Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Friends have asked me to see if March 29th will bring a disaster of some kind to us here in the Philippines. So we did three charts as possible scenarios on that day.
If you compare the Japan Earthquake chart of March 11, 2011; Sendai at 2:48 pm with March 29, 2011 of a possible disaster in Manila or thereabouts, at a given time --3pm there's a big difference.

Japan Earthquake-Tsunami -- We have here a horrendous "Thor's Hammer" planetary configuration involving Moon in 10th house, in negative square to Saturn in Libra Retrograde in 3rd house, square Neptune and Chiron in 7th house. That's the combination of planets needed in a deadly "Thor's Hammer" configuration. Thor is a highly popular Norse god during the Age of Vikings. Whereas Zeus has his thunderbolts, Thor has his hammer. THOR IS A HAMMER-WIELDING GOD ASSOCIATED WITH THUNDER, LIGHTNING, STORMS, STRENGTH, DESTRUCTION AND HEALING and protection of humanity. You can see how Japan was "hammered" as it were by a massive 9.0 earthquake with 300 aftershocks in two-three days time of continued shaking, and the Tsunami roared to 23 feet high sweeping everything along its path. The world stood by stunned and terrified. Disasters that happen at this time of the Great Shift in consciousness occur because of cleansing of our souls for us to enter the Higher realms of consciousness. To match their powerful higher voltaged frequencies we have lessons to learn about honesty, purity, humility, compassion, fairness to others, balance, and kindness, last chance, as we have entered the top of the Pyramid of the Nine Underworlds of the Mayan Calendar that depicts human evolution.

This is the final Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of the Great Cycle of 26 thousand years that's ending, which has unleashed people to fight for their rights -- and they are. We are all handling similar waves of intense revolutionary energy of tremendous blue waves of light. The breakthrough is unstoppable because the people in revolt in the MIddle East will not pull back since Jupiter is racing in Aries and Uranus, the cosmic vehicle of sudden Change, follows into Aries on March 11, blasting the Earth with a massive 9.0 magitnitude earthquake and tsunami in Japan, causing the collective world to spin into uncontrollable and sometimes joyful chaos, which will be the rule of the whole Universal Underworld.

The purpose of this reading is to see how we can use the powrful alignment of planets in Pisces in the world particularly in the Japan Disaster chart to modulate, soften and guide these forces toward the further opening of global compassion. Pisces ruled by Neptune is cosmically energized to be spiriutal and intensely compassionate, especially towards the good, suffering people of Japan, as well as those super-courageous peoples in revolt in the Middle East. Rule by kingship and fiat is over, and the gross inequalities between the rich and poor will have to be resolved. In Africa and the Middle East the Aquarius New Moon encourages people striving for freedpom to take their power back that was lost to kings and despotic rulers for thousands of years.

In the Japan disaster chart we see six cosmic bodies aligned in Pisces in 8th and 7th houses -- Chiron, Mars, Sun/Moon, Mercury, Uranus which indicates humanity's healing power, specifically,Japan's own healing, and other countries suffering from earthquakes of devastating effects like Haiti, Chile, New Zealand, recently Myanmar. Mercury conjunct Uranus square lunar Nodes, the purpose of incarnation indicates a situation in which the Japanese people’s desire for freedom and their nonconformist tendencies conflict with social standards. For example, they will build many nuclear reactors that incur the disapproval of the more traditional and conservative elements of society, and hence they are prone to misfortune. Earthquakes have oft times plagued the islands of Japan and they are well prepared for them until the biggest one struck Japan on March 11, 2011, when Uranus the cosmic principle of God’s intellect entered 00 Aries, the sign of Revolution in consciousness. The message is for Japan as well as the collective human race,particularly the economically advanced countries with nuclear plants in their midst. You cannot transform anything if you are not willing to transform yourself. To be a co-creator with the Creator you do not find a formula. Because you are the formula. You are the open door for the Light, and the Light is what does the work.

Like you hear the wind-blowing, the Holy Spirit bloweth where it listeth for it always challenges the structure, whatever the structure. If you are, like the Japanese, trapped in the structure, you are compelled to transcend it. For you are a God-free spiritual being with unlimited free will to define any self for yourself if you are capable and willing to imagine. This is the reality of the 4th Ray, at least for those who have passed the kindergarten stage, where somehow they are no longer seeking to convert, or convince others or to out-compete them by somehow becoming better than others.

Japan wanted to be always better than others. But that is tantamount to hubris if you insist you are always right, because with the opening of the Universal Underworld with Sun-Uranus-Mars conjunction Gaia, Mother Earth is shown to be alive and conscious of human behavior, and her needs are greater than any human agenda. How will you create new realities in such a hyperaccelerated field? There is an instantaneous anti-nuclear movement in Europe as Japan reels now under a nuclear crisis showing that technology was a wrong turn in the first place. There are just some things that are forbidden by the holistic universe. You are not to split the atom. Now we must learn to trust and surrender to forces beyond our control and respond with compassion for the babies as well as the adults in Japan who need to drink pure clean water and eat food untainted by radiation.

Jupiter in 9th house of higher mind is great for their spiritual growth. Sun conjoined with Mercury Uranus and Mars are all in the 8th house of death (and rebirth). You know the death toll in Japan’s massive earthquake and tsunami rose to approx. 8,000, still counting, to include the missing after nine days of searching and searching under the monstrous debris and rubble of Japan's devastation. That Tokyo with its millions of inhabitants was spared is a sign that the Divine wants them to learn their lessons while they are still alive. The same thing with all of the world. Life is a great Teacher. It gives you the Test before giving you the lesson. The third crisis happening here is even worse than the first two natural disasters of earth changes and earthquakes which are happening in various parts of the globe, because it is a nuclear crisis coming from 4 or 5 damaged reactors -- the future of Japan is still uncertain. Their technocrats have to learn not to rely purely on their egos for answers, but to rely onto God for guidance. To be the open door for the Light, and the Light is what does the work.

Events are thus intensified exponentially because the Full Moon forms an exact grand square to the North Node right on the Galactic Center. This is an apotheosis of karmic retribution and our hearts are sorely tested now. The karmic crisis is a nuclear crisis, which is to be the central theme of the Universal Underworld. The Japan Disaster chart can now be read with accuracy because it already happened. For March 29th 2011, the Chart of the Spring Equinox shows the Sun moving into conjunction with Uranus-Mars conjunction in the Philippine chart where there will be a powerful alignment of planets in 11th and 12th houses occurring before and after a March 18th SuperMoon (a perigee moon closest to earth). There will be an increased magnetic pull to the Ocean water and an earthquake could create a tsunami. There are three possible scenarios --

1) If a strong earthquake with tsunami as psychics predict for March 29th, hits the Philippines at 7 am, there's a heavy concentration of energies called stellium in Houses 12 and 11 that will drive it to clear the people of their karma. House 12 of the karmic past, has Sun sextile Moon, which is a favorable contact indicating harmonious relationships in the home and government. Sun in 8 Aries conjunct Uranus in 1 Aries conjunct Mars in 21 Pisces can be a volatile combination -- it can trigger an earthquake. Sun conjunct Jupiter in 14 Aries with Uranus in 1 Aries denotes a lucky New beginning, called Spring Equinox (March 21). House 11 of friends, organizations and aspirations has Venus conjunct Neptune (in late Aquarius) conjunct Chiron in Pisces, denotes a good level of spirituality when it is not afflicted, more so with Neptune conjunct Part of fortune in Pisces. Part of fortune is a sign of divine protection, earned from prior lifestreams.

The PF is a measure of good fortune and joy indicating a soul's evolutionary level apparently coming from its Lemurian origins. If it's a virtuous, and a balanced life between work and pleasure, no waste of time, you will attract abundance. But with Sun-Jupiter combined opposition Saturn Retrograde in Libra, 6th house of work, in a mild square to Neptune, it indicates that Filipinos still need to fortify their character with some kind of firmness and discipline before they can enter the New golden age of Aquarius. There's a Kite formation of planets involving Mercury rising in Aries Ascendant and North Node in Sagittarius, Retrograde in 9th house of higher studies and foreign journeys,in positive favorable trine to Ascendant denoting we can still fly out of a tight scrape if we pray for others especially those in Japan and Middle East, not to pray just for ourselves and family comforts, and then learn to be a contemplative person. We don’t have to hide in a monastery to be a monk or a nun to do this. Simple living and doing chores in constant awareness of the I AM Presence at home can be a fulfilling contemplative life.

However, Sun in a negative square to Pluto in 9th may attract some violence or accident while traveling. Travel in the mind needs cleansing in the way we think of concepts that are contained in boxes. Our philosophy or outlook in life needs a lot of weeding out as in a garden.

On another level, we need to release ourselves from the boxes of the Old Paradigms. Mainly, we need to choose the inner path of looking within the self for God if we want to have a real mystical experience of communing with God silently contemplating the Deity’s Majesty, Beauty and Love, among the flowers and the greenery of your surroundings. Being absorbed in the Divine by yourself or in a group of meditators or even in a noisy place can make you contemplative like a St. Theresa instead of superficially looking for the Divine in external religious rituals outside of inner self-reflections. In short, one must experience God within one's self without the help of a guru or a priest.

2) 12 Noon -- There's a difficult TSquare of planets involving Sun on the Midheaven conjunct Jupiter (a lucky combination) conjunct Uranus conjunct Mars which makes the Jupiter luck shifty. Pluto square Midheaven and opposition Ascendant in Cancer, Pluto in favorable trine to Part of fortune in Gemini, 11th house, denoting a kind of balance. Saturn Retrograde in Libra, 4th house of home in a favorable trine to Moon in Aquarius, 8th house, then trine to Part of Fortune. With Venus conjunct Neptune and Chiron the wounded healer aligned in 8th house of death (and rebirth), there's still a need for purifying inner drives and motives that rule the aspect of relationships. One has to release attachments, and learn to love impersonally, to forgive others, really TO LEARN TO FORGIVE ONESELF AND OTHERS/ AND to keep saying THANK YOU, THANK YOU, and to BE KIND. The world needs kindness, all forms of kindness. It's very cleansing when you learn to Be Kind, refraining from indulging in chismis, or talking ill of others.

3) 3 pm -- The difficult TSquare involving Sun Jupiter and Uranus conjunct Mars is now in the 8th house of death and transformation. Still the Moon and Sun are in favorable sextile contact, Moon is in 6th house of health. Chiron-Venus-Neptune are aligned in 7th house of soul relationships with two favorable trines to Part of fortune. Now there's a remarkable and favorable Grand Trine involving Mercury in 9th house, Leo Ascendant, and North Node Retrograde in 5th house.
Sun is in negative square to Pluto, planet of death and transformation. If we talk of harmony in Unity Consciousness, Filipinos have it, but they still have to confront Sun in negative square to Pluto, meaning there's cleansing to be done with regards to Sun symbol of authority, ambition, purpose of life in terms of the ways and means of doing it.

Pluto when negatively aspected can mean violence when something in one's character or the structure of government needs to be transformed for the greater good of the people. Let's ask for forgiveness from the Divine for our collective selfish drive to succeed in the eyes of society (Sun) sometimes at the expense of others with little respect to others who also desire to live and enjoy life and who aspire for the equal distribution of wealth in our ways of doing business (Pluto). This is the structure we are trapped in now which we'd like to transcend, to transform an old existing disturbing economic imbalance between the rich and poor. These are not easy times but your confidence in the ourcome arises from your faith in the Creator and the many higher Beings that have accompanied you says SaLuSa of the Galactic Federation of Light in his message of March 21. It is important that you keep focused upon the Light as it is streaming more than ever at this time .

There will be rumors of catastrophic events as the Dark Ones play upon people's fears, but we assure you that they are intended only to distract you from the truth. Everything has been foreseen and ordained in such a way that the effects will be limited. If there is doubt remember that Man could have destroyed the Earth for more than one occasion in the last century. You are not only guided to fulfill your task of taking the Earth through to Ascension but helped to enlighten people around you. It is best to send out Love and Light to everywhere it is needed especially in Japan and the Middle East, which you can draw from your prayers and constant meditations in groups or singly. Organize more groups to meditate. Elevate your consciousness to higher levels so that the lower vibrations will become uncomfortable and no longer serve you any purpose as you are leaving Duality forever. For a new level comes that is more in line with your own needs as the scenarios will rapidly change to one of positive expectations as at last you see the way forward to great times that are approaching as you achieve success.

Again, the disasters occurring these days of 2011 have to do with CLEANSING of our souls and the recalibration of the planet Earth while it is in the process of ascending by feeling the rising vibrational levels of our consciousness from 3rd dimensional limits thru to the 4th dimension of transition to the 5th dimension of the angelic realm where you may start sensing the presence of higher angelic Beings or actually seeing them.


At 12:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you...thank you...thank you... shanti...shanti...shanti... may all beings remain in equanimity amidst earth's play of seemingly permanent but in truth transitory duality... this truth may be gleaned via graceful birthing of Christ in the manger(asceticism/simplicity)... indeed only light and love may bring us out of our jail of limited self to ONENESS... take care and may the FORCE be with you from the ONE..

At 2:08 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Gina, your highly informative writings are a big help during these times of changes and chaos. Thanks and keep on the good work! Blessings, Yoly

At 5:31 PM, Anonymous khyria said...

hi there prof. solina!

maintaining the inner equilibrium takes one out of the suppression, self imposed or acquired. the classic sculptures of apollo or divas or the UP oblation bared of robe is a peer into the inner beauty imbued in man who is tasked to realize his godhood on this plane.

even in the language of diplomatic double speak, all we ever want is that change that pervades all barriers, all nuances of divisiveness. all these lead to the sacred spot within where the Holy Spirit is. Where the Light sublime dissolves all doubts and draws apart the veils of maya.

magandang umaga. mabuhay po kayo!
maraming salamat


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