Monday, October 25, 2010


But aren’t we already enlightened? Many of my friends in the so-called generic “circle of light” societies may want to ask. Many of them, in fact, can be considered “Lightworkers” in their own subtle ways although they may not know it. One can actually find them among the listings of Facebook members doing lightwork like performing ritual healing ceremonies, soul- dancing to the tune of their drum drums during Full Moon mostly (Equinoxes, and Solstices not yet well known) intoning chants of love, peace and bliss for the world, calling on to Bathala (God in Pilipino) to bless today’s distressed humanity. The most advanced economy in the world has recently discovered an extensive poverty. For suchness is necessary so proud humanity may attain enlightenment. As the ancient Greeks say: pride precedes a fall. Be sure to look at the balloons flying at the bottom.

The Elite (powers-that-be that control the world) would debunk astrology as prominent astrologer Barbara Hand Clow claims, while using it as a tool to predict human behavior to perpetrate their power games. This is definitely a sign that we exist in the realm of duality where spirit and matter precariously co-exist and where extremely ambitious materialists would be seen using spiritual techniques as power to further their ends. However, their number is diminishing as more photon light of the higher dimensions is increasing. We still can observe how some global-political powers use astrology to stay one step ahead.

Ms Clow defines Astrology as the highest art for analyzing human behavior, and smart people use it. I agree it’s God’s Art – in all its sacred geometry, divine magnificence, photonic radiance, and vibratory orderliness. For myself, I have worded my own view of astrology as a marriage of science, mysticism, and art. Such a view of forces, affirms physicist Fritjof Capra, (it looks like Fritjof Capra and me are in galactic alignment in this, ahem) – that this viewpoint is so characteristic of Eastern mysticism which regards motion and change as essential and intrinsic properties of all things. I then become a scientist as I was in a prior lifetime :)) In the Eastern view, as in the view of modern physics, everything in the universe is connected to everything else and no part of it is fundamental. For this reason, fundamentalist religions are now getting worried with the spread of new age, rather Now age teachings. But they need not be, and they should rejoice and welcome the fact that both physicists and mystics realize the impossibility of fully explaining any phenomenon, and yet it becomes a paradox again, that they are concerned with ‘absolute knowledge involving the understanding of the totality of Life.’

Physicists are seen to be satisfied with approximate understanding of nature. The Eastern mystics, on the other hand, are not interested in approximate, or ‘relative’ knowledge. They are concerned with ‘absolute’ knowledge involving the understanding of the totality of Life, I may sound redundant but it’s necessary for clarity. The Eastern sages, however, are generally not interested in explaining things, but rather obtaining a direct non-intellectual experience of the unity of all things. This was Buddha’s attitude who answered all questions about life’s meaning, the origin of the world, or the nature of nirvana, with a ‘noble silence.’

The notion of ‘all in each and each in all’ has found its most extensive elaboration
in Mahayana Buddhism which is often considered to be the final culmination of Buddhist thought. It is based on the Avatamsaka Sutra, traditionally believed to have been delivered by the Buddha while he was in deep meditation after his Awakening. This voluminous sutra which has not been translated into any Western language, describes in great detail how the world is perceived in the enlightened state of consciousness when the ‘solid outlines of individuality melt away and the feeling of finiteness no longer oppresses us.’ My source: The Tao of Physics, by F. Capra.

It tells the story of a young pilgrim, Sudhana and gives the most vivid account of his mystical experience of the universe, which appears to him as a perfect network of mutual relations, where all things interact with each other, like the planets in the Fall Equinox (Sept-Oct-Nov 2010) chart which we will discuss in a while. The Tower is a metaphorical image of the universe, drawn in such a way that each of the towers contains, in itself all the others. The sutra, paraphrased by D.T. Suzuki, uses the image of a magnificently decorated tower to convey Sudhana’s experience:

The Tower is as wide and spacious as the sky itself. The ground is paved with (innumerable) precious stones of all kinds, and there are within the Tower (innumerable) palaces, porches, windows, staircases, railings, and passages, all of which are made of seven kinds of precious gems…

And within the Tower, spacious and exquisitely ornamented, there are also hundreds of thousands… of towers, each one of which is as exquisitely ornamented as the main Tower itself and as spacious as the sky. And all these towers, beyond calculation in number, stand not at all in one another’s way; each preserves its individual existence in perfect harmony with all the rest. There is a sense of perfect intermingling and yet of perfect orderliness. Sudhana, the young pilgrim, sees himself in all the towers as well as in each single tower, where all is contained in one and each contains all.

The Tower in this passage is a metaphor for the universe itself, and the perfect mutual interfusion of its parts is known in Mahayana Buddhism as ‘interpenetration.’ Space and time are also seen as interpenetrating. This experience of interpenetration can be seen as a mystical vision of the complete ‘bootstrap’ situation according to the Tao of Physics by Fritjop Capra, where all phenomena in the universe is harmoniously interrelated. In such a state of consciousness, the realm of the intellect, says Fritjof Capra, is transcended and causal explanations become unnecessary, being replaced by direct experience. Likewise, when someone asks: Do you believe in Astrology? The answer would be: Do you believe in experience?

Our focus in this study of phenomenology is on God’s creation itself which lends to experience, Myth, Metaphor, Math, Magic, and Mirrors. Focus on the seasons and lunar cycles, goes back to more than 10,000 years ago when the ancient seers discovered ways to balance our consciousness by showing how to use the potentiality of each season with intention. What is the Intention of the Creator when the universe was made? Divine Intent or the divine plan is the main concern of Astrology. “All rotating things, “ says Chang Tsai with reference to the heavens, “ have a spontaneous force and thus their motion is not imposed on them from outside,” but from within the I Am that I Am Presence. And these are the Laws of the Universe/ In the I Ching, we read: The natural laws are not forces external to things, but represent the harmony of movement immanent in them. This harmony of movement immanent in the lunar cycles for instance, can be utilized to master our emotions very effectively, because the Moon or the lunar cycles are in charge of our feelings. But we'll tackle that later.

We’d like to look at how the Elite might be planning events for us during the Mayan Calendar, and they offer tips on how to live better amidst these difficult transformative times. How have we gotten to these critical junctures? Why are 1999 through 2011 so critical for the survival of our species?

In Barbara H Clow’s book Catastrophobia,(2001)she theorizes that we are afflicted with a crippling species-level, post-traumatic stress syndrome that she calls “catastrophobia” This trauma developed 11,500 years ago as the result of a great cosmic catastrophe in our solar system. This malaise in the collective psyche of our species deepened during thousands of years after the 9500 BC cataclysm when our ancestors endured starvation and horrific environmental stress. Something like this is happening again at this time of Great Shift in consciousness. Before this time, during the Regional Underworld – 100,000 BC through AD 2011, Earth was the Garden of Eden. We experienced harmony and oneness in our planet. Then the Fall of man from grace happened as explained in the Bible or holy scriptures, coinciding with the Mayan Calendar’s aforementioned event. Then catastrophic events separated us from Nature and these are deeply buried in our minds over the eons. Just like adults who once endured early childhood-abuses that they have largely forgotten, we must heal ourselves by recovering these memories and understanding how they have changed us.

FALL EQUINOX, Sept 22, 2010

The Fall Equinox has arrived and we begin by reviewing our 2010 Spring Equinox (March- April- May) intentions which we seeded in Spring to fulfill during the 4 seasons. In our country, we know only of 2 seasons, the dry and wet seasons, but in spirit the Intentions seeded during the Spring Equinox are the same and made to grow till end of year. Less stressful as it maybe for us Pinoys since we have no Winter, just maybe, we are more favored with less stressful climate, hahahah, because as part of the ASEAN economic developing countries, we have less wants to fulfill than the people in the west, perhaps. But not being favored in a physical manner can drive also many of us to leave wanting to be more physically endowed by migrating to America, and other western countries. But not anymore as a sense of fear of poverty is now pervading the globe. During the Summer Solstice, the time is to birth these ideas into recognizable form. The Fall Equinox (Aug- Sept- Oct 2010) is the time to flesh out, balance, and assess those creations and to weed out those that are not just working. Then the Winter Solstice is the time to enter into deep contemplation, to imagine how our personal creations assist others and the planet to evolve.

Usually, the Sun moving into Libra (Sept-Oct.) just wants to have a nice party and experience tra- la-la-la harmony. But not this year !! With the Sun coming into an exact square to Pluto in Capricorn, and to Saturn in conjunct, a few hours after Moon goes into Aries and opposes Sun in Cardinal Libra, a Full Moon that squares newly direct Pluto close to the Galactic Center, you have the entire galaxy in revolt!

It’s time for us to seriously (implying that we have not been serious) evaluate Earth’s organizational systems, and how We the People react to them. Systems (ruled by cardinal signs Libra and Capricorn) don’t function anymore when people lose their faith in them. The Fall Equinox predicts great changes, and the worst thing you can do is to resist and do nothing. All over the world we have been witnessing the chaotic uproar of people massing in the streets of Central American countries like Ecuador toppling a government for depriving them of their pensions. The same problem arises in ritzy Paris and Washington DC. In Karachi, Mumbai, and other places, people are crying for more jobs, changes in the way government is handling the economy that’s breaking down. And when a government decides to make cuts in the budget to solve the money crisis, the Sun in usually indecisive Libra shouts – “Make decisions and act against such stupid moves!” The Fall Equinox chart suggests things are so difficult that masses of people are just too stressed out not to move and demand for their rights. You want to be part of the movement and demand new things that work, as politicians as far as possible milk the public treasury. There are three or four T-squares of planets configured in the zodiac map of the Fall equinox denoting great difficulties to be overcome.

The Sun conjunct Saturn in Libra denotes that people will be moving out of houses they don’t own, dead-end jobs, and lifeless relationships as Sun opposes Moon in Aries. With Jupiter and Uranus clutched together in 27-28 Pisces for months, people tend to be uncommonly clever and fond of study but led astray by totally wrong principles undermining even the most ingeniously built mental constructions. Uranus-Jupiter paired denotes a remarkable but shifty luck (Jupiter is great luck and Uranus is sudden change), and like his knowledge, the native’s body can be warped by some blemish or his health sapped by some illness.

Diseases abound like dengue fever in the Philippines at this time. Cholera epidemic threatens Haiti. Cardiac arrest and diabetes are common due to a rich diet of processed food mostly dependent on toxic substances and sugar. Total ruin threatens the health, as the need for prudence will never be overstressed as multiple media techniques arise to confuse young people who are turning more crazy over computer games than studying; drinking and carousing in evening outings. Blind confidence can never be discouraged enough in some elected top leaders who are propped up by a mass media propaganda machine that is highly selective of what news to release.

Learning to understand planetary pairings seems to be the point at this time of the Fall Equinox 2010, as we near 2011. When Mercury conjunct Saturn are traveling together they carry on a long discussion about the meaning of each one – Saturn focuses on core identity, while Mercury struggles to verbalize and conceptualize what it might be – Who am I? Why am I here? What am I supposed to do in the world? In Libra, how can I offer my skills for peace and harmony? Discussions about planetary pairings are usually very confusing. During natal readings, they can be time-consuming Catch 22’s since living with them has been enigmatic for the person getting the reading. They are confusing because they are very subtle especially during the time of the New Moon as the lords of the sky (karmic board) are giving us a higher dose of “pairing medicine,” which connotes a higher level of testing one’s choices to make. Do I take the high road of virtue, or the low road of crime in relationships ? Also, because working in pairs can help us remember how to function in community, forcing us to face the East-West impasse.

Saturn (integrity) square North Node (purpose for coming in this incarnation) already indicates a karmic crisis. So the persons who are inspired by the enigmatic pairing of Mercury and Saturn in Libra are going to be impelled to let go of old security (Cancer) and adopt new forms and structures (Capricorn) in the community. The old order giving way to a new order...

Mars conjunct Venus in Scorpio are in the middle of a very interesting dance that involves three conjunctions in Libra, and Scorpio which have inspired deep potential for sexual and relationship harmonics. Their negative potential is to cause you to be so excessively androgynous (he/she) that you lose your full feminine and masculine powers as renowned astrologer Barbara H Clow attests. The positive side is that when you are in your feminine mode you are very strong, and when in masculine mode you are less male becoming more feminine—and becoming intuitive and magnetic. Ha,haha, laughter from the side comes, coming from the male of the species themselves. Now, people may understand the real difference between male and female, and not fear it as the process of transformation and Becoming unfolds with the female becoming more male, but not to lose the Balance as this is well orchestrated,
and the male becoming more female, and thus learn to relate to each other through fairness and sharing...we'll hear more about such changes in the beingness of men from a fundamentalist religion that keeps the women fully we move nearer into the 4th dimension, Isis the goddess will be Unveiled.

And with Neptune conjoined to Chiron paired a few minutes apart in 26 Aquarius,this is the main "prep team" for the Universal Underworld time acceleration of March 9, 2011, which started back in 2008. This pair works to heal the past-traumatic-stress-disorders in the past ages of our existence stimulated by the current Galactic higher energy frequencies...triggering "erotic timelessness." We leave our blocks of the past behind to slide into the Neptunian bliss of of the Chirotic "Now" of No time.

Wow, isn’t that mighty interesting? The pairing of Mars-Venus in transformative Scorpio would bring the solution to the Old Gender Imbalance in the world, where the male is considered superior to the female, and the New Moon in Scorpio will give way to a clear harmonic relationship between the sexes which ought to inspire male/female balance in the planetary system. This is the desired BALANCE of the universe at this time as humanity moves away from the Galactic into the Universal plane of the evolutionary pyramid with the Mayan Calendar ending a great cycle of 26,000 years and beginning a new one.

Look up to the Tower again which is as wide and spacious as the sky. Imagine yourself reaching for the hand of the lovely angelic being reaching her hand out to you from the clouds where the turrets and minarets and spires of the towers are hidden... the One becoming the many, and the many returning back to the One.

M.J. Hi Georgie, AMEN TO THIS.
A.A. How very beautiful, thanks for sharing.


At 6:44 PM, Blogger myvja said...

I'm just wondering why the images to attract souls/spirits to achieve spiritual levels are descriptions of gems, gold, etc. These are material items that are attractive to greedy materialistic personalities who aspire for power and riches.

At 8:35 AM, Blogger rehabgad1 said...

Good write-up. I definitely love this site. Keep it up


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