Sunday, January 16, 2011


The noise raised by media regarding the shifting zodiac signs to insert a small sign Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer in the old order of the astrological Zodiac, is just that – noise. Why noise? Because it becomes nonsensical to discuss a deep mystery like the 13th sign of the zodiac when one has not really studied it. Instead, let's concentrate on a profound esoteric happening that's actually astounding -- the lifting of the Veils of Maya or illusions in the beginning of 2011 that are hiding the deceit and lies of the foundation of our prevailing society.

We will go into this highly phenomenal topic “Lifting of the Veils” in the Year of the Mother in a moment. But first, we have to clarify that Ophiuchus as the 13th sign is an old, forgotten constellation of the zodiac for the Sun actually spends more time before the stars of Ophiuchus (19 days) than it does in its neighboring Scorpius (6 days). Also the stars in this area of the sky are less than magnificent. This star system was discovered in 1779 by Sir William Hershel. The fact that it is the 13th sign made astrologers shelve it aside for there was this inexplicable fear of the people of the unknown in number 13. For example, builders refuse to include a 13th floor to a building, a 13th step to a stairs, a 13th fellow to a group in picture-taking or retain him by adding a 14th entity. Friday the 13th is also avoided in their travel itinerary. It simply stresses the fact that earthlings’ state of consciousness is truly immersed in Fear, and these poor guys don’t even know why. (But how do you go beyond 12 to even 14 without passing 13?)

It’s this myopic state of cosmic ignorance of people on earth who are not intellectually stimulated to go into studies of the mysterious and unknown because probably of religious inhibition that makes them appear superstitious and stupid in spite of their brazen belief in themselves to be a know-it-all. Nonetheless we shall not dwell in such obsequious dread to energize further the fear of 13th. Since all parts are interconnected, we will eventually learn to overcome this illusionary disconnection of the 13th sign from our lives because of transcending what we used to hide from ourselves. That means, we finally learned to release fear...fear of bad luck which means death and offer ourselves to be the Open door through which the Light may flow. And Light brings immortality.

The Golden Age starts when society and business take responsibility for their actions -- the Ascended Masters speak, and Saint Germain takes the lead.

I, Saint Germain, can give you this dispensation during the whole year 2011 because I know that this year is not necessarily an easy one for those who still seek to hide something. This year will create a lot of clashes, a lot of conflicts, especially in society inside governments, inside corporations, inside financial institutions , and I have to tell you with absolute surety that the more conflicts and clashes are ahead, the more there is need to take down the Veils of Maya in society and inside institutions. The freedom of the Mother, my beloved brings forth the opportunity for Christ truth in situations in matter as the Buddha was indicating, as Mother Mary was indicating, and Jesus was talking about. The situations in society would cover first and foremost the arena in governments, in big corporations, in small businesses that will be questioned and the activities of those people who are in charge of them.

The Year of the Mother will be the year which will bring forth the change to everyone who is willing to transcend and to give rebirth for a new world that the Mother wants to give birth to. I, Saint Germain represent definitely one Spirit that wants to flow into the Mother’s womb to be reborn into matter. Part of Freedom’s Flame which I am to release this year 2011, is the honesty to acknowledge the true images behind the matter. The real truth can be recognized in matter when the Veils of Maya or illusions have been eliminated. The reality without illusions can be seen now in the arena of matter and people have the opportunity to see what is actually behind them. Everything that is behind the veil will be brought forth into the media, directly in front of people’s eyes. In this era many means of communication will be used through which the people have an opportunity to ask questions from the governments and institutions or start discussions about the activities of those institutions and financial enterprises.

All of a sudden in 2010,in the Year of the Son, all governments who have been affected by Wikileaks realized that their whole world view is shattered ! They need to think and start thinking in different ways and that precisely, my beloved, needs to happen during the Year of the Mother because the energies of the Year of the Son (2010) and Year of the Mother (2011) do not allow lies to be hidden. They do not allow actions of such scale to remain unquestioned and unresolved as for example in the case of the deadly oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, when the British Petroleum wanted to hide the consequences of its actions and decisions. The coming Golden Age does not enable people to hide anything, such as situations you see today. The freedom to express Christhood is the freedom to express Christ in matter. Christhood is the freedom of the Aquarian Age and all situations which do not carry this freedom will be challenged tremendously this year 2011. .

St.Germain: My Beloved, this vibration of Freedom Flame which I have released this Year of the Mother will be released through a masculine messenger this time. The freedom flame has only one purpose and goal: this vibrating freedom wants to raise you all up to a new level of consciousness, so that you can look back to the Year of the Mother and think “what was I thinking before the Year of the Mother?” The freedom of the Mother is to give birth to the true Christ Spirit that wants to flow into the old conditions that want to recreate themselves into new conditions.

You all have seen during this era that the media has been creating images that are most useful, most profitable and most favorable to a certain group of people. What does it actually take to create a society, where one group of people want to create the conditions that are only favorable to them? Of course it takes a deceitful action by the group of people who want to create the illusion that they are much better than anyone else. And thus they deserve distinctly better living conditions than the majority of the population. In order to create that illusion they have to deceive the other group who is not part of their “team” (Aside) A propaganda machine to make one look better politically than others, has been visible and loudly audible in our country in recent years utilized by the current administration that recently took over indulging in the gluttony to punish with negative publicity the previous one that only focused on work, work, and didn’t try to retaliate.

The deceitful and false foundations of society will be challenged. Because the deceitful and forceful separation between groups of people that the power elite in its anti-Christ mindset has been projecting upon the matter plane is a complete fallacy.

We Are All One

Imagine what it would be like to live in a world without secrets, once the Freedom Flame of Saint Germain releases the gift of freedom of telepathy upon the Earth plane where you and others are unable to hide their thoughts from each other. If intentions or thoughts cannot be hidden in this highly developed field of intuition, an enormous amount of plotting against other persons, hidden agendas to snatch the advantage of raking profits from rival corporations in conglomerate businesses would become obvious. No one could create secret plans for warfare, not even at a very early stage to nip it from the bud. Militarization would become obsolete. Plans to work hard to gain a zillion medals to pin on one’s chest to inflate one’s ego would turn futile.

No one could develop bad intentions to say the least, against a fellow human being without being obvious. Crimes against others would be clearly visible and the guilty person would be found out easily, even a power-driven appeal to the Supreme Court for an acquittal would be of no use. Also, the courts and legalistic luminaries would run out of fashion. Much of the wheeling and dealing that goes on in the business world would become completely transparent. In personal romantic relationships or marriages there would be an end to lies and deceit. With the freedom of telepathy, as Saint Germain, sponsor of the Golden Age is now about to release the Freedom Flame on a long suffering people, we would come to realize that there is no one to plot against. The whole idea of different individuals having opposing interests would lose its meaning. Those who enter fully into this new emerging telepathic field will live in a more joyful world, more healthy, less prone to illnesses if ever. The downplaying of conflicts will allow them to live long and in harmony together. To be continued.


At 4:41 AM, Anonymous Yoly said...

I like this, so enlightening! Thanks Gina!


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