Monday, December 29, 2008


The only way to change the course of this planet is to bring the Light, Love, Power and Purity of Consciousness of its Creator so that poverty can be overcome by the masses who feel they have been outsmarted in many ways by the power elite. We, the ten percent of enlightened earth humans, have to awaken people to the reality that a small elite have misused power to divide the citizens of the world and set brother against brother in an endless struggle for power and control. Thus the only way to end war is to bring all exercise of power into harmony with God’s will. For war and poverty are not parts of God’s Will. The idea of good governance by certain local powers-that-be would simply mean distributing bags of goodies during Christmas or releasing relief goods or providing temporary jobs or microeconomic opportunities at critical times without accelerating people’s consciousness. As the sponsor of the Golden Age of Aquarius, St Germaine has been given a special dispensation coming from the throne of the Alpha and Omega of Creation to remove poverty and the consciousness of war from the planet Earth big time so that the Golden Age of Aquarius can now begin.

The way to change the course of this planet is to educate humanity that the changes scheduled as per the Mayan calendar are for the uplifting of all, and it cannot be postponed. Here, we will reiterate the schedule of Creation to renew itself as per the Mayan Calendar. In the Columbia Conference of 14, 20, 24, 25 December, 2007, St Germaine gave six teachings channeled through Kim Michaels wherein he challenges those of us who are doing healing service to go beyond healing, to give More to service by uplifting people’s consciousness and not to leave them at the same level of consciousness where we, the healers, found them. He goes: You have to take them out of that level where you found them, to step up, to raise them to a higher level of awareness, to shake them out of the mechanization of consciousness by which healing services can be bought with money as we normally see in hospitals, wellness clinics, body fitness programs, or spas. Healing service is not enough; we have to do More to know exactly where we are in the repeating pattern of consciousness of Creation described by the Mayan calendar that looks like a pyramid which consists of nine (9) levels or time cycles. Here is a quick run through of the previous time cycles and the Consciousness that each level produced.

1. Cellular cycle -- beginning 16.4 billion years ago, developed a consciousness of Action/Reaction. During the First cycle, all of the physical laws, Chemical compounds, Star fields, then solar systems and planets were developed.

2. Mammalian cycle – beginning 830 million years ago, developed the consciousness of Stimulus/Response. In the Second cycle, individual cells which were the product of the Cellular cycle started developing stimulus/response and the survival mechanism. Stimulus/response differs from action/reaction in the amount of consciousness present.

3. Familial cycle – beginning 41 million years ago, developed the consciousness of Stimulus/Individual Response. The Third cycle was the recognition of individual consciousness and the establishment of family relationship (recognition of individuals) rather than a herd, school or flock mentality. Our abilities to interact with the universe.

4. Tribal cycle – beginning 2 million years ago, developed the consciousness of Similarities/Differences. The Fourth consciousness cycle developed the tool, which we call “the Mind” to detect similarities and differences in our experience.

5. Cultural cycle—beginning 102,000 years ago, developed the consciousness of Reasons. During the Fifth cycle, the leading edge of consciousness was developing reasons for any and every thing. These “Shared Reasons,” are the basis of all cultures.

6. National cycle -- Planetary cycle – beginning in the year 3112 B.C. developed the consciousness of Law. In the Sixth cycle, the concept of law or right or wrong developed.

7. Planetary cycle – beginning in the year 1755 A.D., developed the consciousness of Power. In the Seventh cycle, which is from 1755 A.D. to present, we have been given power by the Creator derived from natural laws.

8. Galactic cycle – beginning January 5, 1999, developing the consciousness of Ethics. During this time, and those of us who are already in embodiment are conscious of further organizing powers that now exist to ensure the continued survival and evolution of the human race and our playground Mother Earth. So here we are with Ethics overriding Power in the 8th Galactic consciousness cycle.

9. Universal cycle – beginning Feb 10, 2011, we will be developing the unlimited ability of Conscious Co-Creation with the Creator.

Each time that this pattern has repeated it has done so 20 times faster than previous cycle. According to Dr. Calleman this quite handily explains why time seems to be speeding up. Time is not speeding up. It is creation itself that is speeding up with more and more happening in less and less time. Miracles are starting to happen now to give us an idea of what it means to enter into a Golden Age of universal Peace and
Freedom from human limitations, once we have shifted from the low consciousness of anger, hate, pain, unforgiveness, and death into a Higher Consciousness of our divinity.

We know exactly where we are in this repeating pattern as described above. This information makes it possible for us to put forth educated guesses as to the content of our future.

It appears that the future looks bold, bright, and beautiful. Yes, we are not on the brink of disaster, we are on the brink of a Golden Age. Keep making that affirmation and we are indeed co-creating a beautiful, happy world. Ask St. Germaine. Hear him give six discourses in Colombia via the Internet where they held a spiritual conference to teach us how to quicken the accelerating momentum of the coming Golden Age once we are truly reconnected to our divine plan.

He asks us to go into remembering that we are students of the Ascended Masters before we descended into this earthly incarnation at this cosmic time with the avowed purpose to help in the collective human endeavor to co-create with the Divine to Lift up the consciousness of all people and Light up Planet Earth to become a radiant sun, shining through the cosmos. Once, this Great Miracle happens people on earth who have freed themselves into unconditional love (meaning freed from anger, hate, envy, greed) will no longer experience pain, illnesses, and death in their divinity.

I Am that I Am. Inexhaustible supply of love, sourcing infinitely in all worlds, the seed of solar mastery containing the stellar hologram of your return, I Am the Sun’s love made visible as you. (aside) See? Once, we are open to the full Light of unconditional divine love having been freed from the clutches of the dark forces of anger, hate, envy, greed, lusting after wealth, properties through unfair competition, unjust wages, war exploits, we become the eternal living extensions of the I Am Presence (God) the Sun’s love made visible as Us.

In ecstatic ascent, I spread solar wings, awakening in you the immensity of a love that joins all things in the joyful dance of light.

Oh Lux Corona,
Luminous trinity made visible, simply identify with my light, my power, my wisdom, my love, and so accept yourself as I Am, unconditionally! To dance in the light of the Great Central Sun, follow the ecstasy and bliss that I Am, as you.

In the divine fusion we become the dove of the ascension on its homeward journey. Feel the pulse of the language of light, be the one who stands as the love, thus sounding the tone that ignites the consciousness of others.

I Am that I Am,
In this wisdom, you already embody the light of a hundred Suns. Shine forth the truth, the power of wholeness, child of the Sun!
I Am Ahau (Mayan star-glyph for I Am Presence), luminous diamond of pure solar consciousness! Let each facet of your being be crystal clear, reflecting the joy of love’s perfect presence in beauty, joy, and power.
I Am the effulgent bliss of solar harmony, sweet serenade of the cosmic symphony to the Source.
I Am the taste of love’s ambrosial nectar, pouring forth through all of Creation, as billions of stars forming the radiant body of the cosmic dancer, spinning universes through time and space.
I Am the revelation of truth, soaring as light speed within the elegant resonance of stillness.
I Am the garden of the heart’s true delight revealed within the splendor of the solar lord.
I Am Ahau, the golden, ecstatic one.
I Am yourself – there is no other.

Ref: The Mayan Oracle by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner

As the true meaning of the Mayan calendar is solved, it becomes clear that we are living in a creation that evolves according to a pre-set schedule, i.e. the ancient Maya were keeping track of the flow, rate, and intent of Creation itself or the evolution of human consciousness through Creation.

Acceptance and allowance are the open systems that permit all experiences and exploration of all states of being. Create permission for everything to be all right as it is. Be the divine child of the one heart. The limitless solar tide is coming in. Flow on its current of ecstasy to unconditional joy and union!

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Sun had a Dream

It seems we are now ready to celebrate the Great Oneness event as we approach the Seventh Heaven in the Galactic Underworld of the Mayan Calendar that began on Dec 4 of 2004, when the World Shift is favoring the East, the Feminine, and the Right-brain to restore world balance. The Sun had a dream…of the time of the Sun of flowers: heaven on Earth, divine children dancing in the golden octave of creation. Sojourners, come to the threshold of this new dawning …the Sun comes from the East as you know, it’s time for the Sun flowers to bloom, for divine children to dance in the golden octave of creation.

Divisions are seen to be dissipating now in our way of thinking about groups and things, the Paradigm Shift we have been working at is beginning to make a significant dent on the World Mind. Because the controllers that were apparently putting up a great resistance are beginning to sense, to feel the increasing wave emanations coming from the Galactic Center, and getting converted to take God’s side, to take the Goddess side. What is really in our minds is playing itself out right in front of our eyes like a full blown movie that can still be very disorienting and chaotic with negative things flying all over the surface of the planet, mostly coming from the media statements of politicians who go for flowing and attacking rhetorics. Now the media that used to disconcert people, are no longer disconcerting people, they have seemingly lost their vocal chords to oppose, to put up great resistance, to feel the increasing wave emanations of light, love and joy coming from the Galactic Center, and getting converted to take God’s side, the Goddess’ side of compassionate love for suffering humanity.
Pluto is either stirring up the deepest, darkest and most potent feelings that we are capable of holding. Or giving us a pure clarity of mind by showing us the Light.

Drawing Ahau from a deck of Mayan Oracle star -glyphs, I find out that we are mythically called to give and receive the healing power of unconditional love of the feminine God, the Great Mother dwelling in the G.C., the birthing place of Earth. I am Ahau, I Am that I Am, inexhaustible supply of love, containing the stellar hologram of your return, awakening in you the immensity of a love that joins all things in the joyful dance of light. Bask in the Sun’s replenishing radiance of God’s unconditional love, as it shines on everyone, good and bad. You are donning its light of limitless bliss. Know yourself as divine. Know that you are already the Mind of Light. In your every thought and action, radiate the “I Am” presence. Unconditionally accept yourself as you are. Craft your light body by “cleaning up” every thought and action to radiate the “I Am” presence. Return to a home in the stars that you never really left. Experience a mystical reunion with the Source. Receiving Ahau indicates that the activation of ascension, your solar mastery is already in progress. Ascending, we are ascending. yahoo.

Move joyfully toward whatever creates bliss and ecstasy for you. Forgive, release, and love all beings, all creation, as the unconditional caress of the Sun. Open your heart as a flower of the Sun, and become the same love that holds universes together!

If you do not see yourself as an integral part of God, Goddess, or if you are rigidly constructed in concepts that are “boxes” constructed from beliefs and principles that create separation from God and man, and creation, you are in the shadow of Ahau. Look at your concepts of divinity and how they create your world and your vision of yourself.
If you see yourself as separate from the I Am presence, putting the I Am as something up in the sky, outside of you and not within you, you are overidentifying with your personal divinity, you are functioning and experiencing conditional love that is loving with expectations and judgments. Unconditional love accepts and allows, and heals using one of the finest healing techniques that has originated in Ho’ponopono from the Kahunas in Hawaii.

Many of you may have now heard of the amazing work of Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Lan in the Hawaii State Hospital ward for the criminally insane: murderers, rapists, etc. who were deemed unfit to stand trial. He went to work there, part time, as one psychologist among the many who came and went. The hospital ward was violent. Attacks occurred daily between inmates, and often by an inmate upon a worker. Staff members slid down the halls with their backs to the wall; so many took a sick leave. The ward was understaffed. Inmates were often shackled. There was little recreation and no outside work. The ward was in woeful physical condition.

Dr. Hew Len did not see patients one to one. Using an ancient Hawaiian Kahuna method expanded to our times, he would study the file of a particular inmate, and then begin to ask forgiveness of the divine that he saw violence in the world through this inmate. He took responsibility for creating this violence. He used the phrases “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.” He would feel love for the inmate, sometimes voiced inwardly as “I love you, I love you, I love you.”

Dr. Hew Len, as he tells it, became a member of the ward family. Others of the staff noted that he always seemed to have fun, like a child of the Sun, as the one who stands as the light to raise the consciousness for the many. He lifts humanity simply through his embodiment of the light. Basking in the Sun’s replenishing radiance, he always seemed to have fun, no wonder, he is a child of the Sun, represented in the Mayan star-glyphs as Ahau, the I Am presence. And to the amazement of the people there, violence gradually began to subside. Inmates started enjoying outside recreation and doing some work, like washing cars. Shackling stopped altogether, even with those who had been violent. Some of them healed and went home. The ward slowly morphed as the report goes, into a happy, safe, loving place and it became overstaffed. Eventually all but two of the original inmates became whole again. Dr. Hew Len stayed for about three years. From his successful work in transforming the mentally troubled inmates he progressed to holding workshops and writing a book on his healing experience inspired by an ancient Hawaiian healing technique that reverberates from the highly evolved spiritual consciousness of Lemurians of pre-deluvian ages.

A basic understanding of Ho’oponopono is that what has held us back, from loving as we long to, from creating as we wish, are the things that are not us – memories from our past, including programs and beliefs of present and past lives that “boxed” us in the past. New life experiences come either from memory or from inspiration. (to be continued)