Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Time is telling us to stop everything we are doing now for a moment. We need to look back and review the years, nay centuries of the Underworlds that have happened to us to see what we have accomplished, to see how we have evolved.
The whole cycle of 256 years from 1755 up to 1999, has been about the development of POWER. Consciousness has been applied to developing empowerment over the environment and each other with machines and weapons of mass destruction, commonly known as the Industrial Revolution.

The new Galactic consciousness cycle which began on Jan 4, 1999, is one based on ETHICS, showing the deft application of power. As the two types of Planetary and Galactic consciousness are directly opposed, represented by the cosmic energies of Saturn (material concerns) opposition Uranus (spiritual awakening) there will be a train wreck on land, or a ship wreck on sea.

World headlines today report of 800 death toll still rising from Pakistan's worst floods in living memory in two weeks of July as outbreaks of water-borne diseases emerged and penniless survivors streamed out of raging torrents. Millions are affected. China floods report 1,000 people dead, more missing. Floods still rampaging. Rising sea levels destroy Vietnam's rice lands with sea-waters coming into Mekong delta. In Russia a towering inferno kills 30 people causing thousands homeless as heat wave rages on. US soldiers are leaking out insensitivity to life as civilians are killed as part of their rules of the war in Iraq, in Afghanistan. Very disturbing Pentagon's skeletons. Something good however happened in a US town as a store clerk obviously a Latin immigrant M. Gonzales thwarts a robber-holdupper by convincing him to leave the store after talking to him about her faith. Go to church, she advised him. In Germany people are split between prisoners kept inside jail and given preventive detention. While things appear to be getting worse, they are actually getting better. Something bad is turning into something good, paradoxical? Pay attention to synchronicities and seeming coincidences that jump into your awareness. Thirteen is the number of the Divine Feminine, Mother God, and it provides the radical "frequency shift" opening you to the workings of destiny by universal movement.

Once we have realized our violent mistakes and the pieces have been reassembled, the power that we now have at our disposal will be applied in an ethical manner for the greater good of the people, not just for a few called the elite. Those few elite are beginning to be desperate Now and running from the light of the new consciousness. Well, this is getting rather heavy to digest for one sitting, so let’s pause and have a break.

Silence. Meditate. Discard the helmet of fear. Put on your halo and stay balanced by not becoming too ponderous, by not forgetting to laugh and laugh. As a Christian catholic pray the rosary to Mother Mary often for grace and protection.

Finally I am finishing the exciting task of re-reading and re-reading and fathoming the mystery of The Mayan Code by Barbara Hand Clow, and trying to assimilate the strange Mayan terms for cycles of time.

Think of Christ as Quetzalcoatl! Just imagine the ancient Mayans had this strange name for Jesus Lord! Because He belongs not only to us Christians, but to all of Humanity. To simplify if I can, I trust in the Lord, I can do it, the Code is about the Nine-storey cosmic pyramid symbolic of the Nine Underworlds of creation, starting from 16,400,000,000 years up to 2011. Just think of that length of time! It boggles the mind. The implications of Carl Johan Calleman’s theory of time acceleration as the driving force of evolution in the universe are mind-boggling, especially since the whole process finds its completion in 2011 and balances during 2012, and then a new cosmogenesis, the highest dream of Heaven, emerges.

For Clow who is western, the idea that the final chapter of this book implies that the incarnation of Jesus Christ, angelic intervention in human affairs, and some cosmological entities must be orchestrating time acceleration and human evolution is wildly speculative and complex, but hmmm… I knew it all along. Ahhhh….this is going to be like following my bliss …because I am eastern and Christian. Jesus Christ is our Lord and right on top of our human situation aided by angelic intervention in our human affairs creating miracles for healing our woundedness by allowing the Law of Grace to supercede the Law of Karma. But if we supercede karma with grace this has to do with our exuding higher frequencies. Tell you what's in you that create higher frequencies in a little while.

The Golden Age of Aquarius requires an all encompassing Shift in consciousnes But there’s going to be some meaningful Gnosticism and Buddhism mixed into my Christianity. Because Christ is cosmic, meaning all encompassing.

I know for one thing, Nine is the number of God. Thirteen is the number of the Feminine God, the Mother of Light, observe the no. 13 cropping up in the Mayan cycles of time as represented by the planet Venus in a double transit that came on June 8, 2004, to return on June 5, 2012, end of the Mayan Calendar, giving us eight years ad interim period to transform, to change our hearts and mind-sets regarding superiority of race, creed, and nationality; in other words to prepare us for Oneness amidst the diversity of talents and personalities of the planetary people in 2012.


But this does not mean the end of time. It only gives us the cut-off date from the old Paradigm ages of strife, hate, and war, for us to make a Quantum Leap and shift into the Paradigms of the New Earth. It is assumed that we have had eight years to make the shift. We are giving our planet Earth a new Birth after dying to our old consciousness or old destructive ways of treating Mother Earth and women in general by patriarchal systems because of ignorance of her laws, and ourselves. Emphasis on Women along with Mother Earth. Examine your attitude towards women,in general, women who rise to power in pariticular. If you are guilty of women-bashing, and you are male, think and rise above your biases against women that tend to feed the dark Ones. For the Shift favors the East, women, and children. If you wish to enter the gates of heaven be like a child. Be more compassionate (feminine)than hard-on-the heart brutally righteous (masculine) to be balanced. In Iran a woman is prevented from being stoned to death for adultery by a rally of world defenders of life. Brazil offers asylum.

That means the outcome of global situations
depend on how we raise our consciousness to the higher Light. Release all of issues that are ego-centered and power-driven. Humility expressed as non-vanity and gratitude that is frequently expressed are keys to ascension along with love, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance which is synonymous with non-judgment. Non-judgment, innocence, detachment, joy in awe and wonder -- these are the higher frequencies that make you childlike, and inheritor of heaven.

Not the easiest thing to do for us who have been embedded in our own rigid not necessarily correct traditions. If we choose, we offer ourselves to be the open doors for the grace to flow and learn to dissolve all fears about leaving a mortal mold behind and co-create with the Creator a new reality. Because new powerful energies are carrying us towards a higher vibration where we will find our fulfillment in joy, peace, and bliss. Henceforth, we will create a new technology or Reality based on Frequencies.


We will produce a new technology based on Frequencies, as powerful High Energies that range from delta (lowest), theta, beta, gamma (highest) rays are being released from the Galactic Center (G.C.), the heart of God, to flood the earth at this time of our passing through a very difficult transition that will culminate after long decades of strife when Pluto the planet of transformation made its first exact conjunction with the Galactic Center on Dec 30, 2006. To follow Pluto, Jupiter the cosmic planet of abundance conjunct Pluto and the G.C. in December 2007, and made possible a resurrection for "a humanity that is now terminally ill and can only be transfigured by a totally shocking revelation of its shadow side," according to Andrew Harvey, a writer and a mystic.

ANDREW HARVEY believes that humanity needs to realize that the entire
world is in the middle of a 'great crucifixion' as species vanish and the patriarchal systems fall. See the Tibetan Mandala above with its picturesque Square of immense trials within called astrologically a Grand Cross of planetary energies within the Circle of Infinity which for me speaks of the Cardinal Crunch I spoke about in a previous posting here titled "July New Moon and Solar Eclipse." Review blog. He also believes that those who realize that there is mercy behind the violence will be given extraordinary strength, protection, and revelation and will become spiritual revolutionaries devoting themselves to the preservation of the planet. Haven't we experienced such extraordinary strength, protection and revelation as we have become spiritual athletes despite our weaknesses or fears at the risk of being called spiritual junkies lol?

A release of high energy was marked in July, 2007 when the Lion’s gate opened, setting up the Fire Grid on earth that works to connect us more directly to God to make the transition from lower planes of being to the higher realms less painful what with all these weather disasters exploding in our midst serving as wake up calls to an indifferent human society. We are now rising according to our level of galactic consciousness and our capacity to translate action into first, forgiveness for all that we felt we have been cheated of by an apparently greedy power elite; second, for us to transcend negative feelings of anger, hate, envy, jealousy, in order to ascend to higher vibration levels to attain the universal love of Christ, Oneness, and peace, prosperity for all .

Our old name Homo Sapiens will be changed to Homo Pacem. Meaning we will become finally human beings of peace. The quarantine of the universe for
us, being a war-freak, violent-prone, and destructive people will be lifted. Thus, unless we change, we will continue to attract the same violence we have inflicted on our planet as well as on others in a Karmic Return of lower energies that attract destructive or killer hurricanes, cyclones, earthquakes, landslides, floods, heat waves, epidemics, such as madcow and bird flu diseases, car accidents.

Sooner or later the quarantine will be lifted from us once we have evolved, so we can join the Universal society of galaxies, or be recognized by them as peaceful planetary beings. Depending on our free choice to accept what's happening to us, and learn how to discern signs that something is wrong in our patriarchal, economic systems and surrender to the Will of God to evolve, such a cosmic quarantine cannot be lifted. The challenge for us is Extinction or Evolution. For we have become a grave danger to the Galactic society of creation with our plan to attempt the militarization of outer space or our "Star Wars" Hollywood-movie-mentality. Again, because we have become war-freaks. As soon as we can rise to the Higher vibrations of Divine unconditional love we will be released from all sense of strife. We will be released from a mistaken notion that we are fighting wars in the name of God, starting from the medieval Crusades to recover Jerusalem up to the latest terrorist Jihad attacks on non-Muslim enclaves. In the name of God and fossil oil.

Then suffering of pain born of ignorance, inequality, intolerable poverty, toxins, incurable diseases, violent wars of thousands of years of history will all go. But such changes will not happen at the flick of a finger because we All have free will. We All have a choice. Most of us had made that choice by the start of the Galactic Consciousness cycle. As Calleman calls it -- 'There’s a Train Wreck A-Coming ‘

The previous cycle is called the Planetary Consciousness cycle (256 years of the Industrial Revolution starting in 1769) because it produced a Planetary consciousness with the development of telecommunications and the Internet. Now it's getting clearer to see that the divinely inspired Internet has allowed the speed and acceleration of information and cosmic spread of knowledge with divine wisdom integrated to it. Now we receive a continuous flow of messages channeled from higher realms through the articulation of Lightworkers during these divine years.

Each of these Nine Underworlds with corresponding Heavens, and years into Day and Night as time factors twenty (As above, so Below) and have developed a certain level of human consciousness, to reach their completion on the day 13 Ahu, October 28, 2011. And finally, after going through the pyramid of the Cellular level (820,000,000 years or 12 alautuns) Mammalian (42,000,000 years or 13 kinchiltuns), the Family (2,000,000 years or 13 kalabtuns) the Tribal (102, 000 years of 13 piktuns), Cultural (5,125 years or 13 baktuns), the National (256 years or 13 katuns), the Planetary (12.8 years or 13 tuns) the Galactic (260 days or 13 uinals)

This is where we are now in 2010. We are finally arriving at the Universal level. The top of the cosmic Pyramid, to occur on Feb.10, 2011.

The Galactic level is broken up in the regular 13 sections with each of these
sections only 20 days long! These days (years actually) are called the divine years. Time has become Chiros time, we have entered the Eternal time of God with the discovery of Chiron planet in 1977, the wounded healer, the bridge between heaven and earth, but first we must be cleansed of so much karmic dross or pollution reflected in disasters and diseases before we can enter the Photon band of Light where the Galactic Center is located, the Gate of God.

IN SUM, it appears that Creation is speeding up and that more and more is being packed into shorter and shorter periods of time. It's like the human experience of making a long journey going away from home to reach a certain destination of work, then when it's time to come home to our beloved Family time seems to run very fast. Each cycle of Creation contains the same amount of advancement and change but each cycle runs 20 times faster! The same amount of change that happened in 1.26 billion years of the Cellular level now occurs only in 360 days! The Mayan Code book is adapted from Carl Johan Calleman’s The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness.

Friday, July 16, 2010


There's really something mysterious about the things that are occurring in recent days. It has to do with Neptune the cosmic symbol of Divine Heart and ruler of the oceans, the dwelling place of Paul the Octopus who astonished the world by his uncanny ability to predict winners of elimination games leading up to the finals when he predicted that Spain would win the World Cup championship as against Netherlands on 11 July, 2010. Paul the octopus oracle serves as a mirror for humankind to reflect on, regardless of who you are. Something in me is urging me to keep on exploring and not be daunted by the mazes that have suddenly sprouted to confound me... I am confronted by the hall of mirrors again. The universe sends back what we send out. If it's lack of clarity of perception regarding the life of animals living in the oceans when we show utter lack of caution in the control of offshore oil rigs that emperil the life of our oceans then we get the Hall of mirrors, another symbol of 'The Great Mystery.'

As a mirror, the world merely reflects back what is, whether truth, beauty, or illusion. Then you and I become aware of many illusions or distortions within ourselves, as our clarity of perception calls us to transform what is unclear about things...particularly concerning our political situation in the country. Let's pause on the word 'distortions' and be in silence...meditate...and pray in silence ...understand why the typhoon "Bashang" came as a big surprise to hit Manila directly with a tremendous force that was totally unexpected...causing the loss of many many lives of fishermen with others missing, all around Luzon. These men set out to sea without having been warned by the coast guard of an approaching howler because Pagasa the weather bureau didn't read the signals right. Naturally, P-noy the current president berated them for it. Power lines together with their facilities were knocked down in Manila and many parts suffered from two to four days without electricity. The relatively new chief executive was warned by his critics to attend to the full recovery of power in the country immediately as a prolonged lack of it is unacceptable, remembering probably the times when his mother Pres. Cory was unceremoniously named "Queen of Darkness" because recurrent brown-outs featured during her regime. Garments factories that were flourishing under her dispensation had to close shop, they couldn't meet their deadlines. Business slumped. Foreign investors found China's disciplined,cheap labor being a communist country with a growing powerful capitalist infrastructure, very inviting.

Someone from the Galactic Federation of Light suggested we sing to a tree on April 22nd, Earth Day, 2010, on the same day when BP's oil rig in the Mexican gulf blew up becoming the most catastrophic oil spill disaster for the US of the century. Sing to a tree? Not a bad idea, for us weeks before that horrific oil spill occurred. A tree won't mind if we sing off-key :) What it will understand is the Language of Light, the energy of your God Self, which is assisting you through subtle transmissions of energy of heightened vibrations that can be sensed as pulses of light, color, sound by the trees, the plants, the animals in the sea, and now let's look at an experiment on water. We'll go into this experiment on water to understand a bit better why we have encountered an animal from the sea called "Paul" by his human handlers in Germany who felt Paul was being a "jinx" to them when he predicted they'd lose to Spain but got to win over Uruguay later, placing third.

The droplets of water Dr. Masaru Emoto of Japan exposed to words, music, and different environments in his now famous experiment on water came to me "forward" through the Internet at this point. It's not the first time I get this, but I like it coming back and back as it presents a mystery. "If this is true," a dear friend who just forwarded me this story, utters a "WOW." Frozen for three hours Dr Emoto then examined the crystal formatiomn under a dark field microscope. Photo of ordinary water without prayer said over it had its molecular structure in disarray. After prayer was said it became simply breathtaking forming into a beautiful snowflake. Now we know why it feels nice to pray before meals and say "Be blessed" to the food we eat, and "thank you" to the Divine Provider. We bless the water, and we expect it to be blessed, just as we say in the e mail, Blessed be you, and we expect you to be blessed.


The message of the water here thanks to scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto, heralds our approach to an interdimensional gateway. We are asked by the Mayan Oracle to be watchful -- the language used here is the language of light, the energy of our God Self, the unconscious part of us that is now surfacing on the conscious level. Our God Self is assisting us in the crafting of our light body while still in the physical. This is a WOW indeed.

You will know when you have been touched by this abstract language. Which means you have a sudden sense of union, transcendence, or expanded perception. Let your heart be your compass for your unconscious is speaking. The Lemurian in you is asking you to allow this ancient mode of communication to spark memories of your purpose for coming back to life, as many ancient souls have opted to come back, a generation of babies or younsters who are now constantly amazing us, oldsters, by the way they handle the computer and understand its language even when they haven't been taught or haven't taken its course in college, at this time of the Shift.

Trust and develop this sacred language. It is encoded in your feelings represented by Neptune cosmic symbol of the Creator's lOVE. In your birthchart we can see if you are capable of faithfulness in your affections through a well-aspected Neptune. We can sense the purity of your soul,the age of your soul. You learn to say often, I'm well, I'm beautiful, or self-effacing that you are you prefer to say to another one close to you: you are wonderful, you're doing well, as you learn to use your feelings as your spiritual steering mechanism. You do not have to understand symbols, their meaning affects you on a supraconscious level that permeates all aspects of your being, acting as a rapid transit between realities. Fly into the pure state of consciousness where words are not spoken as in the case of Paul the psychic octopus that would communicate with his caregiver in a German water-museum by way of vibrations. Paul would be served two plates of food in separate boxes tied with a nation's flag standing for two competing teams in the World Cup soccer events, Paul then would embrace with his 8 arms the meal he likes by sensing the one that had a finer, more vibrant vibration through his 6th sense as his spiritual steering mechanism. No need for words. Paul does not need speech to communicate for his language is that of the Light.

If you have charged reactions such as frustration, fear, anger, judgment, or jealousy, look at how you might be projecting these issues unto someone else, by saying I am a failure, hopeless, or You are a fool, I hate you, see how these words weaken your health. Any strong reaction to a person or event signals an issue to work on in yourself. So be willing to examine and utilize what you see in your mirrors, in order to transform dysfunctional belief systems, imaginative thoughtforms, and fixed patterns. It means you are still in a deep sleep, you need Awakening into Love and Light. At this point listen to what Master Lao Tse (Taoism) of ancient China has to say:


Mother Earth will need a little longer to ascend in the time frame to take place, you will be in an awakened state among still unawakened beings. When you are awakened fully and completely, accept that you are divine. When you are divinely awakened, and people who are still sleeping will meet you. With your Divine power you will react with love to everything you meet. For you will no longer be able to do other than react with Love as you will understand that only Love exists.
Situations in which you find yoursef will change. You will create situations as you will be in your Divine Might you will create situations which are full of abundance, love and joy. You will no longer feel situations of doubt and fear. You will let go of doubt and fear. You will go into resonance with All-That-Is in the absolute Divine Power and Divine Might. These feelings of doubt and fear are limits that have no longer meaning. Therefore you will stop judging. You will recognize no matter how deeply asleep other people are that there is the Divine inside. Great compassion and Love will come over you. But if you still have rage or aggression against others you will attract the same -- if not from other humans, but from the Four Elements of Nature that are working for your purification at Ascension time. Comment: Now we understand why a powerful Typhoon code named BASHANG for the Philippines, made a "surprise" visit upon Manila last July 14,midnight,after having no fierce typhoons in a long time. Manila was a direct-hit, and the government was caught totally unprepared. It was meant to be. As nothing happens by accident. The Hall of Mirrors has confronted us again.

Master Lao Tse continues: The gifts of the initiations into the Light you have received in the form of battering, killing winds, and in the inside illnesses, and pain have made possible the codings of lower vibrations to dissolve. He means the aspects of ourselves that we consider weaknesses, flaws, and problems are actually allies. Our favorite shadows, the charged issues that bother us most in others and in ourselves are actually our greatest teachers! Then we discover that a brighter spotlight shines on the very areas we usually try to hide. And our desire to become whole is actually found in these shadowy places that are worked with, transformed, and honored. Then we can work through the mirrors of illusion that have been transformed into windows of opportunity. At election time, we can see what needs to be transformed in the window of illusions projected by some aggressive candidates who try hard to lure us into their trap of making us believe thay are honest and therefore have the right to judge us to trial by publicity? Put up a truth commission of sorts. One has been poor like us so he can be trusted, or another one has this kind of heredity :)

LAO TSE: Several times we have sent you the message that is like the principle of alternation. We give you our part and we need your part. For the first time it is possible that all patterns of death, of illness and of aging will be erased in you. Comment: Wow, haven't I told so? The Taoist Master continues: Your thoughts play an important part therefore from now on count your birthdays backwards. Order your cells to change. Take in magnetism for magnetism is the energy of the New Age. Master Lao Tse is full of Love for you.

The great changes we are witnessing today are shown to be mysteriously coordinated with cosmic movements that we wrongly thought the Ancients knew little or nothing about. The ancient Mayans knew so much of it that toppled all my previous knowledge of things as they wove their astronomical information of all-time into their sacred architectural and spiritual belief system.


The Galactic Alignment, a book by John Major Jenkins brings us full circle into the re-membering and re-cognition of the wisdom of our own ancient origins – not only ranging from the Mayan, Egyptian, and Vedic traditions but also to the Celtic sacred topography, Medieval alchemy to the Kabbalah and Islam astrology. – integrating all metaphysical systems to the Whole Consciousness of creation, and initiating us into the mystery of mysteries like the discovery of the symbolic Inverted Tree symbolizing the transformation of our consciousness. Why inverted? Because to God there's no good and bad, no high and low, everybody is the same.

I saw this symbolic INVERTED TREE hanging right at the entrance of the Jakarta Museum in Indonesia with its roots up in the air so to speak and its thick branches down greeting our heads as we entered. At the time I didn't know what it meant. I was not yet into esoteric studies. Our heads touching the head of a big tree that was certainly a mystery to me, it was meant to initiate us into the mystery of mysteries regarding the crux of existence -- the transformation of our consciousness regarding good amd evil, high and low, rich and poor, right and wrong--the dissolution of Duality into love, harmony, peace and Oneness. Coming from a Christian country I didn't quite understand how such things can so polarize people. Yet that was me, I was such a bigot early on. In a prior lifetime I must have fought in the Crusades, or worked with a government to burn suspected witches at a stake under the Inquisition in Spain. Fundamentalist religions can drive people to kill other people in the name of God. A critical crossroad of our destiny has arrived. We are re-membering and re-connecting to the Ancients to discover the same cosmic harmony that inspired them in our planet’s deep past. The Galactic alignment that is coming in 2012 is a rare astronomical event that brings the solstice sun into alignment with the center of the Milky Way galaxy every 12,960 years.

And this is giving us the initiation by Fire, the lightning path, the arrival of the thunderbeings who bring the final transformation of humans along with the other raging forces of Nature. A spectacular but frightening show of flashing lights and thundering sounds occuring in the skies simultaneously to the left and to the right and front of them like the "Charge of the Light Brigade" poem, recently occurred in the environs of Puerto Galera rending the villages down and the mountain up where our daughter Bernadette and husband Michael Wolf reside. As a meditator Bernadette made a plea to the lightning bolts to weaken, weaken, till she heard it boomed farther and farther away.... Air together with Water bring the storms, typhoons, landslides baring deforested mountains bringing down rampaging waters that drown and sweep away human settlenments. Nothing like it has been recorded in our climatic history, world-wide. Billionaire Trump was asking Al Gore to return his Nobel prize for predicting global warming, hehehe, when they were being buried under the snow at freezing temperatures. But later Trump takes back his word when he starts roasting in a New York heat wave.

It looks like the Apocalypse, you say. It is a paradox (according to a recent channeled message from the Galactic Federation of Light) that for awhile matters may get worse, yet at the same time they are also getting better. The efforts of the dark forces seem to gain more recognition and publicity than anything else. That is partly because a large section of the public are engrossed in the negativity that the media regularly feed them,in Manila particularly.

The Four Elements are the purification of the “body temple” as well as the chaos and confusion arising from disasters like the Haiti earthquake and the massive earthquake of Chile of 8.8 magnitude and threat of tsunamis at this time that provide ignition of the light body to emerge out of the physical body. We have to remain calm and pray for our planet and its people so light and love will help us flow into becoming more immersed in cosmic consciousness. Bear with me as this is getting long again.

In Mayan cosmology, John Major Jenkins has identified a precession-caused alignment to the Galactic Center. He also identified a precession-caused alignment to the Pleiades as we ascend to the zenith with the Sun. These are the two cosmologies that form the galactic cosmology created by Mesoamerican skywatchers who were fixated in two opposite sides of the sky. Why these locations? Because the Pleiades lie in the direction of the Galactic Anticenter and so to Orion and Gemini, but the Pleiades have always been associated with higher consciousness. Mesoamerican cosmology is really about a Galactic Center-Galactic Anticenter alignment that is astronomically timed by precession to culminate between 1975 and 2240.

We might prefer to see the Galactic Center as the crown in this model, and several writers make this assumption, even though the Galactic Center is clearly a root as it is the hearth of creation and source of everything that lives and grows in our world. Why should the center be the crown? Is it our destination or our evolutionary point of origin? The paradox is that both conceptions are true. Shiva (crown) see image in a previous posting, titled "What You are and
what You are Not," and Shakti (root) are ultimately one and come from the same place in a mystical and transcendental sense. We are all One. So we cannot judge, lest we be judged.

An e-mail comes to me from Melanie de Leon of California, U.S.A.. July 11, 2010

Hi Georgie, what is trippy has been reality all along. I hope we are still alive when our galactic family reveal themselves and they freely walk amongs us, accepted in our universe as extended family. They have a whole new dimension of learning to impart. Now I'll be sizing up everybody I come in contact with! Thank you for all these email awareness... wish your message could reach the entire universe and the skepticism change to acceptance and welcome.
So grateful to read everything from you.

Friday, July 02, 2010


Life’s challenges at this time have turned into an oil volcano that has erupted underneath the Mexican Gulf that can’t be plugged prompting you to seek answers to meaningful questions, as you are no longer satisfied with your current philosophies and goals.

Emotional pain is pushing you in a more spiritual direction, whether you realize it or not. As humans and societies function within cycles that are mirrored in the sky by the Moon going around the Sun and by locations of the planets during a Full Moon and Lunar or Solar Eclipse, I have noticed more than ever, how people are pushed to ask questions regarding the meaning of such planetary events like that of June 26, 2010, a Full Moon when I was invited to get involved in another Full Moon ritual ceremony celebrating a dear friend’s birthday in a rich Bali Indonesian setting at Bali Hai resto on Visayas Ave., QC.

On June 8, Jupiter attained its first of three conjunctions with Uranus, which signifies big turning points in financial structures and general well being. Barbara Hand Clow a prominent American astrologer speaks of her amazement at hearing the distinguished White House international correspondent Helen Thomas of being vilified for speaking out rashly against Jewish control of Palestine—a big no-no in Washington DC.

Astrologically, Ms.Clow looks into the Uranus ingress in Aries at this time which can inspire brilliant and innovative actions or merely rash and thoughtless behavior. No matter, which path, she says, people will express themselves just like Helen Thomas. People will begin to show Love and Light, meaning, more compassionate love for those who are least understood, at their own risk.

Now, the hyperactive and fluttery New Moon in Gemini in July 2010 sets up a new sense of direction, and you better learn about it or be left behind drenched in the watery hole of the kangkungan. As we weave together these other major planetary influences all happening at once you will retain a feeling for Uranus in Aries as either being caught in out-of-control change with little understanding of the consequences, or a literal genius for knowing what to do next, or both !! So it happens under Uranus/Jupiter that while grievous mistakes are made, a salutary switch-off changes the misfortune we caused, opening a new path for us to transform.

Neptune retrograde in late Aquarius offers you deep intuition, as deep as the ocean of your mind, while Saturn direct brings you confidence to deal with pushy Uranus in Aries, an impulsive pioneering sign. The Galactic Federation of Light guides are empathizing with us as we live our moments of confusion, depression, or sadness these days by sending us their Love and Light. They absolutely admire us for understanding the challenge of Duality (rich and poor, right and wrong, up and down, left and right) as it was known how tough it would be. The fact that you have received help does not in the least detract you from your courage and tenacity in the face of conflicting ideas and hardships. Sez them: You have fought a battle for your souls and passed the tests, and now you stand proudly at the portal of Ascension. The simple life can bring you anywhere and buy you anything you desire, don’t worry about money, for it will come when it’s needed, as your faith is being tested, but there is no substitute for hands-on experience.

Neptune turns retrograde on May 31, to 29 Aquarius and moves all the way back to 26 Aquarius. Then this elusive planet that rules our connection to Spirit turns direct on November 6, the opening day of Day Seven of the Galactic Underworld (Mayan Calendar that’s ending in 2012)! We are too close to the edge. Neptune moves into Pisces –its own sign, and therefore its highest vibration – in early April 2011, right into the Universal plane when it will offer Enlightenment to everyone of us!Ultimately it comes as a realization that we should quit judging others for we have no one to judge but ourselves.

As an astro-cosmologist, I am decoding this fantastic drama being played out in the skies because they manifest major movements between May 27 Sagittarius Full Moon which I had described to you last May (my own account of Full Moon rituals in San Juan Batangas with a foremost babaylan group led by Grace O. Devora), and the Gemini New Moon of July. They describe what the Gemini New Moon is disseminating -- as Gemini’s function is to do just that – spread knowledge of the Upper worlds’ intent to raise the planet Earth out of the unevolved Underworlds in a practical sense that can easily be understood.

It’s very important that you see the above linkages because Neptune (symbolic of Divine love) is completing its passage in Aquarius, sign of universal brotherhood, the period from now until April 21, 2011. It is when we each develop our own methods for accessing the spiritual realms.

Uranus the higher octave of Mercury, planet of the mind, will stay in Aries, sign of courage and pioneering action, this year only from May 27 through August 15. Then on March 13, 2011, (take note of ‘13’ number of the Divine Mother) Uranus will go back into Aries for seven years and March, 2011 marks the opening of the Ninth and final Underworld of the Mayan Calendar that’s culminating in 2012 which is the Universal plane – the 9th is the peak of the Mayan Pyramidal human evolution which I tried to explain in my previous postings. Review them if you will, as they have been archived here. If you factor in current time acceleration during these few short weeks of the Galactic Underworld, 8th level of the Pyramid, we can identify key transformation processes that can push us to evolve beyond the current quagmire.

Many people realize that religious exclusivity or chauvinism must cease now, simply because it is not worth destroying the whole world to solve the issues of one religious group on this planet as in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The disaster created by British Petroleum was the talk of the day on June 8, New Moon, and many people are now realizing that corporate power must be curbed before it is too late. This is true of countries that are in turmoil.

Watch and observe. Something new is coming forth. Identifying it makes possible to align with new paths. Uranus symbol of the divine Mind in Aries is bold and impulsive, and every 84 years it forces things to change that have been stuck in a long time. All of us should be looking for planetary clues during this period for we need them to give us a sense of direction in uncharted waters. Major Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune transits (if you have Transits of planets guiding you) are also part of this crazy drama that seems to be spiraling out of control. New innovative shifts energized by the highly significant Uranus-Jupiter conjunction are going to be clear paths that lead us into the magical transformation of Mother Earth.

Notice that most planets transiting now are in Cardinal signs. Under cardinal signs such as Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, new actions take over, that’s why it’s not good to remain rigid in your thoughts, for when Saturn goes back into Libra opposite Uranus/Jupiter in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn on July 21, 2010, confusion will reign as many people waffle back and forth between options, as we will be locked into a cardinal T-square, the so-called Cardinal Crunch. Uranus in early Aries makes changes unstoppable. It would be smart for you to make needed structural changes right away during the New Moon in Gemini, this July.

Through the end of 2012, Saturn in Libra will eventually inspire new ideas of fairness and balance, but in its early degrees, the world would seem to be indecisive and undetermined, especially in our own country today for we are learning how to handle problems by working with others instead of being such loners. The new president P-noy is a self-acclaimed loner who has to make many adjustments. Take note how his mind will waffle from this and that perception of how to govern without the arrogance of power by showing compassion, if he is enlightened enough, typical of the changing times. Since Jupiter (symbol of opportunity, luck, and expansion) is conjunct Uranus on June 8 expanding the powers of Uranus (symbol of divine Mind) exponentially, we can’t go on as we have been.

With both planets in 1 Aries (sign of new beginnings) moving into cardinal squares. Squares are dynamic connections between planets which are rather difficult to define and experience as they activate conflicting growth edges making people jump into amazing mind-switch-offs suddenly with Saturn (symbol of karma) and Pluto (symbol of change and transformation to a higher form of life) in a square aspect, people won’t hold back. If they do, they will be left behind sinking in the proverbial watery kangkungan of unmitigated dumbness or laziness.

This cardinal T-Squares will create riots, revolutions, and mayhem (recall the recent People Power revolt in Thailand, the confrontations between Israel and Palestine, and ethnic groups in Kyrgystan, Africa, etc.) or world-changing creativity, since we can’t go on as we have been. For astrologers and Mayan calendar prophets this is a time to be grounded, to remember exactly why you came into this incarnation and where you are going, and to breathe consciously to reconnect to the Source of divine Life and Cosmic Intelligence if you have been disconnected in the past for lack of Awareness. Ms. Clow would suggest to everyone to have “very little exposure to the media right now, because it will be hammering out the latest Global Elite program that is designed to dishearten you and weaken you – and steal your soul. For example, news about the oil volcano is only worth watching if the oil predators are being jailed for gross negligence and greedy profit-taking.”

In the Taurus New Moon reading, Mayan calendar astrologers agree that during May and June we would find ourselves processing the Regional Underworld cataclysms that that peaked around 10,000 to 9500 BC. The Icelandic volcano (see name in a previous post that I did on it) has been doing a nice job of helping us remember the Regional cataclysms then yet, we think the oil volcano in the Mexican Gulf is going to end up being the real cataclysm during the Night Six of the Galactic Underworld which is on going now till 2011. It is going to change the mix of oceanic species, and it is going to force our present-day politicians to address corporate irresponsibility and deviousness. For example, if corporations are allowed to continue to rape the planet at this rate, the extinctions could be as great as the extinctions that made way for the Cambrian Era explosion of new species 330 million years ago (Clow, Mayan Code).

This impacts on the chemistry of the ocean with dissolved oxygen levels plunging as each plume drifts through the sea. (“Scientists Build a Case for Undersea Plumes”: New York Times, May 29, 2010). By way of making light of this horrendous thought, some students of Ms, Clow commented, “At least the Pope got a break,” which sounds like a cute joke, yet it is true since the Pope may have been close to getting sacked himself for not finding the solution to stop the sex abuse of some of his priests. Barbara Hand Clow in her book, Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, discusses Thomas Gold’s “Abiotic Oil Theory “which proves that oil is a renewable resource because it is being continually created deep below Earth’s crust.”

You’ll have to check Alchemy or the Internet for the full description of this theory. The belief that oil is a nonrenewable resource has made it possible for corporate oil predators to manipulate us by hiding this information from the public eye. That is, the public thinks oil is scarce and soon to be used up, so people are willing to pay high prices for black gold and support dangerous practices such as offshore drilling which have been done earlier by the Russians as per report. The oceanic pressures on marine life or the food chain makes this method very risky for the life of the whole planet. Be aware that Mother Earth is bleeding, as a result of this dangerous pursuit of big corporations. Choose: it’s either we jail the big corporations that are ruthless, dumb and greedy flourishing on profit-taking oil rigs and in mining Mother Earth’s resources, also burdening her with so much high-rise structures all in pursuit of high profits, or we will all be exterminated. Mother Earth is not a third-dimensional planet and can very well survive to rise to a higher plane without us.

The New Moon chart in July is asking you to become Mercury, the planet of Intelligence, to bring awareness to the oceans and to our Mother Earth’s blood, and thus adopt quickening wisdom. Things are happening so fast these last weeks of the Galactic Underworld period as we approach the Universal where the Absolute God of all creation dwells. Mercury in Gemini governs the New Moon. Just allow yourself to feel Mercury planet of intelligence, as a spinning vortex gyrating in the field that is setting off the powers of all the planets in their multiple aspects. The July New Moon chart gives the wake-up call to come now and we should be grateful for the truth.

Maybe it took this oil spill in the US to reveal the cover-up on the Abiotic Oil Theory to wake us up. Jupiter/Uranus trines Venus in Cancer, which suggests that Feminine power is healing and transforming our world through the multitude of women who are waiting for Patriarchy to collapse. A Solar Eclipse would mean a suppression of the male of the species in order to restore the lost fairness and balance between the sexes.

Sun represents the male of the species, but since many of our men have become androgynous or he-she, our pioneering women leaders will be aided instead of threatened by them. They may even find these bi-polar male surprisingly sympathetic to their cause. It’s encoded in the Divine plan for humanity’s salvation for the sexes to undergo a transformation at this time so as to lighten the burden of Mother Earth in caring for an exploding population. Extreme poverty is the result which no decent government can ill afford.

Watch and observe how certain women leaders in our country and all over the world are moving to bring about much needed Change to save the planet. We must trust in the greater plan of God now, which has been the challenge all the way through Night Six of the Galactic since last November, 2009. First of all, Uranus/Jupiter in early Aries is demanding radical change in all Earth structures especially governmental, and then the square from Pluto means that the basis of the radical change is transformation of how we use energy in the future.

Chiron and Neptune (serving as bridge between heaven and earth) have been conjunct for the past two-three years, which means the theme of going into the deepest wounds within our soul in order to access Spirit is relentless. We ought to be relentless too in our prayers and meditations to keep connecting to the divine Breath and Source of Cosmic Intelligence. Chiron is healing our wounded past and Neptune is the highest vibration for purification of the soul, and both oppose Mars in Virgo, signifying that the deepest healing process is very strong during this July 2010 lunation. This aspect rules the sea by means of Neptune, so we see signs of potential great change here. Saturn exactly sextiles Venus in Cancer indicates that our planet Mother Earth supports our Cancerian growth and nurturance during these times, which will manifest the emerging miracle Kingdom on planet Earth in a coming golden age.
From a very inspirational friend, comes an affirmation:
This is a most impressive ad truly inspiring piece on the coming astro-alignment! You are truly an astro-cosmologist of the finest caliber. I'm all set for the changes. Love, Light and Peace to you and yours.
...Thanks infinite, it's not me, it's God who is the doer.