Monday, April 27, 2009


The “end of the world” is a common misconception, reinforced in the mass media which includes the Internet, in that the ancient Maya believed the world will literally end in 2012. Journalists, writers claim that earthquakes, pole shifts, asteroids, or aliens are described in the Mayan cosmology. They also invoke Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce to back up these beliefs, but as John Major Jenkins attests, such a sensational stand belittle the true complexity of the subject of a galactic alignment and distracts us from taking seriously the astronomical reference encoded into the 2012 date. The underlying assumption in modern day doomsday prophecies -- that a specific, literal, and a historically predictable event is fated to occur. Even in a predictive science like Astrology the modern astrologist’s position is to avoid a deterministic approach that suggests we are all helpless automatons or morons who contribute nothing to how our future will unfold. Because the contrary is true.

We are endowed with free will; hence, for every action we create a definitive reaction, consciously or unconsciously evoking our own reality. So for wisdom to guide us we need to work on raising our consciousness, singularly or collectively. In soul maturity, we transcend all illusions of separateness from the Source, Spirit, God, and we learn to Know with absolute certainty that the body will follow our elevated thoughts and also transcend all disease. In soul maturity, we learn to Know that the very cells and atoms of the physical body will become pure, and thus they will naturally and inevitably accelerate to a higher vibration that throws off all impurities that create disease. We then seek to accelerate our mind or consciousness to a higher vibration to heal ourselves of any disease. In the end, we realize that freedom is never found in seeking to escape anything in this world, but only in transcending any identity that separates us from the Source in this world.

Edgar Cayce himself believed that predictions regarding coastal floodings would rely “not so much on where you live but on how you live.”

How does one live? The new human on Earth living towards the edge of a huge galactic cycle like 2012 will make the following affirmations to get himself or herself, healed of infirmities – and consequently improve his life materially, emotionally, spiritually, and physically based on the following self-realizations I personally derived from Mother Mary’s Eight-fold Healing Rosary in parts:

1. I am willing to be healed. I am willing to be whole by overturning all elements of division or separation from the Divine in my consciousness and being. God is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending. God is Father. God is Mother, through the Son, one with each other. My sense of identity is clear. I am a co-creator with my God.

2. I am willing to acknowledge that everything in the material universe, including my physical body is created by mental images projected upon the Mater-Light.

3. Any disease is the result of an unbalanced image being projected upon the Mater-Light that makes up my four lower bodies.

4. Although the Law of Free Will gives me the right to define myself as a separate being, it also makes me subject to the second law of thermodynamics that breaks down all unbalanced forms. It’s Xibalba, which I discussed in a previous blog where we meet the Lords of Death after we have succumbed to terminal disease as a result of creating unbalanced forms.

5. In shutting off the flow of Love and refusing to self-transcend negative energies of hate, anger, lust, greed, violence, etc., I turn my four lower bodies (mental, emotional, spiritual, physical) into a closed system.

6. In any closed system, impurities (created by hate, anger, lust, greed, violence, etc.) that I have not transcended will tend to accumulate, and they cause the system itself to break down.

7. I see that the cause of physical disease is the accumulation of impure energies – meaning energies that I seek to possess and use for the needs of the separate self – (meaning the self or ego that is separate from God, the Source and Spirit) in all of my four lower bodies.

7.Only by reestablishing the flow of unconditional Love can I transform the impure energies back into energies that can flow and bless all life. Thus, I am committed to plunging myself back into the River of Life.

8. As impurities vanish, I gain the clear vision to see the underlying truth that all life is One.

I am a Spiritual Being
I am being washed clean by the mighty rushing waters of the River of Truth. My vision undivided, the light of Christ Truth fills my four lower bodies as an infinitely deep, emerald pool, the very Fountain of Youth (meaning the aging process is arrested and we remain looking young as we are washed clean of impurities)

I am a Spiritual Being
I and my divine Father are one.
I acknowledge myself as an expression of the Divine Mother.
As the Christ is born within me, I surrender into the darkness of all life. And I know I live
only to serve the Christ in all life.

Seeing beyond the illusion of separation, I see that the body is not meant to be an end in itself. I did not volunteer to descend to the material world in order to fulfill the body’s health or be trapped by its infirmities. I say with Jesus that I am willing to dedicate myself to raising all life.

Reports of mystical experiences triggered by a sudden awakening usually extended over many years through prayer, affirmations and meditation and rosaries given for an accelerated soul growth is likened to giving birth. It is symbolic of the birth of a New Earth on both planetary and galactic levels, as well as the actual rebirth of an adult human on a personal level. When we change ourselves, we change the world.

The awakened kundalini (chakra system) can wreck havoc on an unprepared physiology of an individual, but if the seeker survives the ordeal or is able to keep the inner-outer selves balanced, it can be a complete transformation of consciousness. There are numerous reports concerning the awakened chakra system, but they are often a mixture of ecstatic, beatific states, and confused, painful feelings. Now that it’s the Galactic Chakra System that is being awakened, the Mayan end-date of 2012 despite the variables involved in the alignment phenomenon it was intended to hit, has become the date in popular consciousness for “the end.”

But the end of what? As signs of the terminal point of the darkest age of materialism engulf humanity in terms of increasing number and intensity of hurricanes, tornados, volcanic activity, earthquakes, raging brush fires, heat wave, air and road accidents, terminal diseases, autism in children, economic meltdown world wide, and now the latest news is that of “swine flu.” Mexico City could be at the epicenter of a global epidemic that alarms the world -- what is it that will be ending? The Four Horsemen of the apocalypse from the Bible’s Revelation appear to have arrived. But remember you are a co-creator of God, so you can reverse the situation of illness into perfect health. What is it that will be ending?

The answer can only be, as John Major Jenkins concludes in his book, “Galactic Alignment” – the end of materialism and illusion. He goes further: Perhaps then we should welcome this transformation (change) as a much needed shift from everything that deludes and binds us more deeply into realms of despair and decadence. Jenkins feels “we are so far gone that we no longer even acknowledge the current situation as being lamentable, but actively buy into and feed all that kills us.”

Despite being criticized as nihilistic, Rene Guenon, author, “The Crisis of the Modern World,” “The Reign of Quantity” and “The Signs of the Times,” both translated from French, still hugely ignored in the West, gave a message on the impending “end” of modern civilization asserting that it is not a new revelation, and that was some fifty years back. Actually his message is optimistic for those who can transcend their historical, ego-rooted, identities and be of service to the higher good.

Those who will be successful in overcoming all these obstacles (of modern spiritual decadence) and in triumphing over the hostility of an environment opposed to all spirituality will doubtless be few in number, as Guenon nailed it to the wall, fifty years ago. But, once again, it is not numbers that count here, for this is a realm where the laws are quite other than those of matter. There is therefore no occasion for despondency, Rene G continues. And even when there is no hope of achieving any visible result before the collapse of the modern world through a catastrophe, that would still not be a valid reason to refrain from embarking upon a work extending in scope far beyond the present time.

Ditto for me. The end of an illusion is the collapse of the modern world through a series of catastrophes, even decades before the coming of 2012 – As everything of value might have been lost in the steep attrition of Kali Yuga (bronze age) would not be a valid reason for me to be timid and fear the futility of blogging about a subject matter that deals with big questions, hard truths and universal processes. Such universal or galactic processes, Jenkins concludes, would powerfully play within a human culture that has lost its ability to appreciate its connection to such cosmological processes as in the end of a whole Manvantara.

It must be said once more, that through the increasing number and intensity of the “spiritual renewal movements”going on around the world at this time April-May, 2009… as their constant meditative energies are enveloping the planet Earth with joyful affirmations of Love and Light ….I now see that the Mater-Light that makes up my physical body can as easily outpicture perfect health as it can outpicture the current conditions. I therefore dedicate my four lower bodies to the fulfillment of my Divine plan. I see that my Divine plan sprang from my core desire to serve in raising up all life on this planet. When I know that I and my Father are one, I also see my oneness with all life.

I acknowledge that true freedom is never possible as long as I seek freedom for the separate self. True freedom is found ONLY in transcending the illusion of separation, whereby I am not free from the gravitational pull of the second law of thermodynamics.

The end itself will immediately become the beginning of another Manvantara. We will inhabit a New Earth as new humans in glorious time of universal peace and prosperity called a Golden Age as sponsored by St Germain which is already manifesting on planet Earth in places where the soul can feel the bliss of the higher vibrations coming from the Galactic Center by connecting to the Divine through acts of invocations, meditation or just sitting in deep silence for a given number of minutes. Then collectively invoke the violet flame to flow and saturate all life below, penetrating, saturating, purifying people as individuals. So that our energies start to get aligned in galactic resonance to the primordial Source of all life whenever we are moving towards greater harmony with the All …and in oneness with the Creator, we become co-creators.

In the spirit of the 7th Ray of Freedom (log on to Mother Mary’s Rosary of 8-fold healing, click, we make these affirmations:
I AM a Spiritual Being
I AM truly free in oneness with my Higher Being and my Divine plan.
The rushing, mighty wind of the Holy Spirit
Fills my cells and atoms with oceans of violet flame,
Until the separate self dissolves
And I merge with the ocean of liquid light.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Joselyn Godwin, author of “The Theosophical Enlightenment and Arktos: The Polar Myth”, endorses the book “Galactic Alignment” by John Major Jenkins, says she: “J M Jenkins is the most global and erudite voice of a swelling chorus of Galactic Alignment theorists ... “ Christine Rhone coauthor of Twelve-Tribe Nations adds: “Archeo-astronomy, art, and ancient gnosis from world traditions break through the limits of the zodiac to embrace the Galactic Center in a rediscovered vision of evolutionary cosmology.”

I am personally overwhelmed by John Major Jenkins book “Galactic Alignment” as it is a fascinating and scholarly exploration of ancient cosmologies which focuses on the spiritual destiny of humankind and the solstitial position of the Sun and the Center of our galaxy. I actually ignored the position of the Sun in its yearly, seasonal equinoxes and solstices in previous years of astrological research obviously sidestepping the cosmic principle of As Above so Below (for such was my limited mind) and the great significance of the slow precessional movement of the Sun and its solar system resulting in a complete cycle of the zodiac (26 thousand years) to form an alignment with the Galactic Center until I encountered this book, “Galactic Alignment” by John Major Jenkins. Then, wow, I felt galactically aligned at last!

The great changes we are witnessing today are shown to be mysteriously coordinated with cosmic movements that we wrongly thought the Ancients knew little or nothing about. The ancient Mayans knew so much of it that toppled all my previous knowledge of things as they wove their astronomical information of all-time into their sacred architectural and spiritual belief system. I tried comprehending their incredible craft coming from several sources, and when I was asked in my profile page of
Facebook to give a list of ten titles of books I had read in rapid recall, I instantly plunged into writing titles of books about the Mayan Code, Mayan Oracle, Mayan this, Mayan that, plus the Pleadian Agenda of which the Maya is a part. Oh, my head was spinning just being reminded of the galactic nuances ….I meant to put the Bible first on my list, but I thought what else could I say to accurately justify the existence and unconditional love of my God when thinking of the illumination I got from these books…?

And then the Galactic Alignment by John Major Jenkins brings us full circle into the re-membering and re-cognition of the wisdom of our own ancient origins – not only ranging from the Mayan, Egyptian, and Vedic traditions but also to the Celtic sacred topography, Medieval alchemy to the Kabbalah and Islam astrology -- integrating all metaphysical systems to the Whole Consciousness of creation, and initiating us into the mystery of mysteries like the discovery of the symbolic Inverted Tree ! (see image above) I join with a great leap of enthusiasm Moira Tims, author of “Beyond Prophecy and Predictions”, then Vincent Bridges, co-author of “A Moment to the End of Time” who sees no other book that can equal Jenkins clear connection between mythology and cosmology as it presents a sweeping look at the world’s esoteric traditions within the context of a central and powerfully compelling new idea that times of galactic alignment might also be times of transformation of consciousness.

A critical crossroad of our destiny has arrived when we are re-membering and re-connecting to the Ancients to discover the same cosmic harmony that inspired them in our planet’s deep past. The Galactic alignment is a rare astronomical event that brings the solstice sun into alignment with the center of the Milky Way galaxy every 12,960 years.

The subject under consideration here has everything to do with spiritual growth and human awakening, both individual and collective. This is a sublimation step by step process as seen in the Mayan Pyramid of world ages, wherein the raw energy at the root center is rarefied, stimulating the next higher level of the Pyramid into activity and so on up the spiritual and cultural levels of human development.

The central axis is a symbol of the World Axis as it exists in the individual human being. Our spines are microcosmic counterparts to the cosmic axis that runs from the center or root of the cosmos through the Earth and out into the vast expanse of infinite space. Think of the Galactic Center as the root of the cosmic tree. In this manner we can visualize a galactic chakra system stretching from the Galactic Center through distinct energy bands including the Earth extending out past the Pleiades into extragalactic space.

In Mayan cosmology, Jenkins has identified a precession-caused alignment to the Galactic Center. He also identified a precession-caused alignment to the Pleiades as we ascend to the zenith with the Sun. These are the two cosmologies that form the galactic cosmology created by Mesoamerican skywatchers who were fixated in two opposite sides of the sky. Why these locations? Because the Pleiades lie in the direction of the Galactic Anticenter so to Orion and Gemini, but the Pleiades have always been associated with higher consciousness. Mesoamerican cosmology is really about a Galactic Center-Galactic Anticenter alignment that is astronomically timed by precession to culminate between 1975 and 2240. The Pyramid of Kukulcan which encodes the Pleiadean cosmology is a marker pointing to an opening portal to the Galactic Anticenter. So too, Izapa is the place where the galactic cosmology was formulated, and its monuments are aligned, like geodetic markers to the source of the evolutionary energy.

We might prefer to see the Galactic Center as the crown in this model, and several writers make this assumption, even though the Galactic Center is clearly a root as it is the heart and hearth of creation and source of everything in our world. Why should the center be the crown? Is it our destination or our evolutionary point of origin? The paradox is that both conceptions are true. Shiva (crown) and Shakti (root) are ultimately one and come from the same place in a mystical and transcendental sense. One of Coomaraswamy’s essays was on the inverted tree. The kabbalistic Tree of Life is said to be an inverted tree, and Kether, the highest sephirah is really the root system. If we place our crowns in the Galactic Center, we might feel like we were rooted in an infinity beyond time and space, beyond our local galaxy, the Milky Way which is quite true. We are rooted in infinity, we dangle by our toes (or our heads) from it, according to Jenkins. Whichever conception one prefers has to do with whether what one favors is top-down or bottom- up management. Along with Jenkins, I favor associating the Galactic Center with the root center – the source of deep insight, renewal and evolutionary energy. This is uncanny, but when I projected my Solar Return chart based in Manila,to the year 2012 I find Mars which rules my Ascendant in Aries,
located in the nadir my natal 4th house (the house of Roots of the soul) involved in treble Grand Trines with other planets in the chart’s l1th-12th and 8th houses, with Sun-Moon in a significant conjunction between l1th and 12th houses, aligned with Jupiter and Dark Moon. Mars is symbolic of the sacred warrior in me. In my Facebook symbolic profile image I used the Galactic Center, at one time, then changed to the Inverted Tree recently for no apparent reason except that I was drawn to these images intuitively, magically...I hear the voice of the Great Mother returning... As you are trusting and receptive, I sustain you with the sweet wine of my many gifts...I bathe your seed essence with abundant life-force, for I Am the primal sound of creation, the potent energy and vibration of the undivided waters.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


To my mind, it does not make sense how you can raise the ghost of the extinction of humanity and at the same time paint a glowing picture of the endless possibilities for human advancement that beckon just over the horizon. Yet life as we see it seems to remain in some sort of precarious balance. Human beings and the natural world are on a collision course, we tend to succumb to fear and trembling. We pride ourselves on being a culture steeped in science, yet without a massive and rapid expansion of awareness about the problems caused because of the way we are using technology, I am afraid we will soon enter the twilight of the human experiment, and not live to even tell what hit us.

“So what,” some of us will say. “After all, this planet is nothing but a speck of dust when considered in the context of the cosmos. The human species as it is presently constituted does not appear to be the kind of intelligence required to bring peace, love, and harmony to the universe. Maybe it is better that we do not survive.” These people, however miss the point, as the author of “The Spirit of the Internet” ( 12/21/2006), speculates on the evolution of global consciousness. He goes on to say… when considered in the context of the entire universe, human consciousness exists only on Earth. Are we not obligated to do everything in our power to see that one day our entire species will awaken to the fact that we are, in fact, all integral part of a much larger whole, that we are truly all connected, and that our environment is a part of ourselves. Amen to what he has said, as I have always recited a litany of the need for Oneness in my previous blogs, at the risk of being a nag.

So let us not stunt the growth in consciousness by restricting free speech on the Net. All the experts in positive agreement say: What makes this particular moment in time so unique is the incredible speed at which technology is advancing, and not just what we see happening in the Internet. Advances in the fields of gene therapy, nanomechanics, and wireless communications, for example are taking place at rates undreamed of just ten years ago. We can seize this moment in human time and lead the way forward to higher realms of being, in Chiros time, God’s time, the time the Mayans knew as making a loop into an 8, making linear, impermanent time (one circle) connect to another circle of time (God’s endless time) to form the double loop of an 8, suggesting the need for human transformation to manifest to raise us from a lower suffering species to become higher blissful divine beings who are in constant communion with the Divine while daily engaged in earthly activities. Mystics, we need to become. In order for us to survive as a species. The unusual weather disturbances such as global warming, heavy winter storms, hurricanes, tornados, floods, landslides, earthquakes, raging bush or forest fires, the global economic turndown that threaten to strike at our hearts as apocalyptic fears, are actually spiritual wake up calls.

This is not the time to be timid or afraid. This is not the time to remain stuck in the old systems of thought and belief that have been imposed upon us since birth. Systems of government, the economy, education, medicine, even religion have to be overhauled and renewed. Pluto, the cosmic force of collective transformations has entered Capricorn, the sign of world institutions, and it is beginning to show us that “the entire range of living matter on earth, collectively, ought to define and regulate the material conditions necessary for the continuance of life,“ as postulated by British scientist James Lovelock and American microbiologist Lynn Margulisis in late 1969. The earth is thus likened to a vast self-regulating organism, modifying the biosphere to suit its needs. Lovelock named this vast organism “Gaia,” after the Greek goddess who drew the living world forth from chaos. The theory of a living Earth is called the Gaia Hypothesis.

Yes, the planet is some kind of organized intelligence, as suggested by Terence McKenna. It’s had 5 or 6 billion years to create a slow moving mind that is made of oceans and rivers, and rainforests, and glaciers. It’s becoming aware of us, as we are becoming aware of it….because the life of each depends on the other…we have a feeling towards this immense, strange, wise, old, neutral, weird thing, and it is trying to figure out why its dreams are so tormented and why everything is out of balance. That is McKenna speaking. As for me, I have my own very personal encounters with Mother Nature. Sailing in a motorized outrigger boat with my son Noel Joseph and some other people while crossing the Verde island passage towards Puerto Galera, I think of the waves breaking into the foaming surf, of how they traveled to reach that part of the sea which I am sailing. I feel the powerful surge of waves of energy flowing across miles and miles of ocean, being released on the shores of Batangas Bay. I sense the Presence of an all powerful God-Goddess. I close my eyes and release my fear, as I feel SHe is regulating the immense energy heaving and surging under our puny boat as it gets tossed up and down by the waves.

In his book, The Phenomenon of Man, Teihard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest, wrote about the existence of “a sphere of thought” enveloping the Earth. This book, written in 1938, wasn’t published until the late 1950’s,after its author had died. Chardin believed that because of the spherical shape of the Earth, ideas will eventually encounter other ideas resulting in a cultural convergence of thought. He called it “noosphere,” this “living tissue of consciousness enclosing the Earth and growing even more dense." Chardin’s concept of a thinking membrane surrounding our planet provoked significant controversy in both religious and academic circles during his time that he was banned from teaching. The concept of a “noosphere” was largely forgotten by mainstream thinkers until recently when highly perceptive writers began thinking about the Internet in terms of this single, self-developing framework of pure mind. Chardin was deeply concerned with establishing a global unification of human awareness as a prerequisite for any real progress of humanity.

The shaman seers of the Fourth World generally agree that those who tenaciously cling to the past will fall into mass insanity. The serpent power of the Aquarian Age is upon us. The Kundalini of Gaia is awakening. No one can avoid being affected. Most human beings may go out of their minds, others will go beyond. Thus speaks John Hague.

A new age is dawning before our very eyes. It is a time to awaken and join in the dance of creative human activity. “Cyberspace is a mirror that gets held up to the 3rd eye. And the 3rd eye, ajna chakra, is the light that removes illusion. It shows things as they are,” says Mark Pesce. Is it possible that the technology we call the Internet could bring an end to human aggression? Is it not far-fetched to believe that once everyone realizes that we are all next door neighbors, that if everyone involved in a war before, down to the last GI and rice farmer, had sufficient amount of accurate information on which to base his or her decision about continued participation in the madness of that war, things would have turned out differently. That if we will work a little harder to maintain courtesy or civility we can have harmony and peace throughout the world? Two generations from now there will be few world leaders who did not grow up chatting online with friends in many countries. Online communications seem to quickly reach a level where we can clearly see how much alike we all are, regardless of race, nationality, religion, or other seeming barriers that might render us apart.

Today we just log on to the Net, surf, ask questions and search for answers in its numerous websites without buying a book, jump into a chat room, and join a discussion. Distance is no longer an issue. No longer does one have to fly to New York or Paris and speak with café patrons about their real feelings during a recently concluded elections or a tournament called the World Cup. In fact, with the Internet, all of the minds in the world are joined in a single point. What we humans do with the opportunity is up to us. But the technology is certainly here to help whenever we are ready. The time has arrived for each one of us to join the global mind – the global conversation that is taking place on the Internet.

Without any doubt, the Net is the most powerful communications medium in the history of our species. Its importance according to the experts, the pundits, can almost be measured on the same scale as that of speech itself. But what appears to be an incredible gift of the Creator to humanity can quickly be turned against us. For this reason, each and everyone of our species has a stake in seeing that this rapidly advancing technology remains under the control of our species-at-large and not in the hands of just a few individuals or corporations.