Thursday, December 23, 2010


A total lunar eclipse coincides with the Full Moon of the Winter Solstice of Dec. 21, 2010, for the first time!! Also, for the first time, I am writing an article with a musical video playing which puts me in a total immersion of holophonic sounds, the best arrangement for a deep, lengthy meditation…Ahhh, this is the works! This video includes both the mid and high teta binaural holophonic sounds, overlapped and layered to give a natural holophonic sound on top of holophonic bells ! Ahhh, I am in heaven. We are rising …just look at the reddish Moon!

Earth shadow shrouds Moon at sunset, on Dec 21, 2010, during a Winter Solstice.. Anyone coming out after work that night should not be looking out for a shadow, but for a reddish moon instead. The Moon is engulfed in the Earth’s shadow during the peak of this rare Winter Solstice total lunar eclipse as viewed through a telescope. Did you see it? Here’s what it looked like. As the Earth’s shadow slipped across the moon, it turned from silver to a reddish hue. Did you take the opportunity to watch the lunar show? The effect of that on the Earth? A major 7.4 magnitude earthquake strikes near the Japanese islands. Earlier, three days before the total lunar eclipse, Iran was hit by a strong tremor which caused a mountain to crumble, sending big boulders to rumble, causing total havoc, death and destruction. The New Moon in Scorpio, Nov. 5, 2010, sets the scenario for earthly tremors in the form of Initiations of a physical, psychological, mental, and spiritual nature for humankind making the Shift from lower 3rd dimensional vibrations to higher 4th or 5th dimensions of pure Love and Light.

In Scorpio, the New Moon gets to be the deepest, and most intense lunation of the solar year, it is the time to get honest about your true feelings. Once you have found clarity, then it is possible to sharpen your will, your instrument for fulfilling your intentions in life, coming from the experience of water-sword Scorpio slicing through the innards of your being, wounding you to heal you. The reddish Moon in total eclipse aligned with the Winter Solstice is a rare event in current memory where the snows pile up high on house roofs entering houses in the wintry West, as reported in the TV global networks, cancelling air flights in Europe and US and immobilizing road travel in general at this time, the Moon speaks:

I am the Initiation of Fire on the Water, purple flaming pyre and winnowing rain of final surrender…If you seek my rapture, my unspeakable passion for wholeness will purify you, searing the very foundations on which you have built your most cherished illusionsYou are entering into a time of profound quickening and transformation. You have come to the edge of what you have known yourself to be. The Moon beckons you to step into a fire that changes every level of your being.

You are in the midst of a personal revolution, clearing old patterns, past experiences, judgments, memories, and expectations. You are being purified and quickened into your light body, activated for rebirth.

You will never be the same again. During the remarkable difficult cardinal squares this summer season, if you go by the zodiac force fields embodying the cosmic play of planetary harmony and dissonances many people found themselves using their will power very intentionally and this felt really good
. The intentions are to be fulfilled in the Fall (Oct-Nov-early Dec). What did you find for you? You may have felt chaotic, ungrounded, dislocated, and frantic losing out on jobs, houses, relationships, during the Summer up to Fall. Ironically, it does not really matter how you handled what actually came up because the Shift plays itself out in increments, and the changes we are experiencing now are group changes.

But with this Scorpionic death-and-rebirth New Moon occurring at Day Seven of the Galactic Underworld (Mayan Calendar) we each learn to adjust and integrate, these great collective shifts as this will be easier if you intend to accept and allow, adjusting yourself through your journey by way of inner peace and meditation, prayer …The Moon speaks further: Have you come to the edge of who you know yourself to be? Step into the abyss of the unknown. The intensity of your feelings will propel you through the apparent wall of your tomb of separation from the Source (the I Am Presence).

There, laving in the cold waters of Winter snow, prepare for sacred reunion with the self that cannot be destroyed even when lightning strikes.

News came today, Dec 24,2010, from Yahoo, that Californians face massive cleanup after storm. Many California residents who endured flooding mudslides and evacuation during a weeklong onslaught of rain must now clean up or even rebuild -- and could face the prospect of not being able to spend Christmas at home. The storm push across the West left a muddy mess Thursday, across Southern Californa and the threat of avalanches in Nevada, where residents of Mt. Charleston near Las Vegas had to leave after snow slides near two mountain hamlets. Southern California is the hardest-hit area and damage estimate to 23 million dollars, where houses have become uninhabitable...

The Plutonic dark Moon came a few days after the coming of Day Seven of the Galactic Underworld (refer to book Mayan Code by Barbara H. Clow, Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind). This is the time when the Galactic underworld of Evolutionary agenda (1999- 2011) bears fruit. Day Seven (representing a year) is Nov. 3, 2010 through Oct. 28, 2011, when we will experience the maturation of technology. In the case of the Planetary underworld (1755-2011) Day Seven is 1992 – 2011, when we moved into full globalization during the Clinton Era. We may use as frame of reference the USA, and consider the fact that America leads the way for the world’s evolution, karmically.

With Day Seven of the Galactic underworld, technology will be evolving our species into Oneness in one short year – 2010. Take a good grasp of this – technology will raise our evolutionary level into Oneness in one short year – 2010 !! Think of how computers and the Internet, and Facebook and Twitter have aided much in bringing us close to each other over great distances, across the miles….And we are about to leave 2010. To support this contention as a fact, the Galactic Federation of Light super Beings send their confirmation through SaLusa of planet Sirius, twin sun of our sun, Nov. 29, 2010.

“Tensions on Earth mount whenever there is a posturing and threat of war, and the prospect of confrontation. Naturally, that produces fear, and the people of the Earth feel the intent of those who are eager to create further tension. We want to assure you that minor skirmishes apart, there will not be any escalation allowed that could create the opportunity for an all-out war. You have been seeking peace for a long time but have lacked the leadership that could put it into being.(Aside) Obama could be that leader, however, he has been hampered by shadowy forces calculated to overthrow his noble intentions. That’s how complicated and tricky is the Shift.

“Attempts have been made to limit the potential for a world war, but even the reduction in nuclear weapons have made little difference. The old paradigm was one that expected wars to take place, and indeed encouraged them as a means of gaining world power. However, your pleas for peace have been answered by mightier Powers from those on Earth. The cycle of duality as you know is to end as planned in Ascension, and will take place with our help. (Aside) For example, the Al Queda group plotted to sprinkle poison in US salad bars and buffets in hotels and restaurants if they could pass muster... US officials told CNN in November. They (the AQ group) built two-toner cartridge bomb in an unsuccessful attempt to blow up planes in October, 2010.

“You do not play into the hands of the dark Ones by becoming violent. You cannot win the battle that way and only give cause for a more powerful response, and a further curtailing of your freedom. Peaceful protests are the way forward and help attract more Light to Earth, and lift the people up. As a result your consciousness levels have risen. It has enabled us to respond to a greater degree than previously, and now have the authority to intervene more directly. We have for some time monitored your activities and stopped any action that would have escalated into an all out war.

Many times we have prevented foolhardy orders to attack another country and stopped missiles from being released. In time, you will learn of the full history of how you have been deceived and used in the Iluminati plans for world domination.

“The media is controlled and you are fed the very news that will support the plan of the dark Ones, and clearly it will be far from the truth. (Aside) the Wikileaks have tried to reveal this episode. But government in London has to do something about this to stop it, of course. But as we move into higher evolution we can no longer hide the truth… “Even with your greater powers with freedom of information, you are still denied much of the truth as you have found out. As you do learn more, it is essential that your reaction is one of a sensible and peaceful response. It will add more power to your demands for change and without bringing the authorities down upon you as in the case of violent reactions. There is so little time left before we can get together….

Meanwhile, things are going so fast now with all Nine Underworlds moving into simultaneous culmination during 2011 – that any tool we have is very much needed.
The New Moon can help you clearly identify your agenda within the great collective game and will activate you to assist your role.

We celebrate at this time Day Seven of the Galactic, which is resonating with the Day Seven of the 102,000 year Regional underworld that opened in 5000 BC we were then recovering from 6 cataclysms. Looking back in time we find the goddess culture of art and beauty thriving in advanced villages like Catal Huyuk. When Day Seven of the 5,125 year National underworld opened in 1617 A.D., Europeans were finished with Inquisition and the plagues. Looking back again, we find that the Age of Exploration and early science were culminating the intentions of the National underworld civilizations. During Day Seven of the Planetary underworld, a strong global economic revival began in 1992 that lasted more than 10 years (Clinton years in US).

Why Day Seven? Because 7 is the ray of mystical power, the foundation of the individual self freed within two points of polarity. The consciousness of 7 puts theory to the test, asking for practical application of your mystical power. You wear the 7-pointed star, symbol of the master artisan. Align with the spinning mysteries of the 7 -- 7 chakras, 7 planets, 7 rays, 7 steps of the pyramid -- the 7 stages of consciousness conjoined.

This Scorpio New Moon does express convergent forces that could push us into Oneness with technology. It is loaded with a personal type of techno that can be used to take advantage of the grand opportunities that has occurred during 16.4 billion years!!

This moment is the 8th great culmination of the 9-stepped Pyramid of the Mayan Underworlds, and the 9th and last one will happen in Oct. 2011. This means that we are taking two great steps over the next 12 months as projected by Barbara Hand Clow, our renowned astrologer. This has its practical side. For example, from studying demographics, Jupiter/Saturn cycles, and Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, I can see that we are in the early stages of a 10 to 15 years of economic downturn. However, Day Sevens’ of the Planetary and Galactic underworlds suggest otherwise. This means that shifts may be distorting normal economic cycles in order for us to shift the energy and consciousness to the higher planes. In December, winter gets to be inexplicably severe in Europe and the US. From the Yahoo news, we get a video of some people shoveling 5 inches of snow inside their houses. One couple’s house becomes a winter wonderland when they skip town during a huge blizzard.

Initiations into the Light are happening either in the Inner self, emotionally and mentally, or Externally, outside the self by encountering life-threatening Bad weather. In our country, the weather couldn’t be finer, we are allowed to go shopping, and going places to eat fine dinners, but what’s severe to the nerves is the traffic, lol. We have a strong drive though to go spiritual, attending Simbang Gabi, hearing Dawn masses and the churches all over the islands are filled to the rafters. People overflow into the streets listening to the message of Christ in the Mass. We Pinoys just hope we can keep it up, I mean the feeling of being in the I Am Presence, even when enjoying merriment, and please not too much eating of meat and producing much fire from firecrackers. If people die, it’s karmic to them. When Initiation is wholly internal, it can be asking for heightened virtues of discernment, prudence, and temperance or Balance added to compassion, understanding, love of peace and oneness.

So you can see that this is all about the Shift that’s taking place as energized by the Full Moons, and New Moons, total lunar eclipse conjunct the Winter Solstice of Dec. 21, 2010. Why, always the Moon? Let’s celebrate a merry and blessed Christmas first. To be continued.

COMMENT: Just read your blog. You are so gifted with words, unbelievably connected with the realms that not a lot of people reach. I still have to ground myself after going through the orbits of all the planets you mentioned. I understand a lot of the upheavals personally on all levels, but the Creative Forces, as well as the meditations, bring me to the balanced nucleus. I have felt the magnified positive effects since past months, I am still feeling them, giving me extra push towards what I have to work on for next year. Thanks my dearest Georgie, I enjoyed reading your blog. I am in rupture and rapture at the same time. OFEL SANTOS


Saturday, December 11, 2010


Several anomalies are observed by scientists at SOHO’s images of the sun (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) consisting of “Suncruisers, ” as of June, updated Nov., 2010. These are gigantic images cruising around the Sun, our sun, of what appears to the baffled scientists of NASA to be extraterrestrial presence or coming from an extraterrestrial existence? So the scientists in NASA are asking polemical questions. Is this a natural phenomenon or something artificially made? Debunkers would call them mere “beacons” coming from the sun. A disturbing question: Beacons that look like disks shaped as UFO’s? Remember, the Sun is Huge, so these small objects are actually enormous in size, something like 2 or 3 times larger than Earth. Another disturbing question: Why are they not sucked in by the Sun as it would the comets, asteroids, planets that stray along its path sometimes, with its enormously powerful gravity?

A possible, illuminating answer would come from the Galactic Federation of Light, a message of SaLusa from Sirius, the twin sun of our sun, given on Nov 17, 1: So Dear Ones, whatever happens that is not in accord with the Ascension process, have no fear, as it will not affect the outcome one iota. As you sometimes learn, many countries are now going through self-analysis as they realize the old paradigms no longer work. Those who wish to keep the status quo are fast becoming a minority. SaLusa is likely referring to the debunkers of the SOHO’s gigantic solar images as merely “beaconlike” glitches around the sun. Their influence, goes SaLusa as channeled, will not interfere with the program of change about to commence. The Galactic Federation of Light represents the civilizations that have outgrown wars, and the use of force, and seek to bring total peace to the universe.

We are therefore very much involved with your Ascension, and ready to welcome you as fellow travelers who have moved into the Light. We would therefore remind you that we are your future selves, and also your family from the stars. We are all connected as One in the Consciousness of the Creator. In essence, we are no different from you, as we all come from the Source of All That Is. We too, are Spiritual Beings who at this time simply exist in a higher dimension, because we resonate with that particular vibration. It is a kind of vibration that is more powerful than the Sun’s so it seems from the way the Sun behaves towards these extraterrestrial visiting UFO’s – flying objects of enormous size, 2-3 times larger than our Earth planet. The Sun has no gravitational capacity to pull them into its caverns to dissolve them. Or the Sun has no orders to do so. SaLusa goes: You will soon join us, as it is your destiny to ascend with the ending of this cycle. That’s the divine order. one in government will tell you this. At least, not yet.

The Mayan Calendar is tagged. As it appears, the GFL messenger SaLusa is closely associated with, or related to the Mayas of the Earth, who actually descended from a higher realm of vibration -- coming from the nearby constellation – the Pleiades. Our messenger from planet Sirius, twin sun of our sun, is serious. Matters are really heading for a showdown, and once the power is removed from the Iluminati, the changes will start quite quickly. Meanwhile, they (the Ilum) are seriously agitated by the enormous amount of Wikileaks leaking out highly confidential information kept in highly guarded secret files in foreign embassies about their plans of continuity -- in controlling a secret world government that has been in operation for centuries as allowed by heaven. But the great Mayan cycle of time of 26,000 years is about to end. The energies that used to keep a tight lid on these wikidocuments have been released. The said shadow government is no longer allowed to continue, and is now being confronted by the forces of Light in whichever way they turn, and they take much care in monitoring their reactions as the shadowy force has become irrational and panicky. SaLusa: There is no hiding place as we track all their movements, and as we have informed you previously, we are present at their conclaves. (Aside)That means they are within hearing distance, eavesdropping, at their corporate meetings, hahaha. Just allow me to give you a breathing space for laughing, it’s healing. SaLusa continues: a lot of work has already gone into paving the way to the final years of this cycle, to ensure it is a smooth and successful journey.

From Beloved Nada of the 6th Ray and a member of the Great Karmic Board, comes a message: I tell you, Beloved, there will come a time in the Earth when Peace will reign, when Christed Sons and Daughters will take dominion, when there will be understanding of what is the action that is to ensue, and what is right and just. This can only be accomplished when the few become the many, who are willing to put aside the pettiness of so-called injustices heaped upon them, tempting them to forever stifle themselves – victims of circumstances beyond their control.

There are no victims among God’s Sons and Daughters, when you understand the inherent Light burning brightly upon the altar of your Heart, fed by the Hand of your God Presence, fully anchored in the Light of the Ascended Master realm of Perfection and Purity, you know well that you have the opportunity for the fullness of protection, for the release of the Mind of God through Wisdom’s Ray and for the Love with which to continue to be consistent and steadfast upon your trek as you gain mastery and attainment. (Aside) Fullness of protection, that is something I have experienced during these days of Christmas season, while in the dangerous throes of thick, jerky, jumpy off lane Manila traffic. If accidents are prevented, it would appear the angels are the ones in charge, not the Manila police.

Those who undertake tasks not part of their Divine Plan should not be surprised when Victory does not come. For decisions made with an untransmuted ego or an emotional body out of control pressing upon their actions, thoughts and emotions carry them into areas not part of the Divine Plan of their lifestream, not part of the direction from their own God Presence. (Aside) Take for instance the self-created Truth Commission insisted upon by a prevailing set of self-righteous politicians in today’s administration and why it is encountering low and conflicting vibrations as a result of seeing the beam in the others’eye and not in theirs. This is why there must be Clarity and Purity in one’s intention. This is why you must put your attention upon what is Holy, (and let’s not monkey around the word anymore) as you may not be holy yourself and has not the high vibration that you desire to outpicture in all your affairs, for like, most usually, attract like.

From the Ascended Masters Teachings -- Beloved Jesus speaks: "May I add again, whenever there is an impulse to speak a critical or unkind word, silence it instantly that it may be saved from the consequences of its expression. You see, beloved ones, it is one thing to feel a thing but it is another thing to voice it and give it the power of vibratory action through the spoken word. You give the thing so much greater power when you allow yourselves to voice things that are a mistake or things that are destructive." Let's be reminded of what Lord Jesus Christ in the Bible, said to the crowd that wanted to stone the woman who was accused of adultery when he said, "He who has not sinned, may cast the first stone." Then no one could speak for everyone had sinned.

Remember, Ascended. Master Nada of the Great Karmic Board speaking to us, and to me it makes quite an impact, doing the astrowork of karma, at this time of transition from lower vibration levels to higher, as it means encountering a lot of planets in Retrograde motion in the birth charts of people who are now having suddenly become closely akin to me while in the deep throes of understanding their returning Karma with my help. That mankind is in a situation of crisis of transformation, and is experiencing such a radical crisis because the premises on which democratic ideal can only meaningfully operate have in most instances not consciously been accepted as valid in their lives, for they are abstract concepts, founded on quantity, not on organic quality.
A re-education on transmutation of misguided energies is badly needed in our democratic societies, as democracy remains an ideal, not lived- in.

The EARTH has been dry for a very long time, desirous of the flow of the Waters of life. You, Beloved, are the ones to tap the Source. You are to bring forth and allow for the Light, Life, and Love of God to stream through the Earth. It requires attention. It requires supreme confidence and nonjudgment. And it requires a virtuous life.

What is meant by leading a virtuous life? Upholding the right use of the Law. You have known, in this and many previous embodiments, the Ten Commandments as given to Moses. All persuasions of religious study have provided you with certain attributes to follow and adhere to in order to maintain a pure, chaste life. But have you considered in this life that the decisions to follow, and the actions you determine to follow, must carry the Purity of the Light of God?

Flowing through your chakras are the electrons of Light that come forth from your own God presence. These Electrons are fashioned, Beloved, according to your co-creation. The creation you send forth into Life not only peoples the Earth with your children, but also brings about what’s beautiful, helpful, healthy – the results of the mastery of your life stream. When the mastery goes awry, there is no longer a need or opportunity, for extending a given incarnation. Life is prolonged only when there is the right use of that Life.