Wednesday, April 27, 2011


A little before the end of the Mayan Calendar, from year 2004 till 2012, the SUN, the MOON and VENUS will bring in deep inner messages from the PLEIADES, SIRIUS, and ORION. This answers your question, Khyria Israel, my gracious alien Filipino friend, about the movements of the Pleiades and Orion in relation to the Earth’s Ascension. Since God created humankind, the spiritual guidance has been coming from the Pleiades – a cluster of planets named “Seven Sisters” on the shoulder area of TAURUS, the Bull. Taurus is my Zodiac Sun sign, and it is ruled by Venus, the Goddess of Creation. Many Taurus-born women among us are naturally suspected to be akin to the goddesses of light coming from the Pleiades. Taurean men may be Venusian and become nice looking but maybe androgynous.

I happen to be bull-headed about my mission as a Lightworker at this time of the Shift, and so I may have at times seemed to have railroaded you, my beloved friends in my Email list, into making this journey with me through my website called “Forest of Stars” but in time you will be thankful for my Pleiadian passion of having included you in my electronic mail list. I hope I have succeeded in developing in you a hobby of reading alchemically, getting in and out of spinning orbits of Pleiadian stars, calling forth in you the ability to decode the spiraling hidden mysteries within seven chakras, seven rays, seven steps of the pyramid --developing you into a technician of the sacred. It helps you to develop a robust brain because you are trying something new and complex. Firing up those neurons in your brain especially when you are retired (or even when busy coping with boring jobs) would decrease the incidence of dementia including Alzheimer's disease :)))

The Pleiades have been functioning as a local center for galactic vibrational transmissions of High energy from the Galactic Center for the planet Earth. Hence, we have been receiving continually messages from SaLuSa of Sirius, twin Sun of our Sun as well as from the Ascended Masters, about the deep inner memories of this system in connection with Mother Earth. Earth is just evolving now, aided by the coming of the Indigo Children who began coming since the year 1984 or even earlier.A number of avataric beings have arrived as advanced parties to help us choose our movies, theater arts. writings to read, and so on.

The Mayan calendar cycle ends in 2012, the same year as the passage of Venus ends through the stars of the Pleiades on June 6th. 2012. On May 20, of the same year there will be a solar eclipse conjunct the stars of the Pleiades in a unique alignment with the Sun, Moon, the Earth. Awakening to your inner Pleiadian reality is the mirror of what is happening on our galactic consciousness. The Earth’s evolution and its leap into newer realities is now occurring for the year 2012 onwards. Many of the galactic responsibilities for the Earth and humanity are also being transmitted directly to all of us from this star system. So how can we get so old and wrinkled when we are an open door to the Light that brings these so-called galactic responsibilities that defy linear time and the ageing process? They will only add more codons to our DNA making us think and look as amazingly young as the Indigo children in adulthood who actually are 'ancient souls' occupying young bodies sent down to join us in this job of learning new ideas in the form of ancient (meaning timeless) paradigms.


Alcyone the Central Sun, represents in the sky the Atlantid Myth who because of the Mother of Hysicus is now the Light of the Pleiades. The early Arabs called it Al Jauz, the Walnut, the Central One, and Al Nair, the Bright One. No wonder, the walnuts thrive profusely in the Arab lands. I have just received a big bag heavy with walnuts. The walnut is my favorite nut which I associate with the joys of the Christmas table along with the Dutchman’s Edam cheese. David my daughter Yvette Marie’s husband came home with her from Turkey bringing us a rare chance to have Christmas in April and I am having a great time cracking these glorious hardwood-wrinkled nuts and feasting on their shelled nuts with folks and friends off-season. Such is the grace of having a relationship of early Oneness with the Arabs.

To continue with mythology: the Seven Sisters in the great myth, are the daughters of Atlas, the giant who supported the world on his shoulders, and Pleione. Zeus, chief of the gods, first transformed the sisters into doves, and then into stars to enable them to escape the attention of Orion, who for seven long years pursued the maidens, to claim them for himself. The sisters are ALCYONE, MEROPE, CELAENO, TAYGETA, MAIA, ELECTRA, and ASTEROPE. According to one legend, only six of the stars can be seen because Merope hid herself in shame over marrying a mortal,named SISYPHUS (famous for the symbolic legend of reincarnation --the struggle of humans to keep bringing a big rock up a hill only to let it slip back down again, and then restart -- no ascension in sight). The ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Hindus recorded 7 stars called Seven Sisters. It is said that the 7 members of the Great Pyramid in Egypt represented the 7 Stars of the Pleiades.

Temples in Greece and Ancient Egypt were oriented to these stars. The Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt, had been built in alignment with the Pleiades. Temples, stone circles and other rock formations in Polynesia and many other places on the planet, like Caramoan islands in Camarines Sur, Philippines, where my dear mother was born, show spectacular rock formations guarding white sand beaches that must have Pleiadian alignments. The Pleiades Star Cluster, the great and burning star, immeasurably old, immeasurably far, surges forth its silver flame to guide, protect, and nurture us earthlings through eternity.


These Stars have been recognized and celebrated in nearly every culture that has lived and has written literature. The Cluster is above the Galactic Center and to the right of Orion the Hunter. In Milton’s description of the Creation, it is said that the Sun --
“the gray Dawn and the Pleiades before him danced…shedding sweet influence ….”

Taken from the Book of Job xxxviii/7 in the Authorized Version has an astrological reference to the Pleiades as influencing the fortunes of mankind… and it does …and to their presumed influential position as the early Lunar Mansions. The “cluster” of planets by the Greek word for “band” translates it as “girdle” a conception of their feminine figure. “It was the hour when the Pleiades appeared in the firmament like the folds of a silken sash variously decked with gems.”

Von Herder gave Job’s verses: Canst thou bind together the brilliant Pleiades?
Canst thou arrange together the rosette of diamonds of the Pleiades? Haffiz wrote to a friend. To thy poems Heaven affixes the Pearl, Rosette of the Pleiades as a seal of beauty and immortality.

The Pleiades consist of nine named stars (God’s number is 9, some of these are small stars, the 7 Sisters, and to these have been added the parents Atlas and Plione. Atlas, the father of the Hyades and the Pleiades, was a Titan bearing up the heavens. The Endurer, as he is also called, is believed to be the Originator of the constellations. Others believed it was Chiron (Centaurus) the wounded healer. Maia, the eldest and most beautiful of the sisters, seduced by Zeus, gave birth to Hermes. All literature, contains frequent allusions to the Pleiades or Seven Sisters, and in later years they have been more attentively and scientifically studied than any group of planets.


Seven is the ray of mystical power, the foundation of the individual freed within the two points of polarity (good and evil, dark and light). Qualities are -- mystical alignment, self-acceptance, technician of the sacred, direct connection to the Source. Exactly that's what the Pleiadians represent to us, to teach us how to make application forms as in a computer, to add more codons to our DNA. Your soul calls forth your ability to decode the spinning hidden mysteries within the seven -- seven chakras, seven rays, seven steps of the pyramid, seven stages of consciousness.

As a technician of the sacred, you integrate the polarity of worlds into an operant foundation. Wear the seven-pointed star, symbol of the artisan. Combine your feelings and intellect to transmute matter into mystical consciousness which means being immersed in the I AM Presence, in the way an Indigo child, a girl named--Arkiane Kramarik, aged ten who paints like a master-- I viewed in a video, keeps attributing her painting skills to God...she talks about God as a force flowing through her soul strengthening the web of Love that interconnects her to all. By combining her feelings and intellect, she transmutes matter into a mystical consciousness. She becomes a model for all of us. In the same breath, you can craft your light body from the column of light in your spine. Open your lotus to the world, based on the Maia's teachings, a lotus flower blooms on a muddy pool, resisting all forms of filth and microbes. You are the gift. Accept yourself unconditionally freed from the need for outside confirmation. Stand open to your full mystical power. As a Pleiadian and Indigo child-adult you are a Venusian higher being. Look below.


1) WOMEN RISING --- Women are seen to rise and become empowered to be leaders. We are witness to the fact that when it comes to finishing college, roughly 20.1 million women have bachelors’ degrees compared to 10.9 percent of men – a gap that has steadily narrowed in recent years. Women still trail men in professional subcategories such as business, science and engineering. Measured to pay, women with full time jobs now make 78.2 % of what men earn, up from about 64% in 2000 (US surveys). More men are now left at home doing the kitchen work and taking care of the children. The Venusian energy for them is a happy family life, no longer that of a warrior of royal ancestry claiming a number of women as his conquests or having a harem. In the Golden Age of Aquarius, the King steps down from his throne (absolute power is gone)the common man is king. Men and women are on equal footing. Dying to the old illusions of power is hard. I noted that Prince William in the recently celebrated royal wedding in england with Kate M a commoner, asked that he not be required to have a wedding band,while his bride is subject to it, the implication of an illusionary royal power over women is still there, hahahah.

Most people are trying their best in difficult changing circumstances and because the end times (end of a cycle of 26,000 years) present an opportunity to clear karma, they have undertaken much more than they might normally do. For example, instead of simply gardening, planting veggies, or having exercises and dancing sessions to give you a sound mind and sound body to deter the approach of dementia or Alzheimer, you venture into studying about metaphysical subjects like the ones we discuss in study groups or reading up in my weblog of "Forest of Stars."

In reality there is no such thing as an easy life, says our cosmic guide SaLuSa,in the near future you will be sharing the wealth of the world fairly (no more gasoline spikes or constant increases to enrich a few, and you will create a society of equal opportunity and eliminate class distinctions that now exist. It is the final battle of the cycle, wherein you have learnt the lessons it has to offer, the experience gained elevates your consciousness to a higher level. Then the lower vibrations will become incompatible with you and no longer serve any purpose -- you are leaving duality (good and evil) behind for a new level of existence among the stars or remain in the 3rd dimension. It's still all right. Spirit is forever. Read carefully what's said here. Haven't I answered your questions, dear Kyrei?

2) THE GLOBAL ONENESS COMMITMENT has been launched as an 8-year project (covering 2004 – 2012) with the goal of uniting people around the globe to mutual actions in order to not save what we have but to transform the planet thru an increased spiritual awareness – which means a new Consciousness creating a joyful home for all its inhabitants and a sincere respect for all forms of life. The project is synchronized with the Twin Venus Transits of 2004-2012. The 8-year project is initiated by the Global Oneness Foundation based in Stockholm, Sweden in association with the Times foundation based in Delhi, India.


These are the ones who will launch humanity into a new era of consciousness, laying the groundwork for the emergence of a Golden Age. “I saw them cross the twilight of an old age, the sun-eyed children of a marvelous dawn. Great creators with wide brows of calm – the massive barrier breakers of the world, Laborers in the Quarries of the gods, the architects of immortality.”

TEN ATTRIBUTES that best describe this New Kind of Children --

1) They are very intelligent and very oriented toward their purpose on earth.
They come into this world with a feeling of royalty (often act like it)
I know of a little girl aged 3, who tells her parents imperiously, not to call her "princess" instead call her “king”

2) They have a feeling of “deserving to be here,” and are surprised when others don’t share the same idea. Depression and lack of ability to focus, to listen, and are labeled as autistic children with certain psychological problems such as ADHD. Often called 'old souls' the Indigo children, because they are, have chosen to come to earth at this time of the Shift to be part of what is occurring. They are here to uplift the planet and raise the vibrations of all of us by having the innocence, trust(in God that everything is well amidst the disasters and chaos of cleansing time), and creativity of a child, because that's inherent in them.

3) Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell their parent “who they are.”
It has been reported that a little girl named Lucy said this to her mother: “Oh, Mommy, I remember I was your mother.”

4) They have difficulty with the idea of absolute authority.
In the Middle East, most Muslim countries are in upheaval at this time. It appears that many of the protesters are young men in the age range of Indigo children, who have difficulty accepting absolute monarchs or powerful despots ruling their countries, indefinitely. My apo, aged ten, is actually a sweet, gentle, loving person, but at times she reminds her parents that she is not to be totally governed by them. She tends to be a rebel to fanatic religious rules which make women inferior to men.

5) They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and outside of home, which makes them seem like “system busters.”

It has been reported in the media that a Japanese boy of nine, was seen waiting patiently in a line of people waiting for their food rations when a certain Vietnamese fellow working in the area of the damaged nuclear reactors, offered to him his “baon” (take out food) so he can get out of the line and eat. The kid didn’t do just that. Instead, he went to the front line and gave the parcel of food to the one who was ahead, saying he thought of it, because the food rations were not enough to cover everyone.

6) They seem to be anti-social unless they are with their own kind. They turn inward, go into meditation or yoga instead. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
My apo, a girl of ten, would like to do some chi gong exercises like her mommy, and her mom thinks it’s too complicated for her age. Something that she does not seem to agree with. Normal church rituals or services would not be enough for her.

7) They will not respond to "guilt" discipline. “Wait till your father gets home and finds out.”

9) They are not shy in telling you what they need.
A little girl of two nearly three gets her clothes organized according to sizes, color, use. She helps around the house to remove clutter. She tells her mother exactly what colors she likes for dresses she wears or things she uses.

10) They often have lots of energy. And they love small animals like cats. My apo had to suffer the pain of separation from animals like cats because the older generation in the country of her father's birth which she visited with parents had a very negative attitude towards animals like cats. Respect for all forms of life is paramount for these Indigo kids.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Science has started to say that there are people showing up with a new alien DNA that they now believe a new human race is being born on earth today and apparently they can’t get sick. Now that is really incredible.

Since, it's Holy Week I thought of infusing a spark of the divine Flame into this website by bringing the viewer into the magical phenomenon of our DNA that's being mutated at this time of the Great Shift into something we will find hard to believe, as it were, a reward for all the pain and suffering we all have gone through in the shadow of the Mayan IK which means doubt, lack of trust. You may doubt your oneness with the Source, feeling that divinity is outside yourself. Not realizing your ability to respond as a co-creator of your reality, you and I tend to leave everything to Spirit. Yet you are Spirit, so it is up to you and me to find our mutation through our New DNA that may result into our immortality which was originally ours! Oh My God !!!

Being aligned and unified with Spirit, imagine yourself being infused and purified, clearing your nueral cricuitry with the frequency of Mayan IK. In the Mayan system, words are held in a larger context than is implied in ordinary language. The word heaven for example, denotes a particular vibrational frequency and harmonic resonance. There are many forms of meditation, ceremony, prayer, and other practices that could serve your spiritual evolution, and add more codons to your DNA, or turn on the ones that have been turned off because of the Fall.

Consciously, release judgments, resentments or hidden wounds you may have about organized groups and religions and their practices. The Fall was simply a lack of trust that became habitual and culturally encoded. This lack of trust in the Spirit that governs all things, created a veil of illusion, and attendant feelings of denial and separation. This apparent separation from the source is experienced by the part of us that is in form, but which is actually formless, too, and not -- and never has been -- experienced by the Essence Self, which is always directly connected with Divinity. However, the way in which you hold it also contains the key to your journey home to freedom. Probably you react to this feeling of entrapment with sorrow, anger, despair and guilt, as if you have been betrayed and abandoned, as Christ Jesus hanging on the Cross on Good Friday, uttered it in his feelings having taken up your cross as despairing of God's absence -- the pained exclamation "Oh Lord, why have you abandoned me?" These feelings can be healed in the simple understanding that "forgetting" was a necessary part of the evolutionary process of transmutation, the transmuting of our DNA from dark density caused by the Fall, to the light of freedom of the glorious radiance of rising on Easter Sunday (ascension).

You then knew that beyond the appearances or illusions, there was no separation. But the belief in separation can be seen as a loss of trust and when the Child in us got out of the entrapment of fear, by expressing our trust again, we emerged gradually to find that we were being lead by the Children of our dreams... finding immunity from disease at last, and renewing our Youth, once more, by defying the ageing process of linear time which was merely appearance or illusion. Haven't you heard of people including yourself who in their dreams find their loved ones who have departed, looking young? Their old worn bodies or wrinkled faces are no longer facing you in your encounter with them in your dream at night, instead they look young, with perfect legs if they have been for example, afflicted in life with polio or a diseased body. The fears we nurture of an ugly body that we wouldn't want to bring to the other side we would like to forget. Only to find out, that behold all things are made new at the moment of death. Death after all is not real, it's only a doorway to the stars of our Rebirth to Freedom. Hence, I give you Drunvalo Melchizedek a great visionary-physicist-scientist of our time to explicate the Dream that has been infused in us by the Light of Spirit in a downpouring of heavenly vibrational waves that have never left us.

The scientists among us are beginning to believe that it is a very specific emotional, mental body response – a wave coming off the body that is causing the DNA to mutate in a certain way. Drunvalo Melchizedek studied the new human DNA with Gregg Braden who was one of the first persons to write about this new phenomenon. But I am not going to talk about Gregg B this time, maybe in another posting. I would like to focus on Drunvalo who is the main proponent of the revival of an ancient form of meditation and breathing techniques geared towards mastering the creation of the Merkaba, often referred to as the vehicle for the Ascension. His Flower of Life workshops are world famous and are detailed in Matrix IV. Drunvalo has devoted his life exclusively to reawakening awareness in the human population through the study of sacred geometry governing the Universe and now the birthing of a new human race. As to his metaphysical origins, where he got his last name Melchizedek, it will require for me in this weblog “Forest of Stars,” another article about him to cover the name's origin in its vast, historic, cosmic expanse.

And Children will Lead the Way.

Who are these children Drunvalo Melchizedek is so excited about? There are three different kinds of children emerging in the world today – 1) the so called Psychic Children of China 2)The “Indigo Children”and 3) the “Children of AIDS”

The first one was discovered in 1984, when a child was found who was psychic beyond belief. Researchers conducted every psychic test that you could imagine, and he was 100% correct every time. You could turn cards even in another room and that didn’t matter. He could perfectly know what was on the card. They did test after test, and the response was flawless. The phenomenon didn’t stop there. These kids are not just in China. They have spread all over the world. Drunvalo, himself has been talking to parents who would ask him. “What do we do? I have a kid who knows everything.”

It is the third group that Drunvalo is most interested in. The “children of AIDS”About 10 or 11 years ago in the US, there was a baby born of AIDS. They tested him at birth and at 6 months, he was tested positive, Then they tested him a year later and he still tested positive. Then they didn’t test him again until he was 6, and what was amazing is that he was completely AIDS free! No trace that he ever had AIDS or HIV. He was taken to UCLA to see what was going on and those tests showed that he didn’t have a normal DNA. In the human DNA all over the world, we have 4 nucleic acids that combine with sets of 3 producing 64 patterns that are called codons. Human DNA all over the world have 20 of these codons turned on and the rest are turned off, except for 3 which are the stop and start codes, much like a computer. Science always assumes that the ones that were turned off were old programs from our past. Drunvalo has always seen them like the application programs in a computer.

The boy had 24 codons turned on – 40 more than any other human being. Then they tested this kid to see how strong his immune system was. They took a very lethal dose of AIDS IN A PETRI DISH MIXED IT WITH SOME OF HIS CELLS and his cells remained completely unaffected. They went finally up to 3,000 times more than was necessary to infect a human being and his cells turned completely disease free. Then they found another kid with these codons turned on – then another, then another – then 10,000, then 100,000 then a million of them and at this point, UCLA making world-wide DNA search, found approximately 60 million people may have DNA who are not human by the old criteria.

When Drunvalo was asked in an interview if this codon activation was found only in newborn babies, Drunvalo replied, there have been found adults with it too, just like the hundredth monkey theory. Now all kinds of people are being affected by it and it’s spreading fast like a disease. Now you hear about the way ayurvedic practitioners determine how you will be able to resist the toxicity of disease, like cancer in its 4th stage, simply by looking into your DNA consciousness. They will interview you first to see how your psyche responds to stimuli, perhaps, using their 6th or 7th sense. You don't get well by being dependent on the latest medical procedures but on your DNA.

Drunvalo: If you go to page 164 of the book Cracking the Bible Code which has to do with running Hebrew books of the Bible through a specialized computer program it shows where translation provided words like HIV, “in the blood,” the immune system, “death,” all the things you would think you’d see around the word AIDS, but down in the corner was this sentence that they didn’t understand and it said “the end of disease, ” and that is what I believe is happening here.

To continue with Drunvalo – I’ve sat with Gregg Braden who was one of the first persons to write about this and what we believe is that there are 3 parts to the phenomenon.

The first part is the mind that sees – “Unity” It sees the Flame of Life. It sees everything interconnected in all ways. It doesn’t see anything as separate.

The second part is being centered on the heart – to be LOVING.

The third thing is to step out of polarity – to no longer judge the world. As long as we are judging the world as good or bad, then we are inside polarity and remain in a fallen state. I believe these people with the new DNA have somehow stepped out of judging and as in a state where they see everything as One and feeling Love. Somehow this definitely means there's no more fear and doubt about their feeling of Oneness which ultimately makes them purified and sanctified, after having been penetrated and saturated as it were by God's violet flame of godliness, and in so doing they go beyond the old fear of evil in conflict with good. That illusion has been erased. That would result into a raising of consciousness on a heightened vibratory level approaching to, or compatible with that of the resonance in spheres of vibrating frequencies radiating from the angelic realms. A Golden Age may thus be manifesting if all aspects of humanity are interpenetrating harmoniously, nearly in bliss.

It's really amazing ! Drunvalo enthused in this interview. I see it as a phenomenon like the ET'S EXCEPT THAT THEY AREN'T COMING HERE IN SPACESHIP form. They are making it personal by coming to earth's evolutionary cycle and joining us.

COMMENTS: A good old friend from USA writes: Interesting article, Georgie! It's Mom's second anniversary, in two hours (date--morning of April 21) Yes, when I see her in my dreams, almost weekly, she's no longer old, no more of those signiture of time. There are of course, some galactic beings around us, much more like in the movie Avatar, who vibrate in a much higher frequency who are able to drive any debilitating diseases easily.

Another friend writes: my son got married last week, I wonder what type of grand children I will have. Will they be"indgo children"? I hope and pray, thank you for the forwarded message. In my next posting, I'll cover some amazing children who are reported to be manifesting advance evolutionary traits.

Monday, April 11, 2011


The planet where we live is currently in a grave crisis. It is a grave nuclear crisis. There’s a metaphysical technique on how to handle it, and it has to go beyond the physical, because we have to rise to the Quantum level to deal with the radioactive particles of nuclear energy which operate in the quantum level where your five senses of sight,hearing,smell,touch, taste can't reach. We have to be divine and Galactic with extraterrestrial powers for telepathy, teleportation, telekinesis, if possible, to bring the dangerous radiation level under control at the Fukushima power plants that were severely damaged by the massive earthquake of 9.0 magnitude and a horrendous tsunami of March 11, 2011. The scientists can’t handle it anymore with their logical left-brain, miserably linear time limited theories with out resorting to the limitless power of eternal Light, God’s Light. This technique for healing radiation was brought by one of today’s great channelers -- Rae Chandran who received it from ISIS, Goddess of Egypt during his recent trip to Egypt. He lives in Japan with his Japanese wife and family. He produces an incredibly deep and insightful soul reading for us earth people.

First and foremost, let us understand that physical radioactive particles are just one of the seven octaves of manifestation of Energy. As in all spiritual healing, if you heal the subtle version of energy, the physical manifestation of healing will follow. Just as we heal the soul first before we can heal the physical body as in ayurvedic medicine. If we don't go beyond the physical sciences we would keep on seeing rich people spend millions being treated for cancer in ultramodern hospitals with little hope of survival save for extending life for a few years.

Rae Chadran: “If 144,000 souls all over the planet collectively hold the intent to heal the radiation or to reduce the radiation to a level which is not harmful to the human population, then the vibrational pattern of the nuclear radiation particles will be altered. For this to happen, after giving the intention, all of the 144,000 souls must hold the vision that they are holding Mother Earth in both their hands, and Mother Earth is being showered with brilliant gold particles of light. Then visualize the entire country of Japan in the middle of Mother Earth. Then visualize the soul color of Japan which is magenta (purplish pink) being overlaid on this country. Make the tone of your intent out loud if that is at all possible. This exercise must be done for a minimum of twenty minutes, daily.” See for the sounds and symbols of the invocation to transform nuclear energy that's leaking out from Japan endangering the air, oceans, all life on earth.

The world needs lots of helpers in this time of grave crisis, so let your friends know.

How Can I Help More? You ask.

My son Mark just came in to give me a paper. It says in big letters -- PRAY-- and he gives a time -- at 1 AM bedtime. Obviously, he is not asleep at a time when we all are. Mark is my autistic son who has been a recluse over the years after having succumbed to a nervous breakdown and has been under medication for so long until we suspended such treatment for a more natural way of healing through herbals to prevent his falling into some cancerous disease. At this time of the Shift, we find that the cellular structure of our bodies is being transmuted into crystalline light following the new crystal grid of the planet Earth to make ascending to higher realms of consciousness a possibility. Mark has started to refuse the chemicals in prescriptive medicine as it makes him sick at this time of the Shift. Mark does not talk much, if he does, we can’t make much of it. But he is a visionary in an artistic way. He makes models of airplanes, cars, tanks that you would categorize as futuristic, something that reminds you perhaps of Leonardo da Vinci when he made experiments of airplanes centuries before they were invented. He is some sort of a galactic being who has been incarnated to live with us so we can learn from him about the existence of a Reality of multi- dimensional levels that is not of this world without seeking to preach or teach us as earth language is not his forte.

There are emails circulating that indicate we are in great misery – we are tempted to fall into despair not knowing what to think , WHAT TO DO – is there hope for a bright future? We are not to do it with “Doing,” but with “Being.” We have to Be good, and holy, if possible, exuding a gold aura. And keep visualizing a shower of brilliant gold particles of light falling upon our planet earth, at this time when radiation clouds may be blown to drop by your place, and if you have a constant gold aura shining round your body, how much easier it would be to offset the nuclear radioacitve rays, no effort, you are, just Be :))

There are emails circulating that indicate this misery of people on earth, surely the Galactics should come now, and “save” us. As Lord Ashtar of the Galactic Round says, this idea is miscreated, immature, lower vibration thinking. YOU ARE THE GALACTICS. And you are already here. You are commissioned with changing the Earth. THIS IS YOUR MISSION. You signed up and read the small print in the contract before coming down to the third dimensional level of the Earth.

Lord Ashtar: We come in after you change it, and we help you by clearing away (comment: Nuclear clearing of karma is what Ashtar means, I am dropping the ‘lord’ as we are also Galactics, heheh ) Again: “We come in after you change it.” See? They are not coming in to change the Earth for us, we will have to do the job ourselves. Clearing our karma is our job. That’s stated in our sacred contract before reincarnating. Then the memory was erased. We had to be shocked into remembering, we had to be socked to our faces to see, we had to be stunned and terrified to see the massive devastation wrought by an earthquake of 9.0 magnitude with Tsunami sweeping away everything Japan had so loved creating – their magnificient toy cars, yachts, ships in a wild scramble piled up on top of each other or on their houses like, yes, toys – in order for us to remember that we are the Ones we have been waiting for. We are the Beings riding the spinning space ships that came down here millions of years ago. And now we remember when we hear the message through Beth

Greetings, Ground Crew of Earth, this is Lord Ashtar. Since March 9, 2011, when we commenced the Cosmic Wave Unity from the Ships, to begin the New Reality of the Universal Underworld (comment: please refer to your Mayan Calendar Nine Underworlds in my past postings in "Forest of Stars" website) which is designed to bring humanity on Earth to its Highest Level of Consciousness. Earth has made a massive shift. We are in the final stages of separating the wheat from the chaff. Within hours of the 9x9 Cosmic Pulses coming through the Star Realms of Heaven into Earth, Mother Earth experienced birthing pangs and a great expansion causing the Land Masses to Shift once more (comment: this refers to the earthquakes that came in series, still coming) Since then we have seen a magnetic storm, major tsunami, nuclear meltdown and a new war has erupted (comment: this refers to the Middle East uprisings, particularly the one in Libya against its warlord Kaddafi who refuses to step down) . This is just what one would expect to see in the separation of worlds. You will experience more surprises yet to come in the united States government.

On this event, timeline information is being processed very quickly, you are questioning the validity of everything you have ever known… At the same time, the dark Ones are grappling for their last chance of power. They feel absolutely
stunned that they can no longer keep you quiet with fear and manipuilation. Your pundits are out there tweeting up a storm chanting TRUTH and this has never happened before. You turn off the tv and go to meditate instead of staring blindly accepting the programming. This has them falling apart at the seams. Conratulations.

Your Galactic Family on the Ships is a society of Extraterrestials whose Mission is to help Earth succeed in Acension. We have equipment that is designed to receive and tabulate your thoughts, emotions, fears, and deeds and give you feedback through the Angels (see one of them praying above)in the form of life challenges and rewarding moments (I have experienced myself these rewarding moments, and have heard of others, kindred spirits, experiencing similar moments) that
Guide you on the path to be a better YOU. You have much more precise cameras, everything you do is on video. Everything. This is true for Everybody. Likewise your Guides and Angels stand by at every moment guiding you through this feedback process.

You may be tempted to fall into despair as the bombing increases in Africa, or in Libya, or in your own country. Use it as a potency for change. Purge it from your physical body with the violet flame. How? The violet flame is a tri-fold flame anchored in your heart womb space. Wisdom, Love, and Understanding together are forming the violet flame. Imagine it burning inside your heart. You have seen icons like that of Jesus and Mary with the sacred heart flame. Everybody has this, not just the saints and angels. Take deep breaths and breathe into your heart to connect to the Divine Flame (God) of which we are the sparks, and imagine it goes out from there to your body to purify it, then to the situation where you would like to add LOve and Light.

I send Love and Light to all in the spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood, especially my warmest appreciation for those who inspire and cheer me to go on with the magical trek in the Forest of Stars...Thank You, Thank You, Thank You and continue to send your thoughts and comments to the Forest and pass on its messages to loved ones and friends. PRAY,PRAY, PRAY, ALONG WITH THE ANGELS AND SAINTS (Ascended Masters),and like Dr. Emato of Japan to ask the Waters of the oceans to forgive us for causing them to suffer, in the gulf of Mexico, and now near the damaged nuclear reactors of Fukushima, and keep saying, forgive us, we thank you and we love you.

Friends from time to time write back: Vics Magsaysay in Califronia -- thanks for sharing, georgie. Good to know the disasters predicted for PH didn't manifest. Reply: in astro-reading we try to weigh the shadows with the Light coming through as protective measures to avert possible disasters; the March 29 charts indicated such divine interventions so the fears of a psychic didn't manifest. From Maricel Alberto in Toronto, Canada -- thanks georgie, you are a wonderful, loving and magnificient spirit in body (comment: this is too much naman, sweet Maricel)ascending and in the process of helping others I will pass on the messages of light and love to others. BTW wheren can I read more on the 144,000 souls? From June Orejana of Mindanao --You can count on me to radiate healing lights to the Fukushima-Daichi power plants starting tomorrow dawn. Because for no reason at all I am awake at exactly 2:00 AM everyday (almost) Reply: it must be a nudge from your angel guide, June, to help in this time of great need for prayers/meditation while the Shift is on going.