-eating, that is, if our souls are sensitive or still alive. And then we wonder why our immune systems have weakened, we are often checking out with doctors in hospitals, or why some of the bitter, tongue-lashing leaders of the opposition succumb to cancer, or so with the rest of us who tend to be always angry and bitter. To evolve, and to heal, to be resistant to toxins causing cancer or the virus that's threatening us all around, we need to keep the frequencies up. That's what we mean by acceleration. We rise beyond anger, hate, poverty-consciousness, and attain abundance, and probably later something more magical.

Once you commit yourself to the energy of light, the energy of exaltation, the uplifted frequency, you are marked, declare the Pleiadians
, our spirit guides who have a running dialogue with humans from cycle to cycle since the beginning of time. Then you must live according to what these energies put before you as you call for yourself the task to be accelerated. If you examine your astro-cosmological birthchart you will find that you must have been assigned in this incarnation to the awesome task to carry light. By then you will be aware of a pillar of light inside you when you close your eyes as in meditation or prayer. But first let's understand what the spiralling energies do to us. They give rise to natural spacetime orbits: satellite or moons around planets, planets around stars, solar systems around either more major vortex centers. and so on.

Our planet Earth orbits the Sun once a year but our solar system as a whole traverses an orbit in this section of the galaxy with a period at about 24,000 years (26,000 years). There are many other solar systems in this cyclic motion. The Pleiades, about 400 light years from us is part of the system and in fact our solar system orbits the central sun of the Pleiades, Alcyone. The photon belt encircles the Pleiades system. In fact, it consists of many photon bands emanating from the center of the galaxy, associated with the spiral arms of the Milky Way.

Thus our solar system with planet Earth takes some 24,000 years to come back to its same point in this particular massive orbit. Picture a toroid or doughnut-shaped cloud called the golden nebula cutting across these orbiting star systems. This is the photon belt or a photon band of light. As predicted, we are entering a golden age, once inside this band of light. This means our solar system goes through the belt twice each cycle of 24,000 years. That's every half cycle. The thickness of the photon cloud is such that it takes about 2,000 years for our solar system to pass through, and 10,000 years between each encounter with this belt.

When will this occur? Scientists predicted in 1992 that the encounter would occur within months to a year. with significant disagreements, However, a particular source of Pleidian extraterrestrials indicated that it would not occur until just after 2010 and that was difficult to predict since the belt was oscillating randomly. Channeled material re: the date of this revelatory occurence that has been referred to in channeling as the Christus, or the Second Coming, range from 1987 to definitely before end of 2003, and finally about 2011-2012.

Once you allow light to come into your physical self, you begin to morph like a caterpillar that's going to be a beautiful butterfly, and transmute energies from lower vibration to their higher levels, which is not always joyous, uplifting and fun-filled as some have discovered. In the process when things go awry there's a tendency to respond to emotional events with doubt, and fear, blaming others for your emotional pain.

There are millions of members of the Family of Light who are here, returning to this planet where the Dark T-shirts (the Pleidians would like to sound groovy too, to be more in touch with us through story-telling) where they were in charge for eons. The DT's have fed, nourished themselves on our fear, negativity, war and greed. The DT's are also alluded to as the fallen angels. Because this is a free-will zone, all of this have been allowed. For a greater, higher purpose, so we learn to discern, to detach, to transcend by going into meditations and deep silences, and to evolve, and to aid our Earth planet to rise and be one of the brightest stars in the cosmos.

Ah, but many of us, according to the Pleiadian guides ask for a tremendous amount of reminders and a tremendous amount of encouragement along the way. That is why we are here, most of the time with tremendous patience for you. The greatest challenge you have been faced with, is what it means to die. We can convince you of many things, but it is difficult for us to convince you that you do not have to die. Aside: I have wondered about something that I said to a group of healers at one time, when I began to see how terribly anxious they were about healing the physical bodies of those they were trying to help, holding seminars, long workshops on the matter. I once uttered the words, "but you don't have to die," then they looked at me in wonderment. What made you say that? I don't know but I already released the fear frequency, and replaced it with the frequency of hope and love. I must have been a Pleiadian before? Or one in disguise, hehehe.

In this time of the shift, you do not have to physically leave your body behind in this planet. Can you conceive of the idea that you will simply alter the vibrational rate of your physical being and take your body with you because you will rearrange your molecular structure? Then you can appear and disappear at will like Babaji, an Indian Master teacher of Phramahansa Yogananda who always looks twenty years old but is actually 5,000 years old in linear time if you care to count years. Immortality is our essence, so we don't bother with linear time when we are already accelerating into the Light.

As you go with the flow of loving, compassionate energies, your trusting nature
that one that makes you appear like a child (symbol of purity or innocence) even in advancing age, will bring you right before the emerald pool of the Fountain of Youth. Filipnos abroad have been mistaken for being some 15 or further on, 20 years younger than their physical age. Research on this, and you will find it's true. Look at the palm for marks. A remarkable number of Filipinos both male and female, more female than male, have arrested the aging process. Ask why.

Foremost, live your light, live that light within yourself with courage. Speak what you know without getting up on a soap box, waving your hands like a fanatic. For instance, if someone tells you, "Careful, you might catch colds." You say in response, "I don't believe in catching colds. I don't use my body for sickness." By saying things like this, you bring others to awakening. Speak what you know in casual convesation with friends and family.

We teach you stories, myths, and legends, alamat in Pilipino, our guides from the Pleiades continue to speak but not using words, someday, you will see through your alamat, myths and legends, and then be able to smash old paradigms, belief systems, ideologies and come into larger realities. Until that day, we speak to you in stories, in symbols and metaphors, so that we can hold your interest and entice you into areas you are petrified or fearful to go....areas where you have committed in the deeper parts of your soul to journey.


At 10:05 PM, Blogger Pi-Kalimata said...

You honor us by connecting the work with the Pleiadians. They have influenced me so much, so what you write is true. They are powerful teachers and their teachings are much more grounded than people might think. thank you for your strong articulation, I am happy you are putting a lot of effort in putting your wisdom on the internet. Much Love,

At 3:18 AM, Anonymous Yvette Salih said...

These past months, I have been in a contemplative state tuning with my spirit guides, seeking, searching for answers. Reading your blog, I might ask, "Are these the Pleiadians conversing in my mind from time to time?" If so, your blog has confirmed a lot of issues that I have learned during these times. It is true that in history, there were people who have not died but ascended with their physical bodies to go back to their Creator. You also touched on the topic of "the secret to youth." You are correct in citing that we need to be "light", that is, to forgive, in order to let our "lights" shine through. I believe in "focusing" for the betterment of humanity. All these negativity and judgmental behaviors just distract us from our true mission in life...and that is to spread LOVE and LIGHT. More power to you! Yvette Salih

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