Saturday, March 12, 2011


The Greatest Revolution in Human History began on March 11, 2011, with URANUS' entry into ARIES, a Fire sign, signifying The Revolution of Consciousness. It came as an explosive, massive 8.9 magnitude earthquake that kept shaking and shaking Japan, shaking and stunning a terrified world with a speeding tsunami that roared over a great part of northeastern Japan with waves rising to seven meters, sweeping everything in its path. Death toll is rising as the missing is unaccounted for at the moment. Tsunami warnings were issued Friday, March 11, for at least nineteen countries around the Pacific. The world is terrified, but our angel guides ask us to be calm. So I tried to calm myself and felt serene by saying -- Calm the wave of change, calm the wave of change, and felt among all the meditative others, the tsunami was beginning to lower in intensity the destruction of mankind. I was also directing it to the Middle East countries where masses of people in protest are being fired upon, even bombed by despotic leaders who refuse to yield their controlling power.

If there is a 20-fold increase in frequency with every wave, the 9th Wave or Universal Underworld, will have a duration of 13 x 18 = 234 days and would then start March 9, 2011. In Mayan Calendar language this means an 18-day period, subdivided into an ascending and descending phase. If the 9th Wave is about creating harmony from what has evolved previously then our task is to ask Divine Guidance as to what to do to arrive at the peak of Being. If we are asking for global harmony we cannot simply ask our egos to guide us, this is directed at the Japanese technocrats(and world)who built these nuclear reactors that are now threatening to have a meltdown as they scramble to avoid a nuclear plant disaster of even more horrendous effect on mankind. The 9th Wave is a most powerful gamma wave of evolution coming from the Galactic Center that struck Japan as a massive earthquake and tsunami which calls for the transformation of a New World of Being. In fact, the idea of this transformation of humantiy into Unity Consciousness will continue till October 28, 2011 and beyond. Matter and Spirit are now perceived as One. Everything starts with an intention AND IF THE INTENTION IS ALIGNED WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE COSMIC PLAN IT WILL INCREASINGLY BEAR FRUIT. "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly." Richard Bach.

When we step into the Energy of Being, we open the door to possibilities that we may never have even dreamed of. When we are in the energy of Being we are tuned in to the Essence of who we are. This essence does not have the constraints of limiting beliefs, attachments, or preconceived roles to play. Awareness is the first step to staying in the energy of Being. Using your breath through meditation is a great tool to beingness since you are connecting the self to the Highest Self--the Source (God). Expressing the Essence of yourself of who you are, is a powerful and inspiring act, one that has a ripple effect. Will you add your ripple to the spiralling vortex of life?

Each of the Nine Underworlds (Mayan Calendar) with corresponding Heavens, and years into Day and Night as time factors twenty (As above, so Below) have developed a certain level of human consciousness, to reach their completion on the day 13 Ahu, October 28, 2011. And finally, after going through the pyramid of the Cellular level (820,000,000 years or 12 alautuns) Mammalian (42,000,000 years or 13 kinchiltuns), the Family (2,000,000 years or 13 kalabtuns) the Tribal (102, 000 years of 13 piktuns), Cultural (5,125 years or 13 baktuns), the National (256 years or 13 katuns), the Planetary (12.8 years or 13 tuns) the Galactic (260 days or 13 uinals)levels. --we have finally reached the Universal level, top of the Cosmic Pyramid, that occurred on March, 11, 2011. Aside: please take note of the number 13 that's repeated in every age level of human evolution in the Mayan Calendar. Why 13? Why do we dread number 13? Our materialist real estate developers make it a point to avoid a 13th floor in their high rise towers, 13th step in their stairs. Some of us have this fear of being photographed when there are 13 people in the group. Somebody has to be added or subtracted to avoid the number 13. Why? Filipinos consider this unknown fear as deriving from a superstition inherited from the past. Ignorance again is the culprit which has its roots in our collective unconscious.

Do we fear the Return of the Feminine God? As we have said again and again, God is Father-Mother, they are never apart from the other. The Feminine side of God is the expression of the Spirit. Mother God is known to us under different names, titles, the most favorite for us Filipinos is Holy Mary, Mother of Miracles. In her many apparitions, and as Lady of Fatima she issued forth warnings about the end of a civilization that has become so materialistic, unholy, and unclean, it needs cleansing to transform it to higher consciousness levels to earn Heaven.

Affirmations: May I ask you to stay centered and grounded in our Trinity/Holy Essence so that we catalyze the physical-spiritual transformation that is occurring in the planet Earth today? Penetrate and saturate all life with your Love and Light, healing humanity in the Core Heart of Earth Mother, where you find your sacred place. To Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, I give thanks and respect. To the Shining Ones of spirit, I give thanks and respect. I call you all Beings of Light to guide us in our journey today. We are guided, guarded, and protected now and all ways. It is so.

The Galactic level is broken up in the regular 13 sections with each of these sections only 20 days long! These days (years actually) are called the divine years. Time has become Chiros time, we have entered the Eternal time of God with the discovery of Chiron planet in 1977, the wounded healer, the bridge between heaven and earth, but first we must be cleansed of so much karmic dross or pollution reflected in disasters and diseases before we can enter the Photon band of Light where the Galactic Center is located, the Gate of God. In sum, it appears that Creation is speeding up and that more and more is being packed into shorter and shorter periods of time. It's like the human experience of making a long journey going away from home to reach a certain destination of work, then when it's time to come home to our beloved Family time seems to run very fast. Each cycle of Creation contains the same amount of advancement and change but each cycle runs 20 times faster! The same amount of change that happened in 1.26 billion years of the Cellular level now occurs only in 360 days! The Mayan Code book is adapted from Carl Johan Calleman’s The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness.

Something happened in 1755! Time speeded up twenty times. As you can remember, right in the middle of Day Seven of the National Underworld, the first stage of the development of telecommunication suddenly popped up through the Theory of the Telegraph, Anonymous 1753. By the time we evolved to 1952 Day Six, Heaven 11, we had the first television broadcasts. In the book The Mayan Code there’s a growth stage chart illustration from Calleman giving the sowing, germination, sprouting and proliferation of telecommunications leading to the Telephone, Bell’s patent application, 1876. Radio has its first regular broadcast in the US in 1910, in Germany, 1913, Day Five, Heaven 9. Television‘s first public broadcast in UK, 1936; first color TV broadcast in the US, 1954, which is considered a Flowering on Day 6, Heaven 11, attributed to the goddess of birth. What changed our basic way of life after television? T’was the Computer networks, Internet, 1992, Global Television channels, Mobile telephones, Day Seven, Heaven 13 attributed to the Dual-Creator God (Father-Mother God, Alpha and Omega).

Now is the time for the Mayan Calendar to be studied and debated. When we reach the year 2012, it will surely be too late. Scary? By 2012 we will know if we had been able to fulfill the divine plan or have failed. Because of ignorance, or we were not wakened up by those who knew or we were disinformed about it because of certain interests. Now that I know about it there’s a weight on my soul that I should spread the word about it around the planet. I’m most grateful to the Creator for allowing me this golden opportunity during my long journey in life to arrive at this sublime knowledge of God’s plan for us.

As author Barbara Hand Clow sums it up, when the evolutionary activation is complete, the people of the Earth will have forgotten all about history and the Mayan Calendar; they will be in ecstatic communion with nature and the Creator.

I am now convinced that the Mayan Calendar can be regarded as the Theory of Everything (or complete theory) that was anticipated by Stephen Hawking in his book, A Brief History of Time. Now that the West is recovering its own spiritual story by means of paradigm-research, active contemplation of the cycles of time is a very potent way of moving right into the Ninth dimension-- the Galactic Center -- the location of the highest states of consciousness that exist. This is where our brain waves can pulse the Galaxy's very high-frequency gamma waves. Now we don't need to have a guru to find enlightenment or the idea that personal knowledge is the work of the devil. All that must go. All that knowledge gained during the previous Underworlds like the Regional and National levels, has sped up so fast that all this information is pouring into the human mind faster than we can process it. This databank may be the richest one for modern humans, according to Clow for it is free from religious manipulation and coercion. Eastern teachers were wise to suggest people should empty their minds during meditation, since their minds were filled with junk !

If we are able to focus on the unfolding pattern of Creation, this is what you will be conscious of. The speed of change and the disclosure of the nature of Creation will become a stabilizing force in our life -- not a confusing tumble of cause and effect, accident and loss, but seen as an orderly universe, as summed up by Calleman. So when a person or society recognizes a pattern as great as all of Creation, there is great certainty and centeredness -- there is great Peace of Mind. That centeredness once achieved by humam society will earn us the name Homo Pacem.

The ancient Mayans believed that their long count calendar measured the amount of time required for the human species to evolve to a higher level of awareness. This will happen when our planet and the Sun come into a resonant alignment with the Galactic Center on Dec 21, 2012, and humanity will step over the threshold of consciousness and begin the next Great World Age. The Mayan Calendar inspires us to see that everything that exists is an expression of a profound and ordered Intelligence. Everywhere you look you see traces of a Great Mind that does everything with a purpose.

In retrospect, cosmologists say the universe was created about 1.5 billion years ago. As Carl Johan Calleman, famed lecturer on the Mayan Calendar, says they might be more accurate to say 16.4 billion years ago. The dates on the stele in Yucatan are either the same as the dates the scientific theory gives for the major evolutionary transitions, or they are very close. It boggles my mind to think that our geologists and biologists have only began to come up with estimates of human beginnings and its long distant past, in the past 150 years. Darwin published his Origins of the Species in 1859, but the real advances in the study of hominid culture began during the mid-twentieth century in Tanzania with the work of Louis and Mary Leakey. The Coba stele dates were deciphered by the 1950’s according to the matching data banks of the author. The Maya of Coba carved the stele around 1,300 years ago, and the dates on it exactly match modern scientific theory which came together only about fifty years ago.

What are your thoughts?