Friday, June 22, 2012

Another Kind of Power—Healing Politics

On Jan 26, 2008, a new measure of power has opened up here on earth coming from the Galactic Center. Pluto, lord of the underworld returns to the sign Capricorn for the first time since 1778. Capricorn is the peak sign, an Earth sign, it sits at the top of the zodiacal houses, tenth house which rules power, government, career, and amazingly enough, health, and supremely important political healing. Because Capricorn is ruled by Saturn the lord of time, karmic past lives merge with the present and future creating the eternal Now. The old becomes young, the young is old.  A child of three remembers her past, and tells her mother, Mom, i was your mother.  Past, present, and future merge into One.

Capricorn the Goat rules structures, systems, status, authoritative bodies and those achievements made through the career of healing the human in his/her way of handling of structures, systems, status, authoritative bodies as exercised in the public domain.

Capricorn is the authority, autocrat, bureaucrat, leader or administrator; he offers reward for effort and determines punishment for infringement, laziness, non-participation or rebellion. In our country, today we have elected a president who is known to have a management style that upholds the above apparently power-driven characteristics of Capricorn. And with Pluto in Capricorn, we are shocked to see for the first time in Philippine history that he has actually dismissed a chief justice of the Supreme Court through an act of congress called impeachment done in a blitzkrieg fashion that overturned the traditional court procedure that impeachment can’t be rushed by a lightning war prompted by a capricious dictate of the ruling chief executive/. But that was exactly what happened. The executive branch with the aid of an unquestioning legislative branch aided by an astonishingly biased media dealt an unprecedented blow on the judiciary that could have weakened its structure forever, exhibiting the nature of Plutonian naked power for regenerating an alleged defective system of governance passed on to him by the previous dispensation. .

Pluto’s Governance: Hidden Forces

Powerful, hidden forces are the gift of this unseen and distant planet, elected by some modern astrologers to be the true ruler of Scorpio which governs the healing of humanity by purifying it through the process of dying (to one’s impure desires) and re-birthing. That healing power is accorded to Warrior Mars, lower octave of Pluto, which has a great deal to do with money, sex, legacies, mismanagement of other people’s money in the banking, corporate, government systems –in a word, corruption. 

We encounter wholistic healing that brings the purification of life that when a human becomes healed of corrupt practices on all levels (private and public) he doesn’t have to end in death, his body becomes transformed ....producing Light… eternal Light …pure, radiating, numinous light. Why numinous? Because it radiates from his/her innermost core, deepest auric halo. Humanity therefore needs to purify itself if he wants to find the fountain of Youth and be healed. How old are you? Are you nearing seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred? If you find the fountain of Youth of true healing you may remain young even in advanced age. And this is not a far-fetched idea at this time of the great Shift in consciousness. Some avataric scientists who are based in London have come up with an astounding study on longevity that predicts by the study of the changing DNA that the human who might live up to 150 years has already been born. Others who may extend to a longer lifetime like a thousand years could be detected in further startling studies. More on this research project in later postings.

Pluto rules obsessions, driven behavior, the subconscious and our deepest urges and desires… unconsciously yearning for eternal life, and why not, if we can only remain young forever, which boils down to our obsession with healing seminars, workshops, and demonstrations on eating raw food for instance.. Numerous esoteric groups are known to be busy and gainfully engaged in finding the formula for extending life.  Detoxifying is the key, removing harmful toxins in the body through what one takes into the body that would naturally defy ageing, disease, death. The Pleaidians say: you don't have to die, you only alter the molecular level of your cells, and lose your density, Try it if you can, but you need to ascend first to higher less- density levels of consciousness like the 4th, 5th, 6th dimension to defy the law of gravity and become a light body.  Like the master guide of yogi Pramahansa Yogananda, Babaji who can appear and disappear, at will, always looking twenty one although he is five thousandn years old in linear time. Of course, this kind of mastery may not be within our reach yet. 

In short, the gateway to eternal life is finally breached through purification or the cultivation of virtues as ardently promoted in China by a living spiritual teacher named Master Li Hongtzi. He advocates for the strict cultivation of virtues such as Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, resulting in a life of transcending crises, or miracles after having attained a significant degree of balance, becoming purified and renewed on his cellular level which will lead him to Ascension to the Light.  The Asc. Masters tell us that the higher dimensions await us if  we  are ready. Say it without fear if you wish to go beyond toxins, diseases, death, to become immortal which is your birthright. And that in fact, the Masters say, is what you were before coming into this reincarnation to undertake a mission.

Pluto the god of Hidden Forces
Pluto is the god of hidden forces, of the depths where they gather and of their ruthless, irresistible or uncontrollable eruptions. He works secretly or for reasons concealed or unknown even to himself. Neil Gibes says: it’s important to remember our discovery of Pluto marked the rise of Fascism and the Third Reich, as astrologer-historian Neil Gibes professed, and oversaw the experiments that created The Bomb. We split the atom. Releasing the hidden forces, we also discovered something about the makers of the bomb – ourselves.

From Hiroshima to the Cold War to the threat of nuclear holocaust, Pluto forced us to face a bomb inside us, wondering if we could survive the war where no one wins. Pluto is remorseless in his search to know where the limits lie and what can be overcome and what cannot. Such a drive, according to Neil Gibes is at the heart of sex, life and death from their highest expressions to their lowest vibrations. Pluto is a driving force that will test any resistance, pulverizing or breaking down whatever it encounters into component parts to discover what they are and release their inner demons. Pluto is the god of elimination and regeneration, teaching us that all things that live must die in order to find new life that’s timeless. Thus, ascension has arrived.

Capricorn Structures

For the imbalances we have in the way we think and live, attract more imbalances, more strife, more diseases, more powerful climate changes, disasters, accidents. Some of our new leaders will offer useful service, others will be ruthlessly ambitious and materialistic, and create more imbalances, more destruction as Saturn-ruled Capricorn is prone to occasionally fall into, karmically.

Pluto the marker of generations, has spent years in fiery Sagittarius, a Fire sign, before re-entering Capricorn on Nov.28, 2008, ushering a major elementary shift, at this time of the galactic alignment and Shift in consciousness, and Neil Gibes examines the historical measure of Pluto’s transits through Capricorn and draws some startling conclusions.

Subterranean Riches

 Looming at the outer reaches of our solar system lies Pluto, dark and mysterious, first sighted in 1930, and named for the Greek god of the dead, it is instructive to remember this god’s true appellation was Hades, according to Gibes, astrologer and mythologer. Hades was not a popular deity nor did he have a large following in the temples, yet to speak his name aloud was deemed an ill-considered act of human arrogance, one that would court destruction or ruin. Pluto ruled the earth’s hidden wealth, the richness of her agricultural gifts and her subterranean hordes of jewels and precious metals, gifts he could dispense to a petitioner. If he wished, as he also sat in judgment for determining the labors and setting suitable punishments for those deserving them, he could return a spirit from death to the world above and did so from time to time, for his kingdom was not the Hell of misery, suffering and punishment for wrong-doers. Rather, it was the place where the dead spent the days beyond the measure of their lives.

Pluto was neither the Devil nor a doer of evil, except of course to test humans to transform their life from lower to higher levels of consciousness to be free. The discarding or renewal of traditional practices or beliefs will play a part in this transformative process/ Pluto rules the 8th house of transformation, and draws from inherited wisdom and practice. Those traditions that find new life will serve to guide the renewed modern leadership while those that are uprooted or outmoded will pass into oblivion.

The Lessons of History

The coming of Pluto in Capricorn is the ninth, since the beginning of the modern era and the years A.D. The first of those came in 42 A.D. as the unlikely figure of Claudius came out of the shadows of a speech defect and a seeming intellectual handicap to transform him from the least capable contender in the dynasty of Caesars into the emperor of Rome. Do you take note of the unexpected but startling Plutonian transformations?

Claudius proved to be an able administrator and ruler as he reformed the Senate, restored Roman social order, expanded the boundaries of the Empire. Especially with the conquest of Britain, and embarked on a major program of public works. The hidden power in Claudius was revealed through this test of elevation to authority and so the roman Empire flourished under his guiding hand. In the years ahead of us now, those who have had to wait their turn may come to power late in life and find accomplishment.

As the dark lord Pluto hovers today in Capricorn, Saturn-ruled sign of age, delays, and time’s measure, we actually suffer a lot from ageing, disease, upsets, delays in curing our illnesses on all levels, including the attainment of our career goals, getting jobs or success in our financial ventures/  Earth sign Capricorn rules career and material achievement.  Which points to why our economies, world-wide are collapsing at this time of the Shift in consciousness/  Purifying our intentions is the key.  Usually, Capricorn makes you predisposed to illness, weakness in young age, to make you well and strong in your latter half of life. That’s Capricorn hidden power. Pluto rules what is hidden, secret, and transformative or what we call the process of death-and-rebirth development of humans called spiritual evolution. With Saturn (mater light) and Pluto (mater spirit) in tandem, we rise from lower to higher levels of consciousness.

An even clearer illustration avers Gibes, comes with Pluto’s next entry to Capricorn in 287 AD when Diocletian ruled in Rome. This vigorous, practical soldier rose through the ranks to become a general and was, on the assassination of his predecessor, elected by troops on the battlefield to take the office of Imperator. Diocletian fought his way across the empire, subduing rebellious tribes and reuniting a divided realm till there was stability not known for fifty years. He reestablished the tradition of divinity for the head of state and named himself Dominus et Deus.
Capricorn will test the durability and regenerate resources of leaders and governments across the globe, as well as business and corporate world. Old and staid structures will collapse or come apart at the seams if they cannot redefine their nature and cope with the changing conditions and needs on earth. Pluto in Capricorn will bring a new breed of leaders and administrators noted for determination, practicality and organizational ability. On one hand, we will see the discarding and renewal of traditional power or thinking on economic, religious, cultural levels, that can endure while on the other, we will see its displacement by forces as the new leaders and systems find themselves under the pump of Plutonian force for death and rebirth.

As for readers' reaction I find one from Mila Javier who says: Thanks, Georgie  Probably she speaks for the many who have not found anything more to say, except to thank the Universe for the newest revelations.  Gratitude is the feeling we have for things we can't fathom, it's enough, it attracts more abundance.... of ideas, AND UNDERSTANDING so universal peace can reside among very diverse beliefs and cultures ...

Sunday, June 03, 2012


Having an inner knowing in the destiny of humans based on the star system I can't have my inner peace until I am able to reach out to you and those who'd care to listen regarding the US presidntial elections which will be held again in early Nov., 2012, this year, after the four-year term of the incumbent is completed, and open for a possible re-election.  This happens to coincide with the Double Venus Transit occurring as a return of the Goddess on June 6, 2012, coming from its initial entry last June 6, 2004. My interest in the US 2008 voting process has nothing to do with partisan politics as I am not an American citizen, but it simply stems from an inner knowledge of the Oneness of all life, an esoteric concept which happens to be a personal advocacy.

I'd like to make a review of my blog done in February 2008, and move it forward to this date, June 4, 2012 to demonstrate what changes have taken place in America regarding its attitude towards the reality of their current economic status as compared with their previous perception of their seemingly prosperous status in previous years. I say “seemingly” because everything changes and at this time of acceleration to Ascension, much more rapid pace is noted than in earlier times as we move into the great Shift in world consciousness and the economies of the world are collapsing. . This blog is integrated with the article on the “Sacred Feminine” written by Meryl Ann Butler, author, artist and educator -- in whose veins run the blood of two American patriots: Payne and Wheeler, signers of the Articles of Confederation --the precursor to the US Constitution. In a while I will discuss the symbolic meaning of number 13 in the US Constitution in connection with the Sacred Feminine, "that life force within every sentient being, every man and woman, to create, to nourish and to intuit and be in cooperative relationships with others" I blogged about in another article, The Rise of the Sacred Feminine, following “13”


If you view the competitive, hierarchical, technological and war-focused direction of America, you can see that the imbalances to do with its impending recession at this time which can affect all of us world-wide are largely caused by the overzealous glorification of masculine attributes that are very apparent. The awakening of the World's Mind to the understanding of the tragic loss of feminine leadership in our culture (American or Filipino) is underscored by the custom of avoiding thirteen in the numbering of floors in skyscrapers, hotel rooms, elevators, staircases, also racecars. You can see the ''fear" evoked by 13, which is the number of the Sacred Feminine. Somehow something rings like a tiny bell eliciting a mysterious fear deep inside the human psyche when people think of the number 13. They have no clear, rational or logical explanation for it. It simply resonates with a dread of a possible misfortune, like Friday the 13th? It may be due to an unconscious guilt of the latter patriarchal generations of the male-dominant sky-god religions for having put into oblivion the higher power of the divine Mother when it's only the Father who is always addressed in their prayers.

”Thirteen” is also associated with Jesus' birth through the Epiphany, the date when the Magi arrived with gifts, occurring thirteen days after Christmas on January 6th. He was the 13th in a circle of 12 disciples. He embraced grace (right brain/feminine) over the (left brain/patriarch) law of "an eye for an eye" to signify the replacing of karma with “grace” a phenomenal Christic gift which I tried to explicate in my latest post of May, 2012, The Pleaidian Agenda and Cosmic Christ.

In the Gospel of St. Luke, when Jesus healed the crippled woman on the Sabbath, which was forbidden by law, he showed that he followed a higher law -- the law of the heart. Again in reverence to the Sacred Mother. In Jesus' preference for teaching in parables, he quietly endorsed the power of oral myth and story, the feminine mode of imparting knowledge, as the means to embody the greater Truths. He was radical in his inclusion of women like his mother and Mary Magdalene in his ministry, a glimpse of the way he honored women. In its purest form, Christianity, which remains the religion of the American majority, represents a movement toward the recovery of the masculine/feminine equilibrium.

Back in ages of unrecorded time, the inhabitants of planet Earth were in close contact with the cosmic Universe, and the Mayan Calendar dates it at the 3rd storey of the human evolution pyramid labeled as 13 kinchiltuns, or familial cycle, 41,000,000 years ago. I have covered the Mayan Code in my previous blogs which can be scrolled back if the reader wishes to go into a deeper scrutiny of this ancient knowledge.


The Sacred Feminine was symbolized by female deities and earth goddesses-- something drastic happened to change that phenomenon, something to do with the Fall of Man, resulting in man’s disconnection or separation from the Creator and Cosmic Universe after an apocalyptic deluge, and later when human life was regained, covering millennia, we see that the earthly representatives of the Goddess were suppressed by the male-dominated, sky-god religions, leaving our world unbalanced and wracked with war. Now as we climb the 8th-9th storeys of the pyramid, called the Galactic cycle (1999-2011), the Sacred Feminine is back.

She is back to restore the loss of the Earth's All-important Balance. At this point, I hear from a great distance the voice of Hillary Clinton joyously exclaiming, “We are back!!” this was during the presidential campaign in 2008 wherein Hillary ran for the office but lost to Barack Obama who as everyone knows is the current US President. She was yelling then, “We are back! America is back!” after it was announced that she had won the New Hampshire, Nevada and Florida early primaries in late January, 2008. But the fervor for the return of the divine feminine couldn’t be sustained. Ms Clinton was later integrated with Obama’s cabinet as Secretary of State, doing her best to reconcile warring or openly hostile countries with the help of other world diplomatic channels at this time to prevent another global war from breaking out. She’s actually doing the balancing act of the sacred feminine force, towards the end of this post you’ll see why such a force is present in her, though not yet sufficiently emphasized. 

To show us how significant or meaningful the Sacred Feminine energy is to America's destiny you will observe that the number 13 of the Divine Feminine has figured prominently in American symbolism pertaining to its Constitution and the signers of the Declaration of Independence led by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, two of the American Founding Fathers who were said to belong to a mystery school, the Rosicrucians, and therefore knew about the ancient symbols of cosmology.


Jefferson, America's third president, was born April 13, 1743. In the original flag, the 13 colonies were represented by 13 stars forming a circle. The current US flag has 13 stripes. On both the obverse and reverse of the Great Seal of the United States (see the figures above) the number 13 is seen in abundance. There are 13 stars in the crest, 13 stripes in the shield, 13 letters in Annuti Coeptis, 13 letters in E Pluribus Unum and 13 courses of stone in the pyramid. The eagle (national bird) holds an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 olives in its right talons, representing peace and the feminine, and 13 arrows in the left, representing war and the masculine. The gaze of the eagle, however, is firmly set upon the olive branches, indicating America's focus and destiny toward peace. But before one can achieve peace, America has to, if necessary, go to war. Two of Jefferson’s quotes invite us to reflect, on the occasion of April 2004, says Meryl Ann Butler, the month with the greatest loss of American lives since the Iraq war began:

A little rebellion now and then is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government..... I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just.

Thirteen is the number traditionally associated with the Divine Feminine. In ancient times there were "13 moonths" in a year since there are thirteen full moons, and thus, women have thirteen menstrual cycles, yearly. And also, we rejoice for the bonus in our paycheck, the 13th month pay, in December, a gift of the Divine Mother. The thirteenth letter of the alphabet is "M," a letter associated with many things feminine. including mother, mom, mama, mammary glands, and one of the most powerful feminine archetypes in the world, the Virgin "Mama" Mary. I know, you'd object since English is only one of many languages of humanity -- well, consider that English is currently accepted "universal language" of the world, apparently on the basis of US superiority on certain levels, culturally, militarily, as the policeman of the universe to secure balance of power. You are either a universal type of leader or you are not, with due respect.

To continue our discourse on the American symbolism: In its purest sense, American democracy is a reclamation of the balance, in the masculine and feminine dance, a waltz which has suffered from the imbalances of patriarchy or the rule of men, for the past 5,000 years. Let me bow for a brief exit now, to come back to blog about a woman named Hillary who was a frontrunner in the 2008 US Primary elections, and who I discovered in her astrological chart (and she may not know it) has the distinction of having been awarded with the high initiation symbol of “Isis Key” attributed to Isis, the Egyptian goddess in an ancient lifetime, and, in another medieval lifetime, a Knight of the Holy Grail, seeing such esoteric symbols in the nativity chart of Ms Clinton manifests a mystical link between earth’s physical reality and its underlying spiritual reality usually unknown to us who are not in pursuit of profound esoteric studies, unless we are starting to be a student of the Ageless wisdom of the past as the wisdom of the eternal Now. .