Monday, October 04, 2010


To continue the discussion on the Law of free will I’d like now to incorporate the Law of cause and effect or karma to bring a deeper harmony to the practical circumstances in which we find ourselves in these difficult times of transition from the old cycle to a new one.

Child of the Sun with all your golden flowery petals unfolding, why did you come to Earth? You are being called to wakefulness, to your place in the new myth. A great miracle is coming for planet Earth, and the time is now. A new consciousness will be created by the children of the Sun as they ascend with the Earth to a new place among the stars. Your being a Child connotes innocence, not ignorance, though you are getting old... In your awakened state, when asked about your age, you now can say, I am as old as the universe and young as the morning sun, and it's true. Photon light is increasing within you that makes you glow from within to without as you immerse in the joyful ocean of soaring frequencies in this realm where there is only love.

Open your world to the Great Mystery, according to the Mayan Oracle. You are the miracle of the new myth unfolding. You came to Earth with a purpose, a plan, a master “blueprint” encoded in your feelings. Live in harmony with that plan. From now on there are no more road maps as alarming landslides that swallow up villages, floodings, oil spills, an unexplained spread of a chemical sludge polluting rivers threatening disease, melting ice glaciers, rising sea levels are changing land zones on earth, no more ideologies, no more philosophies.

From here on, your direction comes straight from the universe, day by day, moment by moment.

This is the path of innocence, the path of trust. It means not trying to control
the outcome. The entire universe is made of love. Give and receive. If you are not fully receiving the gifts offered by the universe
, you can short-circuit your connection with the natural spirals of growth. Give freely and unconditionally without attachment to how your gift is received. Offer this gift unconditionally. Trust in the situation at hand.

Know that, like the pull of the heavenly bodies, love is neither taken away from you nor given by someone who may be here and gone tomorrow, but love is discovered and allowed.

No one is without love, for love is the force that holds universes together.

But this love is not to be mistaken with the kind dramatized in movies that deal in sex and violence as created by the ugly reality of human trafficking victimizing women and children or deadly drug trafficking, more criminal assaults on women arise signifying this is the time of horrifying darkness before the dawn.Trust your steering mechanism of heart-knowing. Trust the transformational processes that are at work as you ascend with Earth to higher vibrations. Listen to the universe as it speaks the voice of the collective present. See how your past has brought you into the present and how the present catapults you into the future.

Remember, you are always at choice. If you hold memories of wounds relating to unfinished emotional issues you are being asked to interact with individuals, situations or memories -- these feelings are requesting to go into healing and release now. Affirm: Through you, Gaia, I am also transformed! I am awakening to the return of divine love and light. As we awaken, we are healed and together our petals open ecstatically to the new Sun of Flowers (see image above) But we feel discouraged and overwhelmed by the current world situation as the dark forces are making their last hurrah to block us from entering the new frequencies of the golden octave now allowing us to make the quantum leap that will catapult the Earth into a new spiral of being.

So let us return to the idea that we have the right to have any experiences we want. Why is the mind of the anti-christ or dark forces so appealing to anyone? What does the mind of anti-christ offer us? The anti-christ is any entity or any belief system that gives a denial of the cosmic Christ within you, or a denial that you are advancing in the path of cosmic Christhood when you are. It offers us the experience of total separation from oneness. And why on Earth would this be appealing to us?

Well, as I already said (Kim Michaels is back), there are experiences you cannot have, some things you cannot do, while you see yourself as an extension of your I Am Presence. Let us look at these experiences in more detail:

*When you see yourself as an extension of the Presence, you cannot do anything without considering the consequences for other people. The Law of free will requires total responsibility. So there are some actions you could never do, for example, you could not be a Viking (as Kim Michaels talks for his people as a Dane) or a 21st century terrorist who’s likely to be supported by drug cartels (as I speak for everyone) if you see yourself as an extension of God. As Kim says, going into separation makes it possible to do what you want and ignore the consequences it has for others. Yet the mind of the anti-christ offers you a deeper layer – namely the conviction that your selfish acts are not selfish according to the highest authority. The worst thing you can do on Earth is to kill another human being, so it takes the highest authority for you to feel that your killing is justified and only the reality that gives you this justification which is why the Crusades could kill and still see themselves as doing God’s work.

*As the ascended masters have said, you are responsible for the choices you make and you cannot escape the consequences. Yet the mind of the anti-christ offers you the experience that you can indeed avoid the consequences of your actions. The crusaders knew that killing was forbidden by God. Yet when they were killing in the name of God they were convinced that God would not punish them for doing it.

*Another aspect is that when you think you are a separate being and when you focus on the material consequences of your actions you cannot get away with this. As I have said, you can never escape the consequences of your choices, because your choices are made based on a separate sense of self, and you will experience life through that separate sense of self. Yet the mind of anti-christ offers you the illusion that if you can avoid physical consequences there are no consequences that affect you.

*As the masters have said, God has given you completely free will, but God has also given you absolute responsibility for your choices. The primary appeal of the mind of anti-christ offers you the illusion of presenting you as a powerless being who is the victim of forces beyond your control. Thus, there is nothing you can do with your own power, meaning you really can’t help feeling powerless. You are not truly responsible for the outer situation. And thus you are not responsible for your state of mind.

The Victim Consciousness simply has to go.

It is the victim mindset that make us susceptible to the false path to salvation. The Conscious You is an extension of God's being,meaning it is also beyond conditions. So the only "condition" the Conscious You must fulfill in order to ascend is that it must return to the state of innocence, the state of being without conditions. It must therefore shed the conditions it has come to accept by using the illusions of the mindset of the anti-christ to define a separate self.

*The mind of anti-christ is based on a duality, so it has its built-in contradictions, meaning it can justify many types of behavior. For example: some people want to be victims and feel powerless, whereas others want ultimate power. The mind of anti-christ offers you the illusion that you can actually define what is right and wrong in the ultimate sense. If you are defining right and wrong you can always define it so that you are right and that denies you your responsibility to connect to the reality of Christ. Which really means that your free will is not free, while you think that you have ultimate freedom.

The masters teach that the forces of evil began when a group of angels under the leadership of Lucifer decided to rebel against God’s plan for the universe.

These angels were especially in disagreement with free will, and ever since they fell, they have been trying to manipulate our free will in order to prove God wrong. In other words, the angels thought God was wrong for giving all beings free will, because it made it possible for beings could be lost. So the angels wanted authority to override our free will and thus force someone to be saved.

In Maitreya’s book, he explains the concept of a series of spheres, about the angels who were not actually in the spiritual realm. They were in a sphere that had not yet ascended but was close to the ascension point. And it was because the angels refused to transcend the sense of self as being important in that sphere that they fell.

The masters have also explained through Kim Michaels that a part of the equation was that these angels had not truly overcome the desire to be more than other beings in their sphere. They had been given high positions only in the hope that by having this experience they would overcome the desire to be better than others. Some of them did not, so when the sphere ascended, they refused to let go of the sense of superiority and thus fell into the next sphere.

If you think about this, you will see that free will actually works against the idea that some beings are more important than others.

If all have the opportunity to increase their self-awareness to the level of a Creator, then no one can do permanently better than others. Do you see the Catch-22 here? Beings who have a desire to feel better than others simply cannot let go of the identity as separate beings. Only when beings are separate that it is possible to impose a value judgment and say that some beings are right and some are wrong. Yet if you cannot let go of the separate self, you cannot rise in self-awareness of being at a certain level. Meaning that those who are willing to let go as the separate self will then surpass you in God’s realm. This is exactly what happened to the angels who were not willing to transcend and became the new leaders. As Jesus said, “The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.” .


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