Saturday, January 08, 2011


You are now looking back on the last year 2010 of duality as you have experienced it for millennia of time. Somehow it had to end, SaLuSa of Sirius, the twin Sun of our Sun, speaks now to us. He wishes us a Happy New Year 2011, to make way for the new energies that are bursting to come forth and cannot be held back indefinitely. In so doing he speaks, the chaos may grow but we ought to see beyond it to release us from the veils of darkness, so that we may invite the Light to be firmly established upon the earth.

So, catastrophe for everything that is built upon the foundation of materialism, lies, and unconscious death-wishing, avers John Major Jenkins, author of book 'Galactic Alignment,' does not appear to be a bad thing, and this means primarily the prevailing Western paradigm. into the next World A This also suggests, he goes, that the indigenous cultures that have made it to the threshold of the end-date are favored exemplars of survivability. They may be the true midwives of our rebirth ge. The tearing asunder that accompanies this birth is akin to what happens when energy breaks into a system; terrible, destructive, but ultimately opens up larger channels for new energy to flow in.

What we need is to first appreciate here that Copernicus’ discovery of truth concerning Earth’s motion around the Sun also put humans at odds with how the Light of truth is apprehended by us. For many a hundred thousand years humans held that Earth was in the center of the universe. These earlier humans would have been deeply confused by any suggestion that the Sun resided at the center and the Earth was spinning around it. For the pre-Copernican mind, the Sun is this hot thing up in the sky that travels around Earth every day. As far as we know, Earth, is the whole world for us! It’s a place of great oceans and tidal waves and vast mountain ranges and frightening hurricanes! Of snow blizzards and avalanches of snow or mudslides burying human dwellings !! Earth is both Fire (summer) and Ice (winter) or both -- fire rages in our cities in the Philippines in areas where poverty and chaos have been reigning, while it’s icy and freezing in countries on the other side of the Pacific, where chaos and disharmony have been galvanized too. That’s how humanity is being cleared or washed clean of its density of material pollution collected over a millennium.


Pleiadians have long responded to our signals by participating in our evolution during the last 26,000 years as spirit guides as they dwell in the Fifth dimension of the angelic realm. This has been possible because according to them, the Sun is actually the eighth star of a spiral system sourced from Alcyone of the Pleiades. Now the time has arrived for us to remember our stellar or cosmic identity. The great cow gods and goddesses coming from the constellation Taurus, sign of the bull, says Satya, keeper of the Library on Alcyone, the central star of the Plieades, have been preparing us to swim through spaces within the interlocking strings of the Net.

You are to be like the illuminated fish swimming out of the Age of Pisces into galactic synchronization with all the other stars of the Pleiades. This time of 2011many of you will be transformed into a gossamer web of photonic light that will open your inmost heart to the exquisite liquid essence of the Pleiadian love vibration. I am here to help you recall your Pleiadian heritage and to open the Alcyone Library to reveal the massive record banks of your own star intelligence. Every 26,000 years, your solar system moves into the Photon Band as the Earth precesses into Aquarius. (Aside) Please review your knowledge about the Precession which I have discussed in earlier postings in this weblog, Forest of Stars. Satya: This is why I always return, and if you find yourselves resisting me this is simply the Net confusing you, anesthetizing you.

You are ready to graduate from a history of fear into a future of love, and if you want your diplomas, you must stretch your minds right out of your skulls! To digress from Satya, let me be more gentle and poetic. We call out to you, our light-bodies,all over the planet to embrace the lightning strike of thunderbeings as you are being purged by lightning bolts, blazing blizzards of snow, and terrifying torrential rains that would not leave for weeks drowning human settlements. Through your pilgrimage into the unknown, through the purple flames of transmutation, or climate change as you like, you will all return to a home you never left in a planet Earth that has been transmuted into light. A definite sign that Earth is getting into the circle of Light comes from the fact that aside from a few skirmishes, plots of the dark Ones on making war no longer succeed

Duality that is born of good and evil, is receding, you are now receiving the Mayan Cauac, entering a time of profound quickening and transformation. Why quickening? You suddenly find your house for example, slipping into a powerful current of onrushing waters with no rescue in sight. You actually have come to the edge of what you have known yourself to be. Cauac means chaos (Mayan). It beckons you to step into a fire that changes every level of your being, even the underlying structures of your life. I heard this spoken by a friend who spent a day and night on top of their roof in Marikina while Ondoy’s flood raged below. Her former great love of wealth and social stature had vanished. She was content to be alive with her God. Cauac or chaos to the Mayans, prepares you to go through an apparently insurmountable wall, and the intense feelings around this “wall” provide the very fuel that will propel you through it. No one will “save” you from it. Heaven now allows the destruction of old forms of thought. These feelings are the access to your hidden power or potential for soul growth. Be purified by the cleansing rain and transmuting fire of the lightning of Cauac.

In the Plieades, Earth’s Age of Aquarius is known to be the Age of Light of Gaia, the time when the third star out of the Alcyone spiral – Maya – along with the eighth star – your Sun – move into the Photon Band together. (aside) Our sun now moving into the Photon Band is beginning to go berserk as our scientists in NASA
have reported powerful solar flares may be causing flying black birds to drop dead in some places In your legends, this is the story of the return of the twin as embodied by zodiac sign Gemini. Alcyone always remains in the Photon Band because it is the progenitor of one of Milky Way galaxy’s stellar spirals.

Van Gogh, one of the incarnated Pleiadians during the grand cycle, was imprisoned because he painted stars as spiraling. As a Pleiadian he was naturally free and creative, yet he felt totally trapped in linear space and time (just as most of us people are), and this terrified him (just as we are terrified). Now your scientists are seeing that some stars do form spirals of light in empty space. Vincent Van Gogh could actually see this spiral form of stars, which is the faculty of multidimensional sight and we are also attaining gradually that faculty as you are getting adjusted to viewing reality with my lens reading my series of articles, incorporating messages from the Ascended Masters, SaLuSa, and now Satya, as channeled.

It’s time for Van Gogh and all the great human artists who have excited you by enabling you to see beyond your realm to be freed from prison! Yes, a renaissance is happening on Earth once again. If you doubt this, observe the new generation of children of Earth our apos or grandchildren are so bright, they amaze us with their wizardry in knowing how to use the computer without even reaching college or going to school that teaches computer science or technology. Study van Gogh’s star paintings for they will help you see how your Sun is actually part of the Plieades.

Now is the time of the sacred twinning, when Maya and the Sun move into the Band, impelled by the writhing stellar light of the Alcyone spiral, and see Alcyone and many other stars existing in beautiful galactic beams of Light – photon bands (not yet discovered by our living scientists or astronomers) To be simple about these concepts for now, this is the time when the Maya (one of the Seven Sisters called the Plieades) return to Earth and catalyze Earth’s intelligence for the whole Milky Way galaxy. You already know something is coming because it is all recorded in the Mayan Great Calendar, which is also 26,000 years long, just like the precession cycle and the orbit of your solar system around Alcyone.

Satya continues: My beloved Maya colleagues are all astrologer daykeepers as we Pleiadians are. And they have told my vehicle Barbara Hand Clow (author of The Pleiadian Agenda book which is one of my sources about the Pleiadians), that you humans are lazy. After teaching you for ten years, she has shown us that cycles, orbits, and star patterns are very difficult for you. Personally, I have been deciphering the language of the stars in my weblog Forest of Stars, for the past five years, and I haven’t been receiving enough commentaries that assure me they have understood me adequately. However, Satya is not discouraged, as she sees humans are now getting excited and creative in attuning to these cyclical patterns, and this apparent 'stirring' within them tends to activate their 'cosmic' selves, it tends to make them remember where they came from. But it will be their children or apos who will lead them.

The cycle began around 24,000 B.C., when you became homo sapiens, and wasn’t that a great job triggering you? Have you seen the wonder of Paleolithic cave art? (aside) We have one in the place where our local great artists led by the renowned muralist Botong Francisco converge in Angono, a town in Rizal province. Have you seen how awesome animals were in the eyes of your ancient ancestors? Now after 20,000 years, you have been self-reflective, existing deep in your cellular memory. We are in your blood. Our light pulses your heartbeats. You need no pacemakers. If you follow your own fascination, together we will penetrate this constricting Net until you are finally free from getting very sick, strokes, ageing, instead you are getting a lightglow or golden aura which can be seen as an index to your light-body's spiritual progress. This takes time of course,and free choice, but the levels of spiritglow can be more accelerated Now (meaning the Past and Future are no more, it's just the eternal Now)than previously with the increasing flow of gossamer photonic light by following your fascination with cosmic consciousness. News: Michael Douglas has no more cancer. Other believers may be experiencing the same.


The stage is now set for the drama in our library in Alcyone where there is a temple with a circle of nine Ionic columns surrounding a crystalline model of Earth (aside) As we humans become crystalline meaning becoming light-bodies as empowered by the newly set up crystalline gridwork of the Earth we will be able now to penetrate all Nine dimensions. Your vitality is our heartbeat. And as you enter the Photon Band with Maya, an alliance has been formed between the Pleiadians and the Sirians (hence, we have been receiving updates from SaLuSa of Sirius as you have been following this website-- Forest of Stars).

Do you know that the Three Magi who went to visit the Holy Infant Jesus in the manger of Bethlehem were from Sirius? On Jan 6, 2011, a group of Filipino magi-astrologers with cosmically fascinated friends gathered to celebrate at 170 Banlat St., Tandang Sora, an art-gallery-home of Heber Bartolome, founder of erstwhile UP astroglogical society during his student days, assisted by Ed Cabagnot now professionally linked with the Cultural Center of Phils.

Without multidimensional access while you are in the Third dimension, you will die and destroy your own world. Because your Reality is splitting between those who are resisting the changes and those who are surrendering to God’s Universal Plan for us, and accepting the powerful vibrations that go with it. Earth needs to be fascinating and creative, or your children will not play the game. The kids, our kids, aren’t going to work, to school, or to war anymore, and they are on the verge of not having sex anymore unless it's cosmically inspired. They are ready to play with Aquarian archetypes – truth, multidimensionality, freedom, and creativity.


According to the Ascended Masters 2011 is the Year of the Mother, and all the false in your Reality will be challenged but not only through the conditions that people think are real. As matter lets people outplay everything they have created through their consciousness, the matter world around them looks exactly like the people who have created it. Look at how parents create their children. They give them all they have through the genes. A somewhat similar process takes place also in the spiritual creation. Your current thoughts and emotions, the sense of identity you have imagined you have, all create your consciousness. All of that also becomes your world in the matter plane. Do you see, Beloved that the world around you, is out-picturing the way you currently see yourself? The life that you have created out-pictures who you really think you are, as it is the consequence from the cosmic mirror.

Every single moment when you are consciously aware you have the ability to be reborn and recreate your current creation. The Solar Return Ascendant of the Philippine annual chart to start on June 12, 2011, is in the 4th House. It signifies, you will likely make some changes 1)in your physical home, making some changes in your home, or even changing your residence; 2)in your spiritual inner house, you will have a great desire to achieve emotional stability,inner peace, and to put down roots in your place. Consequently, you will search for situations and people who can offer you material and moral security. When you are consciously aware, you have the ability to be reborn, and recreate your current creation. When you are willing, when you are decisive you are able to make a quantum leap in your consciousness.

This of course can happen only if you are willing to look at yourself, and to be reborn into a new sense of identity. That is why the Year of the Mother, Mother Mary, brings forth the initiation of the 12th ray, the perpetual rebirth. My Beloved, be mindful of the situations you encounter, be mindful of all the conditions that the matter plane outplays around you, because all those conditions show you what matter plane outplays around you, because all those conditions show you what is your actual consciousness through which you create.

People who have mastered during the last year 2010, the 9th ray initiations, feel a great difference when entering into the Year of the Mother, 2011. They feel much less the burden of karmic return, enjoy much more transparency and creativity and flowing through them, much more joy.


At 11:54 PM, Anonymous wedding bridal set said...

It’s time for Van Gogh and all the great human artists who have excited you by enabling you to see beyond your realm to be freed from prison! Yes, a renaissance is happening on Earth once again.
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