Tuesday, February 01, 2011


There’s a wonderful Thought Form of great size moving around the Earth during these times… It is the most beautiful image of Mary, Divine Mother of God, brought about by the Double Venus transit that began on June 8, 2004, that is on going now marking a transition of eight years till 2012. There are legions of Angelic Beings also present, showing themselves more frequently of late. So you see, Dear Ones, says SaLuSa of planet Sirius, twin sun of our sun, that when you send out your Love and Light, it is not wasted or ineffective but grows in intensity its desired result. In this way, what you send out is returned a tenfold, as it attracts more energy from beyond the Earth… the Ascended Masters also draw closer….

I have an understanding of your difficulties, SaLuSa continues. I say put faith in your ability to ride out the storm, symbolic of all the tumultuous upheavals going on, such as icy storms blanketing across the US., political storm of epidemic proportions across Egypt, and in our own Congress tumult grows in the investigations of enormous abuses in handling government funds of billions by top military echelon, just fully unearthed, also involving other government institutions in recent years. If you will recall, we were to expect these kinds of astounding “lifting of the veils” at the onset of year when you read my post titled, "2011, Year of the Mother," in this, my weblog...Forest of Stars. Again, we go trekking into the Forest to see more of the "Lifting of the Veils"...

Be blessed with true understanding and knowledge of what’s going on. To begin with, understand the astronomical event of the years 2004 till 2012, the Double Venus Transit when planet Venus passed between Earth and the Sun, a sort of eclipse that lasted 6 to 7 hours, last June 8, 2004, and for Venus to return eight years later, on June 6, 2012. The vision of this astronomical event called Double Venus transit is to create ripples in the vast material pool of human thinking to make an Intuitive breakthrough, to transform the World Brain by balancing its split between the Left and Right sides of the Brain, the left favoring reason/logic.. the right favoring the intuitive faculties. We are now inside this calculated intuitive breakthrough by the pair of Venusian Energies 2004(2012) for the purpose of raising our vibrations and consciousness and prepare us for Ascension, close to 2012.

The ancients of early times knew about the difficult changes brought about by the consciousness-raising mechanism of a Venus Transit that comes in pairs. The Mayans of old for instance, fled their villages when a Venus transit of this nature would arrive, as it would cause their towering structures to collapse, signifying a change of moral order. But as far as human measures go, such transits occur rarely. Below is a list of years of most recent occurrences when a Double Venus transit in pairs is given within the parenthesis.

1518 (1526)
1631 (1634)
1761 (1769)
1874 (1882)
2004 (2012)

In 1518, the first circumnavigation of the globe by Magellan/del Cano was launched, they were set sailing in 1519. By the way, Magellan discovered the Philippine islands on March 16, 1521. The impact of this Double Venus transit on humankind’s mind was enormous. The journey of these captains had shown in practice that the world was not flat, but spherical. In the following years a new World View emerged in which it became clear that humans inhabited a globe, not a flat pizza. The time of speculating about what the world is, was the first step into the development of the Global Brain, that’s split between a right brain and a left brain to affect global consciousness.

To add to this Venusian knowledge, as reported by Carl Johannes Callman, a renowned authority on the Mayan Calendar, I would like to expose the fact that when Magellan/del Cano stumbled upon these fair islands, while their Spanish naval team was looking for the Spice Islands, the first Filipinos were discovered. The accidental punctuation I place on Filipinos at this point has to do with the development of the World Brain. And history will serve as testimony to it, wow. They would go out of their island home, in later years at the turn of the 21st century, as overseas contract workers, spreading all over the globe in great numbers, consciously, to seek greener pastures; unconsciously, to make a dent on the mindset of their modern- day employers who appear to be so Left-brained, meaning steeped in logical materialism that it made Filipinos venture into a field that was fearful and at worst, life-threatening, where their points of reference had become fluid.

But as they get used to the challenges,they began to feel this part of their journey is like floating in space without the restrictions of gravity, the mystery becomes exciting and courage arises naturally to meet each new challenge, anchored in a secure sense of self and a connection to the divine Source. They are seemingly touched by angelic messengers who offer them unconditional support to venture into the unknown, serving others in a spirit of understanding cultural differences, truth, compassion,and forbearance.

Meanwhile, their western, mid-eastern employers could sense this mysterious connection to an idea of a God that they have long denied or rejected yet they would stumble willy nilly, upon an intuitive breakthrough as a result of dealing with Right-brained Filipinos who are now known to be steeped into a kind of Intuitive streak which they couldn't understand. Only thing they knew was about their material insecurities at home that intimidated them no end and drove them to work overseas. In time, an intuitive understanding has seeped into the World Mind, enabling advanced countries to declare far and wide that employing Filipinos is always on their preferred list over other nationals. Amazing grace.

Since there is no person alive today who was born in 1882 or earlier, the Venus double transit in 2004, will be everyone’s first experience of it. What may we then expect from this occurrence? To find out is certainly worth your focus and attention.

In 1761, the study of this event had long been prepared for by astronomers who were planning to use their observations as a means of measuring the distance of the Earth to the Sun. And in here, we have the image-title “A Woman Covered with the Sun” referring to Holy Mary, Mother of Christ. The goal of this scientific study could only be accomplished if observations were made all around the world. And for this to happen astronomers in different countries were needed to collaborate. The transit of Venus across the face of the Sun was observed in 77 different places ranging from Karesundo to Pondicherry including Tobolsk, Tahiti, Beijing, and Philadelphia. The point to realize here is that this was the first international collaboration project ever done in science.

Never before had scientists belonging to different national academies collaborated in a project and it was a Venus transit that compelled them to do so. And it involved the study of the Sun’s movement. It was also the first international collaboration project of any kind. uniting different nations as such. Regardless, an important step was taken bringing the planet Earth together and it was initiated then. The impulse is a crucial step in connecting the different peoples of the world through the impulse from Earth’s sister planet Venus.

In 1874, the double Venus Transit coincided with a very notable occurrence in the development of the Earth into a Global Brain. The founding of the World post Union, and the completion of the Atlanta telegraph cable in the same year, which both marked fundamental steps in the development of global communications.

In 1874, moreover, Bell had his first idea of a telephone which was patented the year later. In this year it became possible for the first time for people to routinely communicate around the globe as a rapid means as this was developed in no time. Needless to say today’s Internet would not have been possible without these preparatory steps on the development of global telecommunications.

It is timely to ask now what will happen as the next Venus double transit has taken place in 2004 to end in 2012? A fundamental difference compared to previous transits is the advanced state of global communications that already exists. Almost everyone in the world will, through the newspapers, letters, telephone, cellphone, the Ipod, and the Internet have advanced notice of this Double Venus transit of 2004. The new steps forward on the path of humanity will be taken within the framework of the Global Brain with its nerve threads, i.e,, the telecommunications network, that already exist.

Calleman says it is hard to avoid the impression that the new transit of Venus across the Sun, planting a kiss, to show that the solar fire does not burn Venus’ cheeks, No other planets in the solar system can do this without exploding. The Sun has somehow served to concentrate these energies and has sent an intensifying beam to planet Earth. During this Venus transit, the cosmic energies were thus strongly amplified.

There are good reasons to believe that the Venus transit of June 8, 2004, in contrast to earlier times will herald a development of communication between human beings not based on technology. The chief reason is that we are now at a stage in the Galactic Underworld of the Mayan Calendar that favors the Right brain, and the Intuitive faculties of the mind that are mediated by this transit of double Venus. We may expect the up coming Venus transit to launch an era of communications utilizing mental rather than electromagnetic fields of the zodiac. This new field unlike the gravitation in the National Underworld and electricity in the Planetary Underworld, will emerge as a synchronized field of consciousness favoring spontaneous flow rather than linear time planning.

The merging of Chronus time (linear time) and Chiros (timelessness or eternity) will be covered by the Intuitive field and the human awareness of eternal time or endless time and space will increase dramatically. The Right brain (intuition) as opposed to the Left brain (reason and logic) will be favored by the cosmos, and may be the field of communication that turns Earth into a New being, Gaia harmonica. The telepathic field therefore has emerged. For example, someone will be calling you just when you think of him or her without using the cellphone or mobile phone. To support the energies of this is the whole point in the Oneness Celebration of June 6, 2004, ending June 6-8, 2012.

If you imagine a world without secrets, where you and others are unable to hide their thoughts from each other, in a much more profound sense than currently, we are all One, what would life be like? To be continued.


From Los Angeles, Calif., Vics M. says:
Wonderful, interesting blogsite, you have here, Georgina! I love the way you write ... the energy is even so palpable that I dig, "feel" it with these two eyes glued to the monitor.

From New Manila, Q.C., Amalie A. says:
Many thanks for another major opus on the double transits of Venus. We are getting closer to Unity Consciousness as Callman calculates with the acceleration of time we will be seeing it happening by March, 2011. Am wondering how this will manifest.

From Beth P.
A rose for you, you truly, truly deserve it.
