Friday, March 30, 2012


We are called the ‘galactic alignment’ generation with a galactic portal to pass through to the next higher 4th-5th dimensions of consciousness in 2012 and beyond. Oh my God, you know what that means?

In this “Forest of Stars” website I have been given the precious opportunity to share my researches and insights on this spiritual time of renewal by recognizing the astounding significance of the galactic alignment of 2012 end of the mystical Mayan calendar. Many of us do not care to understand probably due to a lack of interest (got no time for cosmic musings) if not in utter ignorance of the mystical I Am Presence present in all of us.

In my own limited way I tried to explain and am still trying, Archeastronomy, art, and ancient gnosis from world traditions and I am just starting to raise it to a level of seriousness and reassurance, to break through the limits of the zodiac. But I am blessed by a transiting Uranus, cosmic principle of Divine Intellect conjuncting radix Mercury (my native intellect) at this time stimulating my mind as never before, radical ideas that you would have never entertained before like what I'm going to say about Filipino OFWs would seem perfectly all right now as you read this posting. Comments are welcome.

All the Ascended Masters (see above) are here to back me up. I need to share with everyone regardless of one's belief system, the new insights that are coming into my life. Particularly on the Filipino side of it to try to explain the amazing Filipino diaspora, or why we are all over the world and are now (see Yahoo news) considered the second largest migrant country in the US, a mighty small-sized country next to mighty-enormous China? Small but mighty, based on the Quantum domain where opposites attract in a strife between concepts of right and wrong. Paradoxes abound now making us think of the inconsistencies of logical thinking with universal thought or what we call the logic of the stars (astrology) covering inscrutable, immutable laws, moral laws that are unchanging, regardless of race, nationality and belief systems old and new -- big is small, young is old, what you sow you shall reap, etc. For example, we, a small country is now compared to the cosmically giant China whose somewhat superhuman people appear to dance the very refined ballet by literally flying like the acrobats that they are, in thin air defying the law of gravity (see their theatre performances in video) forming incredible shifting body formations while holding the balance and harmony of the flowing energies below.. the sparkling stars, the infinite spheres above.

If one views life perceptively with symbols, it is possible to understand exponentially, or in increments depending on one’s growing consciousness and vision how Filipinos have been doing this difficult task of “balancing and harmonizing polarities or contrary forces within themselves and in others” in their work overseas as OFWs. Perhaps the ordinary Pinoy working overseas is not aware of the nuances of a Retrograde Pluto in the national consciousness chart of June 12, governng his soul. As I see it, based on the Pluto Retrograde conjunct Sun conjunct Retrograde Neptune in Philippine national chart, the average OFW tends to feel the ills of society as a personal reason to transform himself, knowing that he cannot change the world. Because he needs that job abroad, that's why he left his country, his family, he would transform himself, you’d say, to adapt to alien cultures. As you read this text, you will see that a higher reality takes over this lower reality of needing to earn more money overseas and the Filipino worker serves as a catalyst.

A higher dimension of thinking takes you out of your usual, familiar way of thinking about materialism, money, wealth, search for sensual pleasures, happiness. It's not all what it seems, meaning our earthly goals are after all not what they seem.

But why would the universe implant such an awareness in you, in all of us, if it weren’t seeded by our own ancestors in the first place and now we are reaping the harvest -- for those ancestors were Us. Medyo malalim, pero kaya natin ito. Still, the Filipino working overseas would like to change the ‘impossible’ image of his foreign bosses if it were practical or possible. Because they seem to have money only money that matters to them superceding human life. So wars are fought over control of power, control of people, control of the male over the female.

But the hard-working Filipino seems to know of another invisible reality although he is assailed by his own doubts and confusion so he gets also immersed in the storm of his passions, his inner demons to gain financially even at the risk of being used as drug mules and executed in China. But a hidden, inner force makes him decide instead to change the world in his work overseas by ending his ties with all that bind him to less than his purified being. He must rise to meet his employers’ requirements for perfection.

Pluto purifies or perfects as you know through pain and difficulties, and for the Pinoy overseas worker, it is just in the initial stages where he can slip, for he has gone through that in past lifetimes. Retrograde planets in the Phil. chart of June 12, 1898, tell him that now these abilities developed in past lifetimes come back to him naturally through Pluto and Neptune both Retrograde in Gemini with Sun in the same sign, speaking of returning complicated multi-past lives to equip the Pinoy for today’s battles.

What comes to my mind -- to explain the mystery of the Old Soul Pinoy migrant worker at this point is Zen. Coming from the realm of infinite possibilities in the ancient past, the Pinoy OFW at best is a unique blend of the philosophies and idiosyncracies of three different Asian cultures. This may be sourced from a very deep past that’s hard to fathom if you can’t discern the truth about reincarnation, which teaches us that time does not end in death of one lifetime it simply goes on ad infinitum. We are eternal when we are. For the Pinoy has a way of life which is typically Japanese (no wonder Pinoys can easily slip into the stillness of Zen meditation as one Zen master surprisingly found out without the needed preparation) and yet he reflects the mysticsm of India Some Pinoys I know go on regular trips to India to recharge their batteries breathing in and breathing out the finer frequencies of its ashrams. Pinoys exude the Taoist’ love of naturalness and spontaneity in dealing with their foreign visitors (a biking British global trekker was aghast to find his Pinoy friend had walked several miles to get him bread) and the thorough pragmatism of the Chinese Confusian mind is also in him, he would travel far and beyond prohibited territories to take risks, calmly reassured (bahala na ang Diyos) he has the protection of heaven in places where the money is – in the oil-rich Middle East or in other financial centers where his inner demons get reactivated by the scent of greed.

Pluto in Retrograde position, gives a definite suggestion that the Pinoy has a cosmic awareness of wanting to transform himself first before he expects to see it in others. This is a process that has taken many lifetimes for the Pinoy, and even if he is fortunate to have been educated at home, he has an inner knowing of Plutonian transformative power which he didn’t learn in school. For a person who has this retrograde (meaning returning karma) position of the higher octaves Pluto and Neptune aligned with Sun (his yet unregenerated inner self) in the natal chart of his country. His DNA must have a genetic imprint of this more advanced Plutonian and Neptunian codoms than those who have no Retrograde major octave planets in the genetic chart of their countries. Why is it that Pinoys (esp. the women), have been observed by their foreign employers as having the patience, understanding, compassion and forebearance needed in their jobs? They apparently possess what the hidden mystical Falun dafa of China calls the ‘gong,’ but they don’t know it. Because they are basically Christians detached from buddhistic notions although they have also been imbued with that mindcast in earlier times. They were buddhists, taoists, shintoists, or a few dared to become demonists or black magicians before but not necessarily in that order, name it, and you have it. However, it’s Christ on their minds now that make them to be more virtuous, more moralistic in their way of life (plus,or minus we don't judge) yet practical and spontaneously natural than the other multi-nationals in foreign employ, and having evaluated the average OFW Pinoys in their way of responding to life's challenges at work these foreign bosses now express their preference for hiring Pinoys. And now you know why. (See world statistics).

Because they usually render infinite patience and understanding, forebearance and compassion to heal others (consciously or unconsciously) mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, Pinoys have chosen, over the decades, and in great numbers to take up jobs as healers,doctors,nurses, physical therapists, caregivers, yayas, hilots, more than choosing other mechanical jobs. Worse, they may choose the poor woman’s domestic work even if they have earned a college degree back in their home country to work in the middle east or elsewhere in Asia for the practicality of it, meaning they need the higher wages to send home to children who have to go to school. Not well- treated in countries unprotected by alien laws, Filipinos are banned by their government to go, but they go nonetheless lawfully or unlawfully, as though driven by an unseen force that inspires them to be heroic and uncannily protects them in unknown territories that can terrorize others.

Because by the universal magical law of conversion, the good may attract the bad in order for the bad to be converted to its opposite polarity. The Pinoy may attract those who have lost their faith in God, and in the immutable laws of a divinely created universe, resulting in no moral laws to uphold since they have long disowned them in their hedonistic pursuit of happiness … Like flint that is magnetized by the iron, they are mysteriously drawn by the wave of the Spirit to virtuous yet practical Pinoys working overseas or just here in the native land, in order for the ancient faith to be restored.

And this is prominently projected by the presence of the planets Neptune conjunct Sun conjunct Pluto in the Philippine independence chart of June 12, 1898, Kawit, Cavite, at 4:28 p.m. Neptune and Pluto are the major octave planets of healing and transformation of the inner Self, respectively. Sun represents the inner self of an individual, in the seventh house of partners. Filipinos usually need extended or unseen support in accomplishing their miracle mission on earth. If you choose some other event chart other than June 12, 1898, for the Philippines, you may fail to find the same postings of higher universal energies in resonance with our Filipino soul. If as a student of astrology you seek to find the true Filipino soul, this is the Phil. astrological chart for you.

We can begin to fly like them on wings of the Holy Spirit in a flow we can experience when we get in attunement to the higher energies of our mind and soul as going into stillness, and then feel where the Spirit will lead us next,says Maha Chosan, ascended master, given charge with the Seven Rays. And my beloved, this the cosmic way to really sail through this year 2012, which we see now as fearsomely chaotic. For 2012 is indeed the year when humanity has an unprecedented opportunity to transcend the false teachers and their false students wherever they are found in any area of society. You will see them exposed in politics, in the economy, in religion, both traditional and New age, where those who are deceitful are seeking to hide something, and those who do not have pure intentions of raising the All, they will be exposed for what they are. Another false teaching is that 2012 is a major turning point in the history of humankind, an entire consciousness that wants to create a sense of doom, or even a sense that appeals to pride that something wonderful is going to happen and that those people who are the forerunners will somehow be honored. But beyond it is many subtle false concepts such as the idea that there are certain cycles that automatically bring humankind forward in Oneness without anybody having to SELF- transcend by consciously giving up parts of the lower self and the ego, and the false beliefs that have been made to appear as true, where it rests.

This does not mean, beloved, Maha Chosan goes on, you have to be frantic or to be lost in the hysteria of 2012/ On the contrary, flowing with the Spirit will for many of you mean to slow down, so take your attention away from these outer activities that pull you hither and yon with your outer mind, thinking you always have to run towards some goal. You have to go within to find the stillness. For in the midst of the flow of the Holy Spirit there is indeed stillness, eternal stillness, the eternal Now – past, present, future are no more. Then you begin to walk the path of SELF-mastery where you realize that nothing is going to change you, except your decisions. And the key to making higher decisions is to have a higher awareness. And the key to higher awareness is to question your perception, filter it, question your ideas and beliefs until you can reach beyond what you see now, and see something higher.

On March 14, 2012, Maha Chohan, Ascended Master, gives a message to teach us to hold a Vigil for 2012, to start on April 1. It's tomorrow as I write this. Take note the North Korean leaders are planning to shoot a missile rocket and may endanger parts of Southeast Asia where we are. That means we have little time to waste. We must transmit this to others just before or around April 1, 2012. Master Chohan recommends that we give this decree many times, 9 times or more during the day – called the 8.01 Decree of Maha Chohan:

In the name I Am That I Am Jesus Christ, I call to my I Will Be Presence to flow through my being and give these decrees with full power. I call to beloved Maha Chohan and tides of light to consume all blocks and attachments that prevent me from flowing with the River of Life and transcending myself daily, including to make personal calls.

1. Maha Chohan, I will grow I feel the power of your flow. Maha Chohan, the veil is rent, creative will from heaven sent.

O Holy Spirit, flow through me,
I am the open door for thee.
O mighty rushing stream of Light,
Transcending is my sacred right (refrain) .

2. Maha Chohan, your wisdom stream
Awaken all from matter’s dreams.
Maha Chohan, your balance bring.
Let bells of integration ring.

O Holy Spirit, flow through me (repeat)

3. Maha Chohan, love’s mighty call,
The prison walls are shattered all.
Maha Chohan, set all life free
Through unconditionality.

O Holy Spirit, flow through me (repeat)

4. Maha Chohan, help all men see,
Through veils of unreality.
Maha Chohan, with single eye.
I know I am the greater “I”

O Holy Spirit. Flow through me (repeat)

5. Maha Chohan, your peace I find,
Maitrya shows me to be kind.
Maha Chohan, all war will cease,
Now flooding all with sacred peace.

O Holy Spirit flow through me (repeat)

6. Maha Chohan, you balance all,
The seven rays upon my call.
Maha Chohan, all life is free
Transcending for eternity.

O Holy Spirit flow through me (repeat)

7. Maha Chohan, your sacred Flame
What beauty in your blessed name.
Maha Chohan what rushing flow
The Spirit one with the life below.

O Holy Spirit flow through me (repeat)

Sealing: In the name of the Divine Mother
I fully accept that the power of these calls
Is used to set the Mater Light, so it can outpicture
The perfect vision of Christ for my own life,
For all people and for the planet.
In the name I AM THAT I AM, it is done! Amen.

COMMENTS: This is very wonderful -- Sands Alzona, Humanity's Team

Decrees -- Copyright: 2012 by Kim Michaels

Tuesday, March 06, 2012


Understanding Ancient Eqypt and the Precessional Galactic Alignment Eras.

Hundreds of academics will argue to their last breath that Greece is the source of all traditions that Grecian giants like Pythagoras, Socrates, and Plato borrowed from after being initiated into the ancient Egyptian mystery schools. In his Timaeus, Pluto preserves a legend derived from Egyptian sources of Atlantis, somehow mixed up with Egyptian prehistory, dating back nine thousand years from the time of his writing. This places the existence of an advanced civilization that was thriving around the previous solstice-galaxy alignment,10,500 B.C. Just imagine we are now at another solstice-galaxy alignment marking the end of a great cycle of 26,000 years, in December, 2012. Don’t you think you ought to give
this time 2012 and beyond more serious attention than is required of a student of human history or evolution?

The Greek neoplatonist Proclus, who studied at Alexandria in the fifth century A.D., reported it was the Egyptians and not the Greeks who discovered Precession. “Let those, who believe… the stars to move around the poles of the zodiac (precession), as Ptolemy and Hipparchus before him, know that the Egyptians had already taught Plato about the movement of the fixed stars. Modern scholars through selective citation have dismissed Egypt’s genius as anomalous, apocryphal and downright fictional. More recently, however, a fascination and respect for ancient Egypt’s accomplishments has grown in the public mind. For example, the question arises and modern day scientists haven’t found a satisfactory clue as to -– Who built the Pyramids? After all is said and done, the scientist-researchers are inclined to declare -- non-visible beings from the upper worlds must have built them for the sake of keeping the planet Earth in a balance. Why in Egypt? REad on to find out.


Popular media, to the dismay of some people who want to know more (about the Above more than the Below) places its emphasis only on treasure hunting, human sacrifice, and mummification rituals, ignoring the multidimensional, metaphysical knowledge of ancient Egypt. As usual, one is inclined to attribute this kind of misperception of reality to Duality as many of us are inclined to be happily placed within the limits of third dimensional thinking. It's probably safer that way. Just the same, the metaphysical side of higher thought has its own champions. R.A.Schwaller de Lubicz found evidence for Precession of the Equinox in his work at Luxor and Karnak where the great pyramids are located. Like them, Jane B. Sellers in her book The Death of the Gods of Ancient Egypt, and Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert’s The Orion Mystery provided new insights into this question. This aspect of Egyptian cosmology is critical to the understanding of how the Galactic Center and galactic alignments were known to the ancient Egyptians. Here we encounter the goddess Isis, and get new insights into the symbolic identity of Isis which supports this view. The goddess Isis holds the key represented by the Venusian anhk but it has a mythology that is reserved for another article. Vincent Bridges’ new interpretation of the early site of Abydos also provides an important key.

It defintiely looks like that ancient Greek sacred topography was based on earlier Egyptian ideas, and that a metaphysical KNOWLEDGE OF THE ALIGNMENTS WITHIN THE PRECESSIONAL CYCLE FILTERED DOWN TO GREECE but became obscured as a more materialistic consciousness arose, leading to the birth of rationalism among the Greek philosophers. The "as above, so below" principle is alive and well in the findings of Jean Richer. This is most notably stressed in the geographical pointers formed by temple alignments and the directions faced by certain monuments, such as the Lion of Kea that not only faced the winter-solstice sunrise but also was looking over at Egypt, hundreds of miles away. It faced not only the time (the solstice) but a place, the place where it came from --or where its encoded wisdom came from. Jenkins asks us then to look again at the Sphinx and its riddles about man, for deeper and more ancient mysteries may be lurking there.

Also take note that the old traditions among the Maya and the Egyptian pharaonic tradition were presented in ideogrammatic fashion that is always more difficult to decipher than the mere hieroglyphic writing. De Lubicz, over the decades of research in Egypt was able to penetrate the ancient Egyptian mind frame and reconstruct a metaphysics of human- becoming – a sacred science – unsurpassed even in modern times. Says de Lubicz: Very certainly there is a kinship in the expression of the knowledge of the old traditions among the Maya and the same pharoanic tradition, but presented in ideogrammatic fashion that is always more difficult to decipher than the always mere hieroglyphic writng.

Having a strong astronomical component, the de Lubicz findings is that the cycles of time define a cosmic alchemy pursued by the enigmatic Hru Shemsu school from which the Hermetic teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are believed to derive.

Robert Bauval’s The Orion Mystery The Sphinx represented the constellation Leo. Based on this, Hancock took the next step pointing out that the Sphinx faces directly east and may be paying homage to the time when the Vernal or Spring equinox was situated in Leo – 10,800 B.C.made the simple points that the three great Egyptian pyramids reflected the three belt stars of Orion, and that the so-called air shafts were really sight tubes to Sirius and other stars. These sight-tube alignments were accurate only in specific eras of precession.B.C. In their Message of the Sphinx, Robert Baubal and Graham Hancock describe the heart of the mystery. They integrate the north-south precessional oscillation of Orion with the ecliptic precession to describe what they call the First Time and Last Time – 10,800 B.C. and 2400 A.D. During these times Orion reaches its lowest and highest meridian transit while at the same time the solstice sun sits on the Milky Way – the western edges.

But if a few hundred years are adjusted to reach precise alignment, whether or not precise alignment was intended by the ancient Egyptians, then we reach an adjusted First and Last Time as deduced by John Major Jenkins, corresponding to the solstice-galaxy alignment of circa A.D. 2012 and 12,800 years ago. This is when the skies are “balanced” by the sun’s alignment with the galactic plane, corresponding roughly with the southern and northern extreme meridian transits of Orion. Jenkins feels that the balance of the skies portrays the midpoint of the sun’s journey through the duat (underworld), and the winged disk (at the top) is Horus, symbol of Taurus the bull, a Venusian sign (see Isis key) at noontime.

We should remember that the galactic alignments of 10,800 B.C. and era 2012 (now) are often indicated in the body of evidence by the Age of Leo and the Age of Aquarius. These ages frame the times when the solstice axis aligns with the plane of the Milky Way.

THE SPHINX: The Time and Place of the First Time

That means, one-half of a precession cycle ago, the summer-solstice sun aligned with the part of the Milky Way containing the Galactic Center. But about an earlier alignment of 6,400 years ago? For the Egyptians, this was important, because the Egyptian dynastic history begins around the time. And the equinox-galaxy alignment of era 4400 B.C. may have stimulated a remembering of what the Sphinx already an ancient eroding monument by that time, was meant to represent.

An ancient Egyptian site called Abydos, provides some answers. Like the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid, Abydos was intimately involved in calibrating galactic alignments in precession. Graham Hancock has maintained that the Sphinx, points to the time of the Zep Tepi, Age of Leo. This was the fabled Golden Age of gods walking on Earth, of wisdom manifesting that is available to all, and when the current cycle of manifestation got its start: 10,800 B.C. But Jenkins asks why should we assume that Egypt was the place? Perhaps the Sphinx is pointing at the place intended for this manifestation of wisdom that the gods walking the earth made available to all since that early time.

If we look at that fabled time, look at the latitude of the Sphinx, and trace a line eastward across Saudi Arabia, Iran, and beyond the middle east, passing by sacred mountains of the Himalayas, into the upper plateau of Tibet, ending up precisely at Lhasa, the ancient capital of Tibetan religion and culture! Could Tibet, 10,800 B.C. be the time and place of the Golden Age (see fig. 9.4 of book Galactic Alignment)?


Asia is the crucible or center of civilization at that earliest time, and at this time of our modern civilization, according to the visionaries, Asia will again be the crucible of the new Golden Age that is now about to rise in a new great Earth cycle starting 2012. Tibetan culture is believed to be one of the most ancient in the world, and shamanic cultures to the north of Tibet, in Siberia, central Asia, and Tuva, preserve traditions that are at least 10,000 years old. Vedic culture in India to the south, as indicated in the Vedic literature, migrated from northern regions beyond the high mountains of the Himalayas. unavoidable terminus and turnabout of human history that we, of all generations are In India and central Asia, we find a vast repository, a living voice, that can only trace a history going back to 10,000 years. Like Egypt, Vedic civilization has its own doctrine of a long-gone Golden Age, as well as a profound knowledge of the cycles of time based on the precession of the equinox, the descent of consciousness, that we, of all generations, are currently experiencing. The Egyptian Sphinx, without a doubt points us to India. Take note: all scholarly students of Helena Blavatsky's books Isis Unveiled, and the Secret Doctrine, based on teachings of the great Mahatmas of India

JOHN MAJOR JENKINS: Despite the evidence in major European and Middle Eastern traditions surveyed thus far (*in his book, Galactic Alignment) we can still hear the call coming from further back in time, and farther east – India. This is one of the places that can compare to Egypt in the scale and scope of its vision and claim to an ancient lineage going back to the previous solstice-galaxy alignment of 10,000 B.C. In the Vedic conception of the World Ages, as recorded in the Laws of Manu, we find detailed evidence for a knowledge of the Galactic Center and the role played by the eras of galactic alignments, like the one we are currently experiencing at this time. We also find much more than compelling facts that indicate an ancient galactic gnosis, for in India we encounter a primordial tradition and a profound galactic metaphysics of spiritual transformation.

Next posting will be focused on India's Vishnunabbi and the True Anchor of the Vedic Yugas.