Saturday, August 14, 2010


Photon is love energy. From the day I started blogging on how to access Higher Consciousness in this website “Forest of Stars” and I am already on my fourth year – 2007- 2010 we have been discussing the Unconditional Love of the Creator for us, and we didn’t quite know how to call that kind of Love energy. This time, we know, and we recognize it as Photon light. It is at the root of the current Shift in Consciousness. Photon light reveals what has been happening and is transmuting the lower energies of hate, anger, envy, jealousy,and greed.

Master Kirael says your body produces its own photon energy through your golden aura (more common auras have colors like green, blue, onyx, you know beside gold), and if it’s not yet prominent in your case, you can bring more of this golden energy into your body by prana breathing it through your crown chakra and down your pineal gland. That simple activity will awaken your God cell, also known as your Signature Cell, which is in your pineal gland. Pineal breathing will flow the golden particles into your physical body, affecting the emotions, mental and spiritual bodies in the process.

The Angelic Beings guiding us feel it is their delight and joy to help where they can, given that we have chosen to adhere to Universal Law. The dark Ones have no such observance of them, but are nevertheless bound by them, and they will be answerable for their actions. The records of every ones' lives exist in the higher dimensions. This must be so, as if not you would be unable to review each life, and there is no one else that does so. So you are your own judge. Because you are on the outside looking in, each soul will do the same and sometimes you decide to come together again with those who have shared your lives before.

Photon will help you access your Higher Self, that part of you that knows your journey. Most of you believe you have only one blueprint, but in fact you have two blueprints, one is part of your local brain and the other is part of your omni brain, which is your Higher Self’s brain. When an astrologer is only focused on your practical mundane concerns, he or she would simply talk about one blueprint, he may not go into the duality of human nature by calling your attention to the Other blueprint of your omni brain of higher self. A thorough reading of your destiny pattern ought to connect these two blueprints residing in your pineal gland because they are connected and woven into your journey, extending out of the physical body into the etheric body of the higher self. In the 3rd dimension you use your local brain to get things done, but as you go into the Shift into the next higher level, you find out that more and more you need to talk to your omni brain or higher self for help. Also you find that the two brains are so intrinsically tied together that you can hear both simultaneously.

Because Filipinos are a prayerful people, you find out that you learn to talk to your higher self in order to access the omni brain with ease, perhaps much easier than other group races. There will always be people who will deny there are Spirit Beings with them, but they will be there regardless of what they believe. What they will not do is interfere with your free will, and will not impose their will upon you. They are not bound by linear time and can go backwards or forwards in it to alter your experience. For example, instead of dying in an accident your life will be saved and sometimes the circumstances of your survival are looked upon as miraculous.

We Pinoys believe in miracles, and are often heard calling on to our God, invoking, Diyos ko po, tulungan mo po ako (come to my help, Lord). Because of some unforeseen shortages, we call on to God. This is not yet a first-world country as you know, and you learn by hindsight, how we make mistakes that could have been prevented, but it’s actually better that way since you get to access more your God, and through angelic intervention, you earn more inner strength, protection, and revelation. More truths are revealed to you, simply because you are more eager to learn, you have the awe and wonder of a child.


Master Guide Kirael says the unseen energies do not understand language or words as you know them. They can feel you however, and if they can feel you, they will know what you want. The key here is weaving that local and omni brains together. Since the higher energies work with your heart or feelings, your focus must be on your emotional body. Your emotional body is between your mental and physical bodies, so when you feel something, the latter two bodies go along for the ride. If you want to get from Manhattan, New York to a specific place in Queens for example, after all many Pinoys travel in the U.S., you must have pure thoughts about the journey, concentrating only on the specific place or goal you want to reach, feeling every aspect of it. You are doing a meditation walk this way. Going into the etheric pattern until you find and get through the “gray space” lets you know you have left the 3rd dimensional reality. You will find yourself in Queens. Some of you are thinking you can’t get through that little gray space. Well, keep thinking you can’t get through, and you won’t get through it. That’s Master K talking to you, he is emphasizing the importance of positive thinking or of discarding fear, replacing it with truth, trust and passion. You can control your higher self or God self, but you must concentrate. You can learn this now, while you’re still in the third dimension.

Your blueprints have always been available to you, and when they’re interwoven, you can just feel through the etheric fabric to find what you’re looking for. When you request properly to your higher self, you’ll be surprised by just how much you know about where you want to go (this is symbolic of other objectives in life). Much of what you know is hidden in your feelings, but accessible.

KIRAEL ON DUALITY: The only thing keeping you from getting out of this dimension to another realm is your lack of focus. You must use your concentration to experience that no separation exists. In the third-dimensional journey, you have the Yin and Yang, female, male, back and forth, up and down, in and out. It is as if you’ve split the location apart, one half is the yin and the other is the yang side. The yin yang journey is your way of measuring this plane of consciousness. In order for you to experience good you must experience bad, and so on and so on. When you take the duality, the yin and yang out of the equation, and you weave the right and left brains you will not feel a separation. You will find that everything exists in one space. It takes no time for me to go there, because I’m already there. It takes no time for you to get here because you’re already here.

How large is the Photon Belt and how will we accommodate all this photon energy?

KIRAEL: First, the photon energy belt that the Earth will move through during the Shift is so huge that I cannot provide you with a precise description of its immensity. Second, prana is a vital life-giving breath, involving deep inhalation, which allows the photon energy to enter the body through the crown chakra. Finally, your pineal gland is the receptacle of the photon energy in your body.

After the Shift, Kirael continues, the amount of photon in your body will have a direct correlation to your auric glow. When Master Jesus was on the Earth plane, people could see his aura because it glowed from all the photon of his body. Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary both had auras that glowed. On the other hand, Peter’s, Paul’s and Matthew’s auras did not glow, because they couldn’t go beyond the third-dimensional reality. Practice creating that glow when you look in the mirror and if you can’t see the gold coming out of you, stand there a few more minutes and energize your golden strand. You may only see little pieces of it, little sparks emanating but that’s a successful beginning.

How important is taking care of your physical body now, if it will be healed anyway when you get to the fourth dimension?

In order for you to get into the fourth light, you will have to keep your third-dimensional body intact. You have a yin and yang body. The back of your body is your male side and the front of your body is the female side. You must keep both sides balanced and healthy or your journey into the fourth light will be bumpy. Those of you who smoke or drink too much will have to curb those activities before the Shift happens. If your organs are damaged by too much alcohol or your lungs are clogged from cigarette smoke, you will suffer during the dimensional transit. The healthier your body, the easier the transition will be. In the future, you will use the photon to breathe, which means you won’t need as much lung capacity. Your lungs will diminish in size, and if they are clogged, your breath will be more difficult during the transitional phase. Prana breathe every day and you will find it easier to get through the Shift.

KIRAEL: You can prana breathe to do more than find your way out of your body. The side benefits of prana breathe are releasing anger, cleansing your thoughts, heightening your awareness, in-lightening your body, and as more fourth dimension is coming soon, you’ll have an easier time getting there if you practice prana breathing.


In the long term, life is about raising your consciousness levels, and reading Kirael’s messages may enable you to find the answers to many challenges you have to face up and wonder why. Most of these will relate to your earlier lives where opportunities may have been missed and return to give you another chance to succeed. There is this amazing little girl of ten years who (featured the other day in the Yahoo news) could sing like an adult soprano in the category of some celebrated Italian opera singers you know. She astounded everyone in the popular show “America, You Got Talent” especially the judges who tried to test her to find out she was not lipsynching, she was not. This is probably a sign of her having attained such mastery of operatic singing in a previous lifetime. And now she’s back as a child, still doing the things she used to do so well in the Now. Is linear time gone??

There are other kids who have suddenly come out of the woodwork, one was painting like Monet, it was reported in the Yahoo news with pictures. How come, we ask? It has to do with the Past, Present, and Future time zones, all blurring into the eternal Now so it appears. Linear time as we know it, is beginning to be erased to manifest the eternal Now for us, “infidels” (ha,ha,ha) unbelievers that we are, and thank the Photons (God energy) that have transmuted our bad karma of the past. Photons bring the Light of Love of these aforementioned children who are breaking out of the mould that their parents and peers have placed them, and allowing you to discover that they are already 4th dimensional beings, showing you your bright future. What it serves is a confirmation of what has been given, while it can also be confusing as you cannot necessarily put it into a time frame, so the Galactic Federation of Light spirit guide SaLuSa of Sirius affirms. As time passes these experiences will increase in frequency, along with the development of extra-sensory perception and telepathic abilities. It is all part of your return to a higher dimensional Being, and for this reason, you will handle these developments without difficulty.

It is the uniqueness of Ascension that is providing you with the opportunity to rise up so rapidly. There are Lightworkers both on and off Earth who are here to enable every soul the chance to ascend. Knowledge will open doors for you, but progress is linked to the development of your consciousness. If you accept and allow things as they are happening in the Now, who knows most will relate to your earlier lifetimes, where opportunities may have been missed and return to give you another chance to succeed. Wow, mabigat nga ito, sasabihin mo. Wow, this is heavy stuff, and yet this uplifting of consciousness is the one that will make you en-lightened, making you light... Then you find out your experiences will direct you to people and information that will lead you in the right direction. Thank God and your lucky stars.

I have no doubt, it was photonic energy that allowed Christ to rise from the dead. Have you watched the recently shown feature on the Shroud of Turin on History Channel TV? It is most amazing. I will have to re-read your inspiring article to grasp the message in its entirety. AA


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