Saturday, December 21, 2013


Why do we celebrate Christmas Joy with a tree?  I bet you, you don’t know the reason for it like I didn’t know myself through the years.  For one who is a major in Literature, it’s a shame not to be aware of its symbolism.

 Awareness is the key, for just sensing the truth through reading books, and not speaking of it denotes ignorance if not indifference to suffering mankind.  For as you know in art, as in literature, we live not entirely by words that are flat when not imbued with deeper meaning than what mainstream media can accept as norm.

 Words are flat when not seen in their multi-dimensional levels of meaning. Literature or books are not real unless they carry multidimensional levels. Words when used to convey merely logic and reason would be limiting the truths or wisdom of the laws of the universe for they cannot be contained by logic and reason alone, they are measureless, they are governed by man’s faculty of Intuition which carries the Soul and embraces the All that is, the I am that I am… Eternity, Infinity, Immortality.  

In poetry, field of special study we deal with metaphors which consists of imagery replete with hidden meaning.  To discover their meaning one needs to use an intuitive spade to dig beneath the surface to get at its roots just like the way Jesus Christ spoke/ He spoke in parables to teach the Truth about God and man’s relationship, using symbols, because by merely using words without symbolic meaning he would be limiting God. God is beyond logic and reason, beyond measure, Infinite.

I’ll try to be symbolic, if perchance I might make the laws of the universe flourish   
in my language, too, and once embraced in my robes of light as a teacher of literature (ahem) a new tone is struck, a sublime transfiguration comes to me magically, transmitting images to my students the fruit of divine love’s yearning for itself.  This is
metaphorically, the Joy of life. Christmas is endless joy in time, as we know it, it is Love and Light’s human expression. It’s only in the most recent advent of Aquarius, age of universal brotherhood that I started thinking seriously about the inner meaning of the Christmas tree which I love to decorate in our house at Christmas time with my children when they were small.

 Now that they have grown to live their own lives, I and my husband are alone to do it, if he will, though some of the family are always around to come on weekends to pitch in bringing a basket of foodies to go with bonding again around the family Christmas tree, and on Christmas day, we have a special family dinner for giving/receiving gifts .  

Truth to tell, I thought these stylized Christmas trees were simply there to make Christmas cheer extra brighter or more scintillating for the child in us to delight in seeing   this merry month of December happen, other than that you have to contend with its commercial value to explain why we have to decorate and light up trees in public or private spaces and big houses or to escape from super-spending, forget the Christmas borloloy, for we remember Jesus Christ’s birth in the poorest of conditions, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger where animals get their feed for there was no room for him in the inn.

 The King of kings, Lord of lords born without a crib?  He teaches us how to be humble, for we are of the earth, how to be noble for we are made of stars.  Why do we celebrate Christ’s birth?  For we have to rejoice in the coming of the Messiah so we shop for more food and forget about the waistline, beat the jolly drums to make jolly music, and dance till we drop out of sheer joy…But this year 2013, something dire, almost apocalyptic happened to us in November, to remind us that all is not well in the world, we have people who are suffering, starving, shivering in the cold with their homes shattered, surroundings devastated, future uncertain by the visit of a super typhoon named Haiyan/Yolan. We need to dole out much needed cash to give assistance or share what little we have to help its poor victims. The poor has always been with us, true, but with wisdom we begin to see Christ’s image in them, and we shudder, we feel a melt-down of our own nuclear troubles.        

So what! we say if the Christmas tree has a long traditional value of legends involving many European countries in pagan times. But I have a deep respect for ancient pagan times when men worshipped .Mother Nature, the only things that mattered to them were the “Sun and Moon and Truth” as they walked in the company of gods, winged divine beings, called skywalkers who also walked the earth in earliest times.

While I was tinkering with colorful, dazzling balls, ribbons, stars, and baubles to hang on our tree, an activity I used to enjoy as a child,
still do as I advance in linear time, I continue to be perceived as incurably romantic and forever a child, as it takes genius (haha) to keep the spirit of a child till senior age, says Huxley, now what’s his first name? (haha)  A thought kept nagging me. Why not research on the deeper meaning of the Christmas Tree and blog on it?

With its tender promise of a New Day, a New World quickening within every cell of humanity we may now understand how these heavenly frequencies have returned ushered in by rainbows after a horrendous storm called Yolanda. It is indeed a time of the Great Miracle to draw the now the shimmering center of humanity up to embrace the pillars of Heaven, whose beams descend upon the excessive materialists, the non-beings, non-believers.  They have at last awakened to the cruelty of political governments for their immorality, corruption, ineptness to serve, to govern, showing a lack of compassion for the suffering poor who are fleeing the socio-political upheavals in middle east in Syria and central Africa.

 Our hearts go out to hundreds of thousands, nay millions of these refugees who are now so destitute in other lands they become victimized by human trafficking, prostitution of women and mothers selling their children somewhere in a poverty-stricken Asian country as reported by Yahoo in the face of no faith, no hope…

 “Winged child who walks in wisdom and tenderness, thou art innocent laughter and flowered heart open wide in celebratory passion for the dream (of the poor, and oppressed) is now vitally alive!!” (The Mayan Oracle)    

Let us take a free fall dive into the unknown to        
become egoless, fearless to survive the deadly apocalyptic storms like Haiyan/Yolan that teach us to learn to forgive, to be compassionate and patient while going through the turbulence of a changing planet earth that wishes to shine as a Star in the firmament.   

 The Mayan Manik calls – ‘‘Glide with me, cosmic dancer!  Embody the beauty way here on Earth.  Fearlessly, let the great tsunami wash over you, for it is the surf of the return path to the stars… Within your grasp is the wave of completion that frees you.  I am the opening, the gateway through.” comment: The deathly storm surges of Tacloban represent the wave of completion that frees us? 

 To save the planet, one must cease to be anthropocentric, to become bio-centric as the Mayan elders in Latin America counsel us, to unite all planes of sentient life, human, plants and animals, declaring the end of hatred, after 2012, and the beginning of Joy in 2013 with emphasis on the joy of Christmas time which has the vibrant power to envelope the Earth with its message of Love and Light penetrating all dark corners of different shades of non-entities, non-beings, non-believers… After 2012, end of hatred, we have the beginning of Joy?  So we are stupefied to see many countries in the rush to rescue the victims with needed aircraft carrier loaded with planes, helicopters, to send,drop relief goods to people in remote areas, to remove road blockages with heavy equipment, to serve and heal the wounded, the sick among the survivors of Haiyan and to comfort the distraught.  This has not happened before in such huge numbers in our world, helping, caring for others, irrespective of race, belief, and nationality. Definitely, a sign of transformation for erring, war-mongering mankind that has found love, harmony, peace in their hearts. Incredible change of attitudes,feelings.  God is great indeed! 

Christianity has the upper hand in enjoying the Joy of life by anchoring on esoteric symbols of a tradition like Christmas that is centered on the Tree of life.  The Mayan Elders advise us to follow a tradition with great roots.  Now what has Roots but trees?  Your heart will tell you, according to the Mayas, which tradition has great roots.  As we perceive its Light, Christianity has great roots based on its uplifting of the Cross of Christ, and that Christ has returned, renewed, redeemed the world with the Tree of Life exuding the radiant frequencies of God’s kingdom from on high.
 It is the tree of life which is an important symbol in nearly every culture. With its branches reaching into the sky, and its roots deep in the earth, it dwells in three worlds – a link between heaven and earth and the underworld, uniting Above and Below.  It is both a JOY feminine in symbol, bearing substance, and masculine, visibly bearing the urge to attain a soul-union, since the tree of life is the symbol of the Soul, expressing Presence that has never left us, our immortality…

In Jewish and Christian mythology, a tree sits at the center of both Heaven and Earthly Edens.  The Norse (Scandinavian) cosmic world Ash Ygdrassil, has its roots in the underworld while its branches support the abode of the gods. The Eqyptian Holy Sycamore tree stood on the threshold of life and death, connecting the worlds.  To the is Yxche, whose branches support the heavens.

Many trees take on the appearance of death in the winter – losing their leaves, only to sprout new growth with the return of Spring. In Samar-Leyte area you see the trees crashing down with their leaves split, torn and blown by the wrath of Haiyan’s Wind.  This aspect makes the tree a symbol of resurrection, and a stylized tree at home is the symbol of many resurrected Gods – Jesus of the Romans, Attis, and Osiris of the Greeks, Ramayana of Bhagavad Gita of the east, all have crosses as their symbols.  Most of these divine beings are believed to have been ‘crucified’ on trees, as well.  The modern Christmas tree harkens back to an old tradition that honors Jesus Christ as the crucified God of Christianity.

A tree bears seeds or fruits which contain the essence of the tree. This continuous regeneration is a potent symbol of immortality. It is the fruit of the tree that confers immortality in the Jewish tradition; it is a divine peach that gives them a gift of immortality.  In ancient Persia, the fruit of the haome has this essence.  The apples of Idunque gives the Norse gods their powers.  The Naga or divine serpent guards the Hindu tree. 

The tree as the abode of the Gods is another feature common to many mythologies. In some, the tree itself is a god.  The ancient Sumerian God Dammugi was personalized by a tree, as is the Hindu Brahman. The Byzantine world tree represents the omnipotence of the Christian God.  Another form, the inverted tree represents spiritual growth, as well as the human nervous system.  The tree with its roots in heaven, and its branches growing downward, is most commonly found in Kabbalistic imagery.

A similar tree is mentioned with its roots above, and its branches below in Vedic Bhagavad Gita.  I discovered this Inverted Tree guarding a major door of the Indonesian museum in Jakarta. It also represented the cosmic tree—rooted in Heaven, the branches all manifest creation. Great symbolism, and the Indonesians knew it. How about us Pinoys, how much do we know beside trivialities concerning winning in the casinos, lotto, or getting rich?  Have we thought of our own symbolic Roots, and leaves as wings ?

The Mayan Oracle by Spilsbury and Brynner

Joy to you dear readers, and the World, for the Lord is come!   (below,the inverted Christmas Tree)




Monday, December 16, 2013


This beautiful green planet where we live is currently in a grave crisis. It is a grave nuclear crisis.  There’s a metaphysical technique, as it has to go beyond the physical, because we have to rise to the Quantum level to deal with the radioactive particles of nuclear energy which is already in the quantum level.  We have to be divine and Galactic to bring the dangerous radiation level under control at the Fukushima power plants in Japan that were severely damaged by the massive earthquake of 9.0 magnitude and a horrendous tsunami of March 11, 2011.

The scientists can’t do it anymore with their logical left-brain, miserably linear time limited theories with out resorting to the limitless power of eternal Light, God’s Light. This technique for healing radiation was brought by one of today’s great channelers --  Rae Chandran who received it from the ISIS, Goddess  of Egypt during his recent trip to Egypt.  He lives in Japan with his Japanese wife and family. He produces an incredibly deep and insightful soul reading for us earth people.

First and foremost, let us understand that physical radioactive particles are just one of the seven octaves of manifestation of Energy.  As in all spiritual healing, if you heal the subtle version of energy, the physical manifestation will follow. Hear this, hear this -- if you want to heal the subtle version of energy which is the Soul (you cannot see the Soul, your Soul can you?) you have to heal it first,  so the physical body (you can see, touch, smell, taste the Body as a physical manifestation, and when Body is united with Soul, Spirit, you hear it talk, sing and dance) will follow.  This is just the reverse of what the doctors, the scientific physicians do -- they study in college of medicine the organs of the body, everything that can be investigated about it for seven to nine years then apply the medicines appropriate to heal the human organism without thinking of healing the subtle version of the Body which is the Soul, first so the body will follow. No, that's absolute nonsense. How can you heal the Soul first, when you don't see it (although it sees you). By the way, what is the soul? Does it exist? Who created the Soul?  God, says you, then he asks, does God exist?              .  

Rae Chadran:  “If 144,000 souls all over the planet collectively hold the intent to heal the radiation or to reduce the radiation to a level which is not harmful to the human population, then the vibrational pattern of the nuclear radiation particles will be altered.  For this to happen, after giving the intention, all of the 144,000 souls must hold the vision that they are holding Mother Earth in both their hands, and Mother Earth is being showered with brilliant gold particles of light.  Then visualize the entire country of Japan in the middle of the Mother Earth.  Then visualize the soul color of Japan being overlaid on this country, Make the tone of your intent out loud if that is at all possible.  This exercise must be done for a minimum of twenty minutes.”  See http://www,

The world needs lots of helpers in this time of grave crisis, so let your friends know. 

How Can I Help More?  You ask. 

My son Mark just came in to give me a paper. It says in big letters --  PRAY--  and he gives a time --  at 1 AM bedtime.  Obviously, he is not asleep at a time when we all are. Mark is my autistic son who has been a recluse over the years after having succumbed to a nervous breakdown and has been under medication for so long until we suspended such treatment for a more natural way of healing through herbals, and he is responding well to natural healing, he has refused the chemicals in medicines prescribed by orthodox doctors at this time of the Shift.  Our son Mark does not talk much, if he does, we can’t make much of it. But he is a visionary in an artistic way.  He makes models of airplanes, cars, tanks that you would categorize as futuristic by drawing them, something that reminds you perhaps of Leonardo da Vinci when he made experiments of airplanes, rocket ships centuries before they were invented.  He is some sort of a galactic being who has been incarnated to live with us so we can learn from him about the existence of a Reality of multi-dimensional levels that is not of this world without seeking to preach or teach us as earth language is not his forte.

There are emails circulating that indicate we are in great misery – we are tempted to fall into despair not knowing what to think , WHAT TO DO  – is there hope for a bright future?  We are to do it with not with “Doing,” but with “Being.”

There are emails circulating that indicate this misery of people on earth, surely the Galactics should come now, and “save” us.  As Lord Ashtar of the Galactic Round says, this idea is miscreated, immature, lower vibration thinking.

YOU ARE THE GALACTICS. And you are already here.  You are commissioned with changing the Earth.  THIS IS YOUR MISSION.  You signed up and read the small print in the contract before coming down to the third dimensional level of the Earth. 

Lord Ashtar:  We come in after you change it, and we help you by clearing away (comment: Nuclear clearing of karma is what Ashtar means, I am dropping the ‘lord’ as we are also Galactics, heheh )  Again: “We come in after you change it.” See?  They are not coming in to change the Earth for us, we will have to do the job ourselves.  Clearing our karma is our job.  That’s stated in our sacred contract before reincarnating.  Then the memory was erased. We had to be shocked into remembering, we had to be socked to our faces to see, we had to be stunned and terrified to see the massive devastation wrought by an earthquake of 9.0 magnitude with Tsunami sweeping away everything Japan had so loved creating – their magnificent toy cars, toy yatches, toy ships which piled up on top of each other or their houses – in order for us to remember that we are the Ones we have been waiting for. For updates -- we also had to be shocked into remembering, we had to be socked to our faces to see and be terrified by a supertyphoon Haiyan/Yolanda of 200 kms. per hour velocity on Nov 8, 2013, sweeping into the sea our loved ones, along with the farm animals, our trees stripped of branches,  our coconut trees bent that used to withstand heavy storms, being our Tree of Life... Many of us were still left behind to remember the contract we signed before coming down in incarnation to work with the Shift in consciousness, to raise its very low level to a higher DNA strand keeping us young, defying the ageing process so our foreign kin noticed. Astonishing when abroad in our jobs, and blessed as we Filipinos are of ancient ancestry, we remembered to serve our brothers/sisters over lands and seas outside of our own country but not always for altruistic reasons, we had to survive the corruption in our government we learned to forgive, in God's holy name, mahirap, but praying the rosary of our Mother Mary, helped restore our souls,  yet we still need to remember becoming the 'Being' over the 'Doing.'

We are the Beings riding the spinning space ships that came down here millions of years ago. And now we remember when we hear the message through Beth

Greetings, Ground Crew of Earth, this is Lord Ashtar. Since March 9, 2011, when we commenced the Cosmic Wave Unity from the Ships, to begin the New Reality of the Universal Underworld (comment: please refer to your Mayan Calendar of Nine Underworlds in my past postings in Forest of Stars website) which is designed to bring humanity on Earth to its Highest Level of Consciousness.

 Earth has made a massive shift.  We are in the final stages of separating the wheat from the chaff.  Within hours of the 9x9 Cosmic Pulses coming through the Star Realms of Heaven into Earth, Mother Earth experienced birthing pangs and a great expansion causing the Land Masses to Shift once more (comment: this refers to the earthquakes that came in series, still coming)  Since then we have seen a magnetic storm, major tsunami, nuclear meltdown and a new war has erupted (comment: this refers to the Middle East uprisings, particularly  the one in Libya against its warlord Kaddafi who refused to step down at first, but at this time, 2013 is ending, we see Lybia under a new leadership, still troubled, but the Syrian civil war is still raging in a seemingly unending heated battle between Assad the old president’s army and the rebels …) . This is just what one would expect to see in the separation, of worlds.  You will experience more surprises yet to come in the United States government.  On this event, timeline information is being processed very quickly, you are questioning the validity of everything you have ever known…

At the same time, the dark Ones are grappling for their last chance of power.  They feel absolutely stunned that they can no longer keep you quiet with fear and manipulation.  Your pundits are out there tweeting up a storm chanting the TRUTH and this has never happened before.  You turn off the tv and to meditate (comment: visualize brilliant gold particles of light being showered on the Earth planet with Japan clad in its soul color magenta right in the middle)  instead of staring at the tv blindly accepting the programming.  This has them falling apart at the seams. Congratulations.

We have equipment that is designed to receive and tabulate your thoughts, emotions, fears and deeds and give you feedback through the Angels, in the form of life challenges and rewarding moments (Comment: experience such rewarding moments at times?  I do and others I talk with, say the same)   that Guide you on the path to be a better YOU (I call this You as Being) You have this now in your car insurance companies.  They give you a camera to install to take pictures of the safe drivers to give them a discount.  We have much more precise cameras, everything you do is on video. Everything. This is true for Everybody. Likewise your Guides and Angels stand by at every moment Guiding you through this feedback process.

 Do not let the effect of bombings in countries that are in trouble affect you. Use it as a potency for change. Purge it from your physical body with the Violet flame that is anchored in your heart womb space.  Wisdom, Love and Understanding together form the violet flame.  Imagine it burning inside your heart. You have seen icons with the sacred heart flame (like the ones of Jesus and Mary). Everybody has this, not just the saints and angels. Take deep breaths (as this connects you to your divine Source, God) and breathe into your heart to activate the violet flame and imagine it goes out from there to your body first, to purify it, then to the situation where you would like to send Love and Light. 

I appreciate deeply your violet- flaming thoughts or comments to the Forest of Stars.  Share the messages with your kin, and friends.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013


There’s no disputing that the June 12 1898 chart of Philippines stands as the true birthchart of Philippines’ independence when you consider the Solar Return chart of 2013 of said country.  The monstrous impact of typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda resulting in horrendous widespread destruction, a total devastation of the central large area of these islands happened.  It is something that has exceeded all other earthly catastrophies known to us Filipinos (see figure).

 “And I would like to say that according to the Mayan Calendar, the 21st of December, 2012, marks the end of the Macha and the beginning of the Pacha.  It is the end of selfishness and the beginning of brotherhood.  It is the end of individualism and the beginning of collectivism.”  -- from the speech of Evo Morales, President of Bolivia, at the UN General Assembly, 67th session, Sept. 2012.  Natural resources, gas, are they public or private?  Morales asks, “My recommendation, brothers and sisters is nationalized recovery of natural resources. They cannot belong to the transnationals (corporations) they belong to the people of the world/under state administration…they cannot be in private hands.”        

 So whatever we have considered as private and valuable in terms of material or dated in linear Time in the past centuries before 2012 have ended.  It does not mean, the end of existence, it simply means linear Time as you know it, has ended.  Time as you are afraid to know it, which is Endless Time or Eternity has begun.  It does not mean the end of continnum, as the past constituting of the Roots continues.  Roots of the Tree of Life continue to nourish the leaves of the Tree (present and future), constituting the Wings.  Thus, it means the Roots (old world of traditional values such as Faith, Trust, Compassion) continues to connect with the Wings (new world of magical non-traditional values, also called miracles).  It means further that two exalted planets-- Saturn and Uranus, both rule the New Age of Aquarius, represented by a man carrying a jar of water,  on top of a mountain, pouring it down to the multitudes of  people below.  Symbolism is ripe here.  Why is the Aquarian man on top of the mountain? 

Its Esoteric Meaning

The Saturn symbol (draw it) is composed of the Cross and the Crescent Moon.  Here matter and the form side of life must be united with the Soul’s sincere desire to express itself.  It must be united or you get Karma’d. That’s the Law of the universe. Thus, all that you do (Cross) crystallizes into what you are adding to your soul’s nature (Crescent Moon).  The value of things is seen by the Soul itself which you must discriminate between what you want to partake and what you want to avoid.  As you look at life through your Saturn you may appear somber and serious but what you are doing is considering the relationship between idea and form. You concern yourself with your ability to see how much of your Soul you can actually manifest with matter.  Thus, it becomes important for you to view your deeds as a reflection of your true being.  

Take note: ‘Beingness’ consists of higher CONSCIOUSNESS, and so planets are running Retrograde at this time of the Shift. The Retrograde nature of the planet causes you to experience much time of reflection (retrograding is slowing down of energy so you and I can stop what we are doing at the moment to reflect). So transactions in business do not move or take off, it’s not a good time to sign or conclude a contract, communications, postage mail are delayed for you are to  meditate what is matter in relationship to Spirit because while reflecting on the relationship between matter and Soul as we are already in real Time, meaning eternity, we understand  that we are eternal beings.  The planets, they are made of stuff that we too are made of, confirm it. Thus, for many, the Retrograde Saturn becomes their conscience and guide, blending as a mediator between the perfected higher being and how much it must learn in order to live on earth. Many of those who survived the supertyphoon Haiyan/Yolnda have a sad memory of the tragedy that happened on that fateful day of November 8, 2013, at the same time that they have found their Rebirth. Those who died have been taken for they already are ready to end their journey. 
Saturn on 5 degrees Scorpio 21 minutes  Retrograde in the Solar return chart of Phil. is placed in 2nd House of finances, in a negative square to Moon on 29 Cancer degrees, 13 minutes, in 11th House of friends, aspirations but helped to recover by Saturn’s positive trines to Venus and Neptune.       

SATURN on 5 degrees Scorpio of Phil. 2013 Solar Return chart.  SYMBOL: A man maimed of his lower limbs, stands in the middle of a plain, while a storm rages overhead.
“’Maimed of lower limbs here, means miscarriage of any undertaking, lack of constructive capacity, powerlessness to carry anything to its end.  There’s a volcanic and bungling mind here, apt to set hand to a thousand and one fine things, without being able to see a single one through.  The resulting extravagant waste of energy is crowned by complete failure.” 

Note: we know now that all that is said above has come to pass.  For several days we prepared for the coming of a predicted vastly destructive typhoon according to the weather forecasters, here and overseas, and yet “the volcanic and bungling mind of our government that worked to set a thousand and one fine things, failed to see a single one through.”  T’was a complete failure which marked the attempts of government to make preparations to minimize the loss of lives and properties in the aftermath of a powerful storm.  .

Its Esoteric Meaning

When a climber has scaled the heights of the Spirit, he is obliged to look around for a broader field of endeavor which involves the opening of the more subtle higher dimensions.  As an Aquarian the Filipino with Saturn conjunct Uranus both Retrograde in his Phil. chart, in flowing trines to Moon, is depicted as a man carrying  a vessel of water which he offers to mankind by pouring it from the top of a mountain to suggest the fluid quality of nature’s finer forces…Love.and Light…Light and Love…  

He has a mountain to climb, and he has climbed it over many lifetimes, to cover a broader field such as the big wide world.  When supertyphoon Haiyan/Yolanda devastated the central part of the Phl. on Nov 8,2013, the whole world witnessed it in horror and rushed to help, to give financial aid, healing and relief goods.  Aquarius represents the ankles, the circulatory system, and the aura.  The aura is the matrix of electromagnetic emanations which envelope all things, interfusing them with a  vitality which keeps them young in advancing age, if they will, and rich in the remembering of wisdom coming from past lives as
indicated by the Retrograding Uranus in Sagittarius in the Phil. chart. The Filipino loves to travel, and is very universal in his reach; he keeps aspiring for all that is symbolic of whatever is beyond the mundane things in his life. He needs constant new stimulation to satisfy the very active thirst for life that keeps driving him on. It is the scope, breadth, and bigness of the world that he is seeking.  

He is a true pioneer, seeking to explore all that the world is overlooking, this enables him to be free of the limitations of society's educated opinions. His karma is to walk where there are no footsteps in front of him, as it were, except that he can't form new mental beginnings in all he does because Retrograde Saturn's conservatism holds him back. Though at times he may walk a very crooked mile, his Saturn makes him vow to walk the "daang matuwid," and correct all corrupt practices in government which makes him very hypocritical, indeed using the blame game when things don't turn out right/  However, without him there would be very little progress for mankind.  But he is actually more Scorpionic than Arien having Sun conjunct Pluto in the national chart, Pluto rules Scorpio. Saturn is now retrograding in Scorpio.

In Scorpio, the sign of death- and- rebirth, Saturn is posited in the 2nd house of money in the 2013 solar return chart of Phil., here, the Filipino experiences the meaning of  life on its most basic level.

 Scorpio rules, sex, money, taxes or other people’s resources, legacy, death, and regeneration.  The Pinoy has a very deep insight, most of which comes from his own personal experiences.  Constantly living on the brink of destroying himself, like in the case of the PDAF or pork barrel scam that has indicted almost the whole of Congress as guilty of plunder, the Pinoy keeps throwing away all he attains because of the lack of deep meaning he ultimately sees in almost everything.  It would seem he can’t be trusted with money when in a position of power. Shame. Shame. Yet he contradicts himself… He is a very wise old soul, he believes that behind that which he can perceive at the moment is the reality he knows exist.

The building of his substance takes place in his subconscious and the momentary fascinations of life do not fulfill him in the least/   He is always conscious of an inner cosmic reality which keeps drawing him to its center.

In the outer world he is very fixed in his attitudes (and yet he contradicts himself as he  is most mutable in his national consciousness, the Phil is a Gemini country, sign of adaptability, intelligence, change) and there are few who can sway him from whatever purpose he feels he has. He can be a crusader trying to transform the society he lives in, unwittingly he does change the world in their attitude about him, from negative to positive, at the end of the day. There’s a worldly concensus now that if you want a job well done, get a Filipino to do it. He could be the servant of servants, and yet not know it.  He is a rebel against orthodox tradition trying to transform himself, and yet he belongs to the only Catholic Christian country in Asia. He is a seeker of truth wishing to transform humanity. It all depends on the level of karma which he comes into this life.        
To continue, we see the Filipino tackle the strongest storm ever recorded in history, according to reports, and yet Haiyan/Yolanda is a repeat of a storm at some time in the past, it just happens to be magnified now because of the earth’s climate change or polar shift in consciousness.  Planet earth is rising to a higher level of existence.  

“This is no doubt a reckless, brutal and ravaging nature, a real hurricane incarnate. The body may be actually crippled, perhaps in the legs (here, the brutality and ravaging nature of the hurricane actually matches the vibrational frequencies of the peoples symbolic of the collective unconscious of the world that has sank so low in matters of ethics and morality and attracted this “real hurricane incarnate’s brutal and ravaging nature”  The Filipino natives may be open to highly religious and spiritual ideals, which is not incompatible with the features mentioned in their June 12 national chart provided their  own  nativity confirms it, they may be of some use to world society, by shaking slumbering consciousnes in the world and giving an impulse towards good to end the ages of selfishness and hatred, as spoken by the Mayans at the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012.

 When their naval armadas encountered each other in World War II in the Pacific ocean to wage war, US and Japan inflicted much pain and destruction on the Phil. At this time, 2013, they meet again in the same Pacific area, not in combat but to carry out their love and benevolence for the same country they ravaged in a past war. They are not the first to arrive, though, Israel came ahead, showing deep appreciation for the Filipinos who were first at the UN council assembly to empathize with them in their struggle for independence, followed immediately by other benevolent countries that sent help through relief goods, food, water, blankets, clothes, tents, and large teams of medical services as well as heavy equipment, vehicles, such as a US air-craft carrier carrying airplanes and helicopters to airlift goods to drop to remote areas, hospital ship such as sent by China to cure/care for the victims of infection, diseases and injuries.  Even China forgot its animosity against a fellow-Asian at the moment.  Haiyan was a momentous moment for regenerating a sinful world.       

There was total paralysis of the Filipino ability to move, to escape the hurricane’s brutal and ravaging nature for the humans living here as nothing was left that could be used to enable one to skip, to run, to escape, and for days even with the arrival of relief goods coming from countries of strong capacity to help with heartfelt sympathy, thousands of lives continued to die under the rubble, debris, in the open waste land and sea  as earlier storm surges rose to deadly heights to swallow them up hurling them into the ocean, rendering it impossible to find them later. Those who survived were the walking dead, despairing to find their lost kin, or as some keenly sensitive foreign observers wept, noting the strength and courage of how mothers were sleeping on the wet ground with their dead children, the stench of death failing to overcome their deep love of family. Yet to get food, water, even when the bodegas were full of relief goods  
were still denied them for the futility to reach them due to impassable roads, lack of transport vehicles, lack of hands to help, for even the police of the locality were dead, or the element of human greed manifesting again among the local barangays thinking of future elections and allegedly sanctioned by higher level officials took the chance to repack, switching cheap local items for more costly foreign labels to give to the hungry and helpless victims, judging them anyway as incapable of understanding anything better.  To be continued with Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius, 2014-15