Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Everyone knows about the 12 signs of the Zodiac. These 12 signs are the electro-magnetic fields forming the path the Sun takes throughout the sky, and it’s called the band of the ecliptic. The Moon and other Planets are included in the zodiac system for they are the energies that carry the laws of the universe. In astrology, the zodiac denotes those signs that divide the ecliptic in equal parts of 30 degrees each and so are also within the constellations of the Zodiac. As such, the zodiac is a celestial coordinate system that takes the ecliptic as the original latitude and the position of the sun at vernal or spring equinox as the origin of longitude. .

What many people do not know is that there is a 13th sign called Ophiuchus. It is the forgotten constellation represented by a Snake Bearer named Ophiuchus who is actually associated with a real person. It appears that the 13th sign has been kept a secret by astrologers for a long time. And the number 13 is feared by men. So what has the 13th sign have to do with 2012? The year 2012 is associated with bringing us to the center of the Milky Way galaxy. The Sun’s Alignment with the Galactic Center denotes that we are moving beyond the physical body for which the human being was originally designed, we are moving into a different level of consciousness where we will experience a tremendous transformation as souls uniting finally with the Spirit that moves us to our God the Source of All life.

The new vibration from the Center of the Galaxy Milky Way where numberless stars spin, the new vibration from the cosmos will activate additional DNA that gives you access to the secrets and mysteries of who you are, and what your purpose is along with the access to the 4th dimension above the Earth’s 3rd dimensional existence. Our DNA has been associated with the symbol of snake, and dragon, and with the revival of learning about the 13th sign Ophiuchus the Serpent bearer, you can see the need to study why we are meeting the Serpent again at the Second Coming. A Serpent Ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a snake swallowing its own tail, constantly creating itself, and forming a circle. In some representations, the serpent is shown as half- light and half-dark, similar to the symbol for Yin and Yang, which shows the dual nature of all things such as the positive and negative currents of energy, male and female.

The 12 around one pattern (12 =1+ 2=3)3 or 3rd dimension is our physical reality based on linear time (chronological time) so the soul can experience the feelings of emotions, and go through death and rebirth. We mark time in cycles (circles meaning no beginning no end). We find 12 around one clock, one zodiac wheel, alchemy wheel, wheel of time, and karma. After 12 is 13, 1+3 is 4, the symbol of transformation from physical to spiritual. Could the 13th sign Ophuichus which falls strategically between the zodiac’s natural 8th house of Scorpio, sex, death and rebirth, and the natural 9th house of Sagittarius, higher mind and spirituality, be the linking sign for the knowledge we need to upgrade our fallen DNA to advance it to the next level of consciousness? The soul’s lessons might be for us to realize that through death – 13, there is rebirth (14;1+4 = 5), so we can rise to the 5th dimension of Pure Love, after going through eons of living in confusion and lies and impure physical love. Review the previous posting of the Year of the Mother in this weblog, “Forest of Stars”. How did we lose our original 12 DNA strands now reduced to 2 strands?

We lost the 10 strands of DNA in the Garden of Eden, the first Genesis, and now we have been moving into an evolutionary process of death and rebirth – called Cosmogenesis where the zodiac signs, the planets and galaxies are involved in our being reborn. In Genesis, we meet the Snake or Serpent (*symbol of duality) for the first time, hanging on the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil, tempting Eve to eat of its fruit, and we see Eve passing the apple to Adam. It was a woman who is alleged to cause the downfall of man, and it would require another woman to bring about man’s return to paradise, Ascension. The woman is Mary, Mother of Jesus, Son of man, Mother of Miracles. Thus, 2010 is the Year of the Son, 2011, is the Year of the Mother, also the year of miracles if we are already ascending. Death will threaten us in the physical form of weather changes: raging fires, severe snow storms, hurricanes, unprecedented floodings, landslides, earthquakes, plus air, sea, road accidents resulting in heavy destruction of life and property. You will see a reaping of souls daily, also the possibility of miraculous healing for ascension would mean transcending 3rd dimensional limits with the body.

Why is Ophiuchus in the 13th sign a man? Because we have to return to our ancient Myth of immortality. Ophiuchus is an immortal, who carries the balanced Yin and Yang elements, male and female, in him, highly skilled in healing. He can resurrect a man from the dead. At this point, we would like to know who this immortal man is in ancient Greek mythology. Mythology is our means to transcend the variety of languages, cultures, ideologies and religions on earth —the biblical Tower of Babel of noise, where everybody is talking at the same time and no one is listening…Babel is the noise that we have on earth which creates chaos and confusion in our minds when seeking the Truth – Mythology is learning the Truth about us through symbols, and through meditative silence by going deep within us…

In the 27th century BCE in Ancient Egypt lived a man known as Imhotep who was also known as Aesculapius and he was an immortal man. He was schooled by the centaur Chiron (now a planet) in arts, botany, and medicine. So he was knowledgeable of the various herbs and plants as a student of nature. One day, it is said in the legend, he was in the house of a friend, when he killed a snake. He watched in astonishment when another snake slithered into the room with a particular herb in its mouth and with it restored the slain reptile to life.

Recognizing the plant, Aesculapius soon learned to use its mystical powers to heal the sick, and resurrect the dead. It is from this history and from the ability of a snake to cast off its old skin, and assume a new revitalization that serpents have become symbols for healing and modern medicine. Aesculapius, the first doctor, was not allowed to revive the dead on his famous voyage of the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece. Following the journey he continued to advance the practice of medicine. Pluto, the lord of the underworld, however, denied him the right to restore a dead man to life for he appealed to his brother Jupiter, chief of the gods, that death should be the ultimate end of a mortal man and not to be trifled with as energy by the most skilled of physicians. Jupiter, king of the gods, struck Aesculapius with a thunderbolt and ended his life on Earth. But in tribute to his accomplishment and skill as a great physician, Jupiter placed him among the stars, where today he is known as Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer. See image above.

One of the reasons that little is known about this 13th constellation is that the Sun spends only 18 days in it, and it was thought it didn’t make much difference whether it was included or not. It would only upset the orderly, equally distributed dates of a fixed system of 12 zodiac signs, and 12 houses. Out of 365 days in a year, 30 days were assigned to each month, at variance, 31, and only 28 to February, except on a leap year, 29, why because February was considered a not so lucky month. And for Ophiuchus with only 18 days, it would mean even lesser luck for those born in the 13th sign. So are you for including it in the zodiac?

“We are eternal when we are,” says astrologer Gregory Szanto in his book ‘The Marriage of Heaven and Earth.’ It is difficult to see the same thing in two different ways at the same time, having the gift of free will. And it is difficult to get out of habits that have been ingrained over long, long periods of time as in eons of lifetimes, dying and coming back to life, repeating the cycle again and again, with no prospect of ascension. That is why, self-realization needs the shock of sudden experience like the blindness of Saul to shift to St. Paul’s level, and enable us to see him in this new way. In kabbalistic terms, we can see Eternity as force as the universe is eternal; it is an endless pattern, a dance, continual motion. It is only when we observe it through our limited physical sight that it becomes time, linear time, a today, yesterday, a tomorrow. We may need a sudden shock of experience like a plunge into a heavy landslide, or a sweeping tsunami from the ocean to cover the surface of the earth to see Eternity. That’s why the 13th sign had to be revealed and maybe understood only at this time towards the end of a great cycle of 26,000 years.

God created the Sun and because it passes through Ophiuchus, it does so for a reason. If astrologers do not yet understand its importance, they will do so when God is ready to reveal it to them. What is the secret of the 13th sign of the zodiac? The word zodiac literally means animals and it refers to the pattern or configurations of creatures or symbolic glyphs as in air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, that can be seen and traced to the twinkling stars of night. Ophiuchus is the only one depicted as a human. So what is the mystery implied here? What has this 13th sign have to do with 2012? Why is the number13 actually feared by men?

In 1604 a very rare event occurred in the skies over planet earth. Johannes Kepler, a renowned German mathematician, astrologer, and astronomer began observing it on October 17, and studied it because he knew it as a highly important supernova. A supernova is an explosion of a star that can be seen in our era. What startled Kepler was the location of this historic event. The location of Kepler’s supernova was inside the 13th sign of the zodiac. Ophuichus is represented as a man crushing the head of a serpent or snake and this supernova was located right at the heel of Ophiuchus. Kepler didn’t know what it meant but he knew it meant something and recorded every detail he could about this strange occurrence. Kepler compared this event to being no different to the Star of Bethlehem and this is why he devoted so much time to it.

Kepler’s Supernova shows that God controls the stars. S/He who made the Pleiades and Orion and changes deep darkness into morning and also brightest day into night, Who calls for the waters of the sea, and puts them out as the surface of the earth, Who made the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and constellations, Who would have the Second Coming to do with stars, the seas and the Zodiac system where the Sun passes through the constellations along the ecliptic. As the Sun represents God, the Source of all life, and energy, as well as life’s purpose, Energy then carries the Law, and the Law regulates energy, and where the vibration of energy is low at this time of the Great Shift or cyclic change, there the four elements would rush to do the cleansing. So keep the vibrations while running from the ground -- up high. Let the Law of Love regulate the energies in their purity of essence to bring you back to immortality when our DNA had 12 strands like Ophiuchus.


At 4:38 AM, Anonymous yolanda said...

Dear Gina, thanks for this new informtion. During times like these, of much phenomenal subconscious changes taking place, we need people like you who untiringly share knowledge and enlightenment to all! More power to you!--Yoly

At 4:09 PM, Blogger nutart said...

thank you,Ma! Will send this to a former student of mine who wants your opinion about Ophiucus. With my study of Falun Dafa, it really makes sense!

At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Robert Hagedorn said...

But what IS the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Do a search: The First Scandal Adam and Eve.

At 11:40 PM, Blogger Reming said...

A strong faith and trust in God can vanish our fear of the number 13. Anything can happen even if it's not at the 13th floor, 13th St., 13th hour, day, month or year, etc.

Thanks so much for your very enlightening information about the 13th sign. If only we can live with sincerity, honesty in our hearts, and with deep appreciation of all of God's creations, nothing unpleasant will come about. And if ever there is, it's just because we all are part of this universe, and we are not exempted from the pains on earth just as Jesus was not exempted from pains and sufferings when He was in flesh. Thanks a lot my friend.

At 12:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great and very enLightening message... thanks from the Heart of Oneness or no-thingness??? :)

At 9:38 AM, Blogger Adrian said...

Wat r the begining and end dates of the ophiucus and does what are the beginning and end dates of orphiucus and does it modify or change the origin if you were born on Friday the 13th and at the begining of dead time

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