Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Time is telling us to stop everything we are doing now for a moment. We need to look back and review the years, nay centuries of the Underworlds that have happened to us to see what we have accomplished, to see how we have evolved.
The whole cycle of 256 years from 1755 up to 1999, has been about the development of POWER. Consciousness has been applied to developing empowerment over the environment and each other with machines and weapons of mass destruction, commonly known as the Industrial Revolution.

The new Galactic consciousness cycle which began on Jan 4, 1999, is one based on ETHICS, showing the deft application of power. As the two types of Planetary and Galactic consciousness are directly opposed, represented by the cosmic energies of Saturn (material concerns) opposition Uranus (spiritual awakening) there will be a train wreck on land, or a ship wreck on sea.

World headlines today report of 800 death toll still rising from Pakistan's worst floods in living memory in two weeks of July as outbreaks of water-borne diseases emerged and penniless survivors streamed out of raging torrents. Millions are affected. China floods report 1,000 people dead, more missing. Floods still rampaging. Rising sea levels destroy Vietnam's rice lands with sea-waters coming into Mekong delta. In Russia a towering inferno kills 30 people causing thousands homeless as heat wave rages on. US soldiers are leaking out insensitivity to life as civilians are killed as part of their rules of the war in Iraq, in Afghanistan. Very disturbing Pentagon's skeletons. Something good however happened in a US town as a store clerk obviously a Latin immigrant M. Gonzales thwarts a robber-holdupper by convincing him to leave the store after talking to him about her faith. Go to church, she advised him. In Germany people are split between prisoners kept inside jail and given preventive detention. While things appear to be getting worse, they are actually getting better. Something bad is turning into something good, paradoxical? Pay attention to synchronicities and seeming coincidences that jump into your awareness. Thirteen is the number of the Divine Feminine, Mother God, and it provides the radical "frequency shift" opening you to the workings of destiny by universal movement.

Once we have realized our violent mistakes and the pieces have been reassembled, the power that we now have at our disposal will be applied in an ethical manner for the greater good of the people, not just for a few called the elite. Those few elite are beginning to be desperate Now and running from the light of the new consciousness. Well, this is getting rather heavy to digest for one sitting, so let’s pause and have a break.

Silence. Meditate. Discard the helmet of fear. Put on your halo and stay balanced by not becoming too ponderous, by not forgetting to laugh and laugh. As a Christian catholic pray the rosary to Mother Mary often for grace and protection.

Finally I am finishing the exciting task of re-reading and re-reading and fathoming the mystery of The Mayan Code by Barbara Hand Clow, and trying to assimilate the strange Mayan terms for cycles of time.

Think of Christ as Quetzalcoatl! Just imagine the ancient Mayans had this strange name for Jesus Lord! Because He belongs not only to us Christians, but to all of Humanity. To simplify if I can, I trust in the Lord, I can do it, the Code is about the Nine-storey cosmic pyramid symbolic of the Nine Underworlds of creation, starting from 16,400,000,000 years up to 2011. Just think of that length of time! It boggles the mind. The implications of Carl Johan Calleman’s theory of time acceleration as the driving force of evolution in the universe are mind-boggling, especially since the whole process finds its completion in 2011 and balances during 2012, and then a new cosmogenesis, the highest dream of Heaven, emerges.

For Clow who is western, the idea that the final chapter of this book implies that the incarnation of Jesus Christ, angelic intervention in human affairs, and some cosmological entities must be orchestrating time acceleration and human evolution is wildly speculative and complex, but hmmm… I knew it all along. Ahhhh….this is going to be like following my bliss …because I am eastern and Christian. Jesus Christ is our Lord and right on top of our human situation aided by angelic intervention in our human affairs creating miracles for healing our woundedness by allowing the Law of Grace to supercede the Law of Karma. But if we supercede karma with grace this has to do with our exuding higher frequencies. Tell you what's in you that create higher frequencies in a little while.

The Golden Age of Aquarius requires an all encompassing Shift in consciousnes But there’s going to be some meaningful Gnosticism and Buddhism mixed into my Christianity. Because Christ is cosmic, meaning all encompassing.

I know for one thing, Nine is the number of God. Thirteen is the number of the Feminine God, the Mother of Light, observe the no. 13 cropping up in the Mayan cycles of time as represented by the planet Venus in a double transit that came on June 8, 2004, to return on June 5, 2012, end of the Mayan Calendar, giving us eight years ad interim period to transform, to change our hearts and mind-sets regarding superiority of race, creed, and nationality; in other words to prepare us for Oneness amidst the diversity of talents and personalities of the planetary people in 2012.


But this does not mean the end of time. It only gives us the cut-off date from the old Paradigm ages of strife, hate, and war, for us to make a Quantum Leap and shift into the Paradigms of the New Earth. It is assumed that we have had eight years to make the shift. We are giving our planet Earth a new Birth after dying to our old consciousness or old destructive ways of treating Mother Earth and women in general by patriarchal systems because of ignorance of her laws, and ourselves. Emphasis on Women along with Mother Earth. Examine your attitude towards women,in general, women who rise to power in pariticular. If you are guilty of women-bashing, and you are male, think and rise above your biases against women that tend to feed the dark Ones. For the Shift favors the East, women, and children. If you wish to enter the gates of heaven be like a child. Be more compassionate (feminine)than hard-on-the heart brutally righteous (masculine) to be balanced. In Iran a woman is prevented from being stoned to death for adultery by a rally of world defenders of life. Brazil offers asylum.

That means the outcome of global situations
depend on how we raise our consciousness to the higher Light. Release all of issues that are ego-centered and power-driven. Humility expressed as non-vanity and gratitude that is frequently expressed are keys to ascension along with love, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance which is synonymous with non-judgment. Non-judgment, innocence, detachment, joy in awe and wonder -- these are the higher frequencies that make you childlike, and inheritor of heaven.

Not the easiest thing to do for us who have been embedded in our own rigid not necessarily correct traditions. If we choose, we offer ourselves to be the open doors for the grace to flow and learn to dissolve all fears about leaving a mortal mold behind and co-create with the Creator a new reality. Because new powerful energies are carrying us towards a higher vibration where we will find our fulfillment in joy, peace, and bliss. Henceforth, we will create a new technology or Reality based on Frequencies.


We will produce a new technology based on Frequencies, as powerful High Energies that range from delta (lowest), theta, beta, gamma (highest) rays are being released from the Galactic Center (G.C.), the heart of God, to flood the earth at this time of our passing through a very difficult transition that will culminate after long decades of strife when Pluto the planet of transformation made its first exact conjunction with the Galactic Center on Dec 30, 2006. To follow Pluto, Jupiter the cosmic planet of abundance conjunct Pluto and the G.C. in December 2007, and made possible a resurrection for "a humanity that is now terminally ill and can only be transfigured by a totally shocking revelation of its shadow side," according to Andrew Harvey, a writer and a mystic.

ANDREW HARVEY believes that humanity needs to realize that the entire
world is in the middle of a 'great crucifixion' as species vanish and the patriarchal systems fall. See the Tibetan Mandala above with its picturesque Square of immense trials within called astrologically a Grand Cross of planetary energies within the Circle of Infinity which for me speaks of the Cardinal Crunch I spoke about in a previous posting here titled "July New Moon and Solar Eclipse." Review blog. He also believes that those who realize that there is mercy behind the violence will be given extraordinary strength, protection, and revelation and will become spiritual revolutionaries devoting themselves to the preservation of the planet. Haven't we experienced such extraordinary strength, protection and revelation as we have become spiritual athletes despite our weaknesses or fears at the risk of being called spiritual junkies lol?

A release of high energy was marked in July, 2007 when the Lion’s gate opened, setting up the Fire Grid on earth that works to connect us more directly to God to make the transition from lower planes of being to the higher realms less painful what with all these weather disasters exploding in our midst serving as wake up calls to an indifferent human society. We are now rising according to our level of galactic consciousness and our capacity to translate action into first, forgiveness for all that we felt we have been cheated of by an apparently greedy power elite; second, for us to transcend negative feelings of anger, hate, envy, jealousy, in order to ascend to higher vibration levels to attain the universal love of Christ, Oneness, and peace, prosperity for all .

Our old name Homo Sapiens will be changed to Homo Pacem. Meaning we will become finally human beings of peace. The quarantine of the universe for
us, being a war-freak, violent-prone, and destructive people will be lifted. Thus, unless we change, we will continue to attract the same violence we have inflicted on our planet as well as on others in a Karmic Return of lower energies that attract destructive or killer hurricanes, cyclones, earthquakes, landslides, floods, heat waves, epidemics, such as madcow and bird flu diseases, car accidents.

Sooner or later the quarantine will be lifted from us once we have evolved, so we can join the Universal society of galaxies, or be recognized by them as peaceful planetary beings. Depending on our free choice to accept what's happening to us, and learn how to discern signs that something is wrong in our patriarchal, economic systems and surrender to the Will of God to evolve, such a cosmic quarantine cannot be lifted. The challenge for us is Extinction or Evolution. For we have become a grave danger to the Galactic society of creation with our plan to attempt the militarization of outer space or our "Star Wars" Hollywood-movie-mentality. Again, because we have become war-freaks. As soon as we can rise to the Higher vibrations of Divine unconditional love we will be released from all sense of strife. We will be released from a mistaken notion that we are fighting wars in the name of God, starting from the medieval Crusades to recover Jerusalem up to the latest terrorist Jihad attacks on non-Muslim enclaves. In the name of God and fossil oil.

Then suffering of pain born of ignorance, inequality, intolerable poverty, toxins, incurable diseases, violent wars of thousands of years of history will all go. But such changes will not happen at the flick of a finger because we All have free will. We All have a choice. Most of us had made that choice by the start of the Galactic Consciousness cycle. As Calleman calls it -- 'There’s a Train Wreck A-Coming ‘

The previous cycle is called the Planetary Consciousness cycle (256 years of the Industrial Revolution starting in 1769) because it produced a Planetary consciousness with the development of telecommunications and the Internet. Now it's getting clearer to see that the divinely inspired Internet has allowed the speed and acceleration of information and cosmic spread of knowledge with divine wisdom integrated to it. Now we receive a continuous flow of messages channeled from higher realms through the articulation of Lightworkers during these divine years.

Each of these Nine Underworlds with corresponding Heavens, and years into Day and Night as time factors twenty (As above, so Below) and have developed a certain level of human consciousness, to reach their completion on the day 13 Ahu, October 28, 2011. And finally, after going through the pyramid of the Cellular level (820,000,000 years or 12 alautuns) Mammalian (42,000,000 years or 13 kinchiltuns), the Family (2,000,000 years or 13 kalabtuns) the Tribal (102, 000 years of 13 piktuns), Cultural (5,125 years or 13 baktuns), the National (256 years or 13 katuns), the Planetary (12.8 years or 13 tuns) the Galactic (260 days or 13 uinals)

This is where we are now in 2010. We are finally arriving at the Universal level. The top of the cosmic Pyramid, to occur on Feb.10, 2011.

The Galactic level is broken up in the regular 13 sections with each of these
sections only 20 days long! These days (years actually) are called the divine years. Time has become Chiros time, we have entered the Eternal time of God with the discovery of Chiron planet in 1977, the wounded healer, the bridge between heaven and earth, but first we must be cleansed of so much karmic dross or pollution reflected in disasters and diseases before we can enter the Photon band of Light where the Galactic Center is located, the Gate of God.

IN SUM, it appears that Creation is speeding up and that more and more is being packed into shorter and shorter periods of time. It's like the human experience of making a long journey going away from home to reach a certain destination of work, then when it's time to come home to our beloved Family time seems to run very fast. Each cycle of Creation contains the same amount of advancement and change but each cycle runs 20 times faster! The same amount of change that happened in 1.26 billion years of the Cellular level now occurs only in 360 days! The Mayan Code book is adapted from Carl Johan Calleman’s The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness.


At 10:24 PM, Anonymous khyria said...

Hi Prof. Solina!

it was rumored that Quetzalcoatl was the Christ Spirit too. Despite allegations of bloody sacrifices and carved hearts ages ago, some saw the powerful essence in the manifestation called Quetzalcoatl.

I am amused to learn of the measures of time/years mentioned in the blog. but somewhere in my mind, there is the hint of bell chime. a reminder, perhaps?

thanks for these blogs, prof.


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