Sunday, April 11, 2010

-- William Butler Yeats

Last night I was witness to two kinds of TV reporting (on local television) that made an impact on my mind that was quite disturbing for awhile. Why? Because what I was shown in an earlier reportage on the National Broadcasting Network (NBN) was completely NOT in consonance with what I watched in a TV talk show that I saw three hours later on another outlet -- Channel 8 of our Destiny cable TV. Now who’s propagating untruths?

Here, I was listening to an interview with a bishop known for his outspokenness on national topics in his on-line column done by a local talk show host known for his pointedness in asking questions, hence, the name of talk show,“Bottomline.” Arguably appropriate for his intent and purpose, the host asked the bishop, among other things, “What good thing has Pres.Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo done for the country?” The good old bishop uttered no reply. This was arguably in consonance with his views on Pres. Gloria Macapagal, a church prelate known not to take kindly to the female chief executive of the land, now completing her tenth year tenure of office.

Truth is, President Gloria Macapagal has been doing her homework and splendidly so, I just discovered through a long video on the tube. Throughout the ten years allotted by destiny to her rule as chief executive of this republic she has worked hard and ought to get an award of excellence for work well done. I’d like to invite the reader to watch the video or film produced by government agencies as shown on NBN last night April 10, 2010, (request a series of replay) what she has accomplished for her country to boost up its economic stature in Asia. When your eyes are glued to a nation-wide network of roads and bridges of world-class structure you will exclaim,“Ohhh! Philippines!“ You’d actually see those words on-line if you access the websites of the DPWH (Dept. of Public Works and Highway which includes the Dept. of Education and culture and other truly working departments). You will read the long lines of credits too, much to your delight to realize that there are such blessed working Filipinos alive. The benighted ones
appear to be the poor masses who do not have computers and cannot surf the Internet and so are consigned to the darkness of ignorance, thanks to those who nurture the fallen or victim consciousness.

On May 10 2010 election time, the masses will be expected to elect those candidates who are perpetually exposed on their TV screens, iconic to the boisterous opposition, or so we think, if they aren't exposed to other paths of enlightenment like an astrological study of the character of a president called Ms. Gloria Macapagal, combined with the Philippine national chart. Why does she work so hard, at the same time pray so long on bended knees inside the Malacanang chapel as reported by her aides? Why does the media play down her achievements to keep people ignorant of what she has done, and play up to the hilt her suspected corrupt misalliances and mistakes as though to arouse more hate than appreciation is the order of the day by some leftist or rightist parties linked with the current giant TV networks and news media? Why this massive effort of media and the giant TV networks at black propaganda obviously intended to condition the minds of the people in hating President Gloria? At this crucial time of the Shift in Consciousness as the Earth ascends to higher realms of Light, the third dimensional institutions are crumbling. Suddenly, we are seeing that the very authorities that we most believed, from healers who said, "Come to me," teachers who have proclaimed they possess the truth, to the leaders who say, "Trust me," and all those we have looked for guidance, have built their houses upon shifting sands. As difficult as such changes may be for many, it is important to know that there IS a purpose to all that is occurring. The purpose is to shift your relationship from what is outside of you to an alignment with what is inside of you. It is a shift from depending on the truths of others to discovering and setting your compass by your own truth.

Moon phase 14th in her birthchart says: there's "assurance, and glory" for the Philippines for as long as Gloria Macapagal Arroyo governs the country or be a part of its governance as she continues to work in congress. Her horoscope shows that she is humble and willing to work hard in her mission to uplift the Filipino people from the economic morass they have suffered in the many decades of past presidencies. And if she is not recognized and appreciated for this during her lifetime, history will vindicate her posthumously. She will then be appreciated by the up and coming generation of Filipinos for all that she has done. Administration candidate Gilbert Teodoro knows this truth intuitively, and his running for the 2010 presidential elections was supported by a groundswell of young voters within the age brackets of 18-30; 31-45 mostly students coming from many universities and young professionals, and their "green spirit" lives on ever fervently. I saw the other day, a young guy inside a Starbucks cafe opening up his book of notes, inside was a big green No. 8 Gibo sticker. At this time when the presidential elections are over?

Are you sure you would like to live abroad again? OFWs coming home are heard uttering in amazement at the vistas unfolding before their eyes WHEN TAKEN ON A “JOY RIDE” around the country. This was the TV reportage I watched that evening of April 10. Why, it was not like this fifteen or ten years ago ! Now you see actually existing spectacular roads that sometimes superimpose each other as in the satellite cities of Manila like Paranaque and Alabang, winding around provinces in Rizal, Laguna, Cavite, Batangas, Bohol, Negros, Cebu, and so on, like shinny silver ribbons interjected sometimes by high bridges that can withstand an 8. magnitude earthquake.

This network of world-class type of infrastructure spanning regions of economic growth is interconnected by a nautical highway called Ro-ro where sea vessels bring you in cars or bus to where you are going, affording easy TRANSFER at last after decades of helplessness, our farmers are enormously thankful this is happening because of the marvel of technology manifesting around them through world-class infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and airports, Easy transfer is now really easy of abundant agricultural products from farm to market complete with roads like those combined with rural electrification that's a hundred per cent done along with affordable housing units for the homeless and victims of calamities in Laguna complete with dry/wet markets and livelihood programs and new school facilities for a growing population. Farms are provided with adequate dams for agricultural irrigation sustainability. Now there’s an effective flood control mechanisms in the Caloocan-Navotas- Malabon-Valenzuela flood- prone low lying areas. We didn’t hear these places that used to go under water for years, as sinking again during Ondoy’s tremendous rainy assault. No, they didn’t sink under Ondoy. Miraculous?

Also, we observe the President’s efforts at expanding into alternative energy initiatives like the Wind power of Ilocos, the first massive solar power development in Asia, located in Misamis Oriental, all done within a span of nine years to be exact, the tenth year being election year 2010. What she has accomplished can cover three previous presidencies Cory Aquino, Fidel Ramos, a part of Estrada combined. Summing up, you wouldn’t hesitate to chime in agreement with Senator Juan Ponce Enrile who has spoken, GMA is one of the best presidents, if not the best, we Filipinos ever had. As I journeyed through the sights of the Philippine archipelago in this TV show called “A Joyride” I thought I entered the realm of the Goddess. Wow, the Goddess has returned, and we didn’t know it!

The Sacred Feminine or the Goddess is a term used for that mysterious source of life, the wellspring of creation. The Feminine Force that births both male and female, symbolized by the Circle of Yin and Yang, the portal between the worlds. Like the moon, the Feminine is power of dark and light. From the beginning of time the Big She has been honored and deified in many forms, under many names. And yet this is the paradox, all are One. So Anath (Anna is a favorite name), known as bloodthirsty and battle goddess, is also honored as lover and carrier of divine fertility. And Aphrodite, a Greek goddess is one who personifies beauty, love and desire. Delphi is named Queen of Tombs. Inanna is part of Erishkigal, Medusa is part of Athena, the Black Madonna is the completion of the Virgin Mary. In life light and dark are interdependent. The Sun is light during day, the Moon reflects its light in the night. We honor the Moon in astro-cosmological work for she regulates our bodies and those of the animals and crops, the rhythms of fruitfulness and decay. In the video footage “Joy Ride” these images of fecundity, of goddess’ abundance are naturally highlighted for the Filipinos. And everybody here acknowledges it, except the ones who are in denial, in fallen or poverty consciousness. I'd like to advise those who are in denial of our existing prosperity modest though it may be, not to be bitter, because negative energies like greed, anger, hate, envy, and jealousy are the kind of imperfect energies that erode the healing power of your immune system and energize or strengthen the cancer cells in your bodies. This is more definable now at this time when the Earth is ascending to the 4th and 5th dimensions of the angelic realm. You are either in this Joyride with your high frequencies matching the high energies of the heavens or you drop off.

The Sun is not the beneficent life-bringer to the indigenous mountain tribes of the world but a harsh relentless fire. It is the Moon with her soft moist properties who causes germination of seeds and growth of Nature. The Moon is seen as a divinity, a center and source of all magic and fertility. She changes the months and shifts, waxes and wanes, from newborn crescent through fullness to no moon and then three days of darkness. She resurrects anew. All women carry the aspects of the moon, no matter their age. For the ancients there was beauty and magnificence in the white (Yin/Yang=wholeness) but the power was in the black. Thus, black has become symbolic of the less acceptable, we polarized it, made it not-Light but evil. In the East, however, black is representative of pure energy of formlessness, the Void-- from whence all manifestations arise. It is the Mystery, where everything is More -- is still possible. By the way the administration candidate Gibo Teodoro's slogan is simply that -- POSIBLE! para tayo umangat with him (It's possible for us to rise with Gibo!) as he vows to continue the highly successful development program of President Gloria for the country. This country has been blessed obviously with the return of the goddess:))

“While seeming an image of softness and quiet, she draws perpetually upon glass with a diamond” – writes William Butler Yeats, a brilliant poet of 20th century England, stating in a capsule the miracle of Moon Phase 14 which manifests in GMA’s birthchart of April 5,(will get back later for the year). From my experience with astrocharting, this Moon phase 14 is a rarity. It indicates the return of the goddess in esoteric or metaphysical terms. When you combine Moon phase 14th with the fact that she is the 14th president in the roll call of Philippine presidents it begins to look too much of a coincidence. Meaning, we are confronted here with a Mystery. By taking up the Moon phases to explain the mystery of Gloria Macapagal in the light of the Filipino psychical development we begin a brief survey of modern astrology by answering the common question, "Why does Moon phase 14 work?" I'll try to explain the Moon phases through an analysis of GM's destiny pattern as the 14th president by making an assumption that 21st century Astrology is moving away from mere predictions of events towards self-knowledge and psychological self-help to do with the development of the Filipino soul in the light of Gloria's leadership. It's a hard task but I'll try to make sense of this Gloria Macapagal-Filipino consciousness tandem.

This exquisite image of Yeats -- “cutting glass with a diamond” while moving -- “seeming an image of softness and quiet,“ serves our astrological purpose by communicating gentle reserve and acute power which co-exist in this phase 14 of the Moon before the full moon.

You can easily picture President Gloria walking by “seeming like an image of softness and quiet” She is like the Moon as portrayed in her 14 Moon Phase we study in advanced astro-cosmological principles. You don’t hear her casting forth thunder and lightning to advertise her on-going projects of Transforming her island-country. She wants these 7,100 or more islands to develop economically and to be-ribbon it with winding silver roads and powerfully constructed bridges with a view to fulfill the plan of the universe for the Philippines, in her own quiet way. But when she speaks she speaks tons of wisdom about the universal order of things.

She,moreover does not try to defend herself against unfounded charges cast against her by her detractors through the multiplication of half-truths by mainstream media because while in-phase (Moon 14) she leads a charmed life. She is protected from above, I guess. Since she has no concern for adulation for her every concern is for self-expression for its own sake, she appears to want nothing but to concentrate on her mission. Thus, she is often heard making affirmations as in a mantra: “I want this country to be a first-world country.” To be repeated 9 times for her to construct a thought-form to manifest the miracle kingdom on earth. She surrenders her will to the Divine will to get her wish so that “while seeming the image of softness and quiet, she perpetually draws upon the glass with a diamond.” She must be a master already, knowing how to use sacred alchemy to devote her immense energies to the improvement of her benighted (yet blessed) country. .

But we don’t speak here of spiritual perfection. For although the sacred feminine in all of us (both women and men) lives in alignment with Nature and the cycles of the Sun, Moon, and the seasons and our bodies are sacred vessels of the Spirit we must remember we have a flawed divinity because of the Fall that occurred in the first half segment of the Great Cycle of 26,000 years based on the precession of the Equinoxes.

Living in a realm of duality GMA. at times, must be terrified at the enormous demands seemingly placed upon her by the circumstances of her high position, she could be incapable of accomplishing anything without severe effort when she is experiencing a temporary brown-out of the powerful high vibrations of Moon Phase 14 Patriarchy made the male superior to the female in a kind of mental programming done by the patriarchs of the churches of old times preventing women from becoming priests like them for they recognized and feared that like the moon, the Feminine is power of dark and light.

The Great Mother is the creator and destroyer. She gives life and takes it away. We went into a serious study of which planet governs the dying, and the answer after making statistical computations of those who have passed on, the answer we got is the planet Venus. Venus the goddess who is both loving and terrible to the ancient Mayans, who would flee their dwellings when Venus returns to destroy the towers they constructed. Today, we welcome with exaltation the great scientific inventions of a new order brought about by the Double Venus transits which occur only once in a hundred or so years, covering eight years. But we fear it too, for it demands that we shape up or ship out. We just had a Venus return on June 8, 2004, and await her re-entry on June 6, 2012, to bring significant changes.

GMA appears to be an ancient alchemist who has returned from the higher realms to help manifest the Shift of the center to occur -- the Shift of center of civilization that has been long prophesied by the Mayans THAT’S NOW moving from the West to the East, causing much consternation to her many male/female detractors who do not wish to see her succeed. Such enemies are naturally led by certain prelates (not all) who have returned from medieval times to prevent people from re-discovering the female face of divinity that was long lost to our consciousness thousands of years ago so patriarchy can flourish.

Back to GMA: before long, it becomes obvious that she is receiving everything at the hands of others, despite the vigorous efforts of the Opposition to topple her down. Rather than manifesting as deliberate action on her part, the energy of Mars, ruler of Aries (her birth sign) spontaneously appears everywhere around her, as other people willingly take up the burdens and responsibilities which she drops so she can relax in monastic silence as she surrounds herself with meditators or prayer warriors. As a result of her fidelity to purpose, she projects her ideas upon a civilization so strongly that others come to identify her will with their own desires. Unimpressed by hero-worship, she is prepared to drop everything at once if a vision directs her elsewhere. If others have distanced from her they are probably awed by an acute inner power coming from a cute (as the Japanese call her in Japan) lady. Her chart shows a Mars conjunct Mercury in flowing trine to Jupiter from 9th house of higher mind and foreign countries to 5th house of creativity signifying the steady output of energy in everyday life, the simple force by which a task at hand is accomplished without fanfare as in her sorties to the provinces coming from travel attending international conferences of heads of states abroad to inspect state of development of her many on-going projects. She manifests immense energies that her aides are unable to explain (using their left-brain of reason and logic). They will have to use their right-brain intuitive faculties to fully understand her. This in itself embodies a Mystery that would entail another article to explain it blow by blow in coherent, logical terms although that again would entail a heavy cloud of ash-fall symbolic of the volcanic eruption in Iceland on top of the earth planet's polar regions named Eyjafjallajokull. If you can pronounce it and understand why it's as mysterious as the massive ash-fall threatening to disrupt normal economic operations in Europe and the rest of the planet you'll understand why we are having difficulties understanding our own selves here.

GMA's mission, her work in this benighted/blessed country will possess a universal appeal, says her Moon Phase 14, enabling it to survive economic crises, while the rest of the world struggles to keep themselves staying above water, that is, while she is in command. Both long range (Sun) and immediate (Mars) motivation should lead her to an ever more satisfying self-expression with the thought that she will be of greatest service to others merely by being herself. Riveted to her core purpose, she is able to lift her country to a higher level of consciousness that is compatible with a stable economic prosperity. The latter state of consciousness cannot exist without the abundant life of Spirit.

I HAVE FRIENDS who are rather publicity-shy and I would like to share with you their views: "Wonderful comments and insights, "I agree Pres. Arroyo is as good as a president can do as far as Philippine politics will allow. She would rank up there in my list of good presidents where my only criteria is either to maintain the country's economic growth or at least keep us from sliding back." -- Andy C

"By Jove, this is a formidable thesis on GMA," chimed in a dear friend, A.V.A., after reading two of my articles on the now newly-elect congresswoman Gloria.

"Wonderful comments and insights, I didn't see GMA in that light before, and I thank you for presenenting her to us under a different bulb." -- Tillie P


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